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Codus N

Member Since 08 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2022 03:45 AM

#931670 Fairy Tail

Posted by Codus N on 04 February 2017 - 03:50 PM


Someone had an interesting explanation to this chapter and what I think makes the most sense. Natsu declaring and firmly believing his identity as a human, not a dragon nor demon may be exactly what he needs to harness both powers. I don't think both powers are necessarily gone, just dormant and waiting to be accessed freely by Natsu.

It was implied that many of the dragonification cases happened due to DS losing their sanity. The reason this happened is because they lost all sense of their identity. But by affirming his identity with zero hesitation, Natsu is now perhaps closer to Acnologia who can freely switch forms. It probably took Acnologia centuries to figure this out.

Next chapter might have August, and we may see August noticing Natsu's change and might explain this whole thing. I don't think it was a bad chapter, really. If anything, I'm quite curious to see what will happen from here on.

#931177 Voltron Legendary Defender

Posted by Codus N on 29 January 2017 - 12:50 PM

Yaoi fandom? You must be talking about Keith/Lance :facepalm:. Though I personally don't like gay pairings I see no problem with shipping it the problem is fans take it  a bit TOO FAR. I went to fanfiction.net wanting to check the stories because I wanted to read a good Allura/Keith story guess what? There ISN'T a single Allura/Keith story it was filled with Keith/Lance stories, secondary were Shiro/Allura followed by Coran/Allura (seriously this pairing is like pairing a grandfather with his granddaughter). Even with the producers of the show going with Keith/Allura the yaoi fandom of Keith/Lance has gotten so toxic its worst than cancer. Going to the Voltron LD fan fiction section is the worst mistake I've done in the new year...so far but I learned my lesson and I'm not setting my foot there ever again.

Agree with this 100%. There's also a part of the fandom who keeps insisting Pidge is trans. I mean, it's one thing to headcanon someone's gender and sexuality, but another when Word of God has clarified and debunked the claim and yet they keep insisting on it.

Speaking of Pidge, I ship her with Lance , and despite what people hope out of Lotor, I'm actually hoping he goes after Pidge. Add Lance into the mix and you have a wacky love triangle going on. Imagine her being majorly creeped out with Lotor, then the one she runs to is always Lance, for some reason. If Lotor falls for Pidge, I am honestly hoping she'll somehow grow her hair out. It's a waste to hack off. That, and have Allura doll her up, and Lance just cannot form words and put the moves on her.

#930840 Fairy Tail

Posted by Codus N on 23 January 2017 - 12:08 PM


I mean, Natsu getting all the haxxed power-ups make much more sense because it was hinted throughout the series and was properly explained. Zeref's entire goal was to create a superhuman being capable of killing not just him, but Acnologia. With that in mind, it makes perfect sense if Natsu got the hax powers instead of Erza.

#922856 Fairy Tail

Posted by Codus N on 07 October 2016 - 10:24 AM

Chapter is out: http://yonkouprod.co...il-chapter-505/



#918653 Pokemon Go

Posted by Codus N on 21 August 2016 - 10:08 PM

*cackles* Guess who has a 37 CP Squirtle??

#917612 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Codus N on 17 August 2016 - 12:56 PM

Given how things are being discussed I take it IchiRuki didn't happen. 
If so, then I'm not gonna say I'm surprised.  to be fair I've actually never had a problem with any of the Bleach Pairings at all.  I think to some degree they make sense.  Again haven't  read the spoilers yet, but I guess Ichihime and RenjiRuki happened. Am I a little disappointed? Sure I am, but in no way am I gonna say the ending is kitten since I have no idea what else happens. However pairing wise, I did see Ichihime, regardless of my love for IchiRuki,  the possibility of it being canon, and Kubo did give them development as well as RenjiRuki. So not much of a complaint. The way I look at it is as long as a ship makes sense I'm okay. That's (what Kubo did (just from assuming). 
Plus I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I was actually okay with NaruHina when the final chapter cameout cause I thought there wasn't enough moments, but I could see it despite like many of us wanting NaruSaku.  Then we got the Last which killed what little respect I had for it. The biggest issue with Naruto's ending was that it felt like a commercial for  the next generation rather than the conclusion, and of course SS actually being cemented as canon. None of the Bleach relationships have been on the same level as SS. 
That's how I feel at the moment regarding around the topic of pairings, and again that's what I have to see under the assumption of pairings alone, I will wait for the scans to come out.  If IchiRuki doesn't happen then so be it.  I've said this time and time again the series will end between Ichigo and Rukia in some way platonic or nonplatonic. 
Also tbf my standards on pairings have changed alot since the ending of Naruto.

