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Member Since 10 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 23 2015 07:07 PM

#763358 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 22 February 2015 - 01:34 AM


Yes, definitely a more impartial and honest review of the movie. Like that he ended by saying that the movie would only appeal to the most rabid fans.


The most rabid of the most rabid.

#762487 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 20 February 2015 - 09:37 PM


Yup! But it's worse than that. The reviewer gushes over it like it is then penultimate masterpiece of modern anime, even comparing it to Miyazaki in some scenes. Gave it A's all around, except for the music. Which felt like the reviewer just wanted to throw in some criticism to make themselves look more credible. I mean, the music? Really? Might as well give the theater a C for having too much butter on their popcorn. Like mediocre anime music is going to stop rabid NH fans from turning out for this nonsense movie any more than quality of popcorn would.


I'm not exactly surprised, I have to be honest. It seems that many of the "professional" (yeah right) reviews for this film are all more or less the same. Isn't it funny how the people who aren't paid to review the movie are negative about it, and those who are seem positive...


Miyazaki? Hah! Miyazaki wouldn't use the DVD box as a drinks coaster, it's so beneath him. The director for the Last even said that he didn't care about the story, so long as it was animated well. That alone is enough to show the difference between the two.


"The film was wonderful, but the floor surrounding my seat was sticky. D-"

#762449 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 20 February 2015 - 08:26 PM

Hey, everyone. How are you doing?  :wave:


That movie review was ridiculous. I'm not even sure why I read it. It just felt like big words embroidered over a studio-released review. I would be willing to guess that a site like that, who's only revenue is through advertising dollars, wouldn't be overtly negative toward a movie that has spent A LOT of money in advertising and hype. And especially since they've got more money to burn coming up this summer with novels and movies and projects. 


But I don't know — I don't keep up with that site or any of those reviews. Just my first thought after reading it was that it's a totally biased site. 


I would be more interested in hearing reviews from people/blogs that are impartial in the anime world. Not a site that seems to be just a funnel for anime press releases.


Hell, what am I even saying — the movie sucked. We all know that. And any 'impartial' reviewer is just going to say the same thing!!!  :zaru:


Is it safe to presume that a horribly inaccurate, idiotic movie "review" for the Last came out, where it only runs down the events that happened in the movie, followed by the "author" of said "article" stating that they loved it?

#760023 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 17 February 2015 - 12:31 AM

Really? For once Damian must be getting a better portrayal then. I've always hated his character for some reason. But also I remember around 5 years ago when they announced The New 52 everything just went awry. Like I feel as though they completely destroyed Starfire and Catwoman's characters. Not to mention Harley Quinn. And didn't they make Martian Manhunter evil?


And it's not like I have a problem with the darker and grittier scenario of the New 52, it's just that I wish the characters were better handled. Also, I heard that if you're trying to work for DC they'll have you draw some um....crazy things now that they're looking for a more dark environment.  


Look, I'll love DC more than I'll ever love Marvel but right now Marvel is winning the game and DC needs to get its planning together. Cause I heard that they're now getting rid of the new 52? Honestly all of it seems like just a big mess. 


But I heard the Injustice comics are great. 


I read that there were all sorts of issues and tensions behind the scenes regarding the New 52 also, like artists and writers being taken off of projects shortly before publishing their work, work being changed literally before they hit the stands without the original writer and artists' knowledge etc.

#759953 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 16 February 2015 - 09:27 PM

You know what I think of every time I hear the name "Salad"?


#759817 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 16 February 2015 - 05:04 PM

I have. Not really true until further notice.


That's pretty much what I'm going by. I didn't know if it had already been posted or something, so figured I would.

#756768 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 10 February 2015 - 03:32 PM

Nothing. Looks like the discussion is to see if SP is innocent or not.




Ooh, tough one. Not sure I want to get in on that lol



It doesn't really matter who's idea it was. The ending is kitten and i don't see how anyone can say that this is the best and most logical ending to a story that had been going on for 15 years.

I also don't see how this makes the NS fandom a "laughing stock". Because we believed in logic and evidence? Because our pairing had mutual development and NH and SS did not (until 699 and The Last). Seems pretty reasonable to me.

Even if I were to believe the "red herring" excuse (which i don't) then that still doesn't change the fact that NS has more development than NH and SS.

In the end it all reflects badly on Kishi.


Good points. This is not the best ending to the series. Far from it.


NaruSaku is perfectly grounded within the story, is far more logical than the other pairings that did happen, and makes far more sense within the context of the themes presented through the story. End of.


I don't believe in the red herring excuse either. What would be the point other than to be a kitten? It makes him look incompetent.


This doesn't look good for him, and I think he will find it difficult to pursue his non-Naruto venture later on this year.

#756185 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 09 February 2015 - 08:56 PM

Yeah, I thought Kishi said in an interview that he had no intention of telling a NH story, and that the movie was for the most part SP's idea.


I remember him saying that too. Plus, in another interview, he flat out admitted that he hasn't/hadn't figured out how SS got together. That screams slapdash to me. I can only presume their thoughts were "SasuSaku is pretty big in Japan, NaruHina is pretty big in the West - put those two together in the ending and megabucks will roll in".

#755787 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 09 February 2015 - 04:03 AM

Still cant really believe how far this series has fallen lol


Ain't that the truth lol


You had one job, Kishimoto...!  :smack:


Welp, on that note, I'm going to bed. See you all next time.

#755617 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 08 February 2015 - 10:43 PM



That's the link. 


It was basically going to be Narusaku's version of  a part 3 starring Shinachiku and his adventures with his family. It was gonna be a comedy series showing the sruggles of raising a powerful kid from birth all the way till adulthood. I made character sheets and everything haha. But the spark is gone now and I moved on. There's so many other stories I want to invest myself in now and that's what makes me happy. :) 


Besides, right after I made that I was hired to work for a local company making monthly comic books. I also want to start my own series so I'm more so focusing on that.


Nice art! Shame that you don't feel like continuing it - it looks as though it would have been interesting - but if the spark is gone, it's gone. It's good that you found other stuff that makes you happy. 


Also, cool! That's got to be an interesting gig.


I get that, focusing on your own series. I'm trying to do the same lol. Good luck with it!

#755517 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 08 February 2015 - 07:43 PM

This place is probably going to get bombed once Part 3 comes out. I heard some NH/SS shippers talking about getting fake accounts here and blasting this place. XD xD



#753812 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 05 February 2015 - 10:59 PM

I have left 80 pages and there's really no news. Oh, okay. 


80 pages? What, you have some sort of life or something? lol  :chuckle:


I'll try to gather what info I can recall below. I don't know how much you already know.


Well, wasn't there talk about some secret that came with the last volume? Please don't tell me it was just those two extra pages.


They basically just added and altered one or two panels. No real corrections - it's still the same stuff that it was. Tricksie has gathered together the currently known alterations and additions in the Naruto Volume 72 thread




There was some sort of SasukeNaruto collectors thing included, which was basically a pic of the two being chummy to my recollection (trying to get back the SNS fans, are we?), but overall not much else.





Lol! Then I realy must be behind you since I have no idead what NS DVD cover you speak of! :D


For the latest Naruto Shippuden DVD release, which to my knowledge also features the magical NH handhold of lurve, the cover is of Naruto being healed by Sakura lol




Oh, there was also a pic of Naruto and Sasuke, with Bolt and Salad positioned underneath them. As far as I'm aware, that's all that's happened recently, but I don't know how much.


If I've missed something, feel free to correct me!

#752933 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Metalhead87 on 04 February 2015 - 08:56 PM

At least Capcom learned from their mistake. They wanted to gain the attention from the COD fans but it didn't do well with the old school RE fans. They realised the hardcore fans are better than first person shooter fans. In Naruto I doubt they will change anything even if part 3 isn't successful. This is Pierot we're talking about, worshippers of the goddess Hinata. As for Kishimoto maybe in a couple years he might decide to make a NS ending, just maybe.


I have to say, I'm glad that Capcom rethought their strategy. I've been into Resident Evil since Resi 2, and although the more action-oriented games weren't necessarily bad, it seemed that the franchise was moving further and further away with each instalment from what made it Resident Evil in the first place.


SP? I don't have a clue as to whether they will alter anything. Kishimoto? Hmm...as you suggest, perhaps in a few years time he could have a change of heart. Time away from Naruto could cause him to reflect on how things went down, and he could indeed decide to change it. It's happened before with other manga ("Shaman King", from what I understand had a revised ending. Plus, I don't know how canon it was, but Rumiko Takahashi produced a special Epilogue chapter for "Inuyasha" some years after the manga concluded. True, it was for charity, but it was an epilogue nonetheless)


What I'm saying is that the idea is indeed possible. However, is it likely? I don't know. Only time will tell, in that respect.

#752861 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 04 February 2015 - 07:43 PM

I'm really not sure what the plan is for Naruto after the New Era Project concludes. I mean, if we can say anything about what has happened so far, it's that there is a large amount of negativity directed towards the series throughout a lot of the fandom. Should the New Era Project fail, then what? What's next for them? Do they go back in time and continue to milk off of Part 2 through releasing more movies? Additional anime arcs like "untold stories from Naruto's youth"? Do they attempt to pander to the groups that they shunned through alternate realities and continuities? What about the games? From what I've seen, the games follow the manga's story, so what now that it's concluded? Just tell it over and over again?


Sorry if I'm rambling or if any of these questions have already been answered lol. These are just things that passed through my mind momentarily.

#751871 The Final Naruto Volume #72

Posted by Metalhead87 on 03 February 2015 - 05:18 PM

Changing the title of this thread to be about the whole volume, not just the cover, since it's out:




So am I right that the volume was sort of a bust from all the dreadful rumors flying around? No inserted Min/Kush action retconning NH? Just an extra Hinata panel and some more Naruto/Sasuke interaction? Geez. Like we needed more of that.


Some extra panels of Hinata waking up and looking gormless, Naruto and Sasuke holding hands, and a bunch of extra drawings by what seem to be the assistants (including one where it seems as though Lee is stomping on Hinata lol). That's it as far as I'm aware. I don't even know if the art errors in 700 were corrected, but I was told that they weren't. Also, no inserted Minato/Kushina retcon.


I think this says it best.



Overall? Good luck selling that volume, fellas.  :chuckle:


EDIT: Oh yeah. And stuff shilling the "Next Generation/New Era" garbage too.