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#613363 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Lilac on 25 October 2014 - 02:54 AM

He said that to Sakura, it was already confirmed. Pretty sure.


Sadly it can't be to Sakura, because he uses omae and not Sakura-chan. Naruto never uses omae with Sakura. I bet it'll be towards Sasuke and no one will be happy, haha

#607886 Why do people here think Hinata is selfish whereas treat Sakura as a goddess?

Posted by Lilac on 20 October 2014 - 08:57 AM

The reason the 'fake confession to get Sasuke back for Naruto' doesn't make sense is because Sasuke's done nothing to make Sakura think he loves her. At all. She could have said both her and Naruto love him, she could have pleaded about Naruto's feelings, she didn't. This come off as entirely selfish on her part. Especially when it comes right after Sasuke telling Naruto that he is going to kill him. This just can't be spun as a 'selfless fake confession for Naruto'.

#607862 Why do people here think Hinata is selfish whereas treat Sakura as a goddess?

Posted by Lilac on 20 October 2014 - 08:13 AM

Because she likes Naruto, basically. I love NS, but jeeze. Screaming at Sasuke about how she loves him so much and please just come back, and if there's any small place in his heart for her, etcetc. On Naruto's BIRTHDAY, after his father just died AGAIN. I couldn't believe how selfish Sakura was in that moment.

#601088 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Lilac on 11 October 2014 - 09:14 AM

I don't think they're counting on westerners to be the main box office revenue for the movie...


Then they're randomly trolling a small part of their Japanese fanbase? Why? lol

#599060 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Lilac on 09 October 2014 - 12:27 PM



Who's arm is that on Naruto?


It's his arm, lol He's arching his back and has his hand on his hip. It's just a close up of the Naruto spread that was released with the poster.

#599006 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Lilac on 09 October 2014 - 11:11 AM

lol I just wonder why she's turned to the side. Composition wise, it seems like a ploy to make her stand out.

#591324 Chapter 693

Posted by Lilac on 29 September 2014 - 04:52 AM

If Kishi has to choose between resolving the romantic subplot or having Naruto and Sasuke fighting/flashbacking/flirting talking to each other, well....I highly doubt he'd choose the former over the latter.

#590675 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Lilac on 28 September 2014 - 05:51 AM

This video is call The Last why? It was in tumblr in the section of the movie.



It's called 'The Last' because the short film is about that girl being the last girl he'll fall in love with, lol Doesn't have anything to do with Naruto, as Sakura's the first and only girl Naruto ever loved. That guy had five loves before her.

#588207 Chapter 693

Posted by Lilac on 25 September 2014 - 10:06 PM

If it is indeed present tense, then Viz was actually right. Which means SS wasn't sunk in 675. Not that it really matters, as NaruSaku will be canon, but I have a feeling it won't happen until the movie. (Remember the poster line for Naruto? That sounded confession-esque? Yeah) I don't think Sakura will get over Sasuke until he's redeemed. And well...I like that better. It would show Naruto wasn't a second place choice, ya know?

#578476 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Lilac on 09 September 2014 - 06:01 PM

I wasn't refering to that, but since i didn't explain, i deleted it. The comparison is wrong all the way. But i don't share your opinion on the "if people who like this kind of relationship in fiction doesn't mean they support this in real life".  Sexism is everywhere. Woman and the rest of people doesn't realise how to expand those point of view is harmful. They will think in their personal lifes that if someone ask for forgiveness everything is going to be okay. 

EDIT: I could explain this better but gotta go


Sexism is fairly common in anime/manga, since the culture is very different from many Western point of views. I don't think, however, that people who like certain things in fiction also want them to be true in real life. I used another example, which can't be named because it's on the more vulgar side of things, but it's extremely common in fic. There are many reasons why women use it/like it-some are survivors and use it to cope, some just like the power dynamic (or lack there of), and some just find enjoyment in *..." is love" trope. I despise that certain thing in fiction, but I have had discussions with other women about it. It does not go into their real lives-they wouldn't want that to actually happen to them. Fiction is a safe place, a place where you can go to enjoy things you wouldn't in real life. That's just in general, though.


