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#520491 SasuSaku?

Posted by narusaku256 on 29 March 2014 - 06:39 AM

SS had a lot of potential before. IMO the SS confession was the most heartfelt one. and the "thank you" part was one of the saddest and meaningful line for me. He didn't left with an apology but with a grateful word that means he did treasure them, even if he wants to cut ties with his friends. By saying thank you, he admits that he did not regret it at all. and that made me like that confession so much, even if you don't put any romantic tone on it, it is still beautiful.

I disagree with this. Naruto's 'Promise of a lifetime' was even more heartfelt than SS confession seeing how Naruto bottled up his emotions just for Sakura's sake. I don't see Sasuke involved in Sakura in a romantic way in Part 2 and neither in Part 1. If anything, it really was a 12-year old fangirl crush of Sakura on Sasuke. Sakura liked Sasuke because of his looks and he being the cool, alpha male and I think she wanted to 'change' him right? I think the concept of love is more of like 'You know your partner may not be the perfect guy, he/she may have some flaws and that he/she is not at all perfect. But inspite of all this you accept each other as they are and continue to like each other in some weird way, which is called love'. This is the case with NS. Both of them know that they are not perfect. But, still they have accepted each other as they are(I am assuming here that Sakura loves Naruto) and most of all they enjoy each other's company. Neither Naruto nor Sakura want to change something in other, but instead they like each other for 'them' and not 'what they want them to be'. Want an example? Naruto loved Sakura for her huge forehead back in part 1 when clearly she was teased by everyone for that and she wished she could change that, but Naruto thought of her as beautiful because of her large forehead and loved her for that. From Sakura's side now, she really loves Naruto for his goofy character; an example of which was given at the start of part 2 where she herself stated that It was hard to accept that Naruto had grown so much and that Naruto growing up kinda made her sad and she'd miss the childish Naruto. There are plenty of examples to elaborate this. Now, I don't mean to say SS is bad or SS is dark or criticize SS, it maybe good in its own way, but NS seriously has more meaning and more than that it has more depth than SS. Again, maybe I am being biased, but as I said earlier, you are right in your position and I in mine. Agree to disagree?

#519818 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 24 March 2014 - 03:31 PM

Oh no I didn't want to argue with you ^^
It was some general comments on my part ^^

Sorry about that it wasn't pointed toward you at all =) it's just that your answer inspired me what I said ^^ lol

No worries ^_^. I didn't want to argue either. They were just my opinions and some general comments from my side too :D

#519654 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 22 March 2014 - 06:10 PM

Hey guys I have a question. Feel free to share your opinions. Is it possible that we will get to see Edo Kushina once the war ends maybe on Naruto's or Minato's request? It will be actually be a heart warming scene to see mother-son reunion again. Besides, it will also be a funny sight to watch Kushina confront Sakura and notice that her son did find a girl like her XD. What are your opinions guys?

#519611 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 22 March 2014 - 10:47 AM

Maybe Hinata's fall was meant for another meaning. Not necessarily one of logic because Hinata seemed absolutely determined in the Pain Arc to have Naruto live, even if she got KOed by Pain in the process. That's what's most shocking about Hinata giving up on Naruto's life that easily. Maybe his slowing heart got to her more, but either way it definitely proved Sakura's more determined than her (we already knew that though lol)


Personally, I feel like Hinata's prayer Neji was supposed to ramp up the suspense and prove that Naruto's really dying. I've had that impression ever since I first read it, it wasn't meant to prove Hinata's weak or something. At least I don't think that was Kishi's intention. I also think Kishi might've been trying to prove Sakura's the one that's truly close to him, but that's more of my shipper side. :P

Agree with the point you're trying to make. Maybe her fall symbolised that in the end how much ever she ran, she could never get close to Naruto upto a level Sakura is. It was nothing like she's weak or something but she 'just' stumbled and could see the cloud going farther and realised that how much ever she tried she couldn't reach Naruto now and hence gave up ending or reducing the chances of NH to almost 1%(1% incase of asspulls) and paved the way for NS development. But at the end of the day what matters(from shippers point of view) is that she could not reach Naruto but Sakura did.

#519207 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 18 March 2014 - 05:23 PM

How about this- Naruto asks Obito why he took the evil path and all and Obito says due to Rin. However it may happen, the topic shifts to Obito and Rin and ObiRin relationship. Then some ObiRin moments are stated like Rin saying become a cool hokage and show everyone what a cool hokage means and 'I am watching you' and Obito promising her that. Sakura then remembers Naruto's lifetime promise and other moments and realises how her and Naruto's relationship is very similar to ObiRin and she realizes how much Naruto loves her and thus the final stage begins.

#519028 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 16 March 2014 - 09:34 AM

Yeah the wake up moment is Definetly what everyone is expecting the most right now. The only question is how is it going to be set up?? I've been trying to look into this in a writers point of view as best I could and right now I would say it'd be best to wake up Sasuke first in the next few chapters but still drag on Naruto's awakening as long as he can. It would keep readers in suspense of when the heck naruto is going to wake up and make them into the story more and more.

Now as a NS fan I also want to see a NS moment when he wakes up but not the hugging, kissing and tears of relief. I want too see him rescue sakura from certain death than anything. Naruto has rescued sakura with her in his arms before and it makes a whole lot more sense to me that that will happen then any other romantic gesture.( though I wouldn't mind a big ol' bear hug afterwards XD lol)

I do get what you want to say and convey. But I think it would be a prettier picture if the action comes from Sakura's end. That's because we have always seen Naruto protect her, making her happy and all that. Yes, Sakura also does that but not with the same intentions as that of Naruto. What you are saying that Naruto should do, will make a prettier picture if it comes from Sakura's side too. But I guess it won't matter much from whose side the action is taken. And about the part regarding the dragging on Naruto's awakening, yes its pretty good of an idea to bring Sasuke first and then Naruto, but not dragging Naruto's awakening. I am not saying NS should be canon now, but a small but concise moment will do good for now. Seeing that the manga is nearing its end Kishi cannot show Sakura coming to terms with her feelings in a single manga and it is not even plausible. A gradual realisation is certainly a more plausible option IMO. But nevertheless, it will be quite interesting to see how Kishi shows Sakura realising her feelings and confessing it to Naruto and then his answer and the start of their relationship. The confession will be re-addressed too. I do wish to see a liplock scene between Naruto and Sakura once all the issues are dealt with XD. It will be worth a watch!

#518869 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 15 March 2014 - 03:54 AM

Actually, Naruto knew she loved Sasuke and she showed it in front of him a few hours before leaving the village there's no way she would simply drop that and be genuine towards him.
About the last statement "romantically feelings" were never respected on this story because that leaves the implication, if Naruto respects Sakura's feelings then he should do the same with Hinata and Lee and other characters would do the same, like example Sakura respecting Ino's feelings despite she because she her best friend and etc...
In fact Naruto witnessed Sakura's smile and how she was happy around Naruto, it inst about respecting feelings but common sense, he loves her and wants her to be happy and unfortunately for him he always saw Sakura being happy around Sasuke

Actually, its exactly the opposite when she is with Sasuke. She has to hide her true emotions, be something that he would appreciate and the worst part is be someone she dosen't want to and bottle up her true self and much much more. She just 'pretends' to be happy when with Sasuke but on the inside and deep down(really deep down) she is really really not that happy. She seems to be happy because she loves(Crush -_-) Sasuke. And I think it was also shown in the manga though I don't know which chapter. Anyways, I think this is one of the points Kishi would put up if at all the manga is turning to NS. On the other hand, she is at her best when she is with Naruto. Heck! She even goes beyond best. She dosen't need to bottle up her emotions, be something she dosen't want to and the best part she can be her true self(inner self) when she's with Naruto because she knows whatever happens Naruto won't leave her and will always accept her however she is irrespective of what other people say about her. She in the 'true sense' is happy with Naruto. I don't know why she is still clinging on to Sasuke but IMO she has almost given up on him. Now, I maybe wrong on this part but that's what that 'fake smile' and 'The image of Sasuke burning' part said. And, one more point I would like to make here is people say that Sakura hasen't found out about Sasuke's condition so she cannot go to him. Well, even if she had found out about Sasuke, she would still go to Naruto because whether from 'romantic' perspective or not Naruto means a lot to her, probably even something more than Sasuke and that is one thing we can surely deduce from the confession part. The next turn up of events would be very very interesting to watch and the answers to all our questions will be given and that's for sure!

#518573 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 12 March 2014 - 07:14 PM

That oddly makes me remember that scene wherein he's dreaming about kissing Sakura and later on when she appears in his room and Naruto being Naruto does that pathetic smooching face and then what happens from Sakura's side we all know XD

#518112 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 09 March 2014 - 04:55 PM

Sakura's expression and Naruto's and Karin's expression are the same when put in a similar situation implying that they are something between embarassed and shocked and NOT disgusted. I think, this is what is to be deduced from that pic.

#517901 Hello everyone!

Posted by narusaku256 on 07 March 2014 - 01:58 PM

Welcome to Heaven & Earth.  What elements have you discovered to making it close to an ideal pairing, if you don't mind me asking?

Are you asking me my opinion on why it will be canon or based on evidences? Well, according to me they seem to perfectly fit each other. Naruto and Sakura both seem to compliment each other. Naruto has some flaws in his character which are filled by Sakura and vice versa. Perfect Heaven and Earth ^_^. Naruto is kind of goofy and Sakura seems to be the only one who can control him. She hits he him whenever he acts like an idiot yet cares the most for him. They both understand each other so well. Sakura is a kind of very emotional character and Naruto seems to understand every bit of her emotions and supports, instigates confidence and what not in her so she never loses hope. Like said in the confession by Sakura, Naruto has always been there for her when no one was, always supporting and encouraging her. They have been through so much together helping each other when one of them fails and they have utmost faith in each others abilities as well as in each other. Sakura can be herself when she is with Naruto and does not need to pretend to be someone she is not. There are many things on why they make the most perfect pairing. Most of important thing is they complete each other when they are together just like 2 halves when added together make one full.

#517873 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by narusaku256 on 07 March 2014 - 06:13 AM

Even though we know Kishi is going to make this canon, there's still some stuff to go through before it reaches that point, people are saying they could cover all this stuff in the end but I still think some of it needs to be cleared up now, its not really as simple as boy confesses loves and girl returns love.


Like I said Naruto has to confess his feelings for Sakura who despite listing all the reasons why she should love him (during the Fake Confession) doesn't and only sees him as a friend and comrade similar to how Naruto feels towards Hinata. Even though Yamato said over 300 chapters ago that Sakura loves Naruto, i'm starting to see less and less of what he's talking about. Not only does Sakura have to return those feelings but she also has to convince him that she's over Sasuke, something Naruto simply didn't believe last time because he appears to be under the impression that once your in love with someone that's it there's no going back otherwise you're just "lying to yourself"


This is why I hate the Fake Confession its a cluttered mess and pretty anti NS even after all that happened afterwards (Naruto saving Sakura and giving her hope again) she doesn't even consider him a love interest (the love fodder scene proves that) atleast she doesn't think she does according to the databooks.


The Fake Confession is confusing as hell because it goes from pro NS (sakura's confession) to anti NS and pro SS (Sakura was lying and loves Sasuke so much she can't bring herself to kill him) and then just fizzles out. Then the love fodder scene which is anti SS and yet not pro NS (it was more or less just her losing the hope Naruto gave her earlier)


I ahve no idea what to think of this whole mess its too confusing.  :argh:


Another reason why I sort of want hints that Sakura's developing feelings for Naruto right now, because at this point if listing all the reasons why she should like him (fake confession) and him being at death's door doesn't get her to realize or atleast contemplate her feelings for him then I don't care what Yamato says there's really nothing else Naruto can do at this point to get her like him. 

Gosh! You badly want NaruSaku to happen right XD? As much as we all want that to happen I'll say keep patience my friend. I assure you the manga has many more things worth discussing than just NaruSaku. Don't overthink on this issue since its not going to change what the author has planned in his mind. Every aspect of the buildup will be elaborated later. Its my personal opinion and I don't know whether everyone shares this opinion of mine, but based on what I've seen, NH fans go on and on ranting about their pairing and over analysing things and picking out things which don't have any sense and NS fans are like all cool and calm because they have faith in their pairing and know it will be canon at the end because they know their ship very well. Its similar to empty vessels(NH fans) make more noise XD(sorry for offending anyone). Anyways, don't be like them,(not implying you are like that but you are just jumping to conclusions and want the manga go your way) be like a pro NS fan B). You can put your speculations about how things can turn up but don't jump to conclusions hastily. Wait and watch is all I've to say and you'll get your answers.


And yeah about Sakura not getting all emotional and all(your previous post days ago). The main reason is because she knows that crying and breaking her head over Naruto won't bring him back. So she has to think about what can be done inorder to save him and that's perfectly what has to be done in a dire situation like this. What's more precious than the one you love is putting aside even her own emotions and heck each and every person just because she can save you! 


And about the confession, as you said it went from pro NS to anti NS to pro SS. I personally think the aspect of Sakura's confession will be brought under limelight again. Just wait and have a little patience. Having said all this if the manga does not end up with NS being canon it will simply be a bad writing on Kishi's part and he will practically violate all the principles that the manga supposedly held! I'm sorry if I have offended you in anyway but I did not mean it.

#517015 Naruto 666

Posted by narusaku256 on 28 February 2014 - 09:08 AM

I can honestly say, that with that 667 hint/spoiler, I would love for the chapter to go that direction.


I would love for Naruto to get one last time with Jiraiya (although I think it wouldn't do any good for the manga and frankly, I'm just too tired atm to see how it would tie in).


Naruto & Jiraiya scene. Naruto wakes up, & we all get the long awaited Narusaku forehead scene with a big, wet and sloppy make out sessi- Confession. :twitch:


but meeting the Rikudo Sennin is fine too. I just want my ns scene so that my heart can explode after Six Hundred and Sixty-six chapters. LOL


Edit: Typos

It is okay to expect a moment but dosen't it sound a bit absurd that protagonist has just cheated death, there is a war going on right now, they are faced with the most badass character of all times and what they do is confess their feelings for each other to their heart's content in the other dimension?

#516961 Naruto 666

Posted by narusaku256 on 27 February 2014 - 07:02 PM

How about we get a Dan/Tsuna scene like the one during 5 kage vs Madara. A kiss on forehead and chakra n full strength restored XD?

#515547 Hello everyone!

Posted by narusaku256 on 17 February 2014 - 08:10 PM

Hello people!M a newcomer on this page n I've joined this page mainly cuz I love narusaku pairing a lot!According to me this pairing carries nearly every element of an ideal relationship.Looks like it will be fun debating you guys.Looking forward to do the same.Have a great day ahead :D