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Member Since 18 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 01:22 AM

#885245 What is considered canon in Naruto?

Posted by totherpage95 on 03 November 2015 - 12:26 AM

i think kishimoto doesn't know what canon is either

#884787 If Sasuke stayed in Konoha, how can Sakura fall in love with Naruto?

Posted by totherpage95 on 30 October 2015 - 09:30 PM

remember that sasuke tries and tells sakura that naruto saved her from gaara and she should not credit him for it that must have been deliberate sasuke gently pushing her in his direction.


i mean rin loved kakashi till she died and he never left her despite this he never cared for her feelings the bottom line is that sasuke and sakura and kakashi and rin are not likely pairings so whether they are in the village or not doesn't mean he will come to love a person he doesn't love

#882771 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by totherpage95 on 18 October 2015 - 11:36 PM

I remember earlier this year that someone posted an article that explains Kishi watched youtubers back in 2011. It was just a rumor. Please if anyone knows the link or have screenshot of this, I want to see it again.



is this it