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Member Since 11 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2014 01:02 AM

#611656 Chapter 697

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 24 October 2014 - 12:14 AM

Yeah, he's spent his birthday fighting a war, that kitten sucks.
I was thinking that it was either a mistranslation, or Sakura was disoriented from being knocked out, so if there was no mistranslation, that means it was the latter right?

I don't think getting my face caved in by my supposed bffl is a fitting way to spend my birthday XD

Sakura will kiss it(Naruto's face)to make it better. :3 ❤️

#606135 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 18 October 2014 - 04:15 AM

the silver medal thing has kind of been inevitable for a while now anyway. Kishi would have to have Sakura say Naruto is her first choice directly and even then I'm not sure I would buy it at all, considering how these past few years have gone down.

the silver medal is a lie, there is no such thing, if she really loved Sasuke, then she wouldn't have fallen for Naruto. People use that sliver medal thing and it's annoying, it's not even correct, it's just another way from them to bash. (Both sides really, since some of you guys use it on Hinata)

No character is a sliver medal, I don't care if you hate them...just ...no. |:<

#604972 Chapter 696

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 16 October 2014 - 04:00 PM

Seeing that panel of sakura looking concerned for Naruto when Sasuke was about to punch his face reminds me of how upset I was at SP for altering it in the anime...remember she was cheering WITH Ino in the anime? No wonder people think she is just a Sasuke fangirl...at least in the anime at times....now SP makes up for its mistakes in other ways..thankfully....but it still annoys me when they change canon panels....

#587711 Chapter 693

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 25 September 2014 - 05:11 PM

Ok I'm going to leave my say here, and no i didn't read every post, way too many, so excuse me if this has been said before, but ...
Had it crossed anyone's mind that the pairing will be resolved in "The Last" movie?

Even after all those posts I read, I fail to see how this is bad for NS...Sakura's feelings for Sasuke have to be dealt with first, otherwise it would be bad development, this is a moment coming full circle when it comes to Sakura confession, btw, I always thought her first confession to sasuke was anti, and this chapter is no different, it's only worse for the SS pairing.

Unless you try and twist everything it support SS somehow...and shockingly, many members here are freaking out and doing just that.

Word of advice, don't fall for the red herring.

#586116 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 23 September 2014 - 04:23 PM

Nejihina was such a great ship, after that series even more so, should have kept Neji around, he was so protective of Hinata, it reminded me of how protective Naruto is to Sakura. <3

#583408 Ohio bus driver sacrifices self for student passenger

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 18 September 2014 - 07:48 PM

That's the best way to go, saving someone else...

#578417 Hello

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 09 September 2014 - 03:10 PM

Welcome! :D

#571983 911/000 Emergency Number Questions anyone?

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 30 August 2014 - 12:33 PM

Oh just recently. like a month ago. At 2:00 AM in the Morning, An early morning jogger reported of a Young guy who is asking for help on the roof of a Shopping Centre, Police and Firies attended that scene , to spot a crying 15 yr old bloke, they managed to get him down along with a Dog (a Husky) . We asked him what he was doing there, and he was like "Sorry sir, i just went up to get my dog who ran up through some building scaffolding and i was really scared for him . blah blah."
He acted really well and was in tears telling us his SOB story.. BUT upon conforming his identity , we managed to find out that he has 150+ Past Criminal Records of Stealing , Criminal Damage and Various other Minor Crimes (The Courts are soft here for kids with minor offences) and upon review of the CCTV it turns out he tried to force the Dog to go up the building (for unknown reasons). Unfortunately for him turns out that the Dog is a Highly Trained Police Dog who is Retired, Along with his Police Handler. and the Dog attacked the boy (forcing him up the Building).
Lucky for him , he managed to escape unharmed as the Dog has a record of 23 Takedowns over the course of 8 Years. LOL.
I've got a couple more stories. but i just have to recall them haha.
but most of the time, over the phone, people try to make prank calls by saying that there's an disturbance/Crime in one certain place, while we can see them that they're calling from a payphone/home phone located 1200 Kilometers away. lol.

wow! I'm glad I asked! :D that's a tall tale all right! xD

#571794 911/000 Emergency Number Questions anyone?

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 30 August 2014 - 01:45 AM

Ohh! I have a question! :D Do you know any interesting tall tale stories from people that you might have (I'm assuming here) had to interrogate ? Cops do that right...?

So yeah,..crazy stories...out there crazy...like...they so made that up...

Ok ? :D

#571545 Online Gamer Calls SWAT Team on Another Player

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 29 August 2014 - 07:01 PM

I just want to hit people that do stuff like that, it's so sick, I feel so bad for the SWAT teams, they are just trying to save lives. And some kitten thinks it's funny to mess with them. Sdkjfhdsk.fjhsejfh....I have no words.

#567733 well the korra book 3 finale is today guys

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 22 August 2014 - 08:13 PM

I love it, every anime I love (and I know legend of Korra is not a anime but...) it all has this elements in it, the so called "asspulls", and it honestly doesn't bother me much as long as they explain it, and they do.

It's all good. :D

Ps, I love this series so much, I'm going to marathron the whole thing again! Honestly I think it's better the the first series, although I will always love the first series, I really enjoy the new cast and the new stories.

To each their own, it's my kind of show that's for sure! :D

#538487 WHAT IF Kishimoto decides for SS to be the end game??

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 17 June 2014 - 09:52 PM

Give me a sec I'm trying to get a second wind after laughing so hard.

was that comment really needed? Can you at least debate, and not just "lol your wrong derp" you seem like a bit of a ass for laughing at that person.....no offense to you...I have always liked your comments, but I can't get behind this one.

Explain why you disagree, without mocking.

#538306 WHAT IF Kishimoto decides for SS to be the end game??

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 16 June 2014 - 11:41 PM

I will never hate Sakura no matter who the lucky guy is.

#538303 "Naruto doesn't love Sakura anymore" + random question

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 16 June 2014 - 11:29 PM

That saying has pretty much turned into to, "if I say it long enough, it will magically come true:D"

That's pretty much how I view it when NH and SS repeat that line over and over again ...xD

#536489 Naruto Shippuden 364

Posted by KeikoxYusuke on 10 June 2014 - 03:18 PM

Wow this was just wow  so much delusion  :lmao: It was  exactly like in the manga i really don't know what this guy has been seeing or reading for that mater but just watch the episode and you will see  it was like in the manga it was all about comrades not NH lol
As for SP being NS fans well we have so many NS scenes that are mutual not one sided like NH lol XD 

This is not what her reaction portrayed in the first place and it deviates from the original meaning of what the author wanted to show with that and it has nothing to do with her actions later on and making this "consistent" this is changing the scene completely being in shock and determined its not same it doesn't convey the same feeling , this is like if in the manga the Autor Makes Naruto looking at Sakura in awe but in the anime they make him indifferent about her its the same in here for all i know Sakura was reacting to Hinata's interaction with Naruto see its not consistent with anything  . No offense but this is a terrible excuse .

actually, she looked the same in the anime and in the manga, your picking nits.... :/ I really don't get why people dislike Sakura face in that scene, it looks like the manga, only in motion. ( like they always do..)
