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#471068 Sakura's new power-ups

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 31 May 2013 - 11:33 PM

So it's basically completely different from the seal Tsunade possesses. Would make since considering her seal actually boosted her powers to an insane degree. I guess it's safe to say that whatever she gains from here on out will be different from Tsunade? 


Also, I don't think Tsunade was incapable of learning this considering Shizune would of likely noted it. She only said she was incapable. 


I think Tsunade made have taught Sakura this technique because of the increase in power, and it doesn't have the drawbacks of the actual Byakugou jutsu. I think whatever she learns afterwards will be something that doesn't have the same terrible drawbacks as Tsunade's Creation Rebirth and Byakugou, but that's just my take on it. :D



I wonder though.. Why did she make a reference to Tsunade's seal if their seals are different anyway. Her seal is stronger regardless of it she had to worry about her appearance or not. 

Sakura wasn't making a reference to Tsunade' seal. Sakura was referencing to Tsunade's monstrous strength. 


Hashirama: What a monstrous strength!! That is probably more than Tsunade

Sakura: The amount I don't need to keep my youth!


Sakura was replying to Hashirama that her monstrous strength is stronger than Tsunade because unlike Tsunade, she doesn't use chakra to keep her youth. Therefore she can punch with full power. 

#470887 Sakura's new power-ups

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 31 May 2013 - 01:52 PM

The Kanji for Tsunade's technique is 百豪

The Kanji for Sakura's technique is 白豪


I honestly don't know the meaning. If it was 白「毫」it would represent the third eye of some Buddhist mythology. But this time, the kanji is different. 


Tsunade is 「百」which means "hundred". Sakura is 「白」which means "white". 

#470314 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 30 May 2013 - 04:24 PM

This is my most favorite scene  :wibble:  I love how this shows that Naruto and Sasuke are finally looking at her back! 

showing my back!2.jpg


And from "watching backs", she has grown to fight "back to back" with them! 

back to back.jpg


#470311 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 30 May 2013 - 04:14 PM

Omg ramen, today I swear to god I woke up this morning and was gonna ask you what thar effect meant! Councidince much!!

Oh glad to have helped  :D

#470296 Sakura's new power-ups

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 30 May 2013 - 03:39 PM

So what it's confirmed by now it's that

1. Sakura's forehead thingie is a seal and it's not the Yin one.

2. She needed 3 years to gather all the chakra.

3. It boosted her stamina, strength and speed.


As we all presume, the seal is here to stay. And I will try to clarify why, later on.


Hmm? I don't agree with the bolded. 


My opinion on this matter. 

The appearance of the seal only indicated that she has reserved enough chakra so that she can release it any time. Meaning that she doesn't have to reserve chakra anymore and can use her base ability 100%. 


I will explain this using dragon ball LOL.

Remember Goku training in a heavy gravity environment called "Kaiousei"?

Because the gravity is so heavy, he's severely handicapped and his moves are less powerful, his speed are more slow. 

THIS is what Sakura has been going through all these 3 years. Basically she had to reserve her chakra so she can't use her full capacity. Therefore slowing her speed, and lessening her attack powers. 


Now, remember how Goku returned on earth?

His speed and power has increased tenfold because there is nothing holding him down. Earth has basically no gravity compared with Kaisousei. 

THIS is what happened to Sakura when her seal has appeared. She doesn't need to reserve her chakra anymore. Therefore nothing is holding her down. She can use her capacity 100%. 


The point is Sakura hasn't turned Super-Saiyan(released her seal) yet, therefore it hasn't boosted her speed and stamina. The speed and stamina looked like it was boosted only because her previous situation was handicapped. 


This is my take on the matter. And I agree with what the Japanese forums are saying that she was only fighting with a part of her chakra reserves for three years. 

#470220 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 30 May 2013 - 01:51 PM


But overall ... people liked or hated more that chapter?

I would say 50/50 for Chapter 631 because people really hated Sasuke suddenly claiming to be the Hokage. 


For Chapter 632, I would say people enjoyed it. The only ones complaining noisily and repeatedly were fans of you know who :fu:

#470214 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 30 May 2013 - 01:41 PM

I'd like to know what they have thought after chapter 631 :hehehe:

Oh 631, the Minato bashing and Naruto bashing were horrible. But then again, these people really standout compared to all the other neutral people who want to focus talking about the battle instead of romance. 


"Why the hell did Neji die for!? I thought he died to make Hinata the heroine!!" 

"I thought Neji's death was so that Naruto can support lonely Hinata!" 


Too bad. The neutral readers ignore and don't even bother to correct these kind of emotional people, so these people keep on going, building their own world, and making their own story. 

#469901 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 29 May 2013 - 11:52 PM

So I just came to realize that Sakura didn't have her power-up yet. This chapter just showed that she doesn't need to conserve her chakra constantly anymore, so she can fight with her full capacity. She can release her seal anytime now. If only one freaking punch caused by the base Sakura can pulverize the whole battlefied....what is going to happen when she finally release it?


I'm surprised that for these 3 years she was fighting will only a small dose of her chakra, including the Sasori fight. 


Naruto and Sasuke are not in their powered-up forms either. I guess we will see all the sannin in their power-up forms in the up-coming chapters. 

#469498 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 29 May 2013 - 05:38 PM

Oh by the way I was re-reading this chapter for the 56th time and I found out that Naruto was being overprotective again.

See the last panel on this page?



