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milan kyuubi

Member Since 23 Dec 2009
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#989518 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 14 May 2023 - 04:47 PM

Played with ChatGPT. Here you go.



Thought, opinions everyone? :sweat:

#989330 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by milan kyuubi on 30 April 2023 - 12:44 PM

Found this! :argh: :hehehe:


#989282 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by milan kyuubi on 25 April 2023 - 11:10 AM

If Kishimoto did not know how to write female characters. He should have simple closed his eyes. Imagined he was writing the dialogue for male characters. And then add the dialogue to female design characters.


I strongly believe this would have affected people opinion of Sakura (and any other female character) for the better.


Thats what he imo should have done. And people would have loved many of his female characters.

#986429 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 17 February 2022 - 10:56 AM



:lmao: Is this true? :lmao: Did Bolt got killed and Naruto forgave his sons murderer? :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  


It's trending on twitter. :lmao:

#986286 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 05 February 2022 - 05:59 AM

I think it's time to post this again. lol



#986088 Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year Again

Posted by milan kyuubi on 07 January 2022 - 03:23 AM

It's Christmas today! :wow: Merry Christmas everybody! :happyfloat:

#985530 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by milan kyuubi on 27 October 2021 - 01:19 PM

Apparently in one of the Light Novel Sasuke internal thoughts show he actually really respect Hinata and thinks of her as Hinata the Killer of Pein.


#985492 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 19 October 2021 - 06:40 PM

Hate implies he still somewhat cares. More like he is indifferent to them unless they do something to praise his name.

The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference.


Bold: Isn't that the way many villagers treated Naruto? Why he made a fool out of himself to draw attention. Good or bad. Did not matter to him as long as they acknowledge him in any way.




To think he treats his "family" the same way just shows how far everyone involved working on Naruto failed.

#985490 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 19 October 2021 - 06:14 PM

I don't think there will be any reboot. Here's why.

Economists use the concept of opportunity cost to explain decision-making and the potential for regret. In other words, it's the regret you anticipate having for not making a choice.

Opportunity cost is the forgone benefit that would have been derived by an option not chosen.

The metapoint of being consistent with the story (in which making NaruSaku happens was part of it) is an opportunity cost. The publisher went ahead serving the loud minority, thrown away character development of 15 years and gave the loyal fans one of the most attricious, unsatisfactory ending in manga history. Of course they paid a hefty price for it, with now Naruto sales merely 10% of the original series, or even less.

In 15 years, Naruto original manga sold ~250 million copies. Whereas Boruto barely sold ~5 million in its 7 years run.

Now, here's the thing: you can't recover opportunity cost.

No matter what they do, the ship has sailed and whatever benefits they may realize are no longer there. Course correct now would be a waste of effort.

Look at how Kishi's new manga got axed within 5 volumes. Its first volume barely sold 10k copies in the first week. He can try again and I'll guarantee he'll get the same treatment from Japanese readers. I bet you that no sane editor out there in WSJ would want to put Kishimoto's name in their project. It'd be a good recipe for project failure. It's been more than a year since Samurai 8 was cancelled and there's a good reason no rumors of Kishi starting a new work or series.

So, why bother making a reboot when they don't even treat their loyal customer right?

You are correct.


But Naruto wasn't just any manga/anime. It was in top 3 for years. And iirc #1 internationally. It's obvious fans would reject new works from Kishimoto. But Shounen Jump knows Naruto can still be milked. They know they can dangle the carrot and a lot of people will answer the bait. Simple there is to much money in Naruto to be made. Them not rebooting it in any way seams stupid. A simple market research would tell hem where they went wrong the first time. And remake it basically opposite of what we got. In the end everything depends on money.

#985480 The Great NaruSaku Fic Listing III

Posted by milan kyuubi on 18 October 2021 - 11:14 AM

Found the list of recommended NaruSaku fanfics.





And I found two fanfics that changed the ending that I plan to read.





#985479 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 18 October 2021 - 10:38 AM

You know even if NaruSaku did happen, the other stuff would still be there.


Naruto/Sakura chasing Sasuke to the ends of hell and beyond not caring about anything else. Well certainly Naruto.

Itachi/Madara/Kaguya/Obito/Zetsu would still be there with plot holes and retcons everywhere.

Side characters like Rock Lee, Ino, Choji etc would still be underused and ignored.

Neji would have still died for bs reasons.

And all the other crap that happened.


Thats bad. No lying about it. But the end we got did much worse stuff. Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke character personality's were all massacred to make that ending to justify ships. Just look at Bolt. 15 years flushed down the toilet for not even a side character, but a character that can be erased from story and nothing would change. A character that did not show up even 3% in manga. A character that has what? 30 pages of 700 chapters. It's mind boggling when you realize how atrocious that is.


So yeah if NaruSaku did happen there would still be crap left behind. But the difference is, we would still call out things like that. But NaruSaku happening would not massacre the main characters personality's. Would not retcon 15 years of storytelling. Would not butcher every character/theme/message the manga had. Would not make fans from Japan declaring that "Naruto's the biggest scumbag". We would not have those disgusting contradicting interviews etc.


NaruSaku would not ruin everything. It would have even raised the quality considering post Pain arcs. Kishimoto is no different then current nut jobs in Hollywood remaking everything into trash because they all folded like paper to small annoying twitter mob.


It's 2021 (soon to be 2022). Kishimoto is disgraced writer who nobody gives a crap anymore about. Look at his new manga getting axed because he betrayed his own home fans and lost their trust. For someone who wanted to get out of making Naruto for years. The guy is stuck writing a spinoff where everything positive he created is crapped upon. All those characters based on himself, his wife, his friends. Getting butchered left and right for a brat nobody gives crap about. And the sales/ratings are dropping down like flies. His international audience of tens of millions fans has been reduced to few fans who keep the spin of on life support. Well them and Shueisha who refuse to admit they made a mistake. Well publicly. You know they were/are eating their own pants over what happened.


Which leads to this conclusion. Just like Hollywood. You know that in 1 year or even 10 or 20 years Naruto will be rebooted. Brought back in some manner. Imo much sooner since I doubt anyone would care about Naruto that far into the future. Least of all the old fans. It's already been 7 years since Naruto ended. And everything is falling apart for Kishimoto and Bolt for Shueisha. So you can expect them remaking stuff to please the fans who left. Would people care? Sure. Many would want to see them admitting mistakes and correcting the end. I know I would. Just so I can troll current pro-enders with waving my canon ship around like a flag.

#985478 Naruto's Talk-no-Jutsu

Posted by milan kyuubi on 18 October 2021 - 09:56 AM

It's even more stupid when you take into the account of The Last retconing everything left and right. All this time Naruto used emotions to TNJ someone. He did not even known what emotions were. It was all food for him.

#985190 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 08 September 2021 - 06:17 AM



Tnx for explaining. But me personally, I never treated novels as canon nor anime.

#984992 SP has always been crap!

Posted by milan kyuubi on 18 August 2021 - 12:56 PM






























#982062 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 02 December 2020 - 11:24 AM

Long time no see everyone! :D Don't know when I'll be back. So I just wanted to post this video yt recommended me for some reason.


Even I was surprised by the numbers. But in a good way. :D And I love the comments. So much salt lmao. And their reasons to explain it are hilarious. memes, haters and hentai, sure like anyone would believe it. lmao

I especially love the buthurt Hinatards saying Sakura got those numbers because of hentai while Hinata is such a good character *rolls eyes*. Like anyone searched Sakura for those but not Hinata. The character who only got popular and pushed to ruin the story because of hentai.