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#799731 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 12 April 2015 - 01:17 PM

Sasuke's handsomeness is as incredible as ever (lol)

Kishi in Sasuke b*t*h Mode: ON.

-Sarada wears red 

-Sarada has a reason why she wears glasses





True problem in this gigantic mess: is capable the Boruto’s (AHAHAHAH, this name….) ‘author’ (named Kishimoto) to create charming characters who could make the story interesting?


I can explain this better by taking an example.


In ‘The Song of the Long March’ the main character, Chang Ge, is a character too cool for words…

But her (dead) parents were a ‘disaster’ couple: not love, not comprehension, not ‘feels’. A complete injustice done to the notion of ‘couple’.


But Chang Ge is a separate entity!


Her abilities are related to HER AS A PERSON and not to ‘tropes’ like "if the main character is cool is because he/she is born of two people who love each other" (a too overused concept that often restricts the story potential).



  • The village’s kids ARE CAPABLE of being GOOD CHARACTERS in themselves?
  • Kishi, SP, SJ may find a way to make out a decent story?

Answer (regrettably): NOT !!!

#793134 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 02 April 2015 - 01:45 PM

bolt will fix everything. the ninja system, the pairings, everything. 


SP, SJ and Kikitten will solve everything by saying that the Boruto fake drama was INDEED a fake drama! -_-

  • Naruto loves his son and Boruto misunderstood him.
  • Boruto’s mama and papa love him and they are a happy family and he misunderstood the situation.
  • The whole Konoha country (and Sarada first) loves Boruto and he misunderstood his country…
  • Blah, blah, blah…


Like saying: “Awwwww, come on, Boruto! Don't take offense at this! This was all a joke!!" :woot:


Yeah, bunch of horny idiots… We kind of figured that this story was all a joke! We knew it! :hm: :hm:

#792731 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 01 April 2015 - 07:55 PM

When a children manga is more able to tell a ninja story than a teen manga... :fist: :fist:

Do we have a problem here?




The characters are so cute... :smug:

#783806 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 20 March 2015 - 02:56 PM

That new drawing of Sakura is technically pretty, but.. I don't like it. It doesn't really look like her imo. The lipstick, the darkness of her face and all the shading... She looks quite upset (and since she's always upset by Sasuke I guess it shouldn't be a surprise). And we all know why Kishimoto drew her pretty...



Whoever designed this Sakura's drawing is really not interested in Sakura character...

He is simply stating:

"LOOK!! I'm sooooo good at drawing !!!!" :fu:


"I can draw better than you!!!". :P :P :P


That's all. :zaru:

#764675 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 24 February 2015 - 12:25 PM

Someone please explain me this kitten  , What's the name of this manga is it called Naruto !?  Who is the real MC here and WTF is the moral in here !?  :twitch: .  Sorry for the angry rant I just got reminded of the Sakura/Obito scene and the freaking retcons and double standards :cuss:   :smack:  :bash:   .     


Neji did an excellent job of explaining the moral in Naruto




To again read about Neji's bitterness, his realistic view of how things stand and about (now) Naruto's BS makes me sick... :sad:

#764450 If kishimoto were to come out many many years later and told us the truth of...

Posted by Niky on 23 February 2015 - 11:08 PM

lol harsh .. :umm:

Sorry (not sorry) but I am practicing a Naruto and Kishimoto moral lesson: being (more pretending to be) good, trusting and sympathetic (particularly with the morons) leads to nothing!! :kukuku:


For reference see the Jiraya, Minato, Neji, Naruto, Sakura... etc. etc. etc. final outcome!

And the fact that more aggressive pairing fandoms got what they wanted in this ending. :zaru:

#764030 One Last Ending Rant

Posted by Niky on 23 February 2015 - 11:54 AM

It's been 4 Months since Naruto ended and I've finally accepted it. But I still refuse to give NaruHina and SasuSaku fans the gratification of me congratulating them for their tainted victory especially after watching that piece of s**t Movie The Last. If the Ending of the Manga didn't already turn me 100% against Sakura then this Movie would have, good God does she act like a b*tch in it. The scene where Sakura tells Naruto that he only loved her because of his rivalry with Sasuke made me want to see Naruto finally snap at her (In fact I wrote a Fanfic where he does exactly that but it got Flagged on fanfiction.net and taken down -_-). That was quite possibly the most insulting thing Kishimoto has ever written (and we're talking about a Movie where Naruto and Hinata fight the main baddie on the kittening moon!). I've decided that I'll finish collecting the Manga but my NaruSaku fandom is officially dead. In the end maybe it is a blessing in disguise that Naruto didn't end up with Sakura because at least Hinata loved him from the beginning and didn't hold a torch for an emotionally abusive and genocidal maniac traitor.


You've come right where Studio Pierrot, Shonen Jump and Kishimoto wanted to take you to... :mellow:


Go to read 'The Last' discussion thread to understand that this outcome is the result of SP Hinata wank, kittenmoto greed and Shonen Jump editors horny desires (HINATA; HINATA, HINATA)...


Sakura... She was abused, robbed, beaten and raped. Her heroine status, her dignity, her courage, her growth... This was given to Hinata...

[Actually, no! Hinata is not brave, is not dignifient, is not selfless. She is only HORNY for Naruto...]


And this bunch of horny jerks claims to gave her Sasuke to make her happy. :sick:


So please...Don't be fooled by such petty schemes, FullmetalNinja.


If you say Hinata is better (God forbids!), you're on the path to being SP, SJ and Kishi's puppet... :facepalm:

#763715 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 22 February 2015 - 03:57 PM

So I've been hearing alot bout this new manga called Black Clover which people are saying has alot of similarities to Naruto more than Boku No Hero Academia had. There is only 1 chapter releasd and the only way to read it for free is through youtube. 


my thoughts on chapter 1: it's okay at best.

My thoughts.


More than a carbon copy of Naruto this is a carbon copy of too much manga clichés...

I stopped reading at few pages before its end (a bit stupid from me, I know it, but I wanted to give it a chance :blush: ).

The drawings are ok, but this is that's the least the author could do.

So predicable and boring... :sad:


I guess that I'll wait new tv series of Ushio to Tora in the summer for some decent shonens... :shrug:

Italian people, do you remember this title? :thumbsup:

#756739 The Final Naruto Volume #72

Posted by Niky on 10 February 2015 - 02:49 PM


Are you kidding? Sakura and Naruto are opposites, that's one of their biggest draws, Look at the name of the website, Heaven and Earth, it's from Iruka's speech during the Chuunin exams, he likened the two to Heaven and Earth, as they are two very different people, with different strong points.


Ofcourse Opposites attract, if two very similar people get together they are boring and dull, they will agree with everything the other says, you need a bit of spice to get passion burning, or atleast in a fictional world. in real life that isn't the case but in compelling piece of fiction you need that friction to create the chemistry.


Though here is the thing, just because opposites attract, doesn't mean they are complete opposites, it doesn't work like that, the charactors need a undelying connection, that can link them together for Naruto and Sakura it's their sense of fun and short fuse.


I agree with your logic but the words are not understood clearly.


Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata... They are four completely different types of people.

Naruto and Hinata and Sasuke and Sakura are opposites (two puzzle pieces don't fit).

Naruto and Sakura are complementary (two puzzle pieces fit). Like Sun and Change (my avatar and signature, sorry for the digression...) are, at the same time, similar and different people and that is the story to reveal the differences and the similarities.


The Naruto manga problem, in the end, it's the story and the progression's plot (or more the lack of story and progression's plot :hm: )...They ripped out and  crushed characters' hearts and personalities! :ermm:

#752684 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 04 February 2015 - 04:02 PM

I wish you could understand Spanish so you laugh more. By way what anime and characters are in your  avatar?


Chang Ge (intelligent, badass female lead) and Ashina Sun (equally badass male lead) from 'Song of the long march' a piece of art! :woot:


My current OTP!! Everything I ever wanted to have from NS and I didn't get a chance to have... :sweatdrop:

#747992 If You Could Rewrite SasuSaku...

Posted by Niky on 30 January 2015 - 02:47 PM

First off, I'm not really an SS fan, nor have I ever been. In fact, when I first started reading the manga ages ago, I had seen artwork on dA about SS and was surprised to find it was not supported in the series. At all. 


But after reading a few really good SS fanfics, I found that I didn't mind SS...only if Sasuke was changed from the way he was in the manga. Which is sort of like cheating, right! :) 


So here's how the character developement would have to go down, for me, to switch the roles to move Naruto out of the triangle so that Sakura becomes more important to Sasuke, and Sasuke becomes more important to Sakura:


— Sakura doesn't have to change too much. Her normal manga character evolution from crushing young girl to powerful, self-assured young woman is still good. But maybe she's a bit more serious, and sees more clearly the burden Sasuke carries and that Naruto's bond is one of friendship when they were children, but that as an adult things are not so clear cut. So she fills a role of understanding that Naruto cannot fulfill for Sasuke. (This is important because she has to move up to a place of greater importance in Sasuke's life than Naruto.)


