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Member Since 23 May 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2015 02:46 AM

#510650 662 SPOILERS

Posted by Cherry-Bloss93 on 22 January 2014 - 06:44 AM

Whoa! I just looked on tumblr and it's a war zone there! :wot:

#487867 Naruto 643

Posted by Cherry-Bloss93 on 20 August 2013 - 12:31 AM

I looked at all the comments on The Naruto episode where Naruto admits his love for Sakura and, although it's filler, most of the comments are just, "what about poor Hinata?" Or "I'm so mad that Naruto won't open his eyes to Hinata!" -.-

Virtually zero comments on how beautiful Naruto's love for Sakura is.

EDIT: I guess it just makes me a bit annoyed when people think that Naruto is obligated to love Hinata.

#479620 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Cherry-Bloss93 on 01 July 2013 - 09:54 PM

Ugh just read some stuff on how there are still people upset with 631 and hate Minato and claim it was a fanfiction or just humor.


God some arguments are becoming too ridiculous it makes me think if the impact was really that bad and just how seriously do people take these things? I saw how some people still claim NH is canon and that 615 should have ended everything despite too many loose ends still being everywhere and how Naruto still has shown nothing of any interest in Hinata and with 631 we get this girlfriend remark after the supposed love of NH and the Kushina parallel.


I hope these pairing wars come to an end within the next year and a half, 635 I feel only added fuel to the outrage of a simple comparison Minato made, its like we said a simple argument like Sakura=Kushina or Sakura may move away from loving Sasuke, one came true the other may be in motion and people act like kishi is going crazy or does not know what he is doing? I really don't want to know what will happen if SS is near finished and people overreact again. I mean in some case, I'm actually glad 615 happened the way it did, we got a big point of evidence for NS with 631 with Sakura=Kushina and we did not declare canon, we knew the issues with Sakura loving Sasuke and Hinata still needed to be resolved and the Sakura's feelings one may be coming up. Naruto practically confirmed his love for Sakura again and others feel they need a more direct answer but this one you cannot fully blame them if they want a clearer answer. But at this point, SS is just full of too many holes and NH would need to do a lot of catching up. I mean its becoming a bit too outrageous how others are just taking this, there are still people who think Naruto is fully over Sakura despite so many reasons saying he still likes her. Ugh this pairing stuff gives anyone a headache when you want to find logical arguments. Narutowiki still goes on trying to make it seem like he is over her without realizing if he gave up on her then this just totally contradicts NH in so many ways, making it both occur out of second choice (because he could not get with Sakura and there was no build up for this) because he could not get the promise done (so NH is out of pity) and Naruto would have given up (completely undermining the sole reason NH exists if he gave up, then how could Hinata even look at Naruto because he broke his way?) Sadly this would reduce Hinata to fodder pairing and yet others would still treat it as the best thing since sliced bread. :wallbash: Just too many holes, seriously. What can SS or NH actually do in the foreseable future to make things overcome the Sakura=Kushina parallel, I mean its a foreshadow event that basically has the closest thing to what Kushina said. Just how much more needs to be said on this stuff, its made for middle schoolers, if they can understand Sakura=Kushina, falling back to my topic of fans making everything harder to understand, just how twisted does this stuff need to become?


I think that this just goes to show that some people will choose to believe what they want to believe despite the evidence. Like, if they really liked NaruHina just that much, they may just choose to ignore evidence for NaruSaku or try to twist it to fit in their favor. Honestly, there is no point in arguing with people who don't want to change their views. I think that we should just let them ship what they please, and if they decide to not accept it if Kishi chooses to make NaruSaku canon, then so be it.


I'm hoping that Kishi will get the pairing confirmed by the end of the war - that way Kishi can just focus on the main story without having to worry about pairings, which are secondary. Or, I also like the idea NS4L3g had when he said that SS should be destroyed by the end of the war so NaruSaku has a chance to develop without any interference. If a break were to occur between the Naruto vs. Sasuke fight, then this would be an excellent time for Naruto and Sakura to talk about what happened in the Land of Iron, including Naruto's comment about both he and Sasuke dying if they were to battle.

#477680 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Cherry-Bloss93 on 20 June 2013 - 02:22 AM

OOO. I got a fan. Actually, I am going to work on it after eating. This will be the first one and can't say last but one time to post it late. Next week, it will be out at noon time. That said, two videos will be out soon. I will post it. Thanks for the support.


No problem for the support - I've heard you on James' podcasts and I really enjoy your opinions  :smile:

#477678 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Cherry-Bloss93 on 20 June 2013 - 02:15 AM

Hey, NaruSaku4Life3g, did you every finish that video review of the recent chapter? If you did, would you mind posting a link for it? :happy: