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#990388 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 05 August 2023 - 02:48 AM

hard to believe that this and boruto are the same studio

Also the same studio that did the amazing classic anime: Yu Yu Hakusho

#990362 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 30 July 2023 - 03:09 PM



Akizuza (Akira x Shizuka) - Zom 100 



I've been seeing that series a lot,  is it any good?

#990358 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 30 July 2023 - 03:05 AM

I recall bringing this up to Lucky a few years ago when Shounen jump had that red string of fate manga. But, I have notice that WSJ manga tend to be more blatant with their couples since Naruto ended. Either, they were very clear who the love interest is, or they avoid that all together.
People worried about another mangaka becoming another Kishimoto need to remember that; they don't want to turn into another Kishimoto. Kishimoto was once the second of third biggest name in the shounen manga industry.
Now look at him.
He is a glorified editor/assistant in the sequel to his own manga, and its failing. We may not know fully what happened to Naruto, but it is likely an open secret and a warning in Shueisha; don't let you editors dictate something as important yet minor as the end parings.

Oh yeah,I do remember the manga youre referring to, I believe that was U-19. But what you said is accurate in that it does seem like Jump and Shueisha arent taking the same approach with what happened to Kishi. Simply to avoid the same circumstances that happened with Naruto, and honestly that is for the better.

I think it was also pretty telling that when Naruto ended, Kishi had no interest coming back to Naruto after he finished the series and wanted to try something different. Which we know the result of what happened once Samurai 8 got canceled.

Not to say that it was surprising because given how Naruto ended this was more or less something an expected outcome.

#990337 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 29 July 2023 - 03:54 AM

There's no implied mandate by Shueisha that requires that the shonen male protagonists must reciprocate the feelings of girls that show an interest in them, regardless of onscreen chemistry and compatibility. Nisekoi (which concluded two years after Naruto) ended with the MC getting with the lead heroine, in spite of the fact that his original love interest confessed to him first.  Komi-san had its MC reject someone from his love triangle in spite of confessing first.  MHA just killed off Himiko after she confessed to Midoriya before Ochako had her chance.  Even Mashle had its lead protagonist frequently reject his self-proclaimed fiancee to the very end.   I could go on.  
The closest thing to what you describe is in Demon Slayer with Tanjirou x Kanao, and the authoress at least establishes some rapport between them before they hooked up.  And Tanjirou had no other prospects.
I get that you're still jaded over Shuiesha and Pierrot influencing Kishimoto, but what happened in that title has not magically become law for all of their Shonen titles.  Especially when several newer authors seem to have taken Naruto as an object lesson to be much more prominent in establishing the main couples in a shonen title, so that there's no confusion or debate.  Black Clover and My Hero Academia being good examples.

Id totally have to agree with you on that Kagomaru, nothing is really dictated as law regarding shounen mc reciprocating female characters that are crushing on them.

Mha, and especially Black clover are great examples for sure in terms of establishing the main couples. Another great example that comes to my mind is Blue Box, its a sport manga in jump but you can clearly see that the mangaka is laying out the groundwork between its two main mcs.

Pretty sure there are more examples, but like you the influence from suiesha and Perriot is one thing Im not letting dictate on how things are gonna be portrayed for other series.

#990328 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 27 July 2023 - 10:05 PM

He's shown that he has a sex drive after being exposed to the Happiness Punch by Nami (and when Bentram disguised himself as Nami and did the same thing). Heck, Luffy himself even admitted to Boa that the only reason her powers didn't work on him is because she had pissed him off too much to think lewd thoughts.

Thats exactly what I was about to say too and they are all pretty valid reasons. Especially when it comes to Luffy and his attraction to woman. Along with the point you brought up about Boas power having no effect on Luffy. He was simply too annoyed to even have those kinda thoughts about her.

#990319 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 27 July 2023 - 05:08 AM

Two of these I wished to see canon, but didn't unfortunatley!



The other two  (NaLu, and LuNa) I can definitely see the horizon spreading for them both especially with NaLu! 

