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#784809 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HuskyLover on 21 March 2015 - 11:58 PM

And you knew what the sad thing about this? Ryo posted a tweet that apparently someone made a comment from Japan on Twitter that they knew someone from Shueisha. That persona leaked confidential information that explains the editors of Shueisha hated Sakura and ran an anti-Sakura campaign because of all the hate and death threat mails. And Kishi was easily manipulated and persuade of that rumor lol.

smh....Kishimoto was just a coward man. I know Oda wouldn't let editors control his characters like that.
He develops any character he wants , whenever he wants. No kitten pairing fanmail will ever corrupt his manga.

#784041 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HuskyLover on 20 March 2015 - 07:32 PM

I feel Soooo Bad for liking Hinata in Part 1.


Her and her Fandom have completely destroyed this series and every other characters development / potential.


smh.... God I hope this series burns in hellfire.

#782653 Greetings Everyone :)

Posted by HuskyLover on 18 March 2015 - 09:49 PM

Hello Everyone :)


I felt like this is the place where I can openly express my opinions about Naruto without Annoying NH/SS fans attacking.


When I got into Naruto, My OTP was KibaHina  :love: (and it still is regardless of the sh*tty ending) because I saw the amount of compassion Kiba showed for Hinata as a Teammate and was SUPER protective of her well-being (e.g. chunin exams). Although, Hinata did show a bit care for Kiba, her Obsession for Naruto blinded her from the person that truly cared more for her. I hoped for KibaHina to get developed in Shippuden but that's when the series really took a turn for the worst :( ..........


One of the few things I liked about Shippuden is that it really did try to show the growth of Sakura Haruno from getting over her random Childhood crush to realising Naruto's feelings better. I started to Love NaruSaku in Shippuden  :love: ......then november 2014 happened..... :hm:


Also, I don't Like Sasuke, at all. Plus I don't like the over exposure of Hinata just for the Stupid/One-sided/ under-developed NaruHina couple. The Last s*cked. Chapter 699 & 700 s*cked. The Boruto film s*cks.


Lastly, SasuSaku is literally the worst pairing for any fictional series .....Ever.


OK, that's me. In a nutshell  :zaru: .

Of Course there are much more Sh*tty things that happened to the series aside from pairings.


I hope I can get along with everyone :)