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#969568 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by dl316bh on 04 December 2018 - 07:19 PM

You can really feel how close the party has grown to one another, whereas Naruto's Team 7 felt extremely forced, not to mention how they each have everyone's skills are important to the party's survival.


Yeah, that was always a problem with the manga starting from the end of part one one. Part Two put the Team 7 dynamic on a pedestal, but frankly it was overdone to the point of absurdity. As mentioned earlier, not only was the team only a thing for a couple months at best, they never even got along. Like, ever. That's part of the reason the "bonds" thing never worked for me. Naruto and Sasuke were never shown to be anything but rivals, seemingly bitter ones at that, right up until the plot needed them to have been blood brothers, basically. It came out of nowhere. And things with Sakura weren't much better. Naruto's relationship with her didn't start becoming an actual friendship until the tail end of the teams time together, when she realized he wasn't a creep but a genuinely good kid who actually liked her, while Sasuke treated her as nothing more than an annoyance he barely gave a damn about. Team 7 kind of sucked, if you look at it frankly, and while some romanticization makes sense on the part of the characters - we as humans romanticize the past a fair bit - it frequently got into the territory of absurdity.


Like, you can't show one dynamic for three hundred chapters then tell us it's another. Maybe we'll go with it if we like the work enough otherwise, but deep down we know. In hindsight it probably should have been a clue about how he handles personal relationships and prepared us for how NaruSaku got flipped.


He probably thought it would be a series of great twists if he switched out the primary antagonists, but in doing so he progressively undermines their threat and how they work doesn't add up


It also made a total mess of the direction of the series. I bring up when Orochimaru got punked a fair bit, but man, it's really a striking example. The manga clearly had no idea what it was doing anymore past that point and even felt like it was stalling for time. Remember Sasukes new team that formed right in the aftermath, the one we followed for months, if I remember correctly? Man, I do. They sure amounted to a lot of nothing. Also, wow, Akatsuki just ended up being a joke. They couldn't enter a single combat without a member dying. It felt like if they went to the store for milk they'd lose somebody. Then the manga's like "uuuuh, Tobi's an Uchiha, yeah, Madara's a thing, the antagonist is an Uchiha!" and I'm just like "think I'm done here".


HIs romantic subplot was also problematic (obviously), because he was so focused on the twists (and making Sasuke as big a scumbag he could) he hurt the outcome.


It's another "stunted growth" scenario, too. Like, it turns out Sakura really never matured at all in that regard. Neither pairing had any real development. Both men turned out to be terrible husbands and fathers. Naruto's outlook on being Hokage never once matured. His outlook on Sasuke never once matured. Most of them ended up, characterwise, where they were at the end of the Chuunin exams or the last arc of part one at the latest. Characterwise little that happened between that point and the actual finale mattered all that much.


I personally disagree with the world building in regards to Kishi...in hindisight I feel he's actually pretty lousy. He creates a continent with 5 main nations shared by several smaller countries, but we never really get a chance to see this world outside of Konoha. Everyone is more or less the same culture with maybe minor variations, almost all the settings are the same forest.


When I think on the worldbuilding I tend to think about early in the manga when it seemed like a lot of thought was put into things like the Wave, but no, you bring up a good point. You're right. When you actually look at it, he's pretty crap. Which, honestly, leaves him with even less you could consider a strength.


It's been a real disappointment, over the last decade, slowly realizing anything I liked about the series was either a fluke, the idea of someone who left, not intended or a red herring. I really did give the guy too much credit for a while there.

#969545 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by dl316bh on 02 December 2018 - 05:57 PM

The revelation from this interview hurt me a lot more than the outcome of the canon pairings. It's one thing when a writer makes a kitten ending to a series, but it's another when you learn nothing about the series that made it special was even their idea. As you said, it was a house of cards that was going to fall at any time.


Yeah, wow, that kind of explains everything. And makes the time I spent, once upon a time, thinking about and analyzing the manga here and in general just seem downright silly. It explains the heaping gaps in logic and story progression, it explains the mangas tendency to cycle through main antagonists that never amount to anything, it explains the long diversions and lengthy arcs away from the protagonist, it explains all the problems, really. The creator of the whole thing wasn't even the driving force behind any of what worked, had no idea what he was doing and couldn't come up with much of interest outside of what was suggested by editors.


That's also a little depressing because it turns the series success from a story of a creator with a vision or at the very least a knowledge of how to tell an interesting story into a series designed from the start by committee to be a success that lucked into becoming a worldwide phenomenon. It casts a shadow on any bit of it that was worth liking. Like, pairings don't even matter to me at that point.

#969533 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by dl316bh on 01 December 2018 - 07:06 PM

If people equate everything good to him then yeah, they're way over-exaggerating. The period from Sasuke icing Orochimaru through Konohas resurrection is where I became increasingly pissed off at the series, eventually abandoning it. So Naruto was in the toilet even before he left.


Haha. Wow. Yeah. Wow. That explains a lot. Holy kitten.

#969529 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by dl316bh on 01 December 2018 - 06:27 PM

Again, can anyone name another anime/manga that has done this too? Naruto seems to be the only one where they said "People preferred this character over this character and decided to make that character more predominate." I am surprised they didn't just retcon Hinata on to Team 7 at least point.

I don't see Anno being like "You know people told me Hikari was a better heroine than Asuka in Evangelion and that I should push her to the front. So let's retcon the story so that she is the pilot of Eva-2."


Assuming that was what happened with Naruto, nah, can't really think of one. Naruto's a weird outlier in that it's canon pairing is the one with the least framework and buildup, settling with a character that was barely in it. Setting aside fandoms - although, haha, I haven't liked or cared about Naruto or thought much about it in years so that's not hard - Hinata, for such a popular character, barely ever did anything. Her story was basically over in part one and it showed. Up until where I stopped actually reading, it seemed like any time she was around, it was in the background or it was struggling to include her in some real way. He barely ever noticed her presence, she didn't do much, hell, the one thing people count as her crowing moment of awesome is the time she charged at Pain and got shut down in one move in the most unintentionally hilarious scene I think I've ever seen. It said a lot to me that they had to dedicate an entire movie to the pairing to try and make it work; they'd set up absolutely nothing in the manga itself so it fell to that to get the job done. Amazing.


That said, it's not like NaruSaku would have saved that manga. I used to be a regular here (I actually recognize your username) and I actually stopped reading the manga weekly when the aftermath of Pain involved resurrecting Konoha. I didn't actually stop checking in on it for a couple years and popped in here from time to time to see what was up until the ending, but that was about the point I laughed, put my hands up and walked away. That manga had problems. Like, past a certain point it starts actively becoming one of the worst manga I ever spent the time to read; I spent more time actively questioning the plot and what the point was than I did enjoying it or liking anything that happened. Even if NaruSaku actually happened, I'd still have a negative opinion of Naruto.


As for Eva, if something like that happened, it would backfire on those fans in the worst way possible. Ardent, terrible fans were not well liked there. They actually put death threats the studio got into the movie. Not to mention that entire endeavor was an exercise in deconstruction (to the point of being hard to watch and not really in a good way, in my opinion).


I wonder if NS was canon, would the Manga would still make money?


I mean, yeah? Fans and places like this put emphasis on the pairings but that was never what the series was about. That stuff is always side business that pops in here and there and is only really given any resolution at the very end in shounen, as it's not even remotely a focus. You'd have to change a lot of the series a lot earlier to have a shot at changing the once juggernaut that Naruto was (is? I don't know how Boruto is doing).



Naruto tried to keep talking about Team 7 but the lack of balance did nothing but damage it in the end, and the only conclusion I came to was that Sasuke was the main character all along.


You know, the hilarious part about it was that they talked about Team 7 so much, but how long were they even together? A couple months, at best? I don't think more than six passed through the entirety of part one and even that might be pushing it.

#941532 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by dl316bh on 11 June 2017 - 02:00 AM

I used to go to the library all the time until I got engrossed in video games, anime, manga, and  the internet. I even used to do volunteer work at my local library right near  my house.  I'll either try to go there to check some books out or I'll wait til next library convention to see if I can find the stuff on sale.now I'll make sure to do that and look for those comics you suggested, thanks though ^_^


I've noticed a lot of libraries have more manga these days too, stuffed on the shelves with the American comics, so there's that too.


sorry if I'm getting on everyone's nerves, probably talking too much about stuff other than naruto.


Eh, I can't speak for anyone else, but it's fine with me. Like I said two pages back, I'm amazed you guys even discuss it anymore. What's even left to talk about with that sprawling mess?

#941526 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by dl316bh on 10 June 2017 - 10:08 PM

because unlike most people I don't think politics are in someone's dna or that they should govern your way of viewing everything, morals and stuff you learn in life should, because then you have the world like it is now where people treat people like crap just because of a disagreement on politics.


It would be nice if that were true, but there are a lot of people who base their identity around their politics. Everyday people, not just politicians. It's why some of them get so angry; when you're attacking their politics, it's like you're attacking them.


That, and treating people like crap because of a disagreement in politics, is not new. That's just how it is. The only difference now is everybody is on social media and are constantly presented with reinforcement or opposition, hence all the arguments. So it seems worse than usual. There's no barrier to posting your thoughts or someone responding to them. All it's done is bring it all out in the open. I mean, we had a civil war over it, once. People and their views once became so irreconcilable that two halves of the country decided to shoot each other for four years. We're not exactly at critical mass, even right now, compared to that.


But they do govern your way of viewing things, because politics is just a fancy catch-all term for your views on issues. A storytellers "politics" are almost always bleeding into work, whether it be books, movies or otherwise. At least partly because every story is about something and the ones that aren't usually aren't worth their salt. Most of the classics pull from the writers personal views, politics and experiences. I could seriously run down a short list of them, but I'm not gonna drop that on you guys unfettered. I've noticed the longer posts I write are sometimes just glossed over anyway and this one went long as it is.


to be fair, that's the first movie I've actually seen with the political mess in movies of franchises I'm interested in, and I just don't feel good about that being in a plot of something I enjoy like x men.


The plot is about genetic experimentation, trying to create clones of Wolverine and trying to get one of the resulting clones the hell out of dodge before the people after them catch up. I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. Are you talking about the world being kind of screwed up in the film?


its like how with the ghostbusters movie, even if you weren't interested in that form of comedy they called you sexist


I kind of feel the need to defend some people on this one. That movie wasn't good. Most people agree on that, now that it's come and gone. it was not just people calling others sexist. There was a metric ton of crap heaped on that film in the lead up for deeply sexist reasons; even when it wasn't blatant, you could tell by the language used and what they focused on. There's a reason people got defensive; I was still on Twitter at the time and I remember death threats, people insulting women and just generally clutching their pearls because it had an all female cast. Because that's what it was about. Reboots are nothing new, that was one of the only ones to get such an immediate, sustained reaction. There's always the anecdotal evidence every time a woman has a big screen action film or something in genres they don't usually get; there was that big whine fest over a Texas Cinema having one single screening be a "ladies night" thing for Wonder Woman (which is, by the way, a top notch film I loved the hell out of).


I assume you must have had a bad discussion or experience around when the film was coming out and I'm sorry for that, if true, but there was a reason people got defensive. It didn't come out of nowhere. Which is unfortunate, but it is what it is. I always feel bad for women, because they're still fighting the same old battles to get even the most minor of things. Same for minorities.


if you had criticism for pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon they call you kids and say if they had kids that disliked the game they would throw those kids out of the house all because they didn't like a game the guy liked


Gamers are ***holes. That has nothing to do with politics. I've played video games since I was, like, six and I'm embarrassed to identify as a gamer at all now when I used to be at least a little proud of it. But I can damn near guarantee you that guy, for all his talk and bluster, would never say that to anyones face and would not actually do such a thing if he found himself in that situation. It's all talk.


he thinks just because of wars going on you should be grateful on everything in life even if you waste your money. people being that crazy lately.


"Back in my day" lectures. A classic. Like I said, nothing new, man. You're taking a lot of these things to heart when you really should just let it go. Better yet, stay out of comment sections. That's where the majority of this stuff happens. Trust me, I mostly stopped going in them at all - I also cut Facebook out of my life and cut back on Twitter - and my life has far less stress to it. Comment sections are a cesspool. They're just not worth it. Trust me.


its like they want us to be emotionless robots with all the same beliefs and opinions, same mind and everything, instead of being unique and human, and the idea of that disgusts me.


Some people might want that. Most people don't. But that said, there are such things as bad viewpoints, bad opinions and harmful views.


The whole theme of x-men was about politics especially with senator Kelly and trask, and Magento.


Yeah, exactly. It's coded into it. I've read a lot of X-Men comics spanning the years and it's ninety percent of their stories. Even the stuff that doesn't seem like it; a lot of Gambits stories in his home of New Orleans, for example, dealt with the tension, politicking and interpersonal struggles between the guilds of thieves and assassins, for example, and how they constantly tried to screw each other over despite trying to keep a truce intact.


Honestly I'm waiting for us to wind up destroying ourselves.


Humanity's not a lost cause. We haven't blown ourselves up yet and we've come a long way. We don't exactly do things like we did in feudal and medieval times, after all. It's just that history is rocky and almost never goes in a straight line. We're just in a period where things took a sharp turn.


But even if it happened, it's not likely to be as immediate as some big war anyway.


I didn't see the new Ghostbusters cause it didn't look funny or have the heart or character of the first two


I skipped it for the same reason. I usually wait to see what the critical reaction is, or to see how a film fares on Rotten Tomatoes, before I make a decision, but I knew I wasn't going to see that one before it even hit theaters. I almost did, just because the people crapping on women all over social media and making a big stink about the movie made me want to go just to spite them, but what changed my mind is that the trailers were honestly kind of bad. Trailer production companies are trained to take footage and make a film look as enticing as possible. If the trailers can't get together enough good scenes together to make it look good, it's a bad sign. It's not a hard and fast rule - some trailers are deliberately cut in a misleading way, obscuring what the film is really like - but it holds pretty well. If I'd been wrong, I'd have just caught it on DVD or Blu-Ray. Maybe streaming, when it inevitably hit that.


Turned out I wasn't wrong.


yeah, its just unlike usual this movie also was written in a way it has an undertone of trying to make out trump to be a guy named donald trying to kill illegals, and I don't like hearing about trump or any person involved in politics in the real world, in something like a fictional series. its like its trying to secretly force my opinion to change, and I'm too smart for that xD


Oh man, is that it? You have completely misinterpreted everything. Donald Pierce is a classic X-Men villain. He was created in 1980.


Here, see for yourself.



#941313 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by dl316bh on 07 June 2017 - 06:23 AM

You have to understand, this IS (well, WAS) Naruto's story. He's the titular character for crying out loud. That role, we NEEDED the background information so they can provide the audience, us, why he's the titular character in the first place.  Added that info and some relevance in the story, since we were spoon fed with a ton full of background for the secondary main character's family, we could've at least have some sort of balance. 



Clan matter for reader and story later, that's why naruto family name (uzumaki) become a big deal when it's turnout uzumaki is a not a regular family name but a powerful clan name which never brought up until pain invasion arc.

Oh that's why sakura getting hate and Hinata getting the love.

I agree with derok, naruto is a main character that thing should be revealed or kishi should never make that uzumaki is a special clan Eventhough sealing technique always a spiral(uzumaki). Turnout that naruto is a chosen one and neji is right :zaru:

Anyway, how can I stop the notification to my email?


To elaborate on what Nate has said, it's irrelevant to Naruto's story.


If I can put it into context with a comparison, there are parallels to Superman. I've read a lot of Superman comics and consumed a lot of the other media. I can tell you that one of the ways you can tell whether a Superman writer is worth his or her salt is how much they want to bring up friggin' Krypton in relation to the character of Superman himself. Krypton is irrelevant to Supermans story, because he knows jack about it, or at least only knows what's been preserved and sent with him. Any decent portrayal of the character can get away with him maybe longing for and wishing he knew a heritage he'd lost a bit, but ultimately it doesn't play a huge role in his life. His parents sent him on a rocket, Krypton exploded, Superman was raised by human farmers, considers himself human and his fondest wish - the fondest wish of the strongest being in the universe - is to be one of us. He's the Last Son of Krypton, but that does not define him, because while he might be an alien, he doesn't even really think of himself as one.


Same for Naruto. What does knowing his family really add? Or focusing on it? He never knew his parents. Never knew a life before he was ostracized. It doesn't inform who he is, what he is or where he's going. He wants people to love him, like any lonely kid, and wants to be the big cheese of the village. Sure, knowing who his parents were is nice, but what does it do for him? He doesn't know better. For that matter, what does it tell us?


For contrast, Sasuke is f***ing defined by his past. There are so many flashbacks, so much backstory for the clan, he's so wrapped up in this dead thing he can never truly bring back. He left his friends over it, betrayed everyone, over the past.


Which is not to say you can't get interesting stories out of this stuff. There have been interesting Superman stories regarding Krypton. But they're usually side stories. I think the one that affected him directly was "For the Man Who Has Everything", which gets away with making Superman mad about Krypton because Mongol made him life a false life there that he had to tear himself from to escape the trap of the Black Mercy. You could probably get interesting stories out of Naruto's parents. But that's side story material, unless there's a pressing connection. I admit I raised an eyebrow when I heard that, at one point, Naruto got to talk to a vision of his mother, because why?



It pretty much destroyed the key dynamic of the series= Hard Work vs. Raw Talent.


The Superman Clan was always more Sasuke's thing. Naruto was just some idiot who didn't give up and learned by sheer perseverence.


Despite some lip service, the manga was never about that, at least not in the way you want. It's the same problem any Japanese anime or manga with a message of "hard work works" seems to have. They usually have some clutch technique or leg up no one else does. Naruto has a destructive fox spirit sealed inside him, which helped make him special, just the same as Sasuke has super special eyes. Sure, maybe he didn't have the same raw talent and had to work a little harder, but he was still special. Which, you know, is fine. It's something you just shrug your shoulders at and just accept without thinking too deeply on. It's not something you can take too seriously as a theme, though.


For Naruto to be an idiot who didn't give up and got by on sheer perseverance, he would have literally needed to be just some random joe in ninja training without a single notable thing about him who dragged himself up from the gutter. Not a lot of people want to write about that, especially in a big fantasy setting like this, so you don't see that much.

#941011 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by dl316bh on 31 May 2017 - 06:11 AM

I'm kind of amazed you guys still talk about this dumpster fire. I salute your dedication.


You know what? I remember the day when the damn chapter of Hinata's suicide confession came out. Most of us in here were pissed off about it but somehow thought that if Masashi Kishimoto had the balls to kill her off then her fans and NH fans will complain to infinity and beyond by treating her as a martyr. Most of us somehow fear if that happen, it will be a damn problem. But you know? I WISHED it would've happen! It will save us later on and possibly change everything for good for the franchise, even if it was cash cow status. I would've take that over this mess any day.


