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#983833 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Chatte on 30 March 2021 - 10:41 PM

Oh that's for certain, lol. I am not even debating that. People's hearts are too frail to remain steady in their convictions.
I was just addressing the popularity stuff, that's all.

#983832 Kaika Saisei

Posted by Chatte on 30 March 2021 - 10:29 PM

I dont even know what that is. I only heard details here & there, but that was it.
That is why I didn't even bother to give it too much importance and consider it for Kaika.
I have other plans for Karin. As you can see the past I laid down for her is far different than what we got in the anime.

#983827 Kaika Saisei

Posted by Chatte on 30 March 2021 - 09:30 PM

Good Chapter Chatte. Though wasn't Karin originally from the grass Village rather than the rain village?

Yes, she was originally from Kusagakure, in theory. After all, Uzumakis were all originally from Uzushiogakure, but they scattered around the globe.
Anyway, theirs is a really convoluted history.
Not to mention, in this case I didnt want to go 100% by the rules of "canon" anyway.
Like you can see, I gave her a different past that what the anime did anyway, with her.
So don't expect stuff from Karin's past to follow the franchise.
I looked in the manga & whatever piece that wasnt explicitly stated in canon, I tweaked it a little bit to match the plot I am working on for Karin.

#983824 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Chatte on 30 March 2021 - 01:38 PM

I'm sure this is true since it's you saying so, but WTF? Sakura won the top spot for a manga she barely appears in?

Yes. She may appear scarcely in the manga, but she does have her own fair share of appearances in the anime.


So that character popularity poll was more based on the anime.


Plus, the ending kind of backfired to Hinata's own demise and Sakura's popularity actually. 


It was also backed by SS fans since Sakura lost her heroine status so then they turned against the NH-ers and started slandering Hinata.


It's funny cuz I see how different the shipping dynamics are today compared to back then.


It was only a natural progression since their common enemy, NS, was out of the picture.


Now it's the other way around. NS-ers & SS-ers band together actually to defend Sakura, lol. 

#983718 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Chatte on 22 March 2021 - 11:23 PM

I am over the ending. I'm not over the bad writing and I will never be.


But I recently got into AOT and it's my catharsis as I said.


It's everything Naruto should've been in terms of war/war children & talk no jutsu, BUT MILLION TIMES BETTER!

#983716 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Chatte on 22 March 2021 - 11:19 PM

Okay, gotta give it to the author! Reiterating the previous NaruSaku scene only that this time it's Sasuke the one witnessing it it's chef's kiss!

#983623 Working on my first NS story in almost 2-3 years.

Posted by Chatte on 16 March 2021 - 10:26 PM


Thank you! I am patiently waiting for the next chapter of Kaika.  :lol:


I guess I can give a spoiler. Anyway, we know Sakura's clan symbol is a white circle which means "the beginning of a new cycle and opportunities for spiritual growth. It represents purity, perfection, and new life." "Purity" plays a big part in her becoming a priestess. Her blood and her virginity.


For this story, I want Haruno Clan and Uzumaki Clan to be related in some way (not by blood) and the story will eventually show all of that.


Look at us thinking about same things AND going on about in the same way, but differently.


I have them kinda related as well hehe, but not totally by blood either. It's a more complex thing, which I hope to get to properly explain.


And interesting how you play on the symbolism. I played it on the sun/illumination/circle which are all interconnected in some way.


Whoaa, gotta give it to you, Luna. I'm excited!  :wow:

#983616 Working on my first NS story in almost 2-3 years.

Posted by Chatte on 15 March 2021 - 11:27 PM

Can't wait to read more about it!! Sounds amazing and just my type of story, haha.


I am curious to see how you deal with the Haruno ancestry. :D 

#983571 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Chatte on 13 March 2021 - 01:15 AM

The pet peeve some people have with Sai is that apparently he "guilt-tripped" Sakura into confessing, because otherwise Sakura wouldn't have done it, and thus he is not good for her.

#983448 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 55

Posted by Chatte on 02 March 2021 - 06:46 PM

kurama could leave naruto in the last as well it's the extraction that kills i think, also kurama said this method of suicide doesn't kill naruto

And why doesnt it since the connection between the host and the hosted spirit is the same?

What's the difference between extraction & suicide mechanics?

This is just a BS way to justify them retconning another plot mechanic from the old story.

Cuz in essence, be it suicide or extraction point still stands: the life of the host and hosted are intertwined and if you take one, you take the other as well.