The moment the juubi cried out Naruto felt terror and looked back. The sound effect is ゾクッ which shows that Naruto was having a horrified intuition. And truth be told, the Juubi clone was raising it's arm to attack Sakura. 


I'm glad Sakura proved to him that there was nothing to be worried anymore :smile:

#469418 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 29 May 2013 - 04:18 PM

Did Sakura really say "Tsunade-sama, I've finally caught up with Naruto and Sasuke!", in the end? Was that an editors note?

I watched Sawyer's review and actually agree with him on that one. Because she's not on their level yet and even if, it sounds like she's settling for this level.

We've only seen one attack that showed her increase in speed and her punch which was titled, "explosion" in the chapter. Even, Hashirama praised her over HIS OWN granddaughter.


Only one attack showed that she's the ONLY ONE in the alliance that can keep up with Naruto and Sasuke. Yet, Only one attack is not enough to show ALL of her skill. I'm not saying she's god tier, but I'm not saying we should downgrade her skills when the manga itself said she can catch up with them.


"She's settling for this level"? How does he know? He can downgrade her actions as much as possible by mere assumptions that she's settling (when there's no indication that she's settling on that level) or that she can't catch up with them(when there are no manga panels contradicting her statement) as much as he wants but I'm not going to care anymore  :hm:

#469341 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 29 May 2013 - 03:15 PM


Thank you for the translation. Could you also tell us about the last panels?


What does Sakura say exactly when she talks about becoming Hokage? Is she talking to Naruto or both of the boys?

Sakura:...N!! Sasuke-kun! !

Naruto: Uhm~I'm here too....Sakura-chan! 

Sasuke: Don't get in the way Naruto!

Sakura: Yes! If you keep on saying about little things/minor details, I'm going to snatch the Hokage seat! 

Naruto: Eeeee~!!!Sakura-chan too!!? 


She was talking to Naruto. "The minor details" part is meant towards him because he was accusing her of not calling his name first.

So Sakura is teasing Naruto that she will take away his Hokage seat if he doesn't stop minding the minor details  :hehehe:

#469278 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 29 May 2013 - 02:02 PM

it seems that you really enjoyed this chapter :fu:  How badass was Sakura? And she's only at the beginning....


Ehi, dou you expect some kiss forehead from a certain blonde guy? :hehehe: Sometimes Kishi seems too predicable to me... Well, let's see...

I enjoyed it too much that I can't enjoy ANYTHING ELSE!!! GIVE ME MOAR OF MY SAKURA-CHAN WITHOUT NARUTO AND SASUKE :argh:


Oh...the forehead kiss...Well I have one scenario in mind :hehehe:


#469246 Naruto 632

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 29 May 2013 - 01:29 PM

Awesome! I couldn't concentrate on my job today because I read some of the spoilers and I was itching to read the manga!!


So, I see Sakura has already surpassed her senpai who was with Tsunade far more longer. This goes to show how talented she is. 


Awesome :th_yeah: Fantastic :yes: Beautiful :cry: Sakura-Chaaaaaannnnnnnn!! I read it while listening to "Kokuten", one of the songs in Naruto soundtracks. It made it helluva badass moment! 

Did you guys see how fast she was!? And her attack was like a freaking missile! It was bomb!! 


Oh and I'm going to ignore all those "Sakura is fangirling on Sasuke" comments. Calling out your friend's name, who was distant but returned to help you, makes the scene romantic? Lol NO.

#465821 Sakura; Naruto's Girlfriend

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 24 May 2013 - 01:12 PM

Yeah, I agree. He was serious(wasn't blushing like he always was), contemplated first with an eventual confident YEAH!!, and said that information to his own father. I don't know about Western Culture, but frankly I can't imagine myself introducing somebody as my lover to my parents unless I was serious about it. It's just weird to joke about such things, especially before your parents are going to die (in this case disappear after edo tensei).

I'll just re-post what I said in the chapter thread.

QUOTE (ramenanmitsu @ May 23 2013, 10:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was also thinking about why Naruto said, "Uuuuummmmhhhh~Uhm? Yeah!"

It makes me wonder if something happened on or behind the scenes that I didn't notice for the below.
1.) Their interaction against one another has changed.
a. The previous chapters
Naruto and Sakura's reactions were completely different compared to the previous chapters. When Konohamaru asked him, He blushed and said, "Wow you guys are perceptive!" (His face and posture was same with the Tazuna scene)
And Sakura has denied it, and punched him for making the wrong assumption. After that Naruto will just get hurt, a little disappointed and quiet (lol).

b. The current chapter
However this time, Naruto said it in a serious manner. His face didn't have the blush nor the hand behind the head when he's joking, or embarrassed. Sakura also didn't deny it like she used to. She head bumped him and he retorted back to her (in a cute way), WHICH he would have never done before! (Usually, he would get scared and shut up, especially if he's told to do so.)

2.) Naruto's contemplation and conviction
He was going, "Uuuuuuummmmmmhhhhhh" and I can assume he was probably reflecting the past. I don't think he was surprised by Minato's sudden blunt question, because if he was he would react like the time Sai asked that question("WHAT!?") instead of contemplating with "Uuuuuummmmmhhhhhh"

What makes me think is that while he was processing his thoughts, he suddenly came to a point of "Uhm?" and THEN said "YEAH!!!"
I am trying hard to think what this "Uhm?" part is. Because this "Uhm?" part is what lead him to say "YEAH!"
There must have been a certain episode he was reflecting when he thought "Uhm?", and that made him say Sakura is his girlfriend confidently.