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#984858 Kaika Saisei

Posted by Chatte on 01 August 2021 - 08:00 PM

:love:  :glomp:  :love:


My feelings about NH and SS in fics is that it will just make the inevitable NS all that much sweeter!! :wibble:  

I love it when the characters choose one another cause they are best for each other, despite each one having things in common with or even good relationships with other potential ships. That build up, overcoming obstacles, totally takes time.


Love that you are giving the NS its due! Yes way better than Kishi ever did!!!!


Aah yes, that's exactly what I'm trying to do!! Make NS so so so much sweeter than it already was/is.  :hehehe:  And yes, I have this whole plot in mind that basically undoes everything that Naruto OG ended-up doing in terms of red thread of fate/destined lovers etc. etc.

I am certain that people are gonna love it, because the way I have it built IT'S SO GOOD! At least in my mind.  :wot:  :lmao:

Hope the others will see it as well.


Anyway, here I come with this month's Kaika.




I think you might have guessed whose focus this chapter is on.

Yep, it's none other than Hinata Hyuga. :D

Like many of you, the disappointment was high when it came to how she was written in canon. Thus, I took it upon me to write her the way I wish I would've seen her be written in canon.

I tried to keep her as much as possible in character, but with a spin/twist to it.

And since they all came after a war, I saw it fit to start her on a new path, too.  :hehehe:

#984755 Kaika Saisei

Posted by Chatte on 18 July 2021 - 01:38 PM

love love love love love love love this!!!!!!


asdjaidhasfha coming from you this makes me so happy, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!  :wha: thank yooou!  :wibble:


This feels so much more canon to me because the art style is similar, Kishis new art is not only ugly but unrecognizable. Naruto looks like an old fish and Sasuke has no duckbutt. :/

Also since the ending and adult characters deviated from the rest of the series, I consider the ending a split from that and the AUs a continuation. So happy people are writing this<3


And I haven't read the chapters but I hope they don't involve some struggle between nh/ss because I don't think that was ever a question, at least NH. Although too negative SS has a lot more merit than NH, and Sakura's feelings needed a resolution. I also thought of SS as a possibility along with NS in part I, but NS soon surpassed it by miles. NH though never caught my attention.


Well Kishi isn't the one designing Boruto, is that dude Ikemoto or what's his name.


And yes, I was like wait a minute, since everyone & their mamma write an AU that they want, why shouldn't I? So I started doing it, lol.


As for the pairings, well, they are under the radar cuz in order to properly develop NS I gotta first properly deal with the NH and SS. 


I even had someone mentioning how they are so tired of this thing and i know it mustn't be easy, but I don't wanna be a cop-out like Kishi  :superior:  


I want to treat all characters with the respect they deserve.  -_-

#984754 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Chatte on 18 July 2021 - 01:24 PM

The manga should have hinged on three storylines: one supporting Naruto and his background; one supporting Sasuke and his; and one about Sakura's journey inheriting the medical/healing chakra from the past. Each should have had struggles with how the past supported and failed them, and how they make the their inherited powers/skills better for the future. And with those unique innovations to their unique powers/skills, they end up saving each other, and as a group become more powerful as Team 7.


Naruto and Sasuke's powers should have been equally matched and in opposition to each other, and it should have been Sakura's unique powers that were able to bridge the gap and bring the two together. Thus the two rivals become more powerful when they are together than they were when they were separate.


All thanks to Sakura, who firmly establishes herself as the element that holds their team together (take that, haters), as was already hinted at by the circle on her back the whole dang time.


And then Naruto and Sakura fall in love. :love:


This could've been the perfect story, aaah! T_T


Also for the story, needless to say I am doing the same with Kaika.


I have a background created that goes beyond even the era of the Sage of Six Paths, actually, lol.


I created bg for Senju, Uchiha, Uzumakis, Haruno, Hyuga etc. And they all fit nicely because guess what? I GIVE A DAMN about these characters.

Even for those that I didn't particularly favor, like Hinata's cuz omg what she ended-up representing.


But that doesn't mean girl should receive some proper love and characterization.

#984684 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Chatte on 08 July 2021 - 07:17 PM

Apparently, Naruto was the third highest rated kid show on Netflix in 2020 not sure if that's counting Boruto. 

OG Naruto is awesome tho. Maybe that's what they voted.

#984602 Kaika Saisei

Posted by Chatte on 23 June 2021 - 07:26 PM



New chapter for Kaika Saisei is up and running on my blog.


Find it here.


In this particular chapter I tried dealing with a rather hot topic of discussion.


The well-known confession scene.


Enjoy the read!

#984594 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 59

Posted by Chatte on 23 June 2021 - 01:04 AM

But where lol? We had Sarada with some potential in Gaiden and then compared to the others she's barely learning Chidori, while Boruto is getting god level powers.

Pfft, yeah, very better utilized female cast.  :lmao:

#984551 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Chatte on 20 June 2021 - 12:16 AM

Weren't there two camps at SP the ones who wanted NaruSaku and the ones who wanted NH and saw Hinata as a goddess?


Yeah. The female side of SP vs the male.


That should tell you one or two things. 

#984477 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Chatte on 10 June 2021 - 08:53 AM

Hello all!

It's been more than a few years, close to half a decade I guess since I left the fandom, not wanting to think of this series. I was cleaning up my emails and saw so many notifications from discussions on this forum. Old memories called me back here to see how things have been. 

Hope everyone is safe and doing well! 


Hello, hello.


We're all here doing fine. Returning to the love we once had haha. 


I've seen a resurgence in people getting back to NaruSaku fandom and eh, what can I say, it makes me truly happy <3 

#984460 Kaika Saisei

Posted by Chatte on 08 June 2021 - 01:08 PM

Finally found time to read the latest chapter. But before I comment on chapter 6 and forgot to comment on chapter 5, those 3 otsutsuki introduced in the chapter were they the 3 villains you mentioned for the story or do you have more planned than just those 3? Also will we learn Kabuto's fate in this as I don't think your in favor with what the canon did with Gaiden.


For Chapter 6 I found it interesting about how you got Sasuke to get ride off his old clothing connected to orochimaru; as I feel he should of gotten rid of it during the war and gotten some uchiha war robes like Madara & his family use to wear, due to his regular outfit not meshing well with everyone's war outfits (same with Naruto as well with his look, Rather he had his sage cloak or something like the gusty ninja look maybe a mix of the two). Though granted I guess the look he did get in 699 was very close to it, but a bit too late in my opinion. 





I like how you got Sasuke to find Jugo, as he was always the most loyal of taka to him. These connections to the Uchiha and Uzumaki's you wrote I feel should of been what Kishimoto should of put when trying to have Naruto and Sasuke connect if he wanted to have Naruto save him. I'm curious to see if Sasuke will learn of the senju connection to the Uzumaki's soon.


They are part of the villains squad, yes. But only one of them is the one I said about in our previous talks.


These two I have to admit I didn't originally thought about them. They just came along due to the necessity present in setting the plot the way I meant. Though, I have to admit that I am pretty fond of them now. I have some plans regarding them for the future anyway, cuz then ideas popped out once they appeared in the story of how I can utilize them better to set some future plot I had in mind.


As for Chapter 6, yeah, I felt that it was necessary to 'shed' the old in order to start anew with him. And I thought it would be interesting if I would to do so by having him go back to the original source that made him take those choices.


Basically like people do in RL. In order to understand, they go in a introspection mode and try to understand certain parts of themselves better in order to heal (or depends on their objective, ofc).


That's the road I wanted to take with Sasuke.


As for Sasuke's looks, for the moment I used the clothes he was given by Kishi in the last chapter. But I guess we'll see in the future. Maybe I will get some inspiration from the Uchiha clothing style. We'll see.

There's a lot of other things I want to do with Sasuke that for the moment this costume fits him pretty well.


For Jugo, tbh I don't see him anywhere else but besides Sasuke. There was a point in their relationship. I cannot see him just with the others by himself, without Sasuke. He was like you said, the most loyal to Sasuke. And in return Sasuke was the only one who could help him with his own issue. 


As for the Uchiha and Uzumaki clans, well... I too felt that that particular plot point should've been addressed. So given it was not, I took it upon myself to do so. :D


You know as they say. Want something done? Do it with your own hands!


Thanks for the feedback, Blue! Greatly appreciated.

#984110 Bail o' Lies Nickname of Boruto's character for the summaries.

Posted by Chatte on 29 April 2021 - 06:53 PM

Yeah, thanks for clearing that up. Admittedly the context of the summaries fly over my head sometimes because I can't tell characters from their nicknames.  


Lol same. Whenever I tried to read the summaries I was like... I GIVE UP I HAVE NO IDEA who these guys are lol.


So I guess thanks are in order. :D

#984109 Kaika Saisei

Posted by Chatte on 29 April 2021 - 06:48 PM



Well, my dears, the newest chapter of Kaika Saisei can be found on my blog.


Thought I won't manage to pull it this month, but glad I did it in the end.


Therefore, I invite you to read this month's chapter: A desire from the past.


Enjoy the read!

#984088 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Chatte on 26 April 2021 - 09:55 PM

If the team 10 moment happened that is a filler. It didn't happen in the manga.


Also, I love this page. Yeah, it comes off a bit as what the? How did the change happen, but then again, I just love the fact that the author build NaruSaku in such a nice way that it didn't come at the cost of SasuSaku, on the contrary.


Treated both pairings with respect, and focused on one of Sakura's greatest qualities: the love she gives to others. 


Not to mention, yeah, the final valley of the end scene did happen and Sasuke was a kitten back then, pardon my french, but it can be argued that it's that very moment that helped him understand this fact about Sakura and that is why he is now telling her all that, imo.


Anyway I think this is my favorite part ever!

#984087 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Chatte on 26 April 2021 - 09:51 PM

Agree to disagree. While EreHis had potential moments in the manga, Eremika seemed to pick up the moment Eren finally realized (when the Smiling Titan was about to kill them) after Mikasa's confession that she loved him as a man: That despite his previous preconceptions about their relationship(or rather, how he believed Mikasa viewed their relationship), she did not see him as her foster sibling nor saw it as an obligation to be his protector. Following that moment,  his attitude towards her did a 180 onwards(with the promise of "wrapping her scarf as many times as she wants" interpreted as his own way of reciprocating her feelings). To me, it was a situation similar to Gray and Juvia's from FT.


You see that's the thing... I never really got that vibe in that respect as I picked up the story. I got it as yes, a saving grace moment where Mikasa did help boost his confidence as he was on the brink of desperation because he could never save anyone yadda yadda.


Mikasa saw that and knew that she had to deal with him in a different way, so then that gave him a boost to continue to fight instead of dwelling on his inability to fight. But it was all under the sign of desperation, imo.


Of course, at the end of the day we're all free to have our own opinions. This is just how I saw it, as a newcomer to the series that wasn't involved (luckily) with the whole mess that was in AOT as well. 


But, to each their own.


Out of context, but is naruto war going to start?.
I found this in a NS's page on Instagram. I'm not really fluent in English so I just can got the basic idea. But South Korean really were capable of doing that?


Wait, they were capable of doing what? I don't understand even with the English translations?? South Koreans did what? Idk man, this is really confusing.

#984044 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Chatte on 24 April 2021 - 02:18 PM

While quality-wise AOT is indeed MUCH better than Naruto, I can't help the feeling that ending wise is the same as Naruto (pairing wise) & GOT (plot wise).  :ermm:

The build-up between Eren & Mikasa & Eren & Historia seemed so much like the build-up between NS & SS to me. 

But I guess, compared to Naruto, its ending can be just a bad afterthought because up to that, the story is a masterpiece, while Naruto fell short waay earlier, its last saving grace being the Kushina Arc, while the Pain Arc stands as the point where the story could've very well ended.

#983864 Happy NaruSaku Day!

Posted by Chatte on 03 April 2021 - 06:27 PM

Happy NaruSaku Day, everyone!




It's been a real pleasure getting to know all of you and riding the NaruSaku wave since the beginning until now. :D