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#610695 Chapter 697

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 23 October 2014 - 12:57 PM

No you are not writing it but you do want it badly.

Lol mentioning the cpr time in sarcasm is of no use. Sakura's all doing those things were being of absolute zero help. He was saved only because of obito putting the bijuu in him again.

The only thing left for sakura is yes seduce sasuke somehow because she just can't let go or resolve her stupid feelings for him. So y not trouble and seduce him so much that he finally gives up.

Moreover naruto deserves to shine more than sakura at the end of the manga. Otherwise it's just horrible writing because giving sakura something where she was not needed and ignoring the chances to show she has really developed since part 1 sakura is simply not done.

You can't want to take away the reason of Naruto defeating sasuke since the very beginning just because your favorite character just woke up after getting stabbed and crying desperately to stop sasuke from leaving because she could find any other way to convince him to be with her.

Wow this post is so anti-Sakura. Seducing Sasuke? What kind of crap is this? Your haterade for her is just off the charts.


Did you even read last chapter? Naruto does not want to defeat Sasuke the way he is now. If he were to beat him in this fight he would not consider it a a victory. He's not trying to beat him in a fight, he's trying to stop and save him. 

#610543 Chapter 697

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 23 October 2014 - 12:00 PM

She also brushed off the fact that Sasuke "killed" her like it didn't happen.

You want her to start hating Sasuke? I'm sorry to tell you but both Sakura and Naruto won't hate Sasuke because that would be contradicting the entire point of Part 2. They are both kind people and the fact is that Sasuke is someone very close to both of them, especially more for Naruto as was shown in the Land of Iron.

#609636 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 23 October 2014 - 03:32 AM

Naruto doesn't seem happy in there, just my opinion.

And her pose looks similar to the one in the poster where she looks sad. It's probably a rejection from Naruto.

#607897 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 20 October 2014 - 09:08 AM

After these pairing wars are kittening over I hope I never get emotionally invested in another pairing ever again.


You guys are lucky that you are emotionally invested in a pairing that's supposed to happen by Shonen Law.

True dat. It's a good thing I never really truly participated in the pairings wars. I've been more of a guy that's been from the outside looking in and it's pretty crazy inside. I just like NS very much and want it to be canon so I can move on.

#607652 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 20 October 2014 - 03:46 AM

I'm glad that there are a few members like you who appreciate Kishimoto. :happy: He has given so many years of his life to this manga and all I ever see on this site are disrespectful comments about him, his story, his ethics, his morals...just about everything. 


Kishimoto doesn't know how to write a decent story they say but they forget that his story has got millions of fans world-wide.


Kishimoto doesn't treat his characters properly they say but they forget the fact that he created the characters and he probably cares more about the characters than them. Kishi cannot even bring himself to give a bad ending to the villains in this story, isn't that proof enough?!


People have become so warped up that they believe their fanfiction is better than Kishi's writing. Fans who have followed the story from a few years seem to possess this strange arrogance that they understand and know the story/ characters better than the professional writer who created the characters and the story. 


Very recently, I saw a comment on this site expressing dis-satisfaction because Kishimoto did not develop SasuHina. Blaming Kishimoto because he did not develop a crack pairing!  :twitch: What's next?

I have seen some nasty comments towards our fandom. One especially that made me just facepalm. Basically this person said that the only excuse we have for not thinking NH is obvious is because "Kishi is a s***ty, unpredictable write who has gone off the deep end lately". And that most of us who think NS is endgame are "Kishi apologists who think his work is perfection incarnate".


I mean that is just ridiculous crap and it shows how distorted that person's view has become with their criticisms of Kishi and the whole shipping wars.

#607616 Chapter 696

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 20 October 2014 - 02:41 AM

^ Well for me I think it sucks to read a manga week by week. Right now, I'm marathoning series that have already been completed. I think it's a much more better experience to read something continuously without worrying about catching up to something that is still unfinished.

#606896 What episodes are these?

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 19 October 2014 - 07:02 AM

Number 5 is from Naruto Shippuden Episode 373 "Team 7, Assemble".



You are correct. That's from Shippuden Episode 364.

