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#967446 Cute Naruto+Sakura Fanarts Thread

Posted by Toby on 06 August 2018 - 09:56 PM





Sakura hanging out with Ino and Hinata: 









kushina_hits_naruto_xd_by_marshallstar-d Wait, Sakura actually met Kushina in a filler? O_o  
























Naruto has the most happiness when hanging out with Sakura, even though Sakura punches him sometimes. 

#967445 Cute Naruto+Sakura Fanarts Thread

Posted by Toby on 06 August 2018 - 09:40 PM





Sakura feeling Naruto's cheek before Hinata had the guts to (Hinata eventually tried to court Naruto but not at this time period yet, so Sakura's just being Sakura) 









Probably Naruto made himself stinky and was causing trouble so he gets punched: 






lol naruto




sakura taking a break from naruto's antics

#967444 Cute Naruto+Sakura Fanarts Thread

Posted by Toby on 06 August 2018 - 09:32 PM









#967443 Cute Naruto+Sakura Fanarts Thread

Posted by Toby on 06 August 2018 - 09:27 PM






#967441 Cute Naruto+Sakura Fanarts Thread

Posted by Toby on 06 August 2018 - 09:16 PM

PS this is Sakura's (imaginary) hand (also the last hand before Naruto's completed Rasengan):


















#967440 Cute Naruto+Sakura Fanarts Thread

Posted by Toby on 06 August 2018 - 08:41 PM

This is my favorite too:





















#967439 Cute Naruto+Sakura Fanarts Thread

Posted by Toby on 06 August 2018 - 08:36 PM

I will post fanart that made me happy! 


For example, when I saw this fanart, I loved the Sakura + Naruto happiness chemistry. IT's just so...canon. (The high five) 


What I imagine from this fanart is that Sakura + Naruto both time-traveled back to the past during Minato's era, and then did their own universe fixes and met Kakashi.  





#966250 I just returned after years of not checking this website

Posted by Toby on 24 June 2018 - 06:55 PM

I remember this community. I quit visiting shortly after Naruto ended. 


How is everyone? What have you all been up to for the past 2+ years? 

#885903 The Neverending Debate over the End of Naruto

Posted by Toby on 06 November 2015 - 03:46 AM

That blog post is so naive.

#885606 Suppose we had gotten a NaruSaku ending . . .

Posted by Toby on 05 November 2015 - 03:22 AM

They'll probably have expected it (the manga readers for the most part). Maybe Studio Pierrot would branch off and do a NaruHina ending but no one would be SHOCKED to see NS, not even the SS/NH fans not as much as they might claim anyway

#885486 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by Toby on 04 November 2015 - 12:37 PM

^The only reason I still care about this series is fanfiction

#885366 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by Toby on 03 November 2015 - 09:50 PM


Sorry but no, it doesn't make sense at all, and this doesn't even begin to justify the ending. Firstly, you used Naruto changing as reason for Sakura not falling in love with him, essentially saying it was Naruto's fault in the first place. Basically you said that Naruto changed, and that it was incumbent on him to make Sakura love him. You say that you're not accounting for the Last's logic, yet that is the exact logic used in the movie: "Naruto can change, but Sakura can not because she is a woman therefore his feelings aren't worth as much as hers".



Sakura STOPPED loving Naruto because he CHANGED. They both changed.



His handling of Kaguya has nothing to do with it, because he had no other choice but to seal her, even the sage said that. Naruto is not Hashirama, and the circumstances you provided literally have nothing to do with each other.




He had "no other choice" what? Why would Naruto listen to the Sage? Naruto's been ninja jesus, why would he suddenly stop?


Naruto didn't listen to Jiraiya when he told him to give up on Sasuke.

He didn't listen to the fact that had no other choice but to kill Pein (a huge THREAT to Konoha), he outright converted him. THIS is Naruto.


He stopped with Kaguya.


Hashirama didn't listen when everyone plus Tobirama claimed he had no choice but to kill Madara. Later on Hashirama CHANGED and "killed" Madara.

Also, what the hell does Sakura's family have to do with Naruto? It's not his job to care for her. It's not his job to know her business.




YES it is. Or rather NO it isn't his job but this is NARUTO so it is Naruto's job because Sakura is his friend and THIS IS NARUTO who wouldn't let Sasuke go because he was his friend.


Sakura didn't choose Sasuke over Naruto because Naruto changed, she chose Sasuke because she is a disgustingly selfish, shallow person that wanted to bolster her self worth by ending up with a guy who everyone loved for no reason, and then she would finally beat Ino.




But Naruto changed. Unless you are claiming Naruto didn't change?

Not to mention the fact that Kaguya came before the Sasuke fight, and Naruto fought Sasuke and brought him back. He even told Kakashi that he was keeping his promise before he left to fight Sasuke. Therefore to that point, Naruto didn't change, and this argument has no basis.




Naruto ALREADY KNEW Sasuke's history beforehand so converting him was no big deal. But whenever Naruto knows nothing about a villian, he ALWAYS made an EFFORT to find out their backstory. He found out about Neji, Pein, Obito, EVERYONE's SIDE of the story first before converting them. He didn't bother to FIND OUT about Kaguya. 


Sorry, but it doesn't make any sense in the slightest. NS didn't happen because Kishi was shallow enough to care about popularity before quality and message, end of story.



That's already been established a long time ago that the ending won out of popularity but also you can't ignore these nuances in the manga which seem to show that the ENDING didn't just pop out of nowhere.

#885361 Manga-wise, why NaruSaku not happening makes sense.

Posted by Toby on 03 November 2015 - 09:26 PM

(None of that The Last logic please, kishi didn't write that movie with his own hands. :\)
Hashirama's MISTAKE^ , which Naruto resolved to never repeat.
Instead of getting revenge (causing more fighting,) he forgives and brings all sympathetic villians to the good side. (Itachi, Obito, Madara, Nagato/Konan, Neji, etc)
But suddenly when his greeeat grandma shows up:


He seals this one permanently without trying to force her side of the story out of her and then convert her. This last one.
he did convert Sasuke but, he outright got rid of Kaguya without redeeming her. Just like Hashirama simply gave up on converting Madara and simply "killed" him. 
This could potentially be the start of Naruto's CHANGE into a "the end justifies the means" type of person, and that's how we gradually ended up with a semi-heartless Hokage who'd rather endure, forcing himself to take things SERIOUSLY and do paperwork all day instead of goofing off and playing around with his son+daughter+wife and doesn't give a kitten about how Sakura and her family is faring because he needs to endure his Hokage duties. (Like a parallel to Hashirama's mistake when he "killed" Madara.) 
If that were the case, it makes perfect sense why NaruSaku didn't happen and... Sakura would rather choose Sasuke over a guy like that, she rooted so long 600 chapters for and then he just GAVE UP. She would not want to be together with that Naruto. And I guess it's a wise decision, given this isn't the same Naruto?
What do you think?
"NS not happening" isn't the reason Naruto changed, I think this is the reason^
I also wonder, WHY, would he do this to Kaguya?
He didn't even try to talk to her to hear her motivations from her own mouth! 
So was it because Kaguya was too difficult an opponent and too incomprehensible that he just gave up because he didn't want to risk the lives of his friends over someone THIS unfathomable? Like Hashi didnt want to risk Konoha. 
Or it could have something to do with Neji's death. Hinata told Naruto to not go back on his words (a.k.a. endure it) and that Neji's memory lives in their hearts.
Obito (and inadvertibly Hinata) also rubbed it in Naruto's face that he could do NOTHING when Neji died in front of his eyes. (This is the difference between how Jiraiya died)
Thus saying that Naruto is useless and there are some things he can't stop even if he is physically there:  therefore, Naruto must endure it and move on. He must do it FOR his comrades because his own life isn't his.  (like Hashirama must do it FOR the village)
I can imagine either Sakura or Sasuke saying "You changed, Naruto" or just thinking it inside either their mind or subconscious. And this mutual feeling in regards to Naruto made SS possible, plus they were together for the Kaguya battle so they knew what happened.
"You changed, Hashirama," -Madara | = | "You changed, Naruto," -Sakura (+Sasuke?)

#885343 Did you expect NH and SS to happen before the ending came out?

Posted by Toby on 03 November 2015 - 07:22 PM

I'm glad I'm not the only one with those reactions when I first saw those significant panels. I WAS expecting NH/SS at FIRST because of the hand holding scene, and Hinata's long-term crush on Naruto, and I thought....It's not realistic for Kishimoto to give a big backslap to a character who's been admiring Naruto for 700 chapters even if NaruSaku made most sense. Being mean to a character who has no romantic interests in any other character besides Naruto? I didn't think that would happen at first (it didn't happen.) But then Naruto got CPR and also Sakura met Minato, and Sakura noticing how horrible Sasuke is, etc.


He definitely didn't intend SS, for sure. But why did Kishi add the Hinata "I Love You" +Pein arc scene in the first place and why Hinata, if he didn't intend NH?



off topic;

The ones who say they expected nh/ss ( the majority of the Naruto fandom, sadly ) also claim it was obvious and they saw it as early as chap 200s you must be stupid to not have seen it ................. Conclusion: don't waste your time on them

#883741 If Sasuke stayed in Konoha, how can Sakura fall in love with Naruto?

Posted by Toby on 25 October 2015 - 01:33 AM

If Sasuke stayed in Konoha, would Sakura even change?
She seemed to endure him a lot and it was until after he left that she started developing feelings for Naruto