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Serenity Namikaze

Member Since 15 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2024 01:06 PM

#988409 Sachiko "Sachi" Uzumaki Character Design & Backstory

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 18 January 2023 - 12:36 AM

She's really adorable also, love her back story, hope to have more  :happy:

#988408 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 18 January 2023 - 12:21 AM


This scene is totally pathetic.
Hinata is a doormat who never would slap anyone plus she didn't have any importance during 8 years of Bort Manga.

They should at least wait to the Poll and Retsuden Manga ended.

Put Hinata slaping someone at this moment when Sakura are outshining Boruto Manga/Hinata looks like desperate/pathetic attempt to attention.


To be fair, I don't remember a time when Hinata's moment wasn't forced because of the whole popularity issue, either because she's popular in the west or suddenly, in this case, not as popular in general. Maybe the last moment being in part one of Naruto because I'm pretty sure that her confession in Pain arc was because of popularity....


They could wait sure but they won't, because somehow I think the people working on Boruto are still delusional to think that people are still interested in her even if it has been ages since her last ''real'' moment (dunno when because again, like I said, I don't read/watch Boruto). The only one that are still interested are the vapid NH/Hinata fans but even that, are they enough to boost sales of Boruto, enough to make a revival of the serie .....not so sure. These fans may scream louder but are they the one that actually supporting the sales of the manga again, not so sure. 


The whole Hinata vs Sakura is nothing new but again, delusional people still stuck in the past when apparently Hinata was still popular......


As much as I totally loath SS, I can at least give points that Sasuke and Sakura are part of the main characters and since the beginning, SS was always (and probably still is) popular in Japan so it might be the reasons why it will get a little more boost but it will only be for a short while I guess, unless they make another light story or somehow include SS more into Boruto.


But yeah, I agree that it is a pathetic attempt on their part but again, nothing new, they did this dirty trick oh so many times in the past and until Boruto is done, they will most probably continue to play this game  :wacko:

#988407 NaruSaku AMVs

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 17 January 2023 - 11:51 PM

I don't if this video has been posted but I absolutely adore it.  :love:



This one is simply wonderful, gave me the feels  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

#988403 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 17 January 2023 - 10:04 PM

Agreed unless they are going to change it, what is the point? Might as well trace the movie be done with it instead of taking about a month to do a page.


It's true that it can be annoying, the whole repeat of some of the original scenes from the TL movie however, I think it is important for the natural flow of Tokai's story, to give the general information needed to understand the complete story of the doujin, especially for readers that didn't see the movie.


I understand that it's annoying for readers that do know and while I do remember most of the detail of the movie ( even if I never saw it), I appreciate the repeat of scenes that don't really need changes or not as much ans let's say, the NS scenes.



As for the chapters discussion, I really like how it turn out in general. Nothing is perfect but the approach of some of the fix is really mature and love the way they respect the chacacters that we knew and loved. 


Hinata is still very much Naruto-kuning but at least, there isn't any scarf and we see her worrying about Hanabi, which is very nice.


The scene in the cave with Sasuke was very well done, I love how Sasuke tells Sakura that the way she cares for others is her strenght, that this kind of love is what saved him. It gives proper respect to SS but mostly Sakura who has shown loving him so much but there are many kinds of way to love, doesn't mean that she's ''In love'' with him.


Overall, can't wait to see the next chapter  :happy:

#988401 ANNOUCEMENT: H&E Updates and new moderator!

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 17 January 2023 - 09:02 PM

Congratulation Kira! :w00t:


Let's just hope to see these bugs fixed soon to help those who wish to join our little space of heaven  :happy:

#988400 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 17 January 2023 - 08:45 PM

Well, normally I don't comment on spoilers before I do the summaries. But I'll make an exception here. There is no reason for Hinata sudden involvement in the story.


The cast is in a isolated villa so Hime can't use her charm power to control random villagers. It is far too early for them to be going to  the village yet, even if they rush it. Which means Hinata must have went there. So she probably learned about how Nail killed Bolt. It is understandable she is upset. However, the thing is Naruto and I think Bolt already forgave him for it. So Hinata as the most devoted of Naruto's followers should follow his example. Anyways, Naruto already decided to suppress this info.


This feels like Ikemoto has been informed that Boruto is on notice. Since, both the side manga are doing better than his manga and Sakura is beating Hinata in the global poll; whose popularity is the foundation of Boruto. So he is getting desperate.


