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milan kyuubi

Member Since 23 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 07:07 AM

#971911 Inconsistencies/ Retcons in The Manga

Posted by milan kyuubi on 20 March 2019 - 07:07 AM

Naruto's chakra amount stamina was due to kyuubi. Later it was retconed that it was because he was Uzumaki.

#971891 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by milan kyuubi on 19 March 2019 - 06:20 AM

^^ Can I get a link to your fanfiction page?

#971782 Kakashi should have actually trained Sakura.

Posted by milan kyuubi on 14 March 2019 - 07:28 PM

Due to the ending I consider Sakura to be the strongest charter power wise. You may ask how. Thats because having nothing going for her (not even her own sensei), she took matters and became strong by her own will. Her potential was enormous. But unfortunately Kishi did not even try at all with her, especially in the end. And while Sakura poured tears and blood for every ounce of strength. Unlike Naruto and Sasuke who were literately given God powers.



When I think about it more. All senseis sucked.


Kakashi ignoring two and teaching only 1. Even knowing he was dangerous to his friends.


Don't know much about Guy. But seams he also did a kakashi and only had eyes for Lee.


Kurenai was just focusing on getting Hinata to open and change. Again not difrent from kakashi and Guy.


Asuma was also the same. Playing games with Shikamaru and focusing on him.


Jiraiya was teaching Naruto unnecessary things and not doing a good job at it.


Sarutobi also played favorites with Orochimaru.


Seams was more concerned about teaching shortcuts. Then actually real teaching.

#971747 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 12 March 2019 - 06:22 PM

It's that time again! lol It's a gift that keeps on giving! :lol:





On another matter. I think the whole fiasco could have been avoided if Kishi took another big break after Pein invasion.

#965141 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 17 May 2018 - 09:56 PM

Been so long. This needed to be posted again! :lol:



#964808 The Random Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 06 May 2018 - 08:00 PM

I missed this trick word >.<


I want to see this anime :D


I feel like many shows these days are going down the drain :confused:


And that is? :hehehe:


Do it then! :P


Especially if they come from CW! :argh: 

#960911 Name 5.....?

Posted by milan kyuubi on 30 January 2018 - 04:32 PM

2. Star Wars

#960886 Name 5.....?

Posted by milan kyuubi on 29 January 2018 - 10:13 PM

Number 3 has been skipped again! :lol: I'll answer #5 and then re-post your question @BlueStarSaber! :sweat:


5. Halloween


Name your 5 most disappointed movies of 2017?

#960200 Name 5.....?

Posted by milan kyuubi on 15 January 2018 - 07:57 PM

1. Depends :lmao:

#959485 Happy New Year 2018

Posted by milan kyuubi on 02 January 2018 - 05:39 AM



#959334 Name 5.....?

Posted by milan kyuubi on 30 December 2017 - 04:50 PM

4. Queen - Princes Of The Universe


#959191 Name 5.....?

Posted by milan kyuubi on 28 December 2017 - 07:34 PM

4. The Last Airbender

#958054 The Random Thread

Posted by milan kyuubi on 12 December 2017 - 03:52 PM

So we don't go of topic in another thread, lets bring it here! XD



Ugh!!! The Horror!!! sbAbnKz.gif. Even Scarf Kun had much more screen time then Sasuke and Kakashi,   they should have renamed the movie into Naruto the Last Scarf!!!  :zaru: . 


Just knit him a scarf and everything should be fine  :chuckle: .


Yeah I'd love that or Bela  Ladja with Sojic  :lmao: .


Well there you have it lesson well learned  :pimp: .


Scarf Kun has the worse fate of them all! Having to be wrapped around the abomination that is Buritos's scumbag father!  :th_yeah:


And then have his wife throw it out! :lulz:


You have Sojic in Tesna Koza! :cool:


They should meet Pinhead! :ohmy:


Its similar OK mixing all of that is like a nuclear bomb  :hm: .


YOU'RE ON!!! N0eQRo6.png.



Hahahahahaha!!! That's good news for now, I'll nuke them if they do  :excited: . Can't wait till you watch the whole thing  :excited:


I need proof! :superior:






Send them a virus! :D      :sweat:


Neo Armstrong Cyclobe Jet Armstrong Canon :chuckle:


#957981 Analysis of NS scenes post-ending

Posted by milan kyuubi on 11 December 2017 - 02:35 PM

The Pein arc is when it happened then. While I could swallow mass rez Nagato did. In that scene we also had some great lines from Nagato about horrors of war. And Naruto promising he'll find another way . Which was BS since he never had any answer. Beside: It's because I say so! Now when I look back on manga, for me the breaking point is Naruto getting willingly beaten up for Sasuke. Naruto begging A. Naruto having panic attack. That beating scene is where imo manga shifted towards a whole new version of Naruto. As others have said the Pein arc seamed like a good place to end the manga with few alterations. From there on we no longer had Naruto manga. But Sasuke manga. Which in the and was changed to Hinata manga!



Isn't it obvious!?  :zaru: .






Plot twist the suitcase is filled with Naruto's manga ashes   :fu: .


:lmao: Another question is how? :fu:


It's like in those movies where thief robs something thinking it's filled with cash, only to find porn when its opened! :D


Posted by milan kyuubi on 08 December 2017 - 05:52 PM

Unlimited Blade Works! :D