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#607337 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by JILLNYN on 19 October 2014 - 07:26 PM

well join me in the positive side of NS :yes:

I always have faith, that's my ninja way and have decided a life with no regrets

#606895 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by JILLNYN on 19 October 2014 - 06:57 AM

I'm totally in love with Naruto xD too bad that he is a fictional character


is very manly and attractive is a very sweet man. I wish more men like him in real life

#606832 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by JILLNYN on 19 October 2014 - 03:48 AM

I throw my coffe xD OMG!!! in 663 I think ¿this is real? ¿in this shonen?


in another part


I was reading comments on youtube when a pro-NH fan was saying that Hinata appeared in Chapter 1 and that she was who recognized Naruto first...

then someone came out saying it was all lie that Hinata went through chapter forty-three, and the first person to recognized Naruto was Iruka got me thinking ... is it true? (I saw the anime first and did not see the manga to Gaara arc) ...

started reading today from chapter 1 of the manga and it's beautiful what I found, now I see everything clearly I was impressed by how different it is from the anime in the beginning, it's amazing how from the beginning Sakura eventhough it's a inmature child and one fangirl, begins to see Naruto from the start in a different light watch him grow, is first witness of his heroism, his bravery, his feelings and his dreams, help him, she give him advice is a very nice kid so compassionate, had seen that in the anime, but had not realized that the manga is more significant, all scenes of Hinata that I had in my mind doesn't exist in chapter 1 of manga why??!!!, that impact me, I think I was seeing another series xD

and I talk all this history because I have now realized Kishimoto intention, the message with the NS is deeper than I imagined, really going to be amazing if it does the NS canon, is VERY symbolic, beautiful and all the manga connects so beautifully with NS after re-reading the manga in the first chapters I feel it is strange to think in Hinata, Kishimoto follows a very fine line in the beginning of the manga that message of not surrender without thinking that it is impossible, see through deception, and give the best to you all that is strong enough to ignore the romantic aspect as well, Naruto likes Sakura a lot as a child and he does everything for Sakura she is so good and compassionate, I thought it was just a fangirl in part one and that's LIE, from the beginning she have concern for Naruto saves his life several times and people do not remember it because it has a long time but Sakura is a very good character in anime actually was so unfair to her they misunderstanding her character in the west

#605415 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by JILLNYN on 17 October 2014 - 06:39 AM

publicity strategy in the film is very good, the sketch of Sasuke says much about the end and conclusion of the battle with Naruto, Kakashi probably shows like that will be the next Hokage while Hinata can show be a leader of her clan , this is probably, a conclusion of her character, so SP makes the whole fandom speculate and want to see the movie ...

Kishi probably give them all sketches together but SP display them with strategy.

#605048 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by JILLNYN on 16 October 2014 - 06:05 PM

guys the discussion we had on the thread of movie we follow here:


I feel that Kishi always anticipated the conflict and drama of a subplot chapters before ... a character makes an approach on the emotional state of his characters and comparing them in the past and the plot continues to develop this approach to reach a conclusion

we are talking about 675 in Kakashi line:  "even Sakura still has feelings for Sasuke these are on a completely different level, she wants to save him because it is her duty" "she is that kind of girl ...

What does the duty in romantic feelings ?, love is not subject to duties, the duty is used when there is a moral and ethical responsibility.

The duty is based on work by the principles of morality, justice or his own conscience. In ethics, duty is commonly associated with consciousness, reason, righteousness, law and moral virtue.

Regardless of Sakura feelings she is a heroine she is compassionate "that kind of girl" used by Kakashi those words are also used by Kishimoto with Sakura when talking about a good-hearted compassionate woman.

693 Kakashi again refer to this reflection, and said "she does not want be yours she only want to save you" and then Sasuke thinks of his family, if the context was this romantic this scene is contradictory, Sasuke relates Team 7 as their family has done in all those flashback when he think in his bonds with team 7.

Now in the 693 Sakura says she feels pathetic for not being able to do anything, like the 297 when she is
crying about not being able to do anything for Naruto then Sakura is unhappy about her inability to help them, loves them both but the big difference is that she knows Naruto, she loves Naruto for who he is, while Sasuke loves what she thought he was in the past, which is why she has been able to help Naruto successfully, this it is actually in reality foundation, and this love is selfless, never was her duty, Naruto becoming Hokage has become in her dream, and this is not her duty to her, this love is that the other person be happy. (true love and care if you asked me)


#604521 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by JILLNYN on 16 October 2014 - 03:16 AM


Jill por fas no me dejes.LOL

 no Liu, yo soy fiel amiga y fan sigo aquí con la esperanza de que cambien el tema XD


for all those people who believe that Kishi will change the end for money:


interview from 2006:


SJ: Oda-sensei says he knows how One Piece will end – do you know how Naruto will end?


MK: Yes, I have the last episode clearly drawn in my mind. I’ve already decided on the layout, text and scenes. Not just the story ideas, but the visual ideas are solid.


All I have to do is just head toward the ending I have, but there are still so many things that need to be resolved before reaching that point. Maybe I have thrown in too many ideas, so I need to wrap them up neatly.

#604506 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by JILLNYN on 16 October 2014 - 02:28 AM

Kishimoto 2006 interview:


NC: What is the most important thing for you to express in Naruto Part II?

MK: I've always had "bonds" in my mind as the fundamental theme. And since the story is about battles and struggles, I'm inclined to depict the resulting complications and....difficult relationships. Still, the emphasis will be on bonds. I'm going to show each side's perspective. I won't really divide the cast into friends and foes, but I want to portray each group's circumstance in a fair manner. And when they clash, I want to get inside the mindset of the characters. It won't be a feel-good narrative, since the premise is more complicated than your basic good vs. evil, but I'll give it a try.


#604475 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by JILLNYN on 16 October 2014 - 01:52 AM

is very "funny" escape from other forums where they talk about all day of Hinata ... :roll:

I'm sick of her, I go to the NS forums to talk about what I like, then I enter here and :argh:!!!!

well I return when there is something more to talk about

#601720 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by JILLNYN on 12 October 2014 - 12:17 AM

I remember now that time I was Kataang fan and come the final season of Avatar ... the zutara fandom was huge and extremely popular

then the creators did a promotional trailer for the final chapter and put the embrace between Katara and Zuko, remember that trailer cause all zutara fandom screaming canon, and I was somewhat down, but when the famous kiss between Aang and Katara come I felt like everything have been worth it ...

then the creators took their suitcases full of money and fled on a vacation on a island

yeah was real!

old days

#601592 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by JILLNYN on 11 October 2014 - 09:09 PM

I have interest about studio Pierrot since they animated the movie...

they already know the end of Naruto and the end of paring war, but when did they know it? I guess they must have already completed the movie 1 or 2 months ago?

I say this because I was watching mecha Naruto filler, I have years without seeing the anime, but I noticed a very cute NS moment where Naruto gives a Sakura flower to Sakura -chan xD and she reacted in a different way and blushing in the end. ..

and most curious is that we have this line of Hinata saying "even if I can't never be with him I just want to watch his back"

I suggest that somehow give clues, but I don't know, am I over thinking about that so much and is just filler?

#601384 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by JILLNYN on 11 October 2014 - 04:09 PM

but is not paring related :sweat:... it's just a timeline marking the end of the manga

#601367 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by JILLNYN on 11 October 2014 - 03:43 PM

It's just a cute picture with the best friend that Sasuke ever had xD

you know a narusasu romantic scene

#600801 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by JILLNYN on 11 October 2014 - 01:23 AM


I'm not worried about the tweet I'm more concerned about Naruto being with a tender woman as a direct response to whether or not she will be a scary mom. 

pepsi is not in the traduction?: "Naruto will make a tender wife in the future"




 why is Hinata seeing the other side?

Because her personality is weak, afraid and I must say her aura is very sad, it's part of their personality so why she would be look front with determination like everyone else if her personality is like this? Why she is not happy? ...

this is why I'am not support the NH her personality is very arbitrary for someone so cheerful and determined as Naruto, Sakura on the other hand can not be more consistent.

Why Hinata appears on the cover?

I don't know the plot but Hinata attracts too audience and we talked about millions

Why the scarf?

Why? because is a visual impact that advertisers and graphic designers use to attract the attention of his viewers, especially inclined lines draw attention to a point, that is why the poster is strategically designed to create this impact 


and yeah!... I study design, and I precisely analyze images in my homeworks

#591255 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by JILLNYN on 29 September 2014 - 01:46 AM

I'm in the same boat as Syn11

If you guys need artillery can count on me :grouphug:

By the way I think insecurity NS fandom is based on that we have to deal with all kinds of hate every day, the added hatred NH, SS and SN fans all over the West, dealing with the stress of the manga and cope up with the pessimism of our NS friends ...

it is TOO MUCH, nervousness and anxiety wreak havoc

#590961 Chapter 693

Posted by JILLNYN on 28 September 2014 - 06:26 PM

My thougths For the NS fandom right now at this site:

arise, this fandom is not for the faint of heart,we have fought against all odds, against all forms of hatred, survived in the 181 in the 469, with the letter of the ninja, at 615, and we got up because the manga showed that all that was to have moments like Sakura Yamato words, to have the hug in the Pain arc, to have the 631, to have beautiful chapters like 663, get up!

How many times we have faced hard times in this manga? ...

many events, and what happened next? ...

move forward, Kishimoto always showed a serious problem and a major complication in the NS, always NS start was born with complications but always had a beautiful scene later.

Chapter 3 ... Sakura hating tNaruto thinking that he was annoying ... after realized that him suffering and should treat him better.

chapter 181  Sakura suffering for Sasuke, what happened next? Naruto was with her and pushed forward with the promise of life in the highest epitome of pure, selfless love I had ever seen

Chapter 469 ... Eventhough that she can not forget Sasuke is able to put it away to save Naruto's life, what happens next? Sakura realizes who is Naruto and devotes that he saved her and look him tenderness


At the arc of war: Sakura laments like all the feelings that she have for Sasuke bring her pain, what happens after all the time ?, cares about Naruto, and 663 closes the cycle in POAL  that Naruto does everything for see her happy selflessly, Sakura in this chapter does everything for his dream of becoming Hokage reality that love him enough to see him happy selflessly.

Why do I should feel that all the negativity in SS in this chapter affects the strengths feelings that Sakura have for Naruto ?

Sakura loves Naruto, is very clear and has NOTHING to do with this chapter. Sakura is an admirable woman in every other aspect of her life, be more emotionally vulverable human in all the manga and fell in love at the time with the wrong person is her worst flaw, Kishi said in the creation of her character "its enterely arbitrary choice of love object", the NS was born with this obstacle, Naruto loves her as she is, loves her knowing that she had feelings for Sasuke, so we had to go back in time and confront this chapter, it was necessary PAINFUL  but necessary, is the biggest hurdle for the NS canon, we have to remove the cancer from the core be weaken and survive the operation.

There are always difficulties in life, and the choices we make in these difficulties makes us who we are, when life throws us we decided get up and fight.