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Codus N

Member Since 08 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2022 03:45 AM

#883772 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by Codus N on 25 October 2015 - 06:22 AM

Yeah, like the two above, with 615, I felt that was the peak of her development that she could get while. Sakura just kept regressing in each subsequent chapter.

#881956 The future will be upon us in a week....

Posted by Codus N on 14 October 2015 - 04:35 PM

Counting today, 14th October 2015, we are officially seven days away from the day Marty McFly went to the future in 21st of October 2015.

So, if any of you grew up watching the movie, how do you feel about the future shown in the movie now? And what you think about the day of the future itself?

Couple of things that so far came true:

-Google Glass (currently being beta'ed for legal kinks)
-Kinect (visionary, but flopped amid a disastrous campaign and may well take another few years to really take off)
-Hoverboards (sort of)
-Self-tying Nike shoes (currently in production and estimated to be sold next year)
-Cubs winning the World Series (just squeaked through into the games, and hopefully they keep it up)

#881935 new kishimoto inteview about ships

Posted by Codus N on 14 October 2015 - 04:06 PM

Same here. I always thought they pro-Hinata and NH. But still they boosted Hinata's popularity into the stratospere. If they felt the way they did they should have dedicated some episodes to Sakura.
I'm actually not sure I buy the SP wanted NS claim. Too much Hinata focused filler. And then of course there is The Last.

There are a few things I can think of regarding SP right now:

First, Hinata fillers are really due to Kishi's own fault for not developing Sakura enough by that point while Hinata had a better and stronger foothold compared to Sakura's at the time. The former only started getting her development by part 2. When looking at the two characters to work with, Hinata was a better choice at the time because they could work with her background and character better thanks to the character development she got by that point.

The studio started getting divided into factions once Sakura started getting development, hence the above claim. But my main guess is the higher-ups were on the NH faction. Look at Shippuden 166, it was one of their most expensive directors who worked on that, who is more than likely to belong to NH faction.

#878067 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 23 September 2015 - 11:10 AM

I'm a little surprised no one mentioned it, but we officially have confirmation that Deku won't die a virgin. OFA can only be passed down if the user wills it, so basically Deku won't have to worry about doping a girl up with OFA. Or inadvertently pass it to their baby.

#856199 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Codus N on 11 July 2015 - 02:05 PM

Maybe I should have said Fictional mothers, I actually picked up the disease from Harry Potter, I knew from the get go that Lily Potter would be a kickarse mother, and that is who Harry would have taken after, well before the flashback confirmed it. It might even be before that, I think I have always associated badarse mothers as redheads.
Kushina was almost 100% identical to what I expected her to be like ever since it was confirmed she was a redhead. I think I always pictured her as a redhead.
We may never find out the backstory of Luffy's mother, though I would bet money (well not really, because I don't gamble) that Oda has already got her backstory written, down to how she met Dragon, and fell in love, that story is probably all planned out, and in the end we might get a few panels of a backstory if at all. My guess would be she was a Nororious pirate (maybe a member of Gol.D Rogers crew), and Dragon was the by the book Marine assigned to capture her. I'd guess with the exception of the hair, she looks identical to Luffy, who lets face it, does have a few femanine features like those big eyes.

And considering how both Masaki and Kushina greatly influenced the plot of each of their respective series, I also expect Luffy's mom to be as influential as well. It's definitely a trend that will likely live on for a long time for mangas in the future. The mysterious and badass momma who influences the whole plot.

Also, and kind of like how Minato and Isshin carried a lot of guilt and grief about their wives, I also expect Dragon to be similar too. Even though LadyGT's retired from the Naruto fandom, I'd at least hope for her to draw the Big 3's moms together sometime if our predictions are true.

#838327 Gaara Hiden

Posted by Codus N on 05 June 2015 - 04:51 AM

I'll be honest, this is the one time I really wanted Studio Pierrot to really get involved in this project. Whoever wrote that last filler arc in Part I deserved heaping amounts of praise for great characterization and pulling out a sympathetic OC out of thin air (Matsuri) because any writer would WISH they could pull off something like that.

And now, seriously wtf-ery is this goddamn crap? this is tantamount to making ShikaShiho canon over ShikaTema, which would have miraculously gotten all sides of the fandom out for Kishi's blood. And believe me, Gaara fans on tumblr are NOT happy. That is a HUGE warning sign.

Note that this comes from reading unreliable translations, so I may hold off on final judgement. But as things look now, it's not pretty. Expect Kishi's comic-con booth to be completely empty.

#831167 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 27 May 2015 - 01:05 PM

It's to celebrate 43 chapters and still going strong.

#827195 Gaara Hiden

Posted by Codus N on 21 May 2015 - 04:53 AM

The only reason I ship her with Gaara is because of the anime filler arc. The anime also gives her some good screentime during shippuden's first arc. After that, she just kinda fades out, being a minor character and all. In the war arc, she provides some comic relief like commenting on Temari's relationship. But that's about it.

I haven't watched the recent filler arc where she attends the chuunin exams, though.

Overall, I'd like to think she's grown out of her fangirl phase, considering she would be 21-22 in the novel. I think she's likable enough, she's got a bit of Rin to her, I think.

#825768 Gaara Hiden

Posted by Codus N on 19 May 2015 - 05:45 AM

Well.... I'd hope for some Sand siblings interaction at least. Just imagine Temari and Kankurou pinching each other trying not to laugh. Overall, they'd be warm and supportive of whatever Gaara chooses.

#821609 Blaming Sakura

Posted by Codus N on 13 May 2015 - 01:39 PM

I've got a simple question about fanservice: Why can't women be awesome and sexy as hell while doing so, and not be judged by their body image? Whether they're Big-boobed or fat

#819131 Which Anime/Manga do you think deserves a reboot/sequel/spinoff?

Posted by Codus N on 08 May 2015 - 04:33 AM

Rurouni Kenshin. Definitely Rurouni Kenshin. They never properly adapted the Jinchuu arc, for crying out loud!!!! Oh, it would be nice if they could also put in that Shishio one-shot volume. (Read it at mangastream)

#819119 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Codus N on 08 May 2015 - 03:05 AM

I suggest rereading it. I was the same way, mainly because it got to the point where I would read bleach and Naruto as a way to pass time until the One Piece chapter came out, so I glanced over a lot of details. Then I read it over a while ago and thought that it was probably one of the best arcs in bleach itself, in hindsight, it's better than the Naruto war arc really ever was. Looking back, the war arc in Naruto was lacking in a lot of areas, and was ruined by Sasuke, some retcons, Hinata (she was the reason Kaguya came into play) and some other issues. Bleach's war arc is better once you see the details. I'm pretty sure that the character situation will come to a satisfying resolution.

Pretty much this. While Bleach has always had pacing problems, this arc can be considered better than Nardo's was. I like and most definitely appreciate how Kubo is tying all the plotlines together neatly.

The problem with the series as a whole is mainly because of the executive meddling that pushed Kubo to drag out the Aizen saga that by the time story reached this point, fans had already gotten tired of the story. And this is on top of the fact that Kubo already had planned out the finale since over 10 years ago. Had the Aizen saga been cut in half, I think Bleach would've been even more popular than Naruto.

#818348 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Codus N on 07 May 2015 - 07:45 AM

Well, if there's anything I've always loved about Bleach, it's the characters (and wayyy better characterization at that than what we got with Nardo). This chapters shows us why.

#810068 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Codus N on 25 April 2015 - 05:15 PM

You guys are all forgetting how bad it is for SS fandom now. It's Golden week meaning, the wait will be torture for them

#806444 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Codus N on 23 April 2015 - 05:38 AM

Wow, keren bgt. Gabung dari Universitas atau organisasi?
Mendingan nonton avenger Aja bro.

There's a spoiler about it. From what I know, there are no mention about Karin in the last.

Gak. Aq magang kemlu. Disuruh bantu2 dikit...

Ok thxs. Because one spoiler I read had SS explaining where those glasses came from.