You talking about Hinata's wonderful plan of "run at Pain or whatever his name is despite being weak as hell" or did something similar happen after I stopped paying attention? Because man, that is still one of the funniest scenes I've ever read that wasn't intended to be comedic. She gives a confession, rushes the enemy and is just straight up shut down without getting in a single hit. That's something you'd see in a parody, not a serious work. Maybe a Robot Chicken sketch. That's like in Predator when Billy decided he was going to hold the line so the others could escape and died in two seconds. Off screen.



So we have two views in this series:
-What is actually is or should have been
-What the writers are trying convince us to believe and failing at.


That's the entire second half of Naruto in a nutshell.



Well, yes, the whole "love" thing was mostly an attempt to whitewash his previous portrayal of them and shift the blame elsewhere. Late game Naruto is filled to the brim with this crud.


I straight up stopped reading years before the end and I still remember this kind of thing going on, or at least the beginning of it. I think it goes back even further than just late game.

#907111 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by dl316bh on 08 April 2016 - 10:50 PM


There isn't some secret underlying genius storytelling here...


The manga ran out of that three hundred plus chapters before its end. I'm glad to come visit and see pretty much everyone agrees it ended up being garbage, because around the time I left here, people were still largely trying to defend this series despite the fact that it had been circling the drain for a long time.


Hinata wasn't even the first at anything in Naruto's life, like ever...


Hinata was never anything in his life. I'm sketchy on the details of what happened later - I gave up reading two years before the end, so while I know the events, it's from synopsis - but when I stopped she'd still yet to do anything, really. She had maybe three genuine conversations with him up to that point and her biggest moment was when she stupidly rushed a foe who was way out of her league and found herself immediately shut down in hilarious fashion. She's a bizarre anomaly in fiction in that she's the "victorious love interest", yet she not only did little to nothing through the course of the manga, but she had little real development and even less time on panel. There was no set up at all. They had to go so far as to use an entire anime film - the final one, even - to try and sell a relationship that, if you read only the manga, does not work.


She's like if Kazumi ended up with Yuji in Shakugan no Shana instead of the titular character. Actually, that may even be too generous a comparison. Kazumi was a similar "satellite love interest", but she at least had plenty of screen time. She couldn't really DO anything for most of the series and as such she just kind of orbited the greater goings on, but she was there and she had focus.


None of this should be a shock, though, because Naruto as a whole is awful at romance. Which... well, yeah, it was a shonen series, so that's not exactly a focus. But it still went to the well, so it's fair game. Hell, in the end it wasn't even any good at telling a grand action story, so...


That is what Hinata is...she is the silver medal trophy because no matter what happened no matter how hard Naruto tried...he always lost to Sasuke....even in the very end.


I still think they should have just named the manga "Uchiha" or something. Even when he wasn't around, the manga was more about that family than the main character.


People actually think Naruto won that fight, but all he did was gave up everything for someone who didn't even want it,


You could make the argument that Naruto loved Sasuke more than any of the girls, honestly, because holy crap, dude was obsessed with him. That was his pattern. Giving up everything for someone who didn't really care all that much about him.


"You will take this silver medal and you will like. And if you aren't happy with it, then you are not a real man."


No big surprise that only led to misery. Great life our protagonist ended up leading. Bad home life and a crappy parent.

#476707 Sonic Boom: The gang is here for some "Booming" Comedy!

Posted by dl316bh on 16 June 2013 - 09:34 PM

Sounds like people are taking notice of the success Teen Titans has had being revived as a comedy centric series.


I'm down to see what they're cooking up.

I hope they'll have it in the vein of Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog, but with a bit more smart humor although it won't be anything like Sonic SatAM was.


That's not a bad thing; without the nostalgia goggles Sonic SatAM isn't that great.


Sadly, that's something I've found true among quite a few childhood favorites. The 80's Turtles really let me down in adulthood. I remembered it being so much better than it is.

I just hope a certain character among the ones mentioned doesn't end up becoming the show's designated Butt Monkey.


Knuckles is tricked by Eggman like every episode.


... Don't look at me like that, it's totally canon that Knuckles is gullible as hell.

#476678 Xbox One!

Posted by dl316bh on 16 June 2013 - 06:40 PM

Military folk aren't too pleased about any of this either. They've basically said Microsoft just turned their backs on the entire US military with this. Soldiers love to play their video games in their downtime and when you're deployed to other countries, things like an internet connection can be a pipe dream.


Did at no point did it occur to the creators of this bullsh** system, that they were going to alienate and piss off EVERYBODY with all their a$$-backwards restrictions and regulations?

Oh, they knew. They just didn't think it would be this bad. It came out around the reveal that people internally at Microsoft were stunned at just how much it pissed everyone off. They expected the furor to be far smaller and swept under the rug.


M$ has a long history of idiocy and never learning their lesson.


Also an idiot: Cliffy B, formerly of Epic Games.


"You can't have budgets this high and still have used games and rentals!"


THEN STOP PUMPING SO MUCH GODDAMN MONEY INTO THEM, YOU MORON. Seriously, if you're pumping SO MUCH MONEY into a game - like Capcom with Resident Evil 6, where six million copies is considered a disappointment - then maybe you need to re-evaluate a few things.


It's not our fault if a game company can't figure out how to properly run it's damn business. You know, when production costs get out of control or things stop running efficiently... you cut back or streamline things. Not continue on and expect your damn consumer to foot the bill. I swear, video games are the only entertainment medium with people who think like this, or at least with people trying to act on it all the time.

#476442 Teen Titans Go!

Posted by dl316bh on 15 June 2013 - 03:15 AM

I don't think it's trying to compete with the old teen titans XD


I think it's just trying to be it's own show. which is a comedy show for kids ^_^ 


I'd say it's not just for kids too. More All Ages. There's some damn clever jokes in this one.

#476383 The Playstation 4

Posted by dl316bh on 14 June 2013 - 07:24 PM

Wait, I need to pay just to play online? Why Sony? Why? Just when I thought you guys were doing everything right...


There sadly wasn't any way around it. It's common knowledge that Sony was operating at a loss by keeping online free and there wasn't exactly any money coming in to improve it. We've pretty much known for a while, but as that article above says they basically had to cut costs and corners at every opportunity to keep it free. Even if that wasn't the case, Microsoft kind of forced their hand; so many people were willing to pay for XBL that it got to the point where keeping online services entirely free was like leaving money on the table. I'm less surprised they're doing it than I am that they waited all the way to the next gen to.


On the upside... it's PS+, which every gamer should jump on board just as a matter of course, considering what an amazing value it it.

#476192 E3 2013!

Posted by dl316bh on 13 June 2013 - 10:04 PM

Nintendo's always been like that. It's part of why I like them. It's also why, despite the fact that I make jokes, I don't want them to fail and I want them to do well. Gaming always needs voices like theirs out there.

#476137 E3 2013!

Posted by dl316bh on 13 June 2013 - 06:56 PM

Oi, something just hit me. Will either of these systems offer backwards-compatibility? Has either MS or Sony even mentioned this about either of their systems? I don't remember seeing or hearing any news on this :huh:


Late response on this, but Sony is working to allow backwards compatibility with PS3 games and PSN titles through a Cloud service. So... kind of? I mean, it sucks you won't be able to use the disc but that would require extra parts in the system which drives up the cost.


Microsoft isn't offering any BC at all.

I will say that I'm pretty disappointed in MS. It's just been slap-in-the-face after slap-in-the-face from them for their new console.


Yeah, wow. It's almost comical. Just when you think they're done kicking you in the face, along comes another.

Really, the only thing that was controversial with the X1 was their policy on used games and online stuff, take that away (and price it to match the PS4), it has a lot of good games that can back it up.

I don't know, the only thing sounding appealing to me is Titanfall. Add in Halo if you care about that.


I would have put Killer Instinct there, but guess what? It's free to play and you have to buy each character! Isn't that just lovely? I swear, it's like they hate their consumers.


Seriously, why would anyone buy this thing?