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#794574 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 04 April 2015 - 04:32 AM

There's a new argument going on between fans or ex-fans regarding Kishimoto in the anti-THE LAST thread.
All this argument is happening due to Kishi's new interview or comment of BORUTO. I don't know whatever that is :shrug: But people are arguing on whether Kishi is only a victim and has the right to express his regrets or whether he's to blame.

New argument amongstJapanese fans/ex-fans

What do you guys think?
I'm among the people who thinks he's the one to blame, but many people including my friends, my sister and her husband say that he was forced to do this and they feel sorry for him :confused:

#794160 The Random Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 03 April 2015 - 04:00 PM


Anyone says hot?
You're hot. I'm cool. Our childrens will be like..


#793853 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 03 April 2015 - 05:00 AM

Actually, that's naruto in the nutshell.

Sasuke what are you doing?
Sasuke are you alright?
Sasuke when will you go home?

Come to think of it, he was pretty much a satellite character. Now that you mention it, NH does make sense in that aspect. They kind of share the same value.

#793701 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 03 April 2015 - 12:49 AM

So is that clone thing confirmed? 

I'm sure the clone thing is a joke. But if it's real, I'm gonna party like crazy :cool:

#793677 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 03 April 2015 - 12:11 AM

I think I'm accidentally turning myself into one if what I came up with truly happens tbh.

Let's hope he doesn't become a pairing fodder like his father.

#792833 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 01 April 2015 - 10:27 PM

In Naruto, anyone can redeemed. Atleast Obito made an effort towards redemption though he ought to clean up for what he did and did not deserve Rin. But Sasuke did nothing and yet again, he got everything handed over to him. So no. I mean Sasuke! Sasuke has done worse things and he is not redeemable at all

Sasuke did worse things than Obito? Like what? Trying to kill a baby? Killing the baby's parents? Creating a destructive organization and hunting jinchuurikis? Mass murdering and starting a huge war?

What Sasuke did was worse than Obito?

#792461 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 01 April 2015 - 04:06 PM

So you were the one who told him to do this ending ...  :hm: You're the one who's behind all of this !


That's why he was trying to throw the blame on luffyq1 in the Sakura Hiden thread...now everything is clear :hm:


#792292 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 01 April 2015 - 02:50 PM

One vote for Sakura
One vote for Karin
One vote for Orochimaru
One vote for Tobirama
One vote for Hashirama
Two votes for Sarutobi
Two votes for luffyq1
Two votes for Kaguya
Two votes for Kishi's wife

It's a tie between Sarutobi vs luffyq1 vs Kaguya

#792257 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 01 April 2015 - 02:31 PM

It's Sasuke's fault. If he stayed in the village like a good husband then Sakura wouldn't have felt any need to play matchmaker for Naruto and Hinata. :zaru:

Nah. It's Karin's fault. If she were able to seduce Sasuke, Sakura would have been too heart-broken to even play match-maker :zaru:

#792219 Sakura Hiden

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 01 April 2015 - 02:05 PM

Is there any section of the fandom that is sympathetic to Naruto, as he was forced to love Hinata and become a scumbag because of her? Or is there just rampant hatred for him, her, Sakura, Sasuke, and everyone else?

In the anti-THE LAST thread I only mostly see hatred towards Naruto and Hinata. But these days people don't mention the 'worst scumbag' or the 'white-eyed pig' separately. They are thought of as one entity 'The Death God Couple'. But the hatred is more towards Naruto because the Hinatafans are raging and complaining that their favorite character had to marry a scumbag :lmao: :lmao: They are even telling others to stop blaming everything on Hinata and all this is the scumbag's fault.

#792186 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 01 April 2015 - 01:12 PM

I was thinking about something, I don't know if I already said it or not, but the love triangle Naru-Saku-Sasu reminds me of the one in "Nana" => Nobu-Hachi-Takumi 

Do not open if you are willing to read Nana

Another thing: remember when the preview of chapter 699/700 was released, we had that blonde girl from "Nisekoi" who was saying "who will Naruto choose? Sakura or Hinata? " ...Little did we know that the last chapter would be about "with whom Naruto had children"..Plus we thought that it was pretty obvious that Naruto was going to end up with Sakura...Such beautiful and heartwarming memories  :pinch:

Whom Naruto is going to choose is a great question, especially when he has been stripped off of his rights to choose.

#791970 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 01 April 2015 - 01:12 AM

Sometimes, when I lurk around different Naruto Forums/ Sites, I just feel like most of Naruto fandom is full of Absolute Idiots ......smh.

Naruto is a story of the idiots, by an idiot, for the idiots.
-by a random Abraham

#791203 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 31 March 2015 - 12:43 AM

Of course it's like a bad fan fiction. If it wasn't it wouldn't be an accurate and realistic portrayal of SP's storytelling.

#791187 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 31 March 2015 - 12:32 AM

I do too, Sasuke don't need Hinata in his life especially since they don't know each other, that's why my biggest concern isn't the pairing but their interaction and apparently friendship if they have one, SP needs to leave everything alone..

How I expect SP to write SH.

Sasuke realizes how amazing Hinata is and then becomes close with her and SP inserts a scene where Naruto gets jealous(again) seeing the two interact. It turns out that Hinata was the first person to comfort Sasuke when his clan got murdered. And Hinata was the only person Sasuke could confide to, and his friendship with Naruto started as a replacement from his relationship with Hinata because they became separate teams.

In the end, Hinata tells Sasuke to go home to his wife and Sasuke agrees. And Hinata comforts Naruto who was depressed and jealous that Hinata might have chosen Sasuke as a punishment of neglecting being his husband.

Happy End.

#791159 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ramenanmitsu on 31 March 2015 - 12:06 AM

I think the real reason Neji died was because he was the most popular Hinata pairing. In order to make Hinata the heroine and appease the Hinata fans, they needed to kill Neji so the Hinata fans won't get disappointed with NH happening(to make Hinata the heroine). That's what I think.

Now I think you know why I'm afraid to find out that Hinata fans and the antis are talking about SH right?