#990308 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 26 July 2023 - 03:15 PM

Nah, his self-insert has always been Naruto. He freely admits that Naruto's personality - and even his life experiences - are based on himself.  Sasuke, OTOH, was based upon on his twin, Seishi. Furthermore, he has made it empathically clear that he *hates* both SS and NH. He even stated that Sasuke and Sakura would likely divorce in the future, if he had his way. Never mind the fact that he's the one that heavily suggested in the Boruto Gaiden that Sarada is Sasuke and Karin's love child.  So, unless he and his wife's marital issues are far worse than we thought, the idea of Sasuke being his self-insert doesn't make any lick of sense. 



Definitely, and I think it's also especially telling when you look at the way HachiAnn (Hachimaru x Ann) was being built up in Samurai 8, and how they parallel off of NaruSaku in more occasions than one too. Especially when it pertains to the way certain scenes are paneled out in the manga. 



Like these: 







#990259 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 22 July 2023 - 06:10 PM

Oda also said Masashi liked people like Sakura and he thought she was similar when he met her in real life. I've also heard Nami has some basis on Oda's wife irl but it's true it could be some fanservice since we don't have firsthand evidence. Kishi did write several versions of sakura (rin, tsunade, kushina) and complained in a interview people told him they didn't like sakura so he spent hours drawing a cover or something trying to improve her appearance. apart from Masashi seeming to prefer sakura (more than hinata) seeing as he has a sakura keychain at his drawing desk also his twin brother who's manga seem to have a lot of similarity with his brother's manga also have elements of ns. Masashi also said his wife helped write kushina and minato's story so it seems she was involved in some way (he also married her as he was working on naruto i can't see how she would have no knowledge of what he was doing)

That is actually pretty true, Oda did marry his wife who cosplayed as nami!

I thought it was pretty sweet. I think he was asked which character he relates to most, and his response was Luffy while for his wife he said nami.

#990247 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 22 July 2023 - 02:38 AM

Hell, Oda (whose friends with Kishimoto) pointed out that his wife looks like Sakura/Kushina.

I remember that, and it was just really to see what happened with the ending.

#990236 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 21 July 2023 - 02:04 PM





LuNa - One Piece 




I've going through a One Piece re-read recently over the last 16 days from the very beginning, and really the more and more I think about it.  LuNa/ LuNami really capture the essence and spirit of NaruSaku a lot, but I feel it's also amplified even more organically and subtly. I've also been a huge fan of their dynamic and chemistry for nearly 20 years now. So it really means a lot to dating it all the way back to 2004. 

#990233 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 20 July 2023 - 10:01 PM

I rewatched the third naruto movie and it was amazing and I especially liked in the end credits when naruto and sakura are sitting in a tree

i miss when naruto wasn't about aliens fighting humans and all this overpowered stuff

I honestly missed the whole aspect of the characters actually feeling like Ninjas.

Cause we just completely threw that out the window when we got like mid way through the timeskip.

#990214 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 19 July 2023 - 05:14 PM



All the parallels Minato and Kushina had with each other in the one-shot DEFINITELY reflects what was meant to be endgame!



You can say that again!  Everything was right there! 

#990207 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 19 July 2023 - 03:26 AM

After all these years I think people deep down know that NS was supposed to be but they prefered another shipping.  Like is been so long since the ending and people are still trheatened by a dead ship. Any NS content on tiktok that I see the comments are filled with:


"Soul mates (Best Friends)"




"They truly belongtogether as best friends"


And the scene could be explicitly Naruto saying he loves Sakura to Sai or the fmale ninja lmaooo9



Tell me about it there's just so much about Naruto and Sakura's bond that tells me that they were meant for so much more than just simply best friends. 

#990201 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 18 July 2023 - 08:40 PM

There were so many direction in which Sarada's time skip design could've gone, and this is the best they could come up with.




Let me show you a fan art that one of my friends showed me, and....








it's astonishing how fans have a better imagination than the original artist. 

#990171 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 16 July 2023 - 08:10 PM






Once in a while...I just gotta do this when thinking about it!