— Sasuke has to more sensitive from the beginning. More overtly empathetic towards Sakura, even if it's just a few isolated moments and even if it's just in private. But the basis has to be there from the beginning. Then later, when they cross paths, there has to be some pause in him when it comes to her. She doesn't even have to be aware, but there still has to be a connection he can't seem to shake. Then much later, if they have an aggressive interaction, Sasuke must either hold himself back or step in at last moment to protect her from something/someone else. This is important because it takes the place of the "my body just moved on its own" connection he had to Naruto and shows that Sakura has managed to be the bond Sasuke has kept from Konoha. Not his connection to Naruto. From there, it doesn't matter how Sasuke chooses to acknowledge those feelings, because it's all up from that first turning point of going out of his way to keep her from harm.


— Naruto has to be stuck in his goofy immature powerhouse role. He doesn't develop like Sakura does into a responsible, far-seeing person. Instead, Naruto is the one who still clowns around most of the time and then shows up to blow everyone else away. When the action is over, he goes back to his loveable goofy self who wants everyone to be friends. It becomes clear that Naruto really doesn't understand the burden Sasuke carries the way Sakura does. (Again, important for switching the roles around so that Sakura is more important.)


— Hinata would serve as a sort of quiet, gentle minder for Naruto, off-setting his brash silliness with her gentle ways. Both her and Naruto would be more immature, less dynamic characters than SS, in this scenario.


So the reason I think it has to go this route is that there is no convincing way to make SS work otherwise. I've read a few fics where Naruto comes on the scene as himself, without taking a step back from the triangle, and he simply overwhelms the dynamic. There is no convincing reason for Sakura not to be with Naruto! 


I know this is detailed, but I've thought a lot about it due to writing fics, and making sure the relationships are convincing. It's almost like connecting the dots. Once the foundation is there, the true love can be hidden or can take a while to develop, but it's always there. The two characters are always growing towards it, even when they think they're not.


Another thing, I am much more comfortable with envisioning SS than I am NH. SS is based on evolution of characters, with tragic events shaping their lives. Sakura betters herself to reach out to Sasuke, and Sasuke could find unexpected healing of his wounds with Sakura's loyalty and compassion. If written well enough, they could fit together.


But Naruto and Hinata would never fit. Hinata is not a character based on change or development. She is a stereotype. It's not the same as changing Sasuke. Hinata would have to be a completely different character, not just a few tweaks to the storyline or a little more depth of character. Take Hinata out of this story and put her in any other one, and she'd still be a background character. Simply put, she'd have to have Sakura's character development to make her be a lead. 


So it's much easier for me to envision and even read SS fics than it is NH. As long as Sasuke is more compassionate, I can read it. I guess it's like a Beauty and the Beast story vs. a self-insert. NH stories invariable seem to be about Hinata or those who want to be like her!  :zaru:





But you see Tricksie... YOU know how to write characters and plot.


Kishimoto and SP not!

#747231 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 29 January 2015 - 10:40 PM

You know Michi, there is more about this comment. Naomi won't write more doujinshi about Nejina or NS.

Nejihina, the most loved Hinata pairing in Japan...

Japanese people were shocked with his death...


And I was so sad (I loved Neji). I hoped in a revival jutsu like in Pain Arc, but not... :cry:

#746809 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 29 January 2015 - 04:40 PM

yeah kurenai was a good example. i mean, how could this possibly fly under the radar.  :sick:



Why shouldn't she be a teacher for 'to pass the will of fire' ?

If you don't have a man or a child you can't love people or others' children? :confused:


LOVE is a thing much bigger than this pathetic ideology... :hm:

#746649 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by Niky on 29 January 2015 - 01:44 PM

btw we have 42 guests... say hello to lurkers that are taking screenshots.  :zaru:

gif_animate_saluti_auguri_06.gif :chuckle:  :chuckle:  :chuckle:  :chuckle:  :chuckle:  :chuckle:  :chuckle: 

#736686 The Final Naruto Volume #72

Posted by Niky on 20 January 2015 - 12:53 PM

Is this it?

Couldn't they at the very least include Hinata and his kids alongside him to show that he was happy with his life? This is just depressing :/

Oh, my God!! Hinata and his kids too? I'd really rather not!!

And... To show that he was happy with his life? There were too many lies to keep track and Kishimoto forgot this one...


Returning to the cover, the message is: "It's finally over"!!


Nana Mizuki, SP, Shonen Jump, Otaku fanboys and fangirls, Hinata sama-hime-dono-san-kun-chan... You've got what you wanted!!!

Are you happy?


This is THE END!! :hm: (sperem... :unsure: )




You are my hero!! :wibble: