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Member Since 04 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2018 08:34 AM

#948911 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by Catra on 15 September 2017 - 03:02 AM

no matter what shipping fans or Masashi kishimoto says, you cannot change or erase this scene. just as much as the people who dislike the ending can't change the ending. from a non biased and critical perspective; the entire story is a mess. if you wanted to make NH happen that is perfectly fine. but develop the damn thing so its an easier pill for non shippers to swallow otherwise scenes like that is
1. a big slap in the face to us the readers.
2. saying its a "red herring" and thus a waste of our time.
3. spitting on the grave of the main characters mother.
I personally think he did a fine enough job for naruto and sakura as a developed pair and it would have been perfectly reasonable if they ended up together. He didn't even have to write/draw a chapter of them going out on a date or kissing. sad part is; all sakura had to do was let go of her childhood crush on sasuke. that's it. because look where its got her in the end. she's a miserable kittening mess. as for Hinata, once she got her trophy that was it. she became just as much of a house wife as sakura. and people are ok with this so long as their favorite couple happened. sacrificing character for what you want. don't worry they'll grow up and out of it and look back, then soon realize that this was all indeed a huge mess and could have been a lot better and i highly doubt there's ever going to be a "super" revival considering Dragonball was part of the big anime boom and there was absolutely nothing like it at the time. whats naruto going to be remembered for? being this rock with loads of potential that ended up being a dirt clod in the end.

#948908 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by Catra on 15 September 2017 - 02:27 AM

no matter how much fanart or fanfiction NH tries they'll never be able to undo this scene

hinata was never kushina.

#948487 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Catra on 10 September 2017 - 03:28 AM

kaguya should never have been invented. pein was the real last villain i gave a damn about. danzo was cool but, you never felt for him. and tobito was trying hard to do what Pein already did plus he was another uchiha villain like we needed more of them? madara was fun to see how powerful one could really become plus the amount of experience he had with fighting in the senjuchiha wars. but that was all he was. the battlefield was his playground. he didn't take much of anything seriously until later which was a tad too late imo. his philosophy was added later sure but still. we still don't know the truth behind his brother whether he stole his eyes or he gave them to him

#948484 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by Catra on 10 September 2017 - 03:19 AM

no the worst will ALWAYS be the NH/SS shippers who try so hard to make us like their pairing and vilify us while they're at it. also itachi fans who don't shut up.

#948476 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Catra on 09 September 2017 - 11:36 PM

as far as my headcanon goes, Madara won and everything is I.T.

#946219 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 13 August 2017 - 11:27 PM

gosh Hiei is such a badass character more so than sasuke could ever hope to be.


#945863 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 10 August 2017 - 07:48 AM

those faces he makes still speak to me even after all these years. seriously wished both of them came to the conclusion "yeah sasuke is a bad person idk what the hell i saw in this jerk." and just killed him off or at least written better. cuz the one we got isn't a good person no matter how you slice it.

#945658 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 08 August 2017 - 10:18 PM

the poor female characters... once they pooted out babies their purpose is done and over with and if they wanna fight, get those frying pans.

#945583 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 08 August 2017 - 02:08 AM


#943444 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Catra on 20 July 2017 - 09:05 PM

Chester from linkin park has committed suicide. such a shame. i hated how overexposed they were in naruto amv's since they didn't match most of what was going on. and yet i owe it to said amv's for introducing me to them in the first place. they were songs to help relate to kids/teens even adults going through depression or unable to let out their emotions and even putting them into words. when they listened they could relate to the lyrics so well it help them through their darkest moments.

#943438 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Catra on 20 July 2017 - 07:01 PM

to be fair she did say on the gender status "not telling" so y'all have nothing to feel bad for

#943365 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Catra on 19 July 2017 - 07:58 PM



decided to share this on another thread because i love this look SO much. he looks so more responsible, mature and heroic than tired, obito hair style, dead bead dad, lying, manipulative, failed, do nothing pointless hokage we got.

#939080 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 04 May 2017 - 06:37 PM

happy star wars day~

have one of my fave female sith


#937544 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 16 April 2017 - 08:58 PM

hated the little dirt bag since the beginning back in 05. what a arrogant self centered pretentious teeny bopper. there are some former naruto fans who dropped him and the series all together simply because it ended and moved on to the next cool thing because, yes there are people like that.

#937182 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Catra on 13 April 2017 - 08:48 PM

listening to first few seasons of bleach's openings. memories.