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#514938 Naruto 664

Posted by Qia on 12 February 2014 - 02:57 PM

If Sakura knew Chiyo's jutsu, wouldn't she have used it aleady since Naruto is still alive and, therefore, she wouldn't die?  I mean...if Chiyo could save Sakura, then couldn't Sakura do the same for Naruto even after having Kyuubi ripped out of him?

#502142 Naruto 652

Posted by Qia on 28 October 2013 - 06:13 PM

So...Just remember this is a what if. WHAT IF. Don't answer, "Not going to happen." This is a what if as in it HAPPENS. So...


What if it does parallel NH instead?


I would be genuinely confused, because how could Naruto be more devastated in losing someone he hardly ever talked to compared to someone he's gone through so much with, spent so much time with, and has shown he has feelings for even up till now? What regrets would he have about Hinata even if she did die? That he hadn't confessed even though there was nothing holding him back? It just doesn't make sense. What does make sense, however, is him being able to place himself in Obito's shoes because he knows that, like him, he would be filled with a lot of regret (something he might not act on like Obito has, but something that's still pretty much there) if Sakura died. Do you get what I mean or?  :ermm:

#497791 NaruSaku/MinaKushi Month!

Posted by Qia on 02 October 2013 - 05:11 PM

Headcanon: Every time he returns home from work, Sakura would always greet Naruto at the door with a hug. Yet, even though it's become a habitual thing, Naruto is still taken by surprise each time since he'd never had that experience growing up (of someone waiting for him at home). This shock and the feeling of happiness that followed also increased after his two kids started doing the same.


Side note: I really like that ova v_v, and I hope something like that happens too.

#497660 Naruto 649

Posted by Qia on 02 October 2013 - 01:39 PM

do u guys like sakura's new bangs? :confused:


I actually love it...but I feel like that's the unpopular opinion xD.

#494288 Naruto 647

Posted by Qia on 17 September 2013 - 01:57 PM

Same here. It's even more ridiculous when its as plan as day. Some people dig when theres absolutely no need to. And how did Naruto dodge this bullet when it was outright stated he had some part in it the nin being sought out in the first place. There was no line that said Katsuyu was fused with the nins chakra nor was it stated that they died because/when she did. I can't believe this is one of the hot topics but then again, if Sakura is the hot topic... -_-


*goes into fangirl mode* Even when she's not really included that much in a chapter, she always is. Everyone can't stop talking about her, because that's how popular and great she is. Even Sasori loved her, and he probably thought her punches were awesome too. What a khaleesi. :th_yeah:

#494186 Naruto 647

Posted by Qia on 17 September 2013 - 09:28 AM


"Everyone ended up the same as my parts"


That seems to imply that the shinobi endured the same effects as Katsuyu when her spawn died. Moreover, there's three panels at the bottom of the page where Sakura is reminiscing of her last promise to contribute in any form possible if she could rather than die. You can see that she appears upset or sorrowful for the casualties.

Not exactly

#493154 Naruto 646

Posted by Qia on 13 September 2013 - 12:19 AM

Or Eve. :P That would make more sense actually. Maybe Kushina is Mary lol Naruto is Jesus after all XD


And no. It's not too deep.

Okay so how exactly is Kushina Mary? Because sacrificing her life for her son doesn't just have to do with scripture. Most mothers who love their child would do that in a heartbeat. And how is Naruto Jesus exactly? Yes, he'll change the world for good, but there have been many stories where heroes have done that, which aren't necessarily connected to scripture either. So please...explain. Because I don't see the connection. 

#493130 Naruto 646

Posted by Qia on 12 September 2013 - 09:57 PM

This is her introduction. It's too early to say.


Kaguya = Mary, Hagoromo(correct?) = Jesus, Naruto = Second coming


lol it's that similar to jewish/muslim/christian beliefs.


Anyway I think people want and explanation of how because they find it hard to believe. It is stupid..the people were told by somebody they couldn't eat the fruit, yet Kaguya ate it knowing it would grant her power. How did she know? Did the others know? Who told them(must be someone important, because everyone but Kaguya listened)?

How could Kaguya= Mary? Wouldn't it make more sense to say she's Eve, with the "forbidden fruit" and all? Either way...don't you guys think you're thinking a bit too deeply into this? 

#492488 Naruto 646

Posted by Qia on 10 September 2013 - 01:53 PM


The seal saved her life, cause she doesn't have it anymore.


Not necessarily. Wouldn't it make more sense to take away the chakra around the person (the cloak) before taking away the chakra contained in the body? We won't really know for sure until we see her again but: http://www.mangapanda.com/naruto/646/5

Notice that the cloak went before the rest.

#492482 Naruto 646

Posted by Qia on 10 September 2013 - 01:45 PM


I think Sakura released her seal maybe even managing to save some,

Don't you think something as important as that would have been shown though? :ermm:

#492464 Naruto 646

Posted by Qia on 10 September 2013 - 01:15 PM

I hope Sakurs activates the seal if she still even has chakra in it. I'm guessing she does since Katsuyu is still out and about. Like some bwfore me have stated, it may be that she'll become relevant once again soon though I wonder how she got hit and not that ninja checking on her... I also wonder if she got inside of Katsuyu, would that have protected her. Anywayyyyy, chapter was pretty fast. Wonder wherr fhings go from here. Do the kages arrive?


The panel is really small, but I believe she still has the chakra cloak around her, so most likely she still does (assuming the cloak would be sucked up first before her own chakra). I think that ninja checking on her is Sai, and considering even Naruto got hit it doesn't surprise me that she might have been, if taken by surprise. It isn't really made clear what exactly happened to her though. And with Naruto down...it's really hard to say what might happen next. I must say, this is a really really good way to end this chapter. It's been a few weeks since I've looked forward to the next one. :ermm: