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#495154 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 20 September 2013 - 06:37 AM

i second this so much.


i have been seeing "what about hinataaaaaa" on almost every sites including wikis :wallbash:. they think a person love is so easy to change  :argh:  like a friend of mine said "he doesn't see her in that light.. why can't girls understand that"

That reminds me a scene from Family guy when a girl asked a boy if they have math class together or something in those lines , he said '' yeah'' and she jumped off a window crying  .. :argh: :argh: :argh:  She liked him  that's why . ''Men, we don't know what we did '' :D

Its illogical , why should you love a person who you don't know the first thing of ? Why should you forget your feelings and jump over ? It doesn't make sense , it would feel like a rebound relationship to please your own needs . I think that is selfish. :umm:  And why the heck should Hinata get rewarded ? That question i've asked 1000 times and the answer is : Because she deserves him , or She loved him first , or she has earned it :argh: . -_-

Love Is NOT deserving , not a noble price or a gift .. :twitch:


If you ever read the manga Bleach, you would know.


The thing is that people have the reason to panic after 615, because there was no follow-up or more like we have to wait for one. I mean we had to wait 2-3 weeks for the next chapter with the bashing and plus, the forums was ambushed. Not joking. But now, there is no reason to worry and to make matter hopeful, 633 pretty much tells you what was it all about. That said 631 had both lead and follow-up, so why is it hard to understand, let alone acknowledge. I don't know but I know we are being nice and all, but the more they push me, the more when the moment arrive I will rub it hard in their face and I am a nice guy. I don't argue or anything, but there is always a limit.


The problem with us and everyone else is that we don't look at the manga as a whole or in general context, but instead, something pairing related when it's not intended to. That's why you don't hear talk about something so incredibly minor to the context. I will discuss when it's something that either needs to be addressed or something that is obscure. The worst part is that those who oppose will only get the worst of luck because the pairing plot doesn't collide with the actual plot, but it can very well happen here because of Obito. So in other words, if NS gets the center of it, that's incredibly hard to swallow. So in other words, when it happens, this is over. If you choose to continue, so be it, but I will be celebrating.


Lol. Sadly...I can see this happening. Ah well, moving on is what I would say.


Yes, people should acknowledge that in a relationship regardless on what level it is needs cohesiveness,consistency, coherence . It has to have a root like study friendship for example . Follow ups and most importantly both people have to be in it , not the other to be a paring fodder present to the other .. Love is complicated  , it doesn't happen over night , TRUE love is what lasts , it doesn't disappear at all.

Well, yeah sometimes you would just like to say '' I TOLD YA SO'' , because its very bad to bash the other .. 

Wait, how was the forum ambushed ? Did somebody attack/invaded  it ? :wot:



#494464 Naruto 647

Posted by Psychox on 17 September 2013 - 07:08 PM

A lot of fans are babying Naruto. "He's exhausted", "he's been fighting for two days". Everybody in this war has lost a loved one, everybody is comrades, yet they do not just stare at Obito while crying. Heck, Shika and Ino just lost their fathers and you saw how well they endured the pain.


Sasuke is a bad example, let's take Ino. She's been performing high level telepathy techniques that her father got a nosebleed of several times. One was to the entire alliance and the other was to control Obito, both would exhaust her. And everybody has been fighting two days, in fact Naruto joined in later.


Even though..I was not talking about his physical state at all. I don't know why you're bringing that up in the first place, because I was obviously talking about Naruto's behaviour/mental state. He is busy crying while everyone else is doing their job. It irritated me and we only saw him look cool at the end.

Its not about baby sitting , the moment the tree sucked all of his chakra away it was like the third time he delivered to all the people on the background. Its like running 15 miles without a rest without water in the desert . I'm not saying everybody else isn't tired , they all are , they are ninja they have to endure , but when invested in them only and nothing is taken away(not taking into account the chakra chewing  tree) its quite  likely to not be able to move a finger, it took him almost a chapter to come back on his feet . I'm saying its something to consider,not to discard so easily . Ino's father wasn't so lucky to be alive to get that power boost unfortunately..  unlike his daughter, but that didn't effect her , she doesn't use Kage bunshin like Naruto who share massive amounts of chakra and energy from him.

Yes, you are right about that , i agree, they stood strong and endure it like real ninja and its breath taking . However , will you take into consideration that Naruto was alone 12 years of his life , not a single friend , everybody hated him ,shunned him, when he was born  approximately 20-25 minutes after he became an orphan. He had nothing and nobody. That said , imagine lighting multiple candles in in a dark room then through a small crack a wind comes from it and one by one the candles get extinguished, i believe that is how he is feeling. Loosing even one is tearing him apart , no matter how close or how much time he has spent with the person. He values relationships no matter on what level they are .

I'm bringing it  om the table , because ,first, no matter strong you are the chance that you'll soon be broken is inevitable, no matter how iron nerves you got . Second, because a drop by drop the
puddle can become a lake or even an ocean , combine his mental state plus the weariness and we got his current status.

