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#987448 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 10 July 2022 - 10:04 PM

My uncle passed away from stage 4 lung cancer last monday, and the funeral was on Wednesday.  I've been through a few funerals before with my grandpa and grandma, but this one I almost choked up twice.... "choked up" in a sense where I nearly balled during the whole thing.... 



been going to my cousin's house daily since then to give him all the support, and.... every time I walk in...  my uncle's room is the first one I see and I keep hearing "Hey, how is life going on with you?"  and I just can't help, but pause and just stare for like 5 minutes.... and just feeing this inner pain. 

sorry for your loss lucky i lost my dad the beginning of this year

#987421 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 04 July 2022 - 09:35 PM

"Not everyone can be Vader, someone has to be Palpatine"
-Retrospect Greg

The only characters who had this were characters that weren't that main event villain
Deidara, Hidan, and most the Akatsuki

I also think this is why Madara was also a good villain. He literally did anything for the sake of it. The man was practically bored with existence and almost seem like he did anything to take his mind away



“What is better: to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort ?”


that kind of shows in neils performace as madara he sounds so bored til hashirama shows up


I would say the Uchiha were the worse when it came to what Kishi did again; they went crazy because they loved too much, which, when I first read it, I just laughed over how stupid it was.


I feel Kishi also didn't know when someone needed a tragic past, and I feel he overused it too much.


Now I remember watching season 8 of the walking dead when Carl died and I remember this that someone said.


"This was the most heartbreaking finale yet in the series, nothing could be more devastating than for a man to lose his son,"


Something I agree with and hence why Vanitas and I talk about a better way to make a villain is to have them lose a child, one that they love and feels the pain of losing them.

yep and the kicker is the loss of the "villain" child is the leaf and naruto fault

#987186 Confession (Formally Known as My Final Message To Everyone)

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 06 June 2022 - 10:38 AM

So it's true your a NH fan now. Does that mean we can't do the anniversary podcast anymore

#987014 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 14 May 2022 - 09:37 PM

And the odds Naruto could have become like this are pretty high if not for Iruka.

dont you mean hinata since the last retconed that. 

but i agree if not for iruka naruto probably would be like garra at most

#986962 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 07 May 2022 - 12:56 PM

No! And in case it wasn't obvious the first time... HELL NO!!!

The problem with that whole damn scene is not only does it aim to invalidate Naruto's feelings, it also just hugely contradicts the person he had been shown to be in 15 years of the manga, and really makes it feel like he never understood ANYONE he had helped. And that BS is why fans in Japan began to call Naruto the ultimate scumbag, on top of calling Sakura a terrible woman, when their fury should be at Studios Pierrot's shenanigans and the crappy writers for The Last!

agreed sp are to blame for this not the characters or the actors. 

#986807 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 08 April 2022 - 10:07 PM

No, he just hated how it ended saying it makes no sense at all and it would have been better for for Naruto and Sakura to end up together. Hell, since then he has seen the Hinata fans for what they are now.

good theres some in that part that saw the ending was bs and that they see what that side is like

#986755 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 28 March 2022 - 10:14 PM

today is sakura's birthday

#986720 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 19 March 2022 - 09:39 PM

since I consider yall like my family and I know she checks this site every so often. Would appreciate it if yall could help me wish my beautiful wife a Happy Birthday. I know its a little late.

Happy Birthday to your wife

#986711 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 18 March 2022 - 12:37 PM

Yep. It's called Character progression. 

yep and ahoska has alot of that which is why everyone loves her 


Which is important in writing.

yep it is something naruto lacks alot of


Lol, you tell that to not only Kishi but the NH/SS fans, to them its a foreign concept.

kishi maybe but not as bad as the nh/ss fans

#986604 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 04 March 2022 - 04:04 PM

Just finished Clone Wars. If Hinata fought Ahsoka Tano... she'd be dead.

it'd probably have the same outcome as obi-wan vs kakashi if not quicker 

#986463 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 20 February 2022 - 10:41 PM

Argh yeah, this is getting old, with Naruto thinking everyone has this stupid, tragic past, or the hero hates killing as you said with Kira sadly never seen SRW, but the kick back Kira got must have been super hard?


Lol, yeah, the pushback is super hard. As a Tolkien fan, this amazon series is going to be more woke crap, but it is funny because we know the lore inside and out. I mean, here is what made me laugh a while back they thought Kaguya could take on someone like Sauron, it was clear this was a Hinata fan because of the bio pick and an image of Hinata.


But then came many Tolkien fans saying how Sauron would either outright kill her or enslave her, how his arm is far better than her weak white Zetsu army, and so much more and the fool kept trying to say how Kaguya could win, saying she is a Hyuuga like his wifu Hinata/ the best female Character ever made, but more Tolkien fans kept going after him until he stopped answers them.


So, yeah Amazon and the woke have picked the wrong fight here one they will lose.

wow that was a thing with kaguya vs sauron. Besides sauron was the better villain and he was an eye for the whole series. They ingore the facts and make stuff without any base to stand on. i could say wendy from fairy tail can beat hinata and have proof

#986294 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 05 February 2022 - 10:59 PM


And the reason for that coolest guy/ really cool guy comment was, "Obito wanted to become hokage." so just sharing a dream is enough for Naruto to say that, "water under the bridge." Also, why did Obito started doing all these things? There was no Rin for him to kitten. Sorry to say, but an obsession with a person to that degree can't really mean anything else if you ask me, or they are your possession that you must have for the rest of your life and if you can't, no-one can.


Even leaving aside the theme of forgiveness, the message falls flat because Naruto forgives his enemies but doesn't change a damn thing and the story didn't show a damn thing that there is any progress in bettering the conditions that supposedly made the villains into villains in the first place. If you're gonna go that far as to say no one is born evil, then you have to follow through with it no matter how unrealistic the result is because that is what you wrote so you have to commit to it. Is there a point to a story where you got shot by someone, forgive them and saying "it wasn't their fault", then let them shoot you again? Same principle. The ninja world created a cycle of hatred through distrust and war that created suffering the story says and that suffering bred monsters that almost destroyed everything. So what has changed when you look at Boruto? Nothing. So not only is letting the villains getting away with the atrocities they've done disheartening to see, the entire message is completely pointless because Naruto did not address the root causes

to quote tellah form the final fantasy 4 in a nutshell when cecil just stands there and doesn't fight his dark half. Oh yah that totally makes up for all the innoecent people you murdered.


I think it's time to post this again. lol



Coolest guy indeed while seeing so many corpse at your feet some of which are probably from the leaf village. So basically naruto is full of kitten and talks out his ass



:headscratch: That's a bunch of bull****! "Kids manga"?! Then explain how Dragon Ball did it with their successful pairings: Gohan X Videl and Krillin X Android 18 (I use them as examples because they were the ones that we saw the hints of these couples becoming canon).  NaruSaku shouldn't be the reason of being canon because of being a "kids manga". It would made more sense because, hello, we're following Naruto's "story" or lack thereof. 


I swear, people are just..  :roll:

Vegeta and bulma are a great couple and sasuke and sakura done right as bulma actually changed vegeta. another example is gajeel and levy from fairy tail look how they started and where they ended

#986149 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 19 January 2022 - 10:19 PM


Allow me to share a revelation I've had. For all of his bluster about "with great power comes great responsibility," Naruto Uzumaki is one of the most irresponsible superheroes ever.

He never learns from his mistakes, never takes into consideration how his life as Spider-Man affects everybody else. Now, some would say that's the core concept of the character, the constant struggle between the job and the man. But he never actually gives any consideration to the man, preferring to make excuses about it. He disappoints people around like his son all the time because "something more important was happening as Hokage". But instead of trying to find ways to balance his two lives properly, he will go out of his way to make excuses for it and gets drunk. he places more importance on being Hokage than he should distance himself from relationships that would hurt that. If he places more emphasis on being a family man, he needs to sacrifice his time as Hokage. Now that's not always going to be the case for everyone in the real world. But Naruto never actually changes as a result of his actions. He just makes the same mistakes over and over. During Chapter 687 He called Obito a mass murderer the coolest guy ever. Forget if you want Naruto married to either Sakura or Hinata. This is the moment Naruto's character was kittened. Obito murdered his family, Destroyed the village and was the reason Kohona was in a war.

Another rant is that he missed his daughter's birthday and his wife Hinata never called him out on it. Now he was a young dumb kid by starting out but he was supposed to change as a character but he hasn't. He takes more responsibility as Hokage than he does as a family man. But hey, maybe that's just the reasoning of a jaded individual looking at this stupid-ass Manga in hindsight. Of course I don't want Naruto to stop being Hokage. What I want is for him to be written like a goddamn adult already! But the writers and Kishi and Studio Periott wouldn't let that happen. Naruto is just escapist fantasy to them. And they don't want the escapism of Naruto stopping bad guys and going home. And that's just hilarious considering the fact that Naruto was supposed to be a relatable character who was an orphan and life sucked and he became a father and make his kids' lives suck. He was supposed to relate to the reader. But the truth is that the reader has grown up. The reader got married, had kids, has relatives that die and they have to move on. The reader changed... but Naruto has not.

You know there are fans wanting a Naruto reboot to fix the ending... It's not happening it's just fans wishing but you know what? Maybe they should reboot Naruto. But you know what? Maybe they should reboot Naruto. After all, if the creative team isn't gonna give him a happy family... then why does he have one in the first place?


nice rant but you left spider-man in there instead of naruto

my problem with a reboot is do you really think sp would let that happen or learned from there mistakes cause reboot it and it might make things worse like bashing sakura more and priseing hinata out the ass and making naruto and sakura never be friends or have a bond.

#986089 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 07 January 2022 - 04:39 PM

Its not like Studio Pierrot cared at all

true all they cared about was hinata even if the movie they made, made no sense at all

#986044 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 29 December 2021 - 01:13 PM


Yeah. SP were really trashy on this thing.


They tried to destroy ANYTHING related to NaruSaku...

wait seriously they did that wow that makes naruto look even worse cause there's no way he'd do that to her if he did he's the biggest kitten ever