#606758 Cutest Anime/Cartoon Gifs

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 19 October 2014 - 12:19 AM



I just really like how she has an angry expression while she dances. So cute.

#598843 well guys the manga is said to be ending in 5 weeks

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 09 October 2014 - 04:16 AM

Just came from reading the movie thread and I have to say the whole thing is total mixed messaging. 'Be sad for the manga ending...but be excited for the drama unfolding in the movie!!!'


As see from the movie sketches, with Hinata's windblown hair and far off look, Sasuke's angry face and Sakura's determined one, the movie is picking up on the themes of the manga. So how is anything going to even be concluded in the manga, if it's just going to continue on in the movie.


I'm starting to think more and more that the 'shocking ending' of the manga is that there isn't really going to be a conclusion at all. It's either going to get wrapped up in the movie, in a series of movies, or in the launch of another series (perhaps monthly).


Jenskott, I agree too that I think Kishimoto is going to be a one-trick pony. Anything else is only going to be compared to Naruto. 

You hit the nail on the head with these posts. I don't see Kishimoto moving away from this series and making something as successful as Naruto. He will be like Toriyama as he will probably be making short series while at the same time working with SP on Naruto movie projects. I also sense a feint with the whole 'shocking ending'. Also if this movie will be the conclusion of the Naruto series, it's kind of unfair for us Western fans who won't be able to see this movie until next year.

#597151 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 07 October 2014 - 05:37 PM

That translation is a fake.Correctly it should be "no we never (do the animations).

(generally speaking) kishimoto and the manga crew contribute ideas to a naruto film while the storyline is in the making but the proper screenplay is always written by some (professional) film script writer from the film makers side."""

This makes sense. This was the case for RtN as well. Of course Kishi would not completely write the script. He has never written screenplays before and whatever this movie is about must have been approved by him and the studio. I personally don't think this will be canon unless Kishi himself states it. It's clear that the manga will be the true source for the real ending. I'm still sticking with my prediction that the last chapter will be a massive timeskip with Naruto as Hokage and already with a family and this movie will be the events that occurs before that.

#596155 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 06 October 2014 - 06:05 AM

so everything that will not be resolve in the manga will be resolve in the movie? the movie must at least take 5 hours or more for that. there are still many unexplained things and resolution in this manga.

It's strange isn't it? I still hope this all a ruse from Kishimoto but the way he's been talking in interviews it makes it seem that this is actually it. The New Era Project though, that's something that needs to be more elaborated on.

#595269 Naruto 694

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 04 October 2014 - 03:57 AM

I'm going to post this parody of this week's chapter. It made me laugh. 


Warning: language and you read it left to right



Naruto 694 Parody

#594259 Naruto 694

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 02 October 2014 - 10:40 AM

This panel sums up everything that is wrong with this manga


"We're pretty good pals". How can Naruto seriously say and believe this? Well at least he didn't say he was his best friend. I think someone like Shikamaru has been way more of a good friend than Sasuke ever was.

#594133 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 02 October 2014 - 06:35 AM

I hope NaruSaku happens just so we can see a couple end up with a happy peaceful ending in this manga. If you look back at all the romances in this manga, they all end up in a different sort of tragedy. Obito didn't get a chance to confess to Rin. Asuma never got to chance to see his and Kurenai's unborn child (at the time of his death). Minato and Kushina never got to experience being parents and grow as a family with Naruto. The implied romance between Konan and Yahiko ended with tragedy as well. Tsunade lost Dan during the war. Jiraiya never got a chance to be with Tsunade. It's all so depressing that I hope Kishi makes the NS pairing come true so we can see something that we can smile about with positivity. This couple has to be the one that surpasses all the pairings that didn't get their true happy ending, the ones that gets to experience true love, know the joys of being parents, and never have to worry about danger or tragedy lurking in their future.

#590521 Chapter 693

Posted by SuperSilverStar on 28 September 2014 - 01:59 AM

I just keep reading this panel over and over again and each time I do, it makes it seem that Sasuke was the most logical one in this chapter. Seriously, he's the biggest Anti-SS to have ever exist and his explanation right here, tells it all when it comes to his dislike for Sakura as a love interest. 