#494432 Naruto 647

Posted by Psychox on 17 September 2013 - 06:21 PM


True but I do wonder what price their is when it comes to such powers, as it shown with the 8 gates, MS, Tsunade's seal something that powerful always comes with a price or huge weakness.

 Keep in mind that that cloak was shortening his life span , now imagine a sand castle(yes its a stupid example , but bare with me here) build 15 minutes ago near the see/ocean , what happens after a bunch of waves splash it ? In the end there will be nothing left , Naruto will be an empty cup , yes  , he has a lot of stamina, but how long will he keep fighting or distributing chakra like its nothing? Sakura is there for a reason , she will aid him(them) in this situation. He has been fighiting till now by sheer guts , we saw him barely fallen on his knees it took his powerful emotions to bring him back on his feet..

#494419 Naruto 647

Posted by Psychox on 17 September 2013 - 06:04 PM

^ Hah!  Nice to see so many DBZ abridged  fans here.


Guilityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :D :D :D

#494414 Naruto 647

Posted by Psychox on 17 September 2013 - 05:58 PM


I wonder if Naruto life span will be affected be the number of time he has used beast mode?


That's a good question , Jiraiya mentioned when he enters a state involving Kurama's chakra , the cloack surrounding his body does constant damage to it , is short it cuts his life by the second . So , maybe ,just maybe.
However , Naruto transformed that chakra now into a positive (good) so it doesn't damage the shinobi or himself , albeit we haven't seen him go in that state when his mind is his own and in that strange shroud (cloak) covering his body just like Bee.

#494376 Naruto 647

Posted by Psychox on 17 September 2013 - 05:16 PM

- Disappointed with Naruto's character. His comrades are quicker than him when it comes to taking action. Sakura healing Shika, Ino supports Hashi, Hashi delivers info etc. I didn't like that it took and entire chapter to make Naruto do something, and he's supposed to lead these people. I know Naruto cares deeply, but compassion can be expressed in other ways than tears and anger.


- Even Sasuke is stepping up his game. Maybe it's because Taka arrived lol or maybe because Naruto was just there doing nothing.


You shouldn't be disappointed with his character since he has been fighiting this war for more than approximately  two days know. Not mention that he transferred chakra twice to them now. Do you remember how Sakura got concerned about Naruto's health? Serving this chakra to every single shinobi took quite the toll on him, we still don't know if keeping SM + BM tires him additionally.  You don't have to blame him for that , look at the verbiage(narrative) when he remembers what Obito told him : ''everyone who acknowledges  you will die'' - to loose a single friend means a lot to him its like faiding in to the darkness of loneliness again. It normal reaction , you cannot control your emotions this ain't a poker game (even then there is a chance that you will show a slight facial expression), on the front line (during war) all emotions flow you cannot stop them , no man can.

Sasuke doesn't care about anybody , his only concern is keeping  Naruto and Taka alive , Naruto is his strongest bond no matter how much he pretends Naruto grounds him kept him sane ..

You can disagree/correct me , if you find necessary.

#494350 Naruto 647

Posted by Psychox on 17 September 2013 - 04:32 PM

Maybe Naruto's regreting not being in love with Hinata instead of Sakura :lmao: :lmao:


Of course , his actions are defined by the ship first than his actions/dynamics .. :zaru:


So, let me get this straight...

  • It's somehow Sakura's fault that everyone is dead.
  • Naruto is "the new Sakura" because all he does is cry.
  • Sakura is the worst character in the series because she didn't save Neji, and she won't save Shikamaru.
  • Ino shouldn't even be walking on the same ground as Hashirama.
  • Karin is a freak.
  • SS moment because panel placement > context.
  • NH moment because panel placement > context.

...Fandom, pls:

  • Obito and his god tree are responsible for the mass-murder of the Alliance.
  • Katsuyu's slugs were attached to the Alliance, and as a result of the tree draining their chakra, her mini-slugs were drained too.
  • Sakura wanted to save everyone through remote healing, but couldn't because Katsuyu's mini-slugs are also dead.
  • After realizing that, she rushed over to save Shikamaru herself.
  • She was devastated because Obito stole their right to die fighting.
  • Naruto cried out of sheer anger for what Obito has done.
  • The fodder of the Alliance are weak and have lost their will to fight.
  • Karin and Suigetsu are the comic relief of the chapter.
  • Madara is the ultimate villain.
  • Ino was able to connect the First Hokage to the entire Alliance so that he could send valuable information about the tree to them.
  • Naruto's feelings are so strong that they came through the Alliance's Kyuubi chakra and thus were transmitted to everyone with it and those within range of Ino's jutsu.
  • It's Naruto's heart that Sakura is feeling.
  • Her panel is beside Sasuke's because Naruto's thought related to Team 7.
  • Hinata's panel is near the end because Naruto's thought about Neji came second to last.
  • Naruto thought about his parents last because they are the most important to him.
  • kitten is about to go down.

This is why I don't seek out the fandom's opinion on the chapters any more, (and I mean the Naruto fandom as a whole.) Can't we just enjoy the story for what it is and stop twisting everything to fit our opinion? The only two that anyone should be criticizing right now are Obito and Madara. They caused all of this - not Sakura, not Naruto, not Katsuyu, not Karin, not Ino... :confused:

pretty much..

#494177 Naruto 647

Posted by Psychox on 17 September 2013 - 09:22 AM




what do they

#494164 Naruto 647

Posted by Psychox on 17 September 2013 - 08:59 AM


#494074 Naruto 646

Posted by Psychox on 17 September 2013 - 07:54 AM

I was thinking, what if Naruto talks about Sakura and her importance to him and this is a moment where Hinata realizes his love for her and goes Naruto-kun...?

NAruto will be bashed to the 9 circle of hell from you know what base..

#493701 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 15 September 2013 - 07:06 PM

Good answer.

You know, it's sad because when I think about it, Minato saved Konoha but ultimately costed Kushina's life. Sure she was dying (I think) but still. I always wonder how he would have been like if Kushina was the only one that died. Part of me tells me he will be good and all, but he will have something missing from his usual self. To me, you can seriously tell Minato was about to be crushed. Heck, you can make a joke that he died with her just to be with her, but don't take that seriously.

Naruto will make a right choice, but he will close one part of his chapter: love. There are people that just mess with women, but never open up for love ever again. That's why we got parallels for.

Kushina could've survived if she had more chakra , but she didn't , so in order to save Naruto ,Minato and the village she proposed her life from which Minato was devastated ''Don't give me that look'' he was ready to die with her even if he didn't had to . But if he left Kushina die just like that sealing the fox Konoha would've been relieved from Kurama who was suppose to be their greatest weapon . So he took the greatest choice , not just saving Naruto/the leaf but died together with Kushina not leaving her side .. Its a damn drama and tragedy , this is a OTP I'd ship just as hard as NS ... 

#492914 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 11 September 2013 - 07:37 PM

Its obvious but , who knows Kishi may change hes opinion , since 615 i saw him make Hinata a heroine , instead of Sakura.... :pinch:

What? And drop all that development on her , for what? She has done literally nothing to contribute to the main plot ( not even gonna start for the romance sub plot , but she got Sakura jelly so , 1 good point) only endangered Naruto's life and the entire village . 615 was her moment to ''shine'' but after repeating Neji's words what did she do? Reverted back to her old self . Also the verbiage of that chapter was a little confusing ''i will not let go of your hand '' thx for staying by my side all this time'' Meh..  I had to reread it 3 times to get what was going on . Then i saw that she was talking of friendship and the point was that everyone was ready to die for Naruto and all of the people's lives are connected to him and they are ready to die if needed .

When i first read that my reaction was .. ''What the hell have i just read'' .. It made no sense . Everything was so forced and unnatural .. We lost a good supporting character to give a minor side character entire chapter of ''development'' That moment was so over hyped i head that the fans went and said ''Canon'' but since we had no clue what Naruto was feelings how did they anticipate that ? Random sites overflowing with that . I heard that NS and NH fans fought a lot , i don't know if its true since i caught up with the manga when 631 came to be :D.

Truth be told, I as a NS fan , didn't think on it that much since after that moment and 616 Naruto remained oblivious to all of it .. So yeah it wasn't that big a deal since Kurama explains so does Shika why it needed holding hands ( Plus Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke held hands before it was cool :D )

As soon as Naruto's big strong hand was gone , she gave up , shook and her worry grew . As for Sakura , she gave her speech without hesitation nor fear , she talked about how everybody is dear to Naruto and how he consider all of them his friends/comrades so its better to die fighting than to panic  . She boost the moral of the army and  she touched Naruto's feelings as well.

But nobody paid attention to Sakura though , Hinata is a ''better'' heroine since she railed the troops ..


#492799 Naruto 646

Posted by Psychox on 11 September 2013 - 09:01 AM

Nice one. Naruto (with his shared chakra) and Sakura (katsuyu link) might be the ones most affected by the sudden attack :D


I wonder if the great sage toad will appear.

lifa tree

final fantasy 9 anyone?

Bolded : He is slurping down Sake nicely with Bunta :P

#492373 Naruto 646

Posted by Psychox on 10 September 2013 - 08:48 AM

I think Sakura is injured, but her chakra wasn't drained. You can see that those people who have been drained were not glowing anymore --Sakura is still glowing. I think this is a plot to make Sakura unable to heal Naruto ;( too bad, I was expecting them to work together as a team... Hopefully I'm wrong and Sakura make a badass move next week...

Yep, how bad is she hurt we still don't know , she will heal fast since there is Kurama's chakra covering her  , plus , she can release her seal whenever she wants to .

#491213 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 04 September 2013 - 06:10 AM

This is literally me right now:



I felt like a discussion about NS is at hand , but instead i see people arguing about art work -_- . Meh , lets just wait for the chapter ^_^.