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#731032 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 13 January 2015 - 03:55 AM

WIll you guys ever stop whining about Naruto ? Seriously that's not worth it, don't try to look for logic or common sense, they just tought they would make more money by catering to the loud minority made up of self insert fanboys and fangirls but the only thing they ended up doing is dividing the fandom, they made a bet and they most likely lost it, just enjoy the ride and watch as this serie slowly burn, Kishi's credibility is definitively gone and if the new generation flops Kishi can't even go back and make other movies because he has lost a great part of his fandom thanks to this ending and destroyed the characters beyond repair, compare that to Dragon Ball Z which still generates profits so many years after the ending new movies new videogames even fanmade manga, the same will most likely be true for one piece because Oda is a man of integrity who is sure of himself and what he writes, in the case of Naruto the damage can't be undone and any future projects will always be tainted by this garbage ending. That's what you get for being a greedy man with no integrity and an idiot who let others decide for you what could be the best course for his manga. If you still want to enjoy Naruto there are fantastic fanfictions that will give you a better closure than Kishimoto can ever dream of, Naruto canon is dead.

#730569 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 12 January 2015 - 07:44 PM

At this rate, it feels like they're just borrowing the characters and just make them anything they want.

15 years of consistent characterization and character development arent that important anyway.

#730136 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 12 January 2015 - 04:46 AM


I think he did thanks to his own sense of perceived popularity, he said back at JF in 2010 that people were always saying  hinata - hinata to him




Since Kishi is not a social person ( the life of a mangaka is pretty hard) the people who said this are probably from his work so they could be

-  his assistants (link_papa is clearly a hinata fan) 

- one of his new editors

- someone from SP


I guess he was swayed to this false sense of popularity by these guys and the fan letters of some rabid fan girls and worked his story accordingly because he most likely was already tired of it ( this is why we can see his clearly lack of dedication in some panels during the horrible war arc) and wanted to make easy cash out of it


In the end I guess, his greed. naivety and laziness are coming back to bite him the ass since its proved that his ending was an ending that most of the jap fans ( main fanbase ) disliked and his movie is not living up to its hype...

Kishi forgot Naruto IS a shounen, consistent storyline and good fights are the main things he should focus on. By trying to appease the rabid NH/SS fangirls and following his assistants/Sp/his new editors words like a blind man he most likely ended up digging up the grave of the franchise. 

Most likely what happened but that's his own fault for being out of touch with his fanbase and letting retards around him affects his choices, a writer should always stick to his ideas but Kishimoto is a greedy man who tought ending the manga this way would bring him more money, I think he will soon realize the consequences of his poor choices if he didn't already.

#724018 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 04 January 2015 - 05:06 PM

mehh not trying to defend Hinata but most of Naruto characters belong to a mental asylum, they are obsessive, irrational, masochist, selfish and the list goes on. Sometimes I really wonder what goes trough Kishi's sick mind.

#723995 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 04 January 2015 - 04:17 PM

Kishimoto is a hack who was lucky enough to be successful and an awkward individual with little to no understanding of human psychology there's nothing more to it, most of the ideas in the beginning of the Naruto manga were never his to begin with. Even if he has nothing to do with the movie he still agreed to the script when said script contradicts everything we have been reading and rewrites Narutos character and Narutos story completely, he's just incompetent and that's it, a shining example of what a writer should never be.

#721838 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 02 January 2015 - 05:01 PM

A fellow Tobirama lover.  :argh:
That's marvelous!  :wow:
To think he was the only person who understood how to be a proper Hokage. And he's the most hated Hokage ever.  :zaru:
Mercifully he didn't comment, and just dissolved in dust, I'm sure he would have been horrified to see Konoha become a place full of skyscrapers and MacBooks and people who take selfies.  :hm:

The only intelligent character pragmatic but just and a noble man ready to sacrifice his life if necessary, he's also the one who came up with the village system and is the creator of most powerful ninjutsu like edo tensei, kage bunshin and hirashin the rest are nothing more than mere copies, he truly is the only one who deserves the title of genius but is underestimated and misunderstood.
Did I forget to say that he's a sexy beast and hot too ?

He left in peace entrusting the new generation, fortunately he won't have to see what Konoha has turned into under the rule of the worst scumbag. May he rest in peace truly the greatest hokage.

kishi shouldn't bring minato back during the war....cause all he did was ruining in some way his character.Wasn't he supposed to be the strongest hokage or whatever ? He didn't do great things to fight obito especially since he was the one in cause of his own and wife deaths ! He was also his student...I expected more from him...

Kishi's ability to let us down is amazing, isn't it ? Lots of hype but always fails to deliver.

#721822 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 02 January 2015 - 04:31 PM

Naruto characters are some of the worst characters ever written but at least Kishi didn't have enough time to damage my Tobirama, he was on his way tough starting to praise little kittens like Naruto and Sasuke but he left before it was too late.

#721687 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 02 January 2015 - 12:23 PM

Ramen please explain to me how does Narusasu and SS are the same thing, as much as I hate Narusasu at least it's fleshed out during the whole manga with tons of flashbacks and Naruto can stand up to Sasuke. SS on the contrary is never fleshed out beyond Sakura's shallow feelings, even Sakura's flashback is of her fangirling about Sasuke while Sasuke is completely apathetic, there's nothing from Sasuke's side during the whole part 2 while for Narusasu you can see how much Naruto affects him. Sasuke treats Sakura like horsehit and Sakura doesn’t even stand up to him even one time but that’s okay because the 2 are main characters wow. As for the "coolest guy" comment are you telling me people over there accepts it ? But I shouldn't be surprised after all a kitten character like Sasuke is the most popular over there. I may dislike NH but it doesn’t compare to how disgusting SS is, if that’s the japanese's fandom view then I don't want anything to do with them, that an abusive relationship based on shallow feelings is deemed ok completely conflicts with my values (and any sane person's values for that matter).

It seems to me that most of these people are kittening about why their personal's favorite didn’t get more screentime instead of why the story failed on every level and is inconsistent and incoherent with what was written beforehand while not providing any answers to the important plot points and leaving plotholes left and right.
At the end the japanese fandom is not really different from the western fandom, as long as they get what they want the rest doesn’t matter, no wonder a kitten writer like Kishi could make tons of money and I'm sure he will be able to still make money with a fanbase like that all he has to do is to provide fanservice and they will gladly buy it, the story the themes don't matter as long as we can get more Sasuke kun. It's really time to move on not only from this manga but also from its toxic fanbase.

#720589 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 31 December 2014 - 09:22 PM

Happy new year everyone
Bonne année tout le monde
May all your wishes come true
Que tous vos voeux se réalisent
And may SP go bankrupt and Kikitten never hold a pen or write again.

Going back to drink some more party time, see you all later.

LOL omg, I nearly died just now...I thought I lost the Stylus to my Note...but I found it  :argh:

So you have a note (note 4 I guess), I had the note 2 and now I own the note 3 I don't think I can go back to any other phone I just love the note, as for the stylus you have an option for an alarm when the phone is too far away from his stylus, in any case a note's stylus isn't very expensive you can buy one very easily so no worries dear.

#720053 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 31 December 2014 - 09:35 AM

You gotta love Kishi tough, he establishes a love triangle right at chapter 3 and then confirms it all troughout the manga and at the last chapter he explains to you that in fact the love triangle never existed and that Naruto was in love all along with a character for whom he has shown no romantic feelings during the 700 chapters.
According to Kishi and the last it's not only NS which has been a mislead, the whole manga has been one huge red herring and a mislead. Genius writing.

Edit : forgot to add apparently Sakura has been Sasuke's love interest since the beginning.
How can a man be so full of kitten is beyond me ?

#719932 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 31 December 2014 - 05:16 AM

So Michael Bay film? Gotcha!


I'm so glad that the reception is really negative. To be honest, if they were to side with them, you know, eat anything Kishi toss, then I think we at all loss. So in a way, we're in the side of true fan, which is great. It's like if all fans of Lost loved it, world would end.

Kishi and SP helped a lot, instead of making NH and SS canon without going into depth about how they happened they decided to make a movie full of OOC characters, retcons and asspulls ; they tricked the various fandoms into preordering the tickets when they knew their favorite characters wouldn't appear or play an important role and under the flase pretense that it would be the last movie, that's why they call it a fraud in Japan, and thanks to them they increased the Hinata and NaruHina hate by extension. Add to that Kishi's outrageous interviews and we get a fiasco, these morons only saw the benefits at court term but professional businessmen always look at the benefits at middle and long term. They broke the trust that they had with the fandom, and trust isn't something easy to get back.

What a disastrous strategy ! they put into jeopardy their cash cow, they will continue to make money out of it but they could have made much more money, very bad move.


He didn't even moved on, he didn't even matured like NH fans like to say, what happened was a complete disregard for his canon manga feelings, they were literally retconned and the end process made naruto look like a scumbag

It's not even that at this point, they just deconstructed Naruto character, he's by no means the same one we knew in the manga, Naruto has always been an idiot but he never was an emotional retard on the contrary Naruto always has been the most empathetic character in the manga that's exactly why he could connect with other character's feelings Sakura's included but Kishimoto knew he couldn't make Naruto move on and give up because that would mean his hero failed and we can't have that, he was at a dead end and he choose the worst solution possible instead of sticking to what was written since 600+ chapters. Looking at the interview with Yagahi he was the one with the concept of a love triangle and it was him who was handling it perfectly till Kishi decided to add his little touch and we got the failfession, since then romance and the whole manga has been getting worse and worse with each chapter. Horrible horrible writer.

#719075 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 30 December 2014 - 04:35 AM

I'm going to advice my brother to watch the movie he's no shipper by any stretch of the imagination but he hates Hinata with a burning passion because he considers she's responsible for Neji's death and a waste of good paper and ink, of course he isn't aware there's a movie after the ending nor does he know what it's about even tough he owns the first 55 volumes he isn't a hardcore fan. I'm going to hype him about this movie and tell him he mustn't miss it, this is my payback for making me discover Naruto.

#718073 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 29 December 2014 - 04:20 AM

Hinata is likeable than sakura, but I never think her popularity is justified.
I think Hinata popularity has something to do with her confenssion and kishi failure to properly develop sakura thus lead to his give up on her character.
Yes, naruto is not truly popular male character either.
Yes, sadly it's the popularity that matter.

Just another waste potential.

Sakura is not popular, if she's than why she lose to Hinata in the latest popularity poll? Yes, it was 4 years ago. But at that time people questioning sakura heroine status because of her confession to the point kishi need to defend her and promise to give her more heroine role.

Did he fulfill his promise? No he didn't, he demote sakura status and role.
And give Hinata another big moment.

I think you're really oversetimating Hinata's popularity in Japan, we have multiple japanese who confirmed Hinata isn't that popular in Japan and who confirmed Sakura and Neji were more popular, they had to market the movie with Naruto Sasuke and Kakashi to make these fandoms believe they would have an active part because they knew Hinata wasn't popular enough to make people see the movie, besides NS is way more popular there so I really think this whole Hinata is more popular from Kishi is just Studio pierrot crap. Either way even if Hinata was more popular it doesn't warrant to change the character's status and your whole story to try to force her onto the plot and as the main character's love interest at the end of the manga without any build up while at the same time degrading your "heroine" just to please fans because at the end it makes your story disconnected and look like an asspull (which it is). The bad reception of this movie is proof enough that Kishi isn't really aware of what his fanbase wanted, he made a gamble and I think he failed (only time will tell), he lost a great part of his fanbase not only in Japan but also in the West and I'm not talking only about NS fans far from it. Never ever use popularity to completely rewrite the manga, Kishi made an error and I think he will soon realize it.

#717965 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 29 December 2014 - 01:30 AM

Neji : FOR NH!!!!

Yeah, the thing that keep me read this manga after pain arc is the battle and NS. In war arc the thing that keep me to read this manga is NS. And maybe naruto vs sasuke.

When I only care about pairing in shonen battle manga, it only show how bad this manga has become.

Same I'm actually reding Hunter X hunter and man everything flows so well, really a great shonen and no cheap drama.

The war arc was really awful, established rules being broken left and right, everyone can use doton when it was said a shinobi can only use 2 elements and 3 at best, Naruto saved when half of Kyubi was put back into him then why did Kushina die ?, the horrible Obito revelation (while I think the concept of a dark Naruto was a good idea the way it has handled was so poor : "Rin, Rin, Rin" again good idea poor execution ), Sakura and Hinata more focused on their love interest when the world is at stake get your priorities straight for kitten's sake (how is that realistic ?), the underwelming Juubi (so much hype for that), the reincarnation kitten, ghost Obito and Kakashi's perfect Susano, cheap power up, boring fights, boring villains, rushed NaruSasu and the apotheose of course with the ending. Kishi really outdid himself with each chapter, kittening hack.

#717557 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Awes9 on 28 December 2014 - 12:51 PM

Lol Kishi, not only is he a terrible writer he also has shown he has no personality. A real writer sticks to his ideas until the end and doesn't use popularity to alter the outcome of his story.
What's weird is before this ending, the last and Kishi's interviews I had lost interest in everything Naruto related but I don't know why this fiasco has reignited my love for NS.

Some nice links that gives more dignity to Naruto's characters and Naruto in general :
Much more IC than the garbage we have been given.