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Member Since 28 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2020 01:56 AM

#816596 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Ryriena on 04 May 2015 - 10:05 PM

:cry: Kishi doesn't care so he'll just give him an Irrelevant Hinata 2.0 (but a cat obsessed one, because it's supposed to be funny/ironic right? :hm: )
My KibaHina ship never even stood a chance beyond part 1 because of the asinine NH tards  :cry:
At least, Kishi hasn't destroyed Kiba and Akamaru's bond...........yet  :ermm:

It made more sense than the cat lady since he was always their for Hinata and their bonds were a lot better.

#815963 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Ryriena on 03 May 2015 - 10:18 PM

I will laugh if this is a genjustu made up by Sasuke, and I mean it. Their trying so hard to reverse what happened in the ending of Naruto to make fans come back to the serise. I bet it's going to be some genjustu by Obito on Naruto and that it was all a dream a werid dream and he'll end up with Sakura.

#814701 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Ryriena on 01 May 2015 - 11:29 PM

I have seen a lot of this type of thing in other pairing fandoms to justify their ships even thought it makes no sense for said pairing. NH's are very insecure about the pairing because it is all one sided love and they know this to be a fact. Why do you think in NH fictions they always pair Sakura up with Susake or another boy. It's so their are no obstacles in the way for Hinata to end up with Naruto in the story.

#812769 Any ideas for my Naruto reboot?

Posted by Ryriena on 29 April 2015 - 12:11 AM

Let's see not have Neji die or Hinata become pairing folder. How about killing Susake in the end by getting Naruto to understand not everyone can be saved that is the point about being a leader of a city? He can die by helping Naruto save the world that would be a better redemption that the crap we got.

#812533 Blaming Sakura

Posted by Ryriena on 28 April 2015 - 05:07 PM

Yep, the only famous woman ninja : Tsunade, never got a true full fight, was regarded as the weakest sennin and was looked down on by Madara, only to be humiliated off-screen by the guy himself, life centered on Dan never truly forgot him
Mei- never got full backstory, only known characteristic being her wanting to marry *desperately*
Konan- Badass, I'm glad she died because Kishi didn't had the time to ruin her, still her life was centered on Nagato and Yahiko
So you see the famous women Kishimoto put there were for appereance only, we never got nothing on them, we didn't focus on them at all

Now that you bring it up yeah he is a sexist pig. Ugh I am wondering how the Japanese female fan base is taking this direction because I know the newer generation isn't liking the direction he has taken with some of the women. He basicly has Naruto call Tsundae a drunk who's not fit to be Hogake even thought he saw her as a grandmother figure which in his culture is very disrespectful to say something like that to her.

#812257 Blaming Sakura

Posted by Ryriena on 28 April 2015 - 01:03 PM

I blame Kishimoto for trolling his fans by selling out her charcter growth to become the perfect house wife for a jerk. He was emotinal and mentally abusive jerk for becoming nothing more than pairing folder for the boys of the squd. He also destroyed Naruto's character growth through out the manga for somthing so stupid as killing Neji, which I am still pissed off about since Neji was also put down as just a plot device. It as bad as what they did to Barbra Gordon in The Killing Joke. Taking her character and basicly turning her into a plot device destroys her own character and makes her folder for the guys to go crazy.