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#890095 NaruSaku Official Adaptation on Netflix/Anime? Would you Support It?

Posted by Legend054 on 29 November 2015 - 01:32 AM

If it's NS HELL YEAH i support it! 

#889852 NS - True Believers

Posted by Legend054 on 27 November 2015 - 06:35 AM

Yes thanks for this thread! I'm glad there are sitll people like me out there that are looking for hope. Naruto was my favorite character and anime ever it inspired me a lot so its hard for me to really move on. but i won't pick up the anime ever again unless they reboot the series or fix the ending which is very unlikely. but i still have hope because the ending was just that bad, there is no way kishi thinks he ended it in a good way unless he really doesn't give a fuk or have too much pride to admit his mistakes. the least he could do is give us an alternate canon ending and i will be satisfied just to see ns happen or end without NH&SS in it.


actually i think in the end madara won and mind fukked all the ninjas. they're living inside madara's infinite tsukyomi and no one has ever escaped it. so madara is the real winner!!

#879597 Behold The Man Who Didn't Understand Love.

Posted by Legend054 on 02 October 2015 - 06:42 AM

This made my day seeing the good old Naruto, pure gold.


Yup it's disappointing that in the end Hinata was the only character who got the royal treatment because of her nastiest fanboys in the world. They had to kill off Neji for a naruhina moment, a pairing that never made sense to begin with. So, they had to make The Last and come up with even more kitten for naruhina. And I thought The Last was going to be about the final battle between Naruto and Sasuke, because it's called 'The Last' right, but instead we got a chick flick Hinata movie. What a way to trick the fans. I feel sorry for those who didn't see it coming and actually paid to see it on theatres and had a bad time.


I actually would have preferred SS over NH, because I think Sakura was truly in love with Sasuke and they actually had some meaningful moments in part 1 compared to NH. But SS still shouldn't have happened because part 2 sasuke had gone completely mad and was no longer redeemable after the five kage summit which i liked about his character until he turned 180 degrees in the wat and the talk no jutsu from Naruto. That was very lame, the same thing that happened to pain who should've kicked naruto's ass. things were just rushed and handled poorly

#874700 My Reflection on Naruto

Posted by Legend054 on 07 September 2015 - 04:55 AM

That makes sense since the show is about Naruto after all. Him becoming Hokage was kind of expected. It's nice to see him achieve his life long dream, but to pair him up with Hinata was just wrong and OOC for Naruto. It's like pairing him up with Tenten, wtf right? That killed it for me.

#870612 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Legend054 on 21 August 2015 - 02:45 AM

Although I probably wouldnt be in favor of it The Last: Sakura version would at least make sense because of all those years of development they had together unlike the asspulled NH moments. I don't mind a little romance in naruto as long it's with NS or shiktema and minakushi

#862460 Kishimoto confirms no Part 3

Posted by Legend054 on 30 July 2015 - 01:07 PM

I agree, it should have ended at Pain arc

#861101 New Kishimoto interview

Posted by Legend054 on 27 July 2015 - 08:52 AM

I didn't came to be interested in Naruto due to shipping for example, me shipping NS was just a natural conclusion because the story I was reading was obviously leading up to such ending


Well I'm not going to say any more but i agree with this. As a kid, I was only interested to see naruto grow stronger as a ninja, so I never expected to see any pairings, shipping wars and some love story. But yeah naruto’s crush on sakura in part 1 always gave me the impression that they would eventually end up together at the end. Since it’s a shonen, we expect the main protagonist to win the girl he likes especially when it’s the heroine. At first naruto was resented by sakura, but there was no doubt in my mind that they’d form a strong relationship later on and maybe sakura reciprocating feelings for naruto. Since naruto is the main protagonist, portrayed as a loser in the beginning, we all were expecting that type of character would eventually win and have everything his way at the end; accomplish his dream, beat his rival and win the girl he always liked since the beginning. It sounds stereotypical, but that’s how it was meant to be. Unfortunately we didn’t get that

#859376 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Legend054 on 23 July 2015 - 05:53 AM

sigh... Why do I keep torturing myself by even thinking about this ... Damn it this hurts so much... 




It sucks no matter what I do I can't just seem to let them go. 

I feel you, NS should've been the endgame

#858833 New Kishimoto interview

Posted by Legend054 on 22 July 2015 - 02:55 AM


If he was a good author to begin with he wouldn't let himself be fooled due to marketing and fan nonsense.


The fandom was and still is toxic as hell...it wouldn't change even if the ending was an acceptable one so I don't really see how you could blame the fandom for anything other than ruining the state of the discussions within the fandom 


it sounds like you're trying to take the blame out of Kishi when you say he was forced, no, the last decision comes from him, Naruto ended up like this thanks to him unless there's proof that SP held KIshi at gunpoint so he could finish the story like this


It’s just like you said the fandom is toxic to the story, so how can you not blame them? They were the ones asking for NH romance and they got it. It probably didn’t matter that much to Kishi who Naruto would end up with as he never intended it to be a love story in the first place. So it simply came down to which ship had the loudest following and that proved to be NH. Kishi did them a favor because without them Naruto most likely wouldn’t be this much popular. SP is to blame as well because of their fanservice that had made a lot of fans become obsessed with NH. Yes I ultimately blame Kishi for fking up his story, but you can’t blame him for everything, he didn’t do it all by himself and we don’t know what he was going through when he was writing the ending.

#858772 New Kishimoto interview

Posted by Legend054 on 22 July 2015 - 01:00 AM

What I meant was the only reason NH happened was because it seemed to have the largest following of all the other ship. so, Kishi were most likely forced to do it for money. Ultimately, I blame Kishi for allowing this to happen. However, I wouldn't put all the blame on him, as the fans also played a big factor on making this happen.

#848403 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Legend054 on 25 June 2015 - 03:37 AM

Wait you thought Hinata looked ugly as you always find her unattractive or her design is ugly? Because remember the only thing i know SP will never do is make Hinata look bad in any way (in their minds of what looks bad).


Hinata always looked ugly to me because of her byakugan and her character was never a perfect fit for Naruto. I'm shonen fan and I know Sakura should have ended up with Naruto. Even Kishi wanted NS, but he was persuaded by a lot of people who fell for Hinata's 'cuteness'

#847012 Jurassic World

Posted by Legend054 on 22 June 2015 - 05:56 AM

Seen all the last three Jurassic Park movies for about 5 times already and I liked all of them equally. I still have to see Jurassic World, looks really good!!

#846991 I would love Studio Pierrot if the anime ended differently

Posted by Legend054 on 22 June 2015 - 03:52 AM

the cpr episode was okay. i'm not caught up with the anime, but still got hooked into that episode. i dont really pay attention to the animation, but the cpr scene could have been better. they just brushed it off like it was nothing special when sakura was saving naruto's life, that was very significant moment right there. they shouldve put more effort into sakura's thoughts, but they are hina fans so i'm not surprised.

#843910 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Legend054 on 16 June 2015 - 08:03 AM

omg boruto as sakura's son would be the best ever!!!!!!

#839379 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Legend054 on 07 June 2015 - 04:39 AM

im hoping kishi can twist all this or at least the anime does not end up like the manga. im giving them chance till it's all over.