That's how I felt about NH too. Y'see, I was a NH fan at first, but after 615, that although I had hoped for NS, I pretty much accepted it was going to happen. But like you, the movie made me lose respect for it. Especially the fantastic guilt trip down Hinata's mary sue memory lane.

#916309 Re: Life in a Different World from Zero (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu)

Posted by Codus N on 31 July 2016 - 08:51 PM

This episode is the prime example of how NH and NS should've been resolved!!!

Beautiful... JUST. BEAUTIFUL!!!!


#915246 Pokemon Go

Posted by Codus N on 13 July 2016 - 10:28 AM

The scary part is, this is only the beginning. Imagine a world where you see AR around you, from games to even virtual anime waifus/hookers and hell, a virtual prostitution business with the aforementioned AR-enhanced anime waifus might be in the making 10 years down the line. This is the Japanese dystopia pundits have been prophesizing.


On a more positive note for gamers though, you guys know one other anime/game franchise that's going to kill the scene? Yu-Gi-Oh! That's right. Holographic duels are definitely coming on its 30th anniversary. I'm calling it.

#914265 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Codus N on 30 June 2016 - 10:04 AM

Looks like it'll end at the 700-chapter milestone like Naruto did. Between this, Gintama, and Toriko ending, a change of the old guard is looming (and absolutely necessary). It's time for the new generation to rise. As of right now, Horikoshi is leading this generation. Jump shouldn't be afraid of letting go of One Piece, it's gone on for far, far too long, and Jump has shown that they're entirely dependent on it. Which is not good for any company.

#907243 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Codus N on 09 April 2016 - 10:05 PM

I was bored, so here's some UraKu art:


P.S.: I think I just figured out their naming scheme that Horikoshi must have planned since long ago; Midoriya's name has the kanji for the color "green" in it. And "Ocha" in Ochako's name means tea. So you add them up and you get "Green Tea" (though the japanese simply refers it as "Ocha")

#903098 Fairy Tail

Posted by Codus N on 23 February 2016 - 04:11 AM

WTF....for crying out loud, they didn't just reverse another one of the best moments from this manga...This better be a temp solution otherwise it's very close to becoming a completely pointless manga series. Nothing sticks!!! Are we really meant to feel any sort of dispair about Natsu's dilemma is history teaches us everything will be fine? Mashima is trying to create drama with the situation Natsu is in, but I feel nothing, all i'm interested in is how he'll survive at the end....Heck I wouldn't be surprised if Simon turns up alive next week as well.


Tell me about it. I was going to give Mashima until the big 500 to see if he'll turn things around, but he's coming pretty close to make drop it before that.

Ultear coming back is actually pretty welcome, I'd honestly rather see her than Jellal. I hope he dies tbh, he makes the story worse.
It helps build just how seriously they took Acnologia, and in essence it will help build how strong Natsu is when he's getting ready to fight Acnologia. Also, they do, because all the dragons knew each other. The dragon slayers are all a part of Natsu's origin because they are other examples of the history of the world. The problem is that beyond that, they're irrelevant. They probably don't have the level of power Natsu showed, or anything near it, because they would have already used it considering the threat level of the people against them. It doesn't make sense that they wouldn't use it. Natsu could have crushed any of the other people in the war, considering he damn near killed Zeref, so if they had that level of power, the war would be over.


I'd rather see Gruvia die and have GrayTear canon if only because I want to see those NH-slash-Gruvia fans panicking and screaming....

Again, I wholeheartedly disagree. It should've been as simple as Igneel choosing to teach him DS magic because as E.N.D., he has the most potential to kill Acno. Mashima could've done without the other dragons if he wasn't going to end up using them and their children in the bigger scheme of things, namely Acnologia. He could've had Igneel be the last living dragon and it wouldn't have changed Natsu's origins any other way. The others have absolutely no effect on Natsu's origins and identity.

