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#981364 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 24 October 2020 - 04:57 PM

You know what's funny and hypocritical at the same time? When Sakura punched Naruto for comedic relief AND because he was doing something stupid, it was OMG ABUSIVE!


But the second Hinata turns into this new scary person like Sakura and Kushina and Himawari punches the kitten out of her dad that it makes him miss the Hokage inauguration it's so kawaii and cool and strong.


I'm like... do you even THINK? I just can't with these people, I swear, lol.

I'm willing to bet that they love more than one female tsundere character from other anime that does the same kind of thing.

#980968 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 05 October 2020 - 05:11 PM


They could have been at least more imaginative with it. Just saying  :dry: that "red string of anihilation " was the most piss poor literary excuse I've ever heard in my life

In this case, it was a string of blood, not thread.

#980931 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 03 October 2020 - 05:51 PM

It's times like this where I wish I could draw because Shinachiku is just so adorable, he's literally everything I would expect from an NS kid. He's the perfect combination of both of them, it's really cute.

Also, a bit unrelated, but it's a damn shame Naruto is out here looking like Frankenstein Jr. with his current haircut. Only mentioning this because of Shinachiku's hairstyle and how great it looked. Honestly, there's so much you could have done with his hair, a side part would have looked great. Sigh!

Edit: After doing a bit of search for recent fanart, I can confirm that I am indeed in my feelings haha. Now I'm debating going back to my NS Photoshop and colouring days, at least it'll act as a hobby since all this free time exists due to COVID. :cry:

As I have always said. Boruto's dad's hairstyle is fugly and is a physical representation of how terrible things have become. 

#980425 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 07 September 2020 - 05:31 PM

Yooo, what's up guys!

So I've been lurking from time to time here and finally decided to post again.

How's everyone? Hope you're all well!


Sorry for the offtopic, I really didn't knew where exactly to post... 

The goddess has returned! lol

#980259 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 25 August 2020 - 05:13 PM

The most hilarious thing about that title is that nh doesn't even have 5 "moments" in the manga canon.

And those "moments" are solely for Hinatatas' benefit, not Naruto's or both.

#980237 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 24 August 2020 - 03:00 AM

CBR = Crappy, Bad Reports? XP  lol

#979976 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 10 August 2020 - 05:09 PM

It was already clear that these true fans couldn't give less of a kitten about the story, they just want to see their otps tie the knot and reproduce like rabbits. As far as I know, the only fans that still follow this series are the ones that asked the very one exclusive question, "When is Naruto going to marry Hinata, when is Naruto going to marry Hinata?"Just saying. And any new fans that Boruto attracts are those that never watched Naruto at all, and are most likely kids that watch Boruto because it is in theri weekend timeslot.

More like asking, "When is Naruto going to *BEEP!* Hinata?"

#979923 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 07 August 2020 - 01:57 AM

Not to mention, people forget that in OTHER anime even CPR scenes have people believe it is them kissing. It's like every other anime or tv show people lose their minds on the CPR scene and even the characters be like "OMG, does this count as my first kiss?" and they will blush about it and even go through really weird thought processes. Especially if the characters are teenagers.

Oh, but in Naruto it is NO BIG DEAL. It is amazing how opposite everything is. How Naruto is ALWAYS the exception to the rule every time you bring up how stupid it is or how a situation is taken so lightly.

"Naruto never gave Hinata any attention."
"Well, that's because he was so busy. He can't save the world AND focus on Hinata."
"But every other main hero can do both."

"CPR is not a real kiss"
"But every other anime character in history takes it as one and freaks out."

Look at this scene:

Look how they blush and freak out of what the NH call "a simple life saving maneuver"

How about this one?

What about this?

And even here:

CPR in anime is NEVER scene as moot. It is ALWAYS taken to the highest degree, BUT NOT IN NARUTO.

So, why is it that everyone else freaks out about it, but Naruto it is no big deal? Because the characters took it as no big deal? I guess no.

I BET YOU $20 if Naruto gave CPR to Hinata....they would freak out like no tomorrow and claim it meant alot even if Naruto meant did it for no reason other than to save her life because that is how they think.

Do people forget how Japan's culture works? CPR, while meant for life saving, has a bit of a taboo to it because Japan's culture believes in the concept of PERSONAL SPACE. SO even CPR is seen as an invasion even if for good reason to. THis is why they freak out.

The problem is Kishimoto never follows through with his actions.

And the same would go for every other cliche / trope used in anime for such things - it would mean soooooo much in those other anime, but never in Naruto (at least if it's between NS), but they would instantly say the opposite if even the slightest hint of it happened between NH, even if, as with the series itself, the situation is played completely for comedic purposes.

#979648 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 14 July 2020 - 02:32 AM


Me? Hell no. If NS became canon and Boruto still existed, the series STILL would be dead to me because by then the series is overstaying it's welcome and beyond exhausting the magic it once had on my entertainment. If Naruto became Nardo still, that is a deadbeat neglectful father depite wanting a family all his lfe and actually has one child at least with the love of his life, the character would lose my respect all the same. It doesn't matter if to me if NH or NS happened, if the result was the same I'd drop it like a hot potato, no questions asked. I didn't ship NS because of any wish fullfillment on my end. I shipped NS because Naruto and Sakura were slowly and surely starting to develop a bond like real life couples in my eyes in that the caring is there, the passion and spark is there, but they both make eachother better and more mature individuals for it ultimately and understand eachother so well that they can function properly as human beings without the other. That is they can be in love and also live their lives unchained by the other. That to me has always been the best kind of relationship, and you see it with real life couples and also well writtten fictional couples. But that is besides the point. If Naruto still has that dysfunctional relationship with Sakura and his kids, no, EFF no would I still follow it. Basically, I am saying I am a fan of the story before I am a shipping fan, not the other way around like these loony Hinata cultists that act like their lives are ruined if NaruHina does not become canon. If a couple only makes the story of a fictional work in any media "trashy", then it is not worth my time. I repeat, I shipped NaruSaku because THE STORY SUPPORTED NaruSaku. It is not not because of my own headcanons, personal bias and WANTING THIS COUPLE TO BE EXACLY HOW I LIKE IT AND WANT IT TO BE FOR MY OWN EGO STROKING

Agreed. It's the same for me in that I'm on NS's side due to being the one actually supported by the plot and character interactions, not because they're my OTP. I may get hate for saying this, but if NH was the one actually supported by the plot and character interactions (obviously it's not, lol), then I'd be supporting NH right now, and if there was an actual believable love triangle between the three (again, with good amounts of plot and character interaction support for both), then I'd be satisfied no matter who "wins" in the end, even if the pairing I preferred more "lost".

#979630 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 12 July 2020 - 04:35 PM

Don't forget Nardo was obl,ivious to Hinata even unti half way into the movie It took a genjutsu to brain wash him into loving Hinat. He didn't even realize his feelings naturally likw with other couples.

Even then, it (and the novel even outright says it, IIRC) was more a feeling of guilt and obligation than "love".

#979171 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 16 June 2020 - 05:43 PM


Unfortunately, most of the females in Naruto do not have any kind of development or even any good fighting that brings out their strength.

A good example is kurenai and anko. For example anko learned a lot from orochimaru. She was supposed to be a strong woman at least like him, but did we see her fighting? No. Because the problem that Kishi suffers from is that he either does not know how to write females well, or he sees that the females in the anime are only Waifus.

And Kurenai went from being a genjutsu prodigy to disappearing entirely after getting pregnant. Even a flashback having her father essentially telling her that her duty is to stay in the kitchen.

#979051 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 09 June 2020 - 05:58 AM

That is what infuriates me more than anything. Not this character, Hinata Hyuga, but the stupid, obsessive, brain-dead fan base she has gained for doing nothing but blush and stutter "N-Naruto-kun!"

Then you got such fans like SP making entire extra omake endings of episodes around her saying, "Naruto-kun!".

#978925 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 29 May 2020 - 06:42 AM

Re-editing some old stuff, going through some notes/story ideas about clones....


What if Naruto's clones were an unlimited technique, but with diminishing control and increasing independence?


What if Menma wasn't an alternate universe character, but an in-universe result of Naruto coming to the end of his control over his clones?


So the thinking was that the more he creates the wilder they get. They are just a little rebellious when he's younger and makes them in huge amounts. But as he gets older and gains power, so do the clones. And they go more rogue each time. 


And he realizes that if he wants to continue making these over the course of his life, he'll have to be judicious. So if he's in a bad situation and he has to make one, he knows he's got a small amount of time where he can rely on the clone, before it turns his powers against him. Basically, the power is deteriorating over time, so that the clone is getting more powerful as he ages, but it has taken on the worst characteristics of himself.


Eh, just a thought. Would have made some good fics!

I think I remember reading some fanfics where something like that happens and it gets all Spider-Man Clone Saga or something (Clones believe they're the real one and such), lol.

#978892 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 26 May 2020 - 06:07 AM

NH shippers, for the most part, are incredibly deluded, I'm sorry. It's fine to ship whatever you want just for the sake of it. I don't want to be rude, but it's very idiotic to even attempt to argue the legitimacy of a relationship between the protaganist and a secondary character who doesn't show up in the series (manga) often. We are not evening talking about a major secondary character here. A mere secondary character on Team 8, the team with the least screen time. It's very frustrating because when you go to the manga and try to look for her, she's just not there most of the time. How can a relationship be 'developed' and exist without the most basic factor - frequent interaction.  :hm: kitten the anime and all of the materials (video games, war arc when TL began to produce, etc.) that created these false narratives amongst people.

It doesn't help that what little "interaction" Boruto's dad and Hinatatas had usually consisted of him being surprised that she's even there, then her stuttering and fainting, all for comedic effect rather than any meaningful development.

#978721 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by HalfDemonInuyasha on 10 May 2020 - 01:32 AM

Agreed Naruto characters at most are like og dragon Ball levels. Plus with superman dude can track the flash in the speed force and the flash is the fastest man Alive
People assume the sharingan is up unbeatable which its not since garra beat Sasuke, Lee beat Sasuke kind of.
Plus I love boomstick ever brought up the double sharingan power up from obito and it didn't matter.
Most people probably don't know much about star wars to claim that stuff.

You can see how much they over-wank Kakashi and the Sharingan by so many commentators actually claiming that Kakashi could copy Obi-Wan's Force powers and act like Kakashi has perfect telepathy with it or something, and you can tell that a majority of people didn't even watch the whole video with the constant, "Where's Susano'o?!" complaints when, as you said, they specifically point out Kakashi's dual Mangekyo and Susano'o post-battle and why it wasn't used (and even saying it probably wouldn't have helped much anyway).