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#972471 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by jak123 on 17 April 2019 - 11:18 PM

lol i feel stupid looking at those pictures. They look so alike and yet I'm being told they are not related and rather sarada wears glasses as a coincidence  :lmao: I mean do sasusaku fans or naruto fans who watch this garbage have any self respect or long term memory. How would karin even be aware of sakura's "unrivaled strength? 

Because the obsessive Karin gave up and became the bestest friends with the girl who took away her Sasuke. Karin's personality seem out of place as well.

#972453 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by jak123 on 15 April 2019 - 11:11 PM

Karin is being used in Boruto to validate Sasque and Sakra’s sexual act that resulted in Salads?

Like.. for what reason she is saying things like this??




This is so stupid.. I’m so sad, Karin’s character is only used to stuff with S//S and nothing else. kitten PIERROT!!!

She deserve more than that!! I was happy with she being happy for Sasuke, but this is too much!!!!!!


Source : Tumblr

Except she clearly is Karin's child. They act like she couldn't get the super strength by training. Sakura got hers because she trained under Tsunade and last I checked, they aren't related.

#972363 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by jak123 on 11 April 2019 - 11:38 PM

It is still a weird argument.

So she doesn't deserve Naruto because she hurt him, but she deserves Sasuke because he hurt her? What, is that saying she deserves the punishment Sasuke gives her because she feels like a bad person?

The whole concept of people dictating how a person should feel rather than asking them how they feel is such a selfish and stupid thing. How could someone else possibly know how someone else feels? Naruto has made no hints that he likes Hinata, so how would Sakura know at all?

That's strikes me as just really big stupidity and it is insulting in my opinion.

I am reminded of Finn from Adventure Time when he is in love with Princess Bubblegum. "I was in love with you once and you broke my heart. Now when I am ready to move on you want me back"

These people try to get you to understand by trying to brainwashing you into believing something you really don't. Naruto doesn't deserve Sakura, he doesn't deserve Hinata. They are both manipulative in their own way, but Naruto wanted Sakura because he felt amazing with her....something everyone forgets even the characters themselves for their own selfish gain. Sadly, Naruto just went along with it and gave up rather than fight back.

Meanwhile Sasuke is like "whatever shuts you up faster."

Ugh, AT's ending felt like Korra to me. Fanservice to the shippers and nothing more.

#972261 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by jak123 on 07 April 2019 - 01:31 PM


That's disturbing ... The fact that Obito will murder Kushina and her husband latter.


I F-ing hate uchihas .... they are all need to be exterminated and burn in hell.

As much as i hate Danzou , he make one right decision which is to kill them all.

While he did kill them, considering all that Obito went through, I found him to be kind of a tragic character. Way more than kittening Sasuke.

#972237 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by jak123 on 06 April 2019 - 03:24 PM



Because they needed some way for the nonsensical main couple to "make sense" when they only interact in the main story a handful of times. They also needed to make the girl who made actual sense into a scumbag by coming up with some absurd reasoning as to why Naruto liked her.

#972064 You, Like A Sun Flower (AU NaruSaku High School Doujin)

Posted by jak123 on 29 March 2019 - 01:58 AM

Sorry i haven't updated this in a while writing the ending phase of my book has really been taking up my time, but iI decided to check up on this and see what's been new. Much to my surprise the latest update of this chapter is the finale.. That is pretty damn crazy if you ask me, but anyway it's time to dive in for the final chapter. 


You, Like A Sun Flower Chapter 20 (Finale)





My Thoughts: I will say reading this chapter by itself was very good, and at first looking at this as a finale did feel kind of abrupt. At least that's how it was until I reread the doujin from the beginning, and reading this final chapter it actually does kinda feel like a closer because the only real loose thread was the entire ordeal with Iruka.. It was really neat seeing what the relationship between Iruka and Naruto was in this story, and the explanation as to why he left Naruto in this specific storyline does hold some merit. Is it the greatest explanation?  Not really, but like I said it does fit. My favorite parts of this finale is of course not only the relationship between NaruSaku, but also the kiss at the very end which was pretty beautiful. Overall, this doujin was a great read I wouldn't call it an amazing story.... the best word I can describe is sweet :D 



Meh. Most of the chapter was spent on Iruka. It felt really rushed.

#972035 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by jak123 on 27 March 2019 - 02:17 PM

Is it sad that with the latest episodes of Boruto we are getting more fights scenes with jugo than we ever did in part 2?



Because Naruto never did anything with Sasuke's team. That was such a useless plot point.

#971900 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by jak123 on 19 March 2019 - 04:38 PM



That was kind of strange especially since Hiro Mashima actually delivers on the romance department in his series I mean: 














Haru x Ellie - Rave Master 



Not only was this the first manga I ever read, but these 2 were (still is) also My original OTP before NaruSaku came into the picture. 

Yeah, Haru and Ellie were great. The weird part is Lucy and Natsu had quite a bit more romantic development compared to Haru and Ellie. In Rave, Haru and Ellie didn't really see romantic development until the second half of the manga. In the first half, they became best friends. Yeah, same thing happened with Lucy and Natsu, but you also saw the romance elements especially from Lucy.

#971724 kingdom hearts

Posted by jak123 on 11 March 2019 - 03:27 PM

That's the rhetoric SoRi fans on Tumblr are spinning because they're in denial and want to downplay the romantic symbolism of Paopu fruit. To add to the delusion, they even tried to accuse Kairi of being a bad friend to Riku for not sharing it with him. The Japanese VAs in the newest KH Ultimania even said that the Paopu scene was meant to convey Sora and Kairi's feelings for each other. They even mentioned that Nomura had them act out an alternate scene without the Paopu promise because he was still debating whether he wanted Sora and Kairi to be official in this game or the next.

And yeah, Riku's Japanese VA confirmed that Riku had a thing for Kairi.

Well, the paopu got in so I guess he decided to make them official. I don't like when authors cater to the shipping crowd, but considering how Sora and Kairi were built up from the first game, it would have been dumb to not do it.



He did in the first game definitely, but he clearly gave up because he knew they liked each other. 

#971719 kingdom hearts

Posted by jak123 on 11 March 2019 - 02:29 PM

I've heard that the paopu stuff supposedly isn't meant to be romantic. Like what? It's been pretty much established from the beginning that it was. Hell, Sora and Riku are basically fighting over Kairi in the first game. Just because Kairi and Sora don't outright say they love each other doesn't mean it can't be romantic.

#971560 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by jak123 on 28 February 2019 - 10:24 PM

Yeah, unfortunately, it's more of those "X 'deserves' Y" moments coupled with the "nice guy" supporters.

Suwa was a really great friend who supported Naho over his own happiness, yes, but that doesn't give anyone the right to just take away Naho's own choice in who she wants to love either. Does it seem "unfair" to Suwa after all he had done? Sure, I can see why one might think so, but life isn't fair.

This is how NHers were with Hinatatas. "Hinatatas was always so nice to Naruto-kun! She deserves him after not being noticed for so long!", and is also where there's whole "nice guy" thing where people get it in their heads that all you have to do is "be nice" and the object of your affection will just magically fall into your lap without you having to actually do anything to develop the relationship any further. It's an extremely selfish mindset to have - that you're essentially only "being nice" not for the sake of actually being nice (like Suwa and others), but with the expectation of being handed the "reward" of the love of the object of your affection.

Plus people seem to ignore the fact that in the first timeline, Suwa pounced on her for his own selfish reasons while she was in a moment of weakness after Kakeru's death. And I've seen people go "Oh, he was only there for her as a substitute for Kakeru." That would have been true in the second timeline if Kakeru died because that version of Suwa was influenced by the letters. The original one wasn't. If you watch the epilogue movie, there are implications that future Naho still wasn't over Kakeru because of all the regret she had and Suwa knew that so their marriage might not be as great as it seemed in the show.

#971520 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by jak123 on 27 February 2019 - 08:33 PM

Whelp, I lost another OTP.

If anyone remembers Grimgar or read it I was a HaruhiroxYume fan, but alas it was not meant to be. It is pretty much canon of HaruhiroxMary. Plus, it is heavy hinted to RangixYume.

I always lose pairings wars.

I have a nasty habit of liking pairings that never become canon. It seems like I am a walking Murphy's law. Whatever I like, it never happens. Whatever I do, the worst occurs. If I didn't have bad luck, I would have no luck at all.

This is why I don't have OTPs anymore.

See I tend to go with whatever the story pushes in terms of pairing unless there are glaring flaws that make no sense. 


Let's take Orange for example. People were mad that Naho doesn't end up with Suwa in the 2nd timeline, but seem to ignore the fact that it was always about her saving and reconciling with Kakeru. Even the first timeline Suwa said that if Kakeru had survived then she would have rejected him (Suwa). 

#971379 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by jak123 on 21 February 2019 - 12:05 AM

So I just found this HILARIOUS review from someone who's pretty much a pro-ender on Mangaupdates.


I will be short.

A lot of things could be said of this manga. I still remember watching Naruto anime as a kid, even though I don't really like the Shippuden LOL
People say it gets worse, I think it's just different by the end than at the beginning. The main points are not the same.
I agree that Sasuke and Naruto's conflict was dragged too long, and from my perspective, their fight should have been more epic and long... it was not enough for me. The 4th war arc seemed really long while reading it when we had to wait until next chapter, but if you reread it now that you don't have to stop in the middle... It almost feels like it's short hahaha
Naruto has changed a lot throught the years, but each part of the manga has its charms for me.
At first is more comical and the main point was Naruto trying to obtain the recognition of te village... and also the Kakashi team. Those two things were the middle of everything.
Then we get throught Akatsuki and Sasuke's conflict. I really liked it, because it was more emotional and intense.
When we get to the end, topics like war, peace and hate come around. At it was interesting too. Different.
It's possible that you like more the beginning, or the ending or the middle part... but they are all different and that makes this manga really good for me. You don't get tired of it.
I see a lot of people talking about the couples... I don't think that's the important thing of Naruto ending hahaha pat I will give my point of view:

Sasuke and Sakura being together seems natural for me... It's true that it could have been better explained... I still think that the "Sasuke problem's ending" was too rushed... but well. I think they end together because Sakura never stopped loving him, and at the end that makes him love her back. Sakura and Naruto? That doesn't make sense, would have been stupid. She never looked him that way. Why insist on making two good friends a couple when it's obvious there's nothing?
Naruto and Hinata was obvious since the beginning... and more since the Pain and Naruto fight. From that point those two had some "moments" that confirmed this was gonna be the outcome. I dind' find it surprising at all.
I read people saying it was absurd that Chouji married Karui. Why?? Chouji never showed interest in any particular way, and I found this outcome a smart way of uniting different ninja countries. 
Sai and Ino? Not a crazy ending for me, either. Ino was never gonna end with Sasuke, that was 100% for sure hahaha And Sai is somewhat like Sasuke... but completely different, you get me? Those two had one funny moment when Sai called her "gorgeous" implying she was ungly lololol and then she imagined him and Sasuke fighting over her.


Sasuke and Sakura were natural?! It didn't make sense that Sakura and Naruto would have ended up together? NARUTO AND HINATA WERE OBVIOUS FROM THE START!?


Jesus, are pro-enders this stupid?

#971073 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by jak123 on 07 February 2019 - 03:23 PM


yeah I don't even know what the story is with Bleach.


Black Clover, I believe is still quite popular despite all the negativity surrounding it. I'm not actually sure of what the statistics are for the anime's popularity, nor do I know for sure if it is a big money maker for SP but I think it is doing quite well since it was renewed for new episodes. It originally was supposed to be 13 then pushed to 51, after that point the episodes kept rolling so, yeah. But again I don't know for sure, I am personally a big fan though :smile:  

Alot of the negativity seems to come from the poor anime adaptation. I really enjoy the manga.

#970839 kingdom hearts

Posted by jak123 on 30 January 2019 - 12:52 AM

I'm hearing it's a pretty good game overall. Yeah, it's got some problems (what game doesn't), but is no where near as bad as some people have been vocal about. I've heard some complaints about the story and plot points not being resolved, but this game isn't the last KH. Those plot points will probably come up in future titles.