As for the possibly similar power-ups the other dragonslayers might have like Natsu's, keep in mind that they haven't even faced August-level opponents yet. For the past year, they've only been taking care of fodders. Not much of a chance to really pull out all the stops.

You know Relationship is more than romance right? I meant the relationship between Natsu and Zeref now that the relationship between the two has been discovered, I meant Erza and Kagaya now that it's been discovered she's been keeping the knowledge of her brothers killer from her, the relationship of Angel and Yukino now that it appears they might actually meet. However the conflict and the story doesn't feel that important anymore, it's just not interesting....no scratch that, it's just not interesting the way it's being told. the actual plot is really interesting but the way it has been implemented has been lacklustre and doesn't excite.
I want people who made a sacrifice to go with a bang, and be remembered by it.
Aquirius was still temporary, once Lucy finds the key she will be reunited with her first friend, the sacrifice was a temporary one, it cheapened the original moment.
The manga has been a letdown in it's implementation since the S-Class exams, everytime I read it I get the impression what i'm reading is the Disneyfied version of the manga and the original much better version is hidden away in the mangaka's mind because he has to keep the manga suitable for kids. It's amazing how PG the battles are when you consider the amount of fanservice there is in the series. Not a single battle tha could take place holds any interest at the moment because not a single battle has been slightly bit interesting.
But that's my opinion, if you are getting something different from the manga good for you, but for me, I've ended nearly all the chapters recently with disappointment.

I agree (assuming I understand what you mean). FT has always been top-notch when it comes to conflicts/battles up until this arc, but when it comes to the aftermath, it has consistently fallen flat and feels like lost potential.

#902258 Fairy Tail

Posted by Codus N on 15 February 2016 - 05:35 PM

The fight itself was nowhere near as bad as Erza's fights. The rune trick itself was pretty good, and pretty creative at that (Evergreen herself also knows how to use some runes, so Laxus learning them is not out of the question.) The problem is a few of the details Mashima didn't bother going through.

For example, are Freed's runes made up of MBPs? It was implied, but not outright confirmed. The real disappointment in the chapter is the whole red lightning thingie. Mashima could've been more creative by having Laxus use electromagnetism instead. But nope.

#889745 Man reacts to modern world after 44 years in Jail.

Posted by Codus N on 26 November 2015 - 03:33 PM


Wow, this video is much more surreal than back to the future. If this could get nominated for Pulitzer, I'd root for it. It's easily one of the most interesting news segments all year, and so moving too. I hope some good soul out there can help him adapt to modern life and find a way to keep himself off the streets.

#888895 Fairy Tail

Posted by Codus N on 22 November 2015 - 07:10 AM

Think of how ridiculous that is. Jellal was one of the ten great wizard saints, he was leagues stronger than Ultear, and at no time could break from her control? He hasn't atoned for anything, he does nothing but hide behind Erza, who doesn't have the right to defend him, in essence running from his responsibilities.
Jerza isn't that far behind Gruvia for me. The only real good pairing is NaLu. GaJevy and Miralax are ok, and the jury is still out on Zervis, but Jerza and Gruvia are trash.

And are we forgetting the fact that Hades was her boss, who by the way, was in fact taught by Zeref himself? Even though Ultear says that she was the one controlling him, it was Hades who taught her how. Mavis outright called him a genius wizard and I would dare say that even without his 'heart', he could match up to August evenly.

Just because you're a wizard saint doesn't mean you're all-powerful. Also, Brain was the one who taught Jellal everything he knew and was working with Hades at that. I wouldn't be surprised that with both their knowledge, they could easily set up a mental block preventing Jellal from catching on.

Also, to add to my previous sentence about being a wizard saint, that title doesn't extend to acknowledgement of your mental skills. Hades and Ultear had him right where they wanted him at his most psychologically vulnerable. And you say being a "Wizard Saint" should have had him breaking free of Ultear's control? It was a psychological problem, not a matter of magical strength.

I'm one of the few willing to cut him some slack, but even I do agree his plotline is shaky. If you don't like that, fine carry on people.

#883819 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by Codus N on 25 October 2015 - 03:05 PM

No, 631 was awful. It further degenerated Sakura into pairing fodder. That's plain fact.