#983400 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Chatte on 25 February 2021 - 09:08 PM

His becoming Hokage was ultimately treated as a joke with him getting incapacitated by the Jyuken of a 5 year old so he didn't even show up. Like why not limp your way to the Hokage inauguration? Or reschedule it lol? It's not like you're going to get another one.

Which is so stupid cuz 12 years him got his ass kicked by Neji who is a GENIUS and still managed to come back from it, but a 20 years old him with Kurama and the tailed beasts chakra is being incapacitated like that.


Like... the logic of this series man... I can't I swear.

#983385 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Chatte on 24 February 2021 - 02:24 PM


My friend Steve showed me these interviews about Kishimoto telling the voice actors of Sasuke and Sakura that their characters would end up together, thoughts?



The Davinci interview was done AFTER the initial interview with Junko and Kakashi's VA where Junko said she's shocked because of the ending.


The initial post on my tumblr here.


The source: https://web.archive....shis-seiyuu-and


Notice the date stamp for each interview


Takeuchi's initial one - Nov. 20 2014


DaVinci interview - Aug 28 2015


1 word (actually 2): damage control.


All I had to do is look a bit into my archives from that time and boom.

#983376 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Chatte on 23 February 2021 - 11:36 PM

Nothing much to comment on tbh. It's a transition page so I'll just wait for the next one.


I agree with Derock though. It would've been nice if Taka was around tho'...

#983349 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Chatte on 21 February 2021 - 05:07 PM

I had thought about this for a while and I believe Sakura is one of the greatest anime characters in history. This isn't even about her characterization or how she is portrayed in the manga/anime because there are better characters in the anime world. I say  this because I have never seen ANY character in ANY anime or manga bring out so much toxicity in fans. Just her presence alone bothers them (and it is mostly men who hate her and some women) so much that it shocks me.


I saw a twitter user said that Hinata is better because she probably has better *private part* in retaliation to a Sakura fan. They reduced Hinata's entire character into being a sex symbol and breeding machine.


The most ridiculous ones I have seen is because Sakura treated Naruto bad, rejected Naruto and loved Sasuke too much. It is almost like they WISHED she stopped loving Sasuke and liked Naruto instead. I know a lot of these fanboys self-insert themselves as Naruto but I don't think they are even satisfied with their Queen Hinata. Its almost as if they wanted Sakura to end up with Naruto because they keep bringing up that she treated Naruto bad and rejected him and loved Sasuke.


To make matters worse, I even saw some calling 12 year old Sakura a WHORE for not liking Naruto but Sasuke. She is only 12...a literal child.


Anyway, some claim she is irrelevant but they cannot stop talking about her instead of their milk-eyed queen. Sakura is so powerful to be honest. I am so proud of her exposing the misogynist and incel behavior of Naruto fans. This fandom is so disgusting but thank god that Sakura has had a resurgence in popularity especially on twitter where she has so many supporters.


I agree on Sakura being one of the greatest character. Why?


Because she's a mirror... she's a mirror to the humanity inside of us and the reality that we're nothing but mere human beings, not always a part of the elite.


And that ticked people off... cuz it reminded them of their own weakness. It reminded them of the hard work needed to change your status. And kids nowadays aren't used to hard work.


They want instant gratification which you usually get when you're an elite due to your status, so that's why they hated her.


She represented everything they hated in the world and themselves. Sakura wasn't their comfort character. She was the challenging one.


So they found comfort in the elite characters, because to them, everything due to the virtue of their elite statuses, meant finding the mental comfort.


Observing Sakura's phenomena from a social point of view is really interesting.


From a spiritual one, as well...

#983291 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Chatte on 19 February 2021 - 12:38 AM


He killed Kurama. So the blonde guy is nerfed and people are up in arms calling Boruto trash and suddenly claiming its not canon because of that and how it should have ended at Shippuden. These are the same people that WANTED this and it only happened because NH happeed.




Seeing Sakura with Sasuke doesn't bother me as much as seeing NH. NH just feels WRONG to me. SS feels wrong to me to but I am mostly ok with it because I like seeing Sakura as a mother  (just don't like seeing her husband.)


I'm calling it now, but years from now, when Naruto gets a re-write there will be NaruSaku. I might not be around to see it but it will happen.


Lol really? They're screaming not canon because Kishi killed Kurama??


But isn't this the reality THEY wanted to live under?


This is what NaruHina does to the story, I'm sorry.


As for SS, I know it sounds cringy, but in the context of how things ended, I prefer SS instead of NH.


At least they had SOME development compared to NaruHina.

Granted, it was negative one, but at least it was something???


Whereas Naruto basically ignored Hinata all throughout the story.