Anime/manga is a different beast entirely, and it's not a very good place to look for positive stories for women. The 'nongirly' girl being ugly/unattractive trope, for example, is pretty standard-and that's rather sexist in an of itself. And don't get me started on the fairly common use of fourteen year old girl+older man/uncle pairings you see often in Shoujo manga. It's...not a great place. I'm probably jaded at this point, though.


I will admit I may have taken it too personally, as I have female relatives who were subject to domestic abuse and I don't see ss in their situations.

#575163 Chapter 691

Posted by Lilac on 04 September 2014 - 03:40 PM

Really why are you trolling didn't you had enough ? And yes we want Sakura with Naruto bc she's isn't Hinata so get over it  and for you information in this war she has been all the time on Naruto's boat Sasuke who ? 


Trolling? I'm being objective. Sakura and Naruto will get together eventually, but they aren't together yet. If they had gotten together offscreen before the war, Sakura would be a terrible girlfriend-Thinking to herself that Sasuke doesn't care that she's hurt or not noticing Naruto wasn't with Sasuke last chapter.


You seem to forget I ship NaruSaku? Or do you think anyone who doesn't think Naruto and Sakura are engaged already is somehow a nh shipper? :huh:

#562468 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Lilac on 13 August 2014 - 05:25 PM

That wasn't what that scene meant... He was just trying to get Sasuke to understand his feelings (always saving and protecting his friends, no matter what) by referencing the scene at the bridge. Sasuke wasn't being "tsundere" or anything like that.
You change that in your settings.


I didn't say he was being *tsundere*. My point was Naruto hasn't given up on Sasuke being 'good' again. And let

s be honest here-it was pretty much a foreshadowing of 685. I know a lot of us say that Sasuke isn't changing, but he caught Sakura. It wasn't a romantic gesture, but it was a gesture that 40-50 chapters ago Sasuke wouldn't have bothered doing. It's not surprising, though. Two murder attempts on the woman he loved couldn't turn Naruto away from Sasuke. I'd say he's probably the biggest fangirl in the entire series,lol

#562028 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Lilac on 12 August 2014 - 08:29 PM

To say Hinata has had no character development is false/biased. Hating on Hinata as a NS fan is just as bad as hating on Sakura as NH fan, yet I see so many people here complain about that--and then do it themselves. I don't get it.


Hinata started out as weak and severely lacking in confidence. Through Naruto's example, she slowly grew to like herself more. She went from being destroyed by Neji, to protecting his side. She stood up to a person she would have no chance of winning against, to protect Naruto. She developed her own technique--and while the other people around here stood by in shock as Neji died, including Sakura, it was Hinata who pulled herself from her grief to pull Naruto back from the edge of depression/from giving into Obito. Just because I ship Sakura with Naruto, doesn't mean I have to completely ignore another female character's growth. It's silly, and doesn't make anyone better than that awful 'other side'. And as for the 'kun'ing thing goes, who was it that Sakura thought of after she was saved by Naruto? She didn't thank Naruto, no, she just thought about Sasuke-kun not caring that she was hurt. We can make excuses all we like, but this behavior is no better than Hinata's.


Please, Naruto is already a manga that favors the male characters over the female ones. Don't dismiss a woman just because she likes the character you want with someone else. :/

#561232 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Lilac on 11 August 2014 - 01:46 PM

The body shamming really disappoints me. Is this really how other NS shippers argue against a woman? Hinata is bad because she has larger breasts and is "fat?" You guys aren't being any better than the people who insult Sakura for having a smaller chest. :roll:

#560033 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Lilac on 08 August 2014 - 09:28 PM

Plot twist: Naruto uses his new found powers and brings Haku back to life. They fall in love and get a house on the outskirts of town. :kukuku: