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#964536 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by griff142 on 27 April 2018 - 02:00 AM

I will always consider Road to Ninja the true canon movie because it points out all the best parts of Narusaku. It was funny to see perverted Neji and youthful Kakashi.

#964532 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 27 April 2018 - 01:12 AM

Reminds me of this:

Me: Naruto loves Sakura
Them: You mean, he loves Hinata.
Me: Naruto confessed to Sai that he loves her
Them: You mean he loves her like a sister
Me: Naruto expressed to several people that she is his soulmate
Them *panicking*: You mean Naruto expressed to several people that Hinata is his soulmate

I hate that argument so much because it was starting to be romantic and they know it. Would a girl who was a sister to ya blush when she was asking what you thought of her? Would she be afraid of losing you to risk her own life to save ya? Clearly she had feelings for him. Also, not counting Naruto pretty much confessing his love for her multiple times throught out the series. So yeah, nice try fandom.

#964524 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by griff142 on 26 April 2018 - 09:50 PM

Obviously they didn't have the time to change anything because that crap ending was so last minute. So, they decided to go with the current design and hopefully people wouldn't notice or thought we were too stupid to notice the resemblance.

#964512 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by griff142 on 26 April 2018 - 02:59 AM

Yeah I have noticed with those movies there is a hint of NS in all of them to a point and none about Hinata besides the last. Another sign that the manga should have ended differently.

#964500 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by griff142 on 25 April 2018 - 05:13 PM

Double4anime is going off on all the non-shipping issues!? That's...surprising, to say the least. Before he would attack ANYONE who dare criticized Naruto. If you dared say one thing bad about the series (even if you liked it overall) he would go off on you. Either his folks finally got him medicated (trust me, the dude really WAS crazy) or his craziness just did a 180 for whatever reason.
I've noticed the pattern on youtube where it feels like the Naruto of old is being forgotten, but anything involving NH gets over a million views. Given how "well" The Last did in the US, I'm imagining a lot of it is repeat viewership to make these scenes look good.
Still, I think a lot of people are starting to realize the cold hard truth of Boruto: IT'S A REPEAT. It's more or less doing the same thing as the original, and most would rather watch the original series for that.

You're completely right. Boruto is bascially a reboot of sorts or at least reboot some of the main plot with some big differences as well. The big difference for me is they replaced the old good characters with new ones that nobody can stand because either they are rip offs or unlikable due to their personalities and attitude. Heck, they even made the enjoyable chaeacters unlikable as well. So far, there is not one thing redeemable about this anime/manga.

Also, them attacking us for not liking it, too bad. We don't have to like it and it is not because of the pairings but them ruining a pretty good series for the rest of us because the plot sucks and it doesn't make sense. I wouldn't be surprised if every scene there was something contradicting to the content before.

#964466 So if NH and SS were planned end pairings, then why....

Posted by griff142 on 24 April 2018 - 04:59 PM

It's disgusting what they are doing to Sakura. She gets straight up neglected, but faints when that piece of kitten comes home. Yuck.

I know it is but unfortunately that os what we got. They know tsunderes are popluar in Japan so they thought they could change her personality to make her and Boruto more appealing to watch. They also did it to make her more of a vocal point than Sakura. Sad for them because I don't see it really working in my opinion.

#964464 Why was Sakura put on Team 7?

Posted by griff142 on 24 April 2018 - 04:33 PM

Out of universe because she was suppose to be the love interest of Naruto based on either Kishimoto's type or his future wife.
In universe. How the academy sets up teams. Naruto was overall worst in the class, so they put the two of the best in the class to balance him out: Sasuke (talent) & Sakura (academic.) She was the best girl out of the class that wasn't already assigned to a team: Hinata was put on as a tracking team, and Ino was this generations Ino-Shika-Cho. Tradition. Tsunade once mentioned that the Third like putting together teams that were very simliar to old teams -like Ino-Shika-Cho-, and Sakura was very much like Tsunade and Rin. She had vast intelligence, and good chakra control so she could be a great support by learning either or both genjutsu and medical ninjutsu. Jinchuriku's are put onto team that can control them, and handle the tailed beast if it comes out; Kakashi and Sasuke had the Sharingan to handle the kyuubi, but Sakura was suppose to keep Naruto under control by his feeling toward her. Breeding. She was attracted to Sasuke, and Naruto was attracted to her. It she gets with either of them more future soldiers is a win. OR, MK, Sakura's own parent, JT, and from what little we saw even Sarutobi and his own wife are all very similar to NS. So he was probably hoping that Naruto and Sakura would strike up a similar relationship.

Despite all those parallels, it still wasn't enough for the fandom and continued to demand NH even if it didn't make sense at the end and also having no similarities to the other pairings in the manga and anime. There is a reason Hinata played a background role, while Sakura was on Team 7. And Bail pointed them out. She was the best at academics, which says she is smarter than Hinata and Naruto was in love with her. Hinata was nothing more than a tracker.

#964462 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by griff142 on 24 April 2018 - 03:05 PM

Speculation, but i Will not surprise if sp Will use taju KB as an excuse for Naruto kitten parenting.
You can't make the Hero and goddess look bad, right?

So far they are making them look bad even though, it is unintentional. Shows how bad the writing is when you are trying to make a good drama but instead from making enjoyable characters in the past to unlikable now. It's really sad.

Even if, they do use tajuu kage bunshin as an excuse, it still doesn't excuse Naruto's neglectful nature as a parent.

#964460 Analysis of NS scenes post-ending

Posted by griff142 on 24 April 2018 - 02:15 PM

Hey Hey...only Hinata is Yamcha. Sakura is like Krillian.

Actually I would classify Sakura as Gohan. They both had the potential to be great in their own right but eventually were lost in the shuffle because the rivalry between the two main characters of each anime had to take most of the spotlight.

#964344 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by griff142 on 21 April 2018 - 05:58 AM

I can't believe they switched their peraonalities. That is how low they have come to try and fool us and justify NH and the fandom's wishes. It sickens me to know that. Just destroy Sakura's character all together for Hinata. Problem for SP though because Boruto is never going to make them the same amount money ever again. People have already moved on to Black Clover, Shokugeki no soma and other better anime/manga. Having fun wasting people's time but not mine.

#964343 If the ending/series were to be redone...how?

Posted by griff142 on 21 April 2018 - 05:45 AM

The reincarnation bit at the end seemed like grasping at some connection to make Naruto and Sasuke relevant to each other after soooo many chapters of having zero interaction.

So true. They were supposed to have this unmistakable bond that noone can break because they felt the same pain but people don't realize that they were apart more than they were together which questions how really important was that bond. I know alot of it was for Sakura's promise so he didn't give up and his emotional bond but all honesty he should have wised up and took care of what had to be done to protect his real friends.

#964332 Black Clover

Posted by griff142 on 20 April 2018 - 06:22 PM

Okay, I just finished reading 154 and I'm left thinking that a potential death flag was just raised for Yuno.  Zora's statement to Asta that he's going to experience something "painful" seemed like outright foreshadowing that one of his friends is going to be axed and since Yuno managed to prevent the elven soul inhabiting his body from usurping control and is now assisting Asta, I feel that he's going to be that person. Of course, it could be a red herring or the person may be someone else, but I'm betting on Yuno. I hope that I'm wrong.

I don't think so. Yuno since the beginning was shown to be like a second main character to the manga and they don't usually kill characters like him until the end or if at all. They haven't really had a duel between Asta and Yuno yet and they are probably saving it until the end, where they are fully powered up to see once and for all who is the Wizard King.

#964254 Why was Sakura put on Team 7?

Posted by griff142 on 18 April 2018 - 06:14 PM

You want a story reason or do you want an Author reason?
Story reason seemed to stem more from personal dynamics.
Sasuke is a genius, albeit loner, that doesn't work with others. So he is put with Naruto because he hyper active and open. An introvert with an extrovert. He has power, but also room for potential.
Naruto is a powerhouse, but has no techniques. Perhaps putting him with two geniuses like Sasuke and Sakura who have great chakra control can help him learn to control his chakra better.
Sakura is the best at control, but again she doen't work well with teams and working with the two most heated people in the class could help her understand teamwork.
Kakashi was an introvert and didn't want to be a teacher...UNTIL he saw these three. Of course, since he never was a teacher before....he sucks at it.
The writer answers comes from yahagi
Yahagi: "You have this main character who is a shonen hero."
Kishi: "Yeah?"
Yahagi: "Well, now you are going to need a rival. Shonen heroes always have rivals. Look at Dragonball Z between Goku and Vegeta."
Kishi: "Good point. What else?"
Yahagi: "Well, another way to express this rivalry is by a rival in love. So make a girl who your main is in love with, but she is in love with the other guy. it is a cheap and easy tactic to use. All the shonen kids love a good love rivalry."
Kishi: "Okay, but I am not good with females."
Yahagi: "We will get to that, but for now just keep the rivalry in love and popularity."
10 years later
Yahagi: "Well, I am retiring Kishi. You can handle it here."
Kishi: "But....I am still having problems and I don't know how to solve some things."
Yahagi: "You'll figure it out. I trust you. You just have to follow the flow and don't listen to other editors. They will probably try to make you change everything. Keep the story pure and people will love it."
Kishi: "Thanks, Yahagi. Enjoy your life."
Yahagi: "Thank you."
New editor comes in:
Editor: "OKay, first things first....Hinata Hyuga needs to be the main heroine."
Kishi: "Ummm......why?"
Editor: "Just do it.....this will be awesome. I can finally get my dream....I mean, your dream going."
Kishi: "....?"
3 years later Yahagi looks at Naruto and sees what Kishi has done.
Yahagi: ".....SON OF A....."

I can totally see that scenario playing out. I bet Yahagi is just as infuriated or confused with this ending as we are. I bet we all wish he didn't retire so he can help finish editing Naruto. When he was the editor the manga was pretty good and after he retired the quality went down hill real quick. You can say another factor in the downfall of this manga.

#964242 Why was Sakura put on Team 7?

Posted by griff142 on 18 April 2018 - 03:35 PM

Like Naruto and Sasuke, Sakura had her set of strengths to help balance out Team 7. Sasuke may have a more balanced ninja overall but Naruto have more chakra reserves, while Sakura had tremendous chakra control. Honestly this group was destined to be OP because of their attributes.

Kishi did fail with Sakura no doubt about it. We all knew Sakura was powerful but her power wasn't shown enough and that is where her character fails the most when it comes to power level. She should have had at least 2 more fights in the manga.

At least Sakura won her fight with Sasori. She has a win over a certain purple haired girl who lost all of her big fights from getting beat up by Neji to being destroyed by Pein.

#964181 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by griff142 on 17 April 2018 - 07:11 PM

That's definitely Sasuke and Karin's kid, 100%. By the time his bosses told him what the ending was going to be, it was to late to draw new kids, so he just swapped the clothes and called it a day.
As for the whole Land of Iron thing. I say he wanted to show us that Sakura has moved on from Sasuke, but then he sort of back-paddled with Sai's idiotic interpretation of she wants to kill him because she loves him so much, yet her own actions dictate the opposite of that.
That explanation was poorly done, actually it was bad. So bad in fact that instead of readers understanding that by her own actions she's doing this for Naruto, some readers saw that and understood it as she's totally madly in love with Sasuke because she'll willing to kill him because Sai said she doesn't want to see Sasuke go further into the darkness.
Yet she went to Naruto first and told him she wanted to be with him (Naruto). And she only went to kill Sasuke after Naruto declared that he's the one madly in love with Sasuke because friendship power bs.
And then when she's about to kill Sasuke, she stops. So I guess she's not madly in love with Sasuke because she didn't kill him, but she's madly in love with Sasuke because she didn't kill him, but she's totally madly in love with him because she was willing to kill him. Oh God I need an aspirin.

You are going to need something stronger than aspirin to deal with that mess. She should given up the silly crush up by that point and kick Sasuke's butt all over the place. Instead of a poison knife, she should have sent a chakra enhanced punch to his face and send him across The Land of Iron. The laughs I would have had.