So Boruto is killed? I saw this information but I was just like eh, he'll probably get revived by some miracle jutsu or whatever....


Again, don't follow anything about Boruto but I presume that this Nail character killed Boruto recently? 


As for Hinata involvement, if she somehow heard about the news, I guess I understand being upset but still, poping out of no where because banana? I never was a fan of Ikemoto but wow, what the kittening kittens is this?  :err:


Like you said, it really does feels that Ikemoto is being pushed to put Hinata more, regarless if it makes sense or not (which usually almost never make sense with Boruto, with what I see) 

#988398 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 17 January 2023 - 07:58 PM


Oh no!!
A manga with Sakura in the main role  completely crushed Boruto's manga
Sakura is the most famous female character in the francise.
She not only humiliated Hinata but surpassed the own protagonists and others famous character;.
We have to give some focus to Hinata urgent:


Hey, suddently reappear after being MIA since 2015 because why not lol


I don't follow anything regarding Boruto, I only have bits here and there, all I can think about this situation is another stunt like Sasuke Retsuden and the SS forced romantics moments to boost the sales of Boruto which from what I understand, aren't all that great.


The populaty issue isn't new regarding the Naruto universe but it's sad that it turned to that point because of some executives had biased views (and probably still do) about Hinata/Sakura/pairrings etc. Now because of bad decisions in the past that turned Naruto into a big mess after the Pain arc (and not just bad desicions about Hinata/Sakura and pairrings mind you), they try to push the sales by doing the same stunt, only this time, they do it because they have no choice as apparently, the Boruto story in general is an even bigger mess than the Naruto after Pain arc.


As for Hinata slapping this Kawaki kid, I find this ironic that people are trying to defend Hinata but when the NaruSaku fans were trying to expain why Sakura punching Naruto is for humour purpose, the antis just didn't want to see the logic of our arguments....funny how the table has turned.  Again, I only have bits of information regarding this whole slap situation and it's probably for a good reason she does it (or not, don't really care lol) but I still find it hilarious to see Hinata fans struggling to defend her nontheless.




At this point this is just pathetic.



To be honest, it was already patethic just now, it's just patethic to the point of not being funny anymore ... so much wasted potentials on Naruto and because of it, on Boruto  as well ( which I don't care much as I don't approuve anything about Boruto).

#885990 Serenity Namikaze, the NS queen.

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 06 November 2015 - 07:38 PM

Serenity it's good to see you back :)


Thanks  :happy:


I don't come often now ( real life can be a pain sometime  :sweatdrop:  ) but I like visiting once in a while to ''see'' old acquaintances and also meeting new members  :smile:

#884582 im gonna meet yuri lowenthal and tara platt this saturday :)

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 29 October 2015 - 03:48 PM

It's great that you get to meet Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt  :happy:


I remember my time when I met them in 2012, they are both incredibly sweet and charming and I also remember that even if I wanted to have Yuri's autograph, I hated the idea to spend money on anything that was Sasuke related :sweatdrop: . I still laugh and tease my friend who didn't know at that time how much I hated Sasuke, had bought me the Sasuke figurine as a birthday present and gave it to me to get the autograph and that between both Naruto and Sasuke figurine, he chose Sasuke...apparently I had one of the scariest stare that he ever saw on anyone when he told me that  :lol: ( he bought me the Naruto figurine after that even if I told him he didn't have too but he said he wanted to give it to me as a ''I'm so sorry, please don't kill me'' present for shamelessly giving me the figurine of the character that I hated the most instead of one of the character that I loved the most and that he promised me that he will never forget this precious information ever again  :D )


So anyway, hope you'll be able to meet them and if you can ask your question then it's a bonus  :wink:




#883590 Serenity Namikaze, the NS queen.

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 24 October 2015 - 02:23 AM

I'm glad you got to live your dreams. :-) Your a great cosplayer to. It's always good to live life to the fullest even when something negative like Naruto happens. I admire your ability to still take joy from something that hurt you. I have a hard time dealing with Naruto beyond fanon. Honestly half the fun I have with it now is complaining about the story's problems, as well as the problems with the pro ending fandom, which is why I'm not around as much as I used to be.


Still its good to see someone still being positive after the tragedy of the ending. :-)


Thank you so much for the compliment  :blush:  


I can't say that it was always easy, like the majority in the forum I took it really hard to live the whole mess that is now Naruto,  which is the reason why I took a really long break from anything that concerned Naruto because it did affect me so much that I was no longer myself. I'm usually a girl that likes to see positive in hardship but this time, I didn't see any, every time I saw something Naruto related it gave me the sense of pure hatred and ultimate betrayal. When I left H&E at the end of 2014 and quit all forums/ facebook fan page that was Naruto and NaruSaku, it really did help me because I took the time to detach myself from the strong emotional attachment that I had over the serie. It also help that during the long absence, I was able to concentrate on costume projects that didn't really concern Naruto and able to ''free'' myself of the majority of the hatred thanks to my ''team troll 7'' of the Last movie ( I did Sakura from the last for the simple purpose to trash anything that was in the movie with my friends that hate the movie as much as me). Now, while my opinion still didn't change over the time regarding everything that happened in Naruto ( Gaiden and everything else after the ending only confirmed everything I was saying before), I can now appreciate again what I used to love in this serie, that thanks to it, I've met so many amazing people and that it made me a cosplayer in the first place and made me discover my passion over making my own costumes  :happy: So in the end, I learned to turned my bad experience into something good, even if it's as simple as making a costume just to trash what it represent  :lol:  



And that is exactly why you are the queen....because you are everything we want to be as people and as fans.


I'll simply say thank you for the honor of giving me that title because if I let my stubborn side of me take the lead, you know as well as I do that this will lead to an argument and frankly, I don't want to fight you over something as simple as giving me this title lol


Well, the Forum brought back Serenity now its time to bring back Lady and Chatte.


I really would like to see Lady GT and Chatte back in the forum but after everything they had endure thanks to the fandom, I say we shouldn't get our hope up on that sadly.  


Infact, we should be thanking you, Serenity! For keeping the NS spirit alive :sweat:


 You're adorable, thank you :blush: I will do as best as I can to help keeping the NaruSaku spirit alive  :wink:


Stories like these are like a ray of sunshine in the gloomy swamp that is the Naruto ending. 


Keep doing what you're doing Serenity. You're amazing!  :thumb:


Thank you  :blush:  I'm glad that I can give some ray of sunshine in the abysmal darkness that is now Naruto. Seeing people happy over this is my reward  :happy:

#883293 Serenity Namikaze, the NS queen.

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 22 October 2015 - 05:31 PM

This is amazing. :love:

I'm so happy for you and that you got this wonderful experience! I'm glad the negative comments arent stopping you. Keep doing your thing girl! :fan:

We are so proud of you. (:


Thank you dear  :glomp:


TBH, I'm still fangirling over the fact that I've met Junko :sweat: , she's such a sweetheart, even more in person and her smile is as charming as the Naruto I used to love  :wub:


I feel really lucky about the fact that I was able to meet her and also Chie Nakamura and get their autograph ( yes, I also met Chie this year when she came to Canada for AnimeNorth in may) and I feel even more privileged that I was complimented over my cosplay of Sakura by these two wonderful women  :happy:


As for the negative comments, like I said, I really don't care and if by any chances people are being hurtful toward me and I can defend myself, believe me, I won't let them get away with it. TBH, all I really care about is the positive vibe, which is doing what I want and people that support me and my choices   :happy:  


NaruSaku will never die.


As long as people continue to love and support it, even after all the things that happen, NaruSaku will never die  :happy:



awwww thank you so much, you're really sweet  :blush:  :glomp:


So awesome!!!!


:happy:  :glomp:

See? I told you you were the queen. XD


No I'm not lol I'm equal to everyone that still support NaruSaku and the real story  :happy: There are so many people that did amazing things during the hardship that we all had to endure before and after the horrible ending, I don't consider myself anymore important than all these wonderful people, I'm just glad to be part of the wonderful team and be able to contribute as best as I can  :smile:

#883138 Serenity Namikaze, the NS queen.

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 21 October 2015 - 03:35 PM

Hello everyone!  :happy:


Been a while since my last visit (almost a year now).


Anyway, the reason as to why I decided to come back ( for now) is because James S. Cassidy reported to me that apparently Chatte's post on tumblr about me meeting Junko was circulating a lot ( don't really know as I didn't really checked to be honest but I trust him on that  :happy: ) and kind as he is, created a thread about the informations that I've talked to him and to Chatte.


First of all, I would like to thanks in person everyone for the positive comments and support, it really mean a lot to me so again, thank you everyone  :love:


Second of all, to people that don't believe the information that Chatte and James posted (don't blame you for doubting it, after all that happened with the end of Naruto and after), I would like to confirm that I met Junko, that I did get her autograph, that I was dressed up as Sakura when I met her, that she did call me ''Sakura-chan'' in her Naruto voice and that she did complimented my cosplay after that. If people don't believe me ( I don't mean you guys but the fandom in general), I will say that I don't care about it because I'm the only one that can confirm this information and since there were no witnesses when it happened, there are no one else beside me that can validate what I just said and the only proof that I can show is my autograph that I received from Junko.


@Konoha'sCrimsonFox : I can assure you that it's not another Asa-chan troll. As to the tweet on your cousin's account, saying that Kishimoto went pale when seeing my cosplay, I can tell you right now that it's wrong as I have not met Kishimoto. While I really did want to meet the guy ( mostly to express my disappointment regarding Naruto in the end), I couldn't as the number of places to get the autograph were limited in a very short number ( 100 people, can't confirm if it's indeed the exact number of people that could get the autograph but that's what the NY CC said in the page about Kishimoto).


@harry4e : Thanks for your kind words and also for your concern. I can assure you however that I don't care if people say bad stuff to me, let them say whatever they want because if I decide to do something, I'm doing it because I want to do it, simple as that. If people decide to confront me personally well like James said, I can perfectly defend myself and I'm not going to let them insult me and stay quiet. Someone did say during NY CC that I should make ''Sakura married version'' and like James said, I was a bit iffy ( because I certainly didn't want to make the Uchiha symbol on the costume, would show a support of something that I'm totally against, which is SasuSaku and all the BS that surround the pairing) but after I told him that, James show me the Uzumaki/Haruno symbol and I said that I would consider making the costume with this little modification. After he said that apparently many supported the idea ( again, didn't check but I trust him on that), I felt flattered and decided that yes, I will make the costume soon  :happy:  


I know I didn't have to come here and explain myself but after what I heard, I felt the need to do it. Again, to everyone that gave me their support regarding the ''Sakura married version'' with the Uzumaki/Haruno symbol, I would like to say thank you, your positive comments did reach me and my heart is filled with so much joy and happiness that word cannot express how I feel  :love:  :love:  :love: 


I will try my best to make as best as I can with this costume and represent people that believe in NS even after everything that happen. Just because it's not canon in the end doesn't mean we can no longer support it and show our appreciation to what we believe was right, that's what I did even after the terrible ending and that what I'll continue to do as long as I can :happy:  

#714535 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 24 December 2014 - 03:41 AM

Soooooo is ByronxSerenity a thing now?

Better love story than Nh/ss, I'll ship it.


and we only shared a hug and even with that, it's still more logical then NH&SS, so why the hell not lol

#713841 Kishimoto will redo the final chapter?

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 23 December 2014 - 03:37 PM

I disagree with you. If he redo the ending and make it Narusaku, I won't take it as a silver medal. Because the whole story develop about it, it was the logical ending. Making NH canon, then have outside media (other than the manga) like filler and a movie that recton the story to make it more believable, that is pity love ( especially since he admit it in a interview that he has pity for Hinata).

NS was the ending that was clearly plan, making an ending for them is no silver medal, I'll see it as an attempt to repair his story ( plus it might change and explain other thing like Taka whereabout, since Karin doesn't have to disappear out of convenience.) 


You have the right to disagree however I won't change my mind about my feelings if he ever change the ending because yes, like you said, the manga support NaruSaku in every way but after what he said in all his interviews, it's clear that Kishimoto doesn't give a rat ass about his story anymore and certainly doesn't care about his own hero and heroine and his characters in general. Changing the ending after everything he said will make NaruSaku the silver medal in a way, no matter how you think. Maybe after a while, if Kishimoto have some miracle revelation that his ending really was bad and contradict everything he did ( I still don't think he's aware of how bad he damages his manga but that's only my opinion) and say that he realize his mistake and maybe just maybe decide to change the ending, maybe I'll forgive him but I certainly will not forget every disgusting statement he made regarding Sakura and how much he damaged Naruto the character, both characters that I really loved dearly but again, I highly doubt he will change anything or he will say how much he doesn't like the ending.

#713608 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Serenity Namikaze on 23 December 2014 - 03:22 AM



:cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry: