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Member Since 13 Oct 2014
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#605093 Chapter 696

Posted by Raiton on 16 October 2014 - 08:05 PM

I liked this chapter better than the previous.
I found Naruto's drawings beautiful, I love this shine that comes from him, and his face expression were beautiful.
This fight is not so boring for me with this chapter, even if they are going in "big entities", like a in a lot of manga, even if I would never have thought that Naruto would some day have those "big entities" that fight at the end like final bosses LOL, I like it. I know Kishi is "asspulling" power for Sasuke, but IMO, it's because he wants to make Naruto look super strong when he will succeed to win against Sasuke. If Sasuke was weak, that would be too easy to fight and win against him. It's the same with winning the love of Sakura. It was never an easy thing. That's why it's entertaining.


Same opinion here...

I think that's why Kishi put that FB where Sakura fangirling over Sasuke and Naruto is behind them.



Ikeee! Narutoooo! Beat him!!

#604943 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Raiton on 16 October 2014 - 02:52 PM




I found this, in some random comment on youtube:


Now Jiraiyas book "tales of gutsy ninja Naruto“ was an actual book written BY kishimoto and released in Asia and Europe.It has different names to some charachters,places and abbilities  and different story but the stories basic concept is the same to main series and charachters keep same charachteristics.It has incredible amount of parallels to original story.The ending is open because Jiraiya sensei told Naruto to write the epic end of the book.Now this is close to the end of the book „by coincidence“.Now charachters in book represent following in main series:Shuu(kakashi) tsuyu(sakura) renge(sasuke) naruto(naruto).Story towards the end is hillariously similiar parallel to manga 693 and onward.In it tsuyu failed to save renge from becoming evil chaos who wants to destroy there village and way of life.Naruto goes to fight.Meanwhile shuu comforts tsuyu in despair.Tsuyu tells Shuu she still loves renge.Shuu sensei can give only one final love advice.Shuu tells her that people can realise in whom they ACTUALLY find happiest future and place where they find themselves if they concetrate in deep vision.Tsuyu closes her eyes and SHE NOW SEES NARUTO SMILING INSTEAD OF RENGE.Tsuyu then starts  running towards battlefield where Naruto is because she says she failed saving renge but she knows she must do something and needs to get to naruto.“?"

#604507 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Raiton on 16 October 2014 - 02:28 AM

I want some concrete like episode 235.

Exactly! Those words were beautiful from Naruto.