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#885188 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by narusaku256 on 02 November 2015 - 01:35 PM

Ah Ah Ah... Sorry... :sweat:
I've been reliving the BAD old days... :sweatdrop:

There's nothing there but headache! People can have their nonsensical pairing drama whereas we remain content with NS :sweat: NS will live on!

#885185 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by narusaku256 on 02 November 2015 - 12:57 PM

To me the 615 was a bad, BAD, BAD sign And I left everything Naruto related completely after that chapter (yes, Heaven and earth too) and then come back only at the end (too much stress). :twitch:
The Nejis death was just absurd, wrong, hurried Followed by a near total Hinatas indifference (Naruto and his big warm HAND? Yeah, yeah, hand :lmao:).
Such inept and brutal decision (in HALF chapter) Why? Why not two, three, chapters? :cry:
To prevent the Japanese fans reaction and their possible plea for his savety. THIS IS THE REASON. :down:
And when Kishimoto says: Neji is dead for Naruhina that doesn't mean because Naruto and Hinata could get close but it means because the more popular Japanese Hinata pairing (NejiHina) died with Neji. :smack:
And we want to speak about Narutos awful words to Hinata and the poor Sakura's reaction? :facepalm:
At that point, given the fickleness of Narutos feelings, why would she give up her feeling for Sasuke? On what basis? :bash:
In the end his love was only a lie. :sad:
Or, more, EVERYTHING was only a lie. :zaru:

There there....it's all okay now since none of it really matters anymore

#884407 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by narusaku256 on 28 October 2015 - 04:38 AM

Two characters....just two characters is all it took to screw up the story. One being a parasite to all the other characters and one...well...the whole series!

#884336 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 27 October 2015 - 04:50 PM

my father.... :headscratch:

My mom too :sweatdrop: And she likes it like crazy :argh:

#884238 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 27 October 2015 - 04:30 AM

That's not romance at all. You can't have a relationship based on one partner being interested and the other partner not. There was never anything from Sasuke showing that he was interested. Even after she once again said she loved him and cried in front of his face, he flat out rejected her without any crack in his defense. If he cared, the pain in her voice and expression would have cracked him. There was no connection in 693, and therefore she couldn't reach him.
The same applies for Naruto and Hinata. Even with 615 he never showed romantic interest in her. 631 showed he still had feelings for Sakura. Even after his fight with Sasuke it's clear that he hadn't moved on. They had to devote an entire movie to genjutsuing (Read Brainwashing) him into caring about her. That's not love, or romance. It's its twisted alter ego, Obsession. Love is not obsession, it is mature. It's finding the balance between you and the other person, not recklessly charging into something because of a decades long harbored fantasy. And honestly this is why most relationships these days fail and why there are so many NH/SS fans. It's escapism. In many ways we've lost our maturity and more important our selflessness. We want things now, like getting kissed for saving the girl even though we haven't even taken the time to know the other person. We want specifics when it comes to our relationships before we even test the waters. We want stories to end in certain ways or certain things to happen and if they don't then they are obviously bad. And not all people are like this of course but right now they are in the minority.
Love takes sacrifice. Sasuke could have cared less about anything and was not willing to sacrifice his own revenge and goals. Hinata wasn't willing to sacrifice Naruto even if he didn't care for her. Sakura wasn't willing to sacrifice her obsession and feelings for Sasuke even though he rejected her time and time again.
Only Naruto was willing to put his love interest's feelings before his own. Only he was willing to take chances and get to know the one he cared about. Only he was willing to be patient and let time and bonding lead the way. And the sacrifice counts, because it shows you are committed to something greater than just yourself. And 9 times out of 10 it strengthens the relationship.


#883778 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by narusaku256 on 25 October 2015 - 09:01 AM

Nah not really. I fully expected NS. allt he development was towards it, all the chapters, all the parallels. the entire story simply pointed in that conclusion. Sadly the author gave up on his story and characters and the end result was what we got.
But until that poont Sakura was grwoing. the manga chapter called the true ending is where the story really ends for me. Thats where Sakura and Karin are shown crying over Naruto and Sasuke. those are the true pairings of the manga.

Hold that thought! What if....Kishi really intended on doing that but for reasons we know, he couldn't. So to hint at the what he actually planned, he named the chapter that way?

#883776 I'm not a troll I just don't want NS to happen now

Posted by narusaku256 on 25 October 2015 - 08:42 AM

I say leave alone NS already! We don't want his canon version and neither his explanations nor his damned series! It's actually good NS didn't become canon. Why? 'Cuz it deserves a better writer than that kitten! Seeing how he carried out the aftermath, NS wouldn't get the quality and the ending it deserved anyway! And it's too late to get an alternative ending. Like @AHK said, it wouldn't be because the creator would want it but it'd be to shut the critics up! Who needs that kitten of a writer! We have much better artists and writers who give enough justice to NS! Just leave NS out of all this fandom kitteny! It's way beyond the scope of NH and SS ships!

#883623 NaruSaku Questions?

Posted by narusaku256 on 24 October 2015 - 11:00 AM

hmm.. i like them both romatic and platonic because their bond grew naturally.
sakura grew from hating him for being a nuisance, to acknowledging him and wanting his hokage dream to succeed more than her infactuation for sasuke-kun and her own growth as a shinobi.. even obito the villest of all could see it (albeit in a nakama, platonic way). other characters can also easily see them as something more as just friends, like konohamaru/toad summon/tsunade/jiraiya/yamato/sai/minato.. 
she willingly runs towards naruto's jinchuriki state when she felt a deep ache for his pain.. and later on she only smiles and assures him that she'll be fine, just like the smile naruto put on when he gives her his promise of a lifetime, even though it hurts him to see her in her helpless, sobbing state. when sai asked about his love, the way he value his promise of a lifetime to her.. it's really their selfless love to each other that sucked me in :argh: they're not perfectly good characters who does everything right, but their ways of doing things for each other touches me.
also, i like the relationship parallels throughout the story, like the strict/fierce girl with a soft heart inside with the laid back/idealistic/funny boy.. e.g. mito/hashi, tsunade/jiraiya, rin/obito(even though i don't like the guy :hm:)  kushina/minato(a confirmed parallel by author, albeit a red herring as he claimed :argh: ) even though antis say parallels mean nothing, it's really fun to see their similarities, and it makes it seem like saku/naru are meant to be (who cares what they say, i ship what i want :excited: )
(arghh why am i still shipping them so heavily i don't understand :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh: )

Let the feels consume you :fu:

#883604 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 24 October 2015 - 05:15 AM

The problem is that she doesn't actually love Naruto. To love someone you have to love them for them, not for yourself. She never once thought about Naruto. Take for example, her monologue in the war, it's was all about what she wanted. Never once did she consider what Naruto wanted, instead she elected to force herself on him for him to notice her. She didn't want Naruto for any other reason than to validate herself and her existence.

Not to mention her petty puppy dog love! Selfish to the core! She didn't even think for once what Naruto felt towards her or whom he really loved! Hoping that one day he'd love her back is one thing and forcing her on Naruto is another! If she really loved Naruto, she'd have let go off Naruto and if possible, helped Sakura with her feelings. I don't expect the latter from her since she technically can't educate Sakura on feelings when she(Hinata) herself isn't aware of where exactly her feelings lie! She did NOTHING for Naruto. Even the life she was ready to sacrifice was a waste! It seemed as if she entered there to confess and then die! Quite honestly, it was not impossible for other Rookie 11 to jump in and help Naruto then! She knew she cannot defeat Pain but still? I mean she knew she would die and wouldn't be able to protect Naruto no matter what she did inturn failing in her purpose! So basically, she just went in there to confess! Pity....

#883502 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 23 October 2015 - 05:08 PM

if sakura grew her hair

Beautiful as always :wub: She is a beauty! :wub:

#883501 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 23 October 2015 - 05:01 PM

I think she'd still be popular among the fans. The only way to prevent that would be to delete her entirely from the story, and it's not like it would have that much of an effect on the story before the "ending". Though her fans would tell you different.

As it is she is insignificant. She doesn't make any difference to the plot neither is she any good of a character. Nothing but meek, crying mess who knows nothing but 'Naruto'! Why even keep such a character. I know I sound mean but hey! She stole Sakura's light! The one who deserves to be loved is hated by the entire fandom and the one who isn't worth jack kitten, suddenly, becomes the deciding factor for the whole series? kitten her

#882365 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 16 October 2015 - 06:19 AM

Ok... :hm:
Ok so we aren't pervs! :sweat:
I think you did. :hehehe:
What position were playing?
Hmmm.... did you find Joey under the sand gif sexy? 
I know! But what can you do? The whole world is going into chaos. At this point, I have no idea waht might happen...

I did find those small hillocks sexy :chuckle:

What we can do is not going with the flow in this case :sweat: Doing what we feel is right! The 'people' that we so often refer to, are fickle! If they see someone succeeding, they quickly adopt his/her ways! So if we continue doing what we feel is right and inturn accomplish something significant, world follows your lead :sweat: Takes time but....you eventually get there for sure :sweat: The road of life isn't filled with street lights which guide you, but instead you have to wear a flashlight on your head to see where you are heading :sweat: Much like a car running on a dark road! It's headlamps are the guide as against the street lights! Get where I am going? :D

#881855 The Random Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 14 October 2015 - 12:15 PM

What nickname? Milan or kyuubi?
And I am not pervert! :rawr:
And I really don't remember! But I am staring to have my doubts about you being one! :hehehe:
Honestsly, I to was shy. For a long time. I wouldn't speak to people (family aside) for years. I broke three chandeliers. I can't even remember how many lamps, glasses, plates etc. I remember using big stick, and waiving it around the house. :sweat: I hated going to school. I also used to pretend I was superman. I used to tie a big towel, like cape on my back. And run with my hands outstretched in the backyard! 
You loved to studdy! :zomg: I can only imagine the things you read.  :argh:  And you call me perverted. I think not! Preverted hime, thats what you are!  :lmao: 
I am also very emotional and attached person. Which now is really taking toll on my health!

You have no clue how awesome your childhood was :cry: Do you also miss Cartoon Network and hate CN? :wow:

Milan, that's your name right? :sweat: I know what you are going through,mate! I know what it feels like being emotional and being attached to people. I know how it feels when you lose them. But for all I know mate, when you'll come out of it, you'll be stronger and wiser than ever before! Sad times won't last! For now, just hang in there, bud. Have faith in yourself and try not to lose yourself to negativity :D Be strong for your family needs you. You'll make it through. I believe in it :D Each one of us possesses a potential which we are unaware of! Times like these is when you are put to test and you become aware of it. Use it! It's there....right within you....the strength...it's right inside you! All you need to do is tap it! And again, I believe you will! Each one of us believes you will :cool:

I'll leave these two quotes for you.
'Everything that lives has to die and everything that dies has to live. Setting fire to itself, the Phoenix perishes in it's own flames! Rising from it's ashes again, it takes birth! Renewed..and stronger!' You are this Phoenix!

And last but not the least....a quote from Rocky's coach to him. This was in Part 4 :sweat: This helped me a lot!
'Now, you'll have to go through hell. Maybe you'd get destroyed but....in the end...you'll be the one standing!' All the best, mate!

#880327 If Light hadn't found the Death Note

Posted by narusaku256 on 06 October 2015 - 02:29 PM

I actually refuse to believe in the statement that Death Note twisted him. The very fact that Light went overboard with Death Note in itself proves how desperately he wanted to have something that'd solve his purpose-to create a world where law is above all and people would be kind. If he was so 'good', then he wouldn't have fallen for the Death Note because then he'd stick to his ideals just like his dad and would know that the way he is opting for is not right. And his behaviour before he got the Death Note conveys nothing otherwise. He always wanted to rid the world of criminals and would do anything for that. The Death Note just gave an impetuous to his 'drive'. He found a medium through which he could do so.

Like Nar123 said, Death Note just intensified his already present God complex and narcissistic tendencies. No wonder he had those 'cuz he had that grandiose image of himself and thought he could bring the world to stability! Even L stated that Kira was someone who was immature and that he couldn't take insults and defeats very wisely. The Death Note surfaced what already was present in him. Give him something different but yet something so convenient than Death Note and Light would still opt for it. He never did care about the way he opted to make peace, the only thing that mattered was peace itself!

#867998 [Looking for co-hosts] Add and Subtract Game

Posted by narusaku256 on 13 August 2015 - 04:12 PM

You're not a girl you're a Baka Baby Chan :laughcry: .
*Hits you into the Volcano*  Is that so :fu: Bur I don't have any money sbAbnKz.gif .
*You can't do that KFC is mine now* *I'll send the KFC police for you* :monocle: .
wth.png How dare you smash the sacred drink that's a crime  :cuss: This means War !!! obd.gif .
NO LOL XD . Of course I've watched that one , I was talking about that Jackie Chan cartoon series :lmao: .
Yeah you do that !!! And there's part 2 of it also :hehehe: .
Here you go Sub Team special only :smug: .

Ah! Holy sweet good lord!!! :argh: Thank you brother :argh: