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#849647 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Papaya on 27 June 2015 - 10:36 AM

I think it will be the announcement of a manga series focusing on the next generation & coming after the Bolt movie. Or they'll announce an anime special which will adapt the Gaiden. 

#848595 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Papaya on 25 June 2015 - 11:38 AM

I hope Karin shows up with team Taka in the final chapter to clarify things with Salad. Like, I know it would be used to bring us another ridiculous plot twist or to kitten on Karin, but I really prefer that to Kishi just going "ah, Salad doesn't care anymore bc Sauce cares about Sakura, amirite? That's the end of her mom storyline, she's ok now and who cares why Karin is her mother, bye".

#848557 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Papaya on 25 June 2015 - 10:23 AM

So true: http://whitecocoamoc...-dont-die#notes

#848549 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Papaya on 25 June 2015 - 10:04 AM

Ok, so here's what I thought about this chapter:


- A blade arm? This new bad guy really looks like a killer from a cheap slash horror now.

- "All I have to do right now is help mom" - I hope this means Salad will still pursue the truth about her origins, only later on.

- Sauce: "Naruto, I leave the sensing up to you". Naruto: "Oh!" Me:  :facepalm:

- One little panel of Sakura fighting Shin aaand that's about it, folks. No badas/s Sakura for you, sorry. Just like expected.

- Well, I suppose Sasuke checking if Sakura is alright does count as a romantic moment if you compare it with their previous interactions. We can call it OOC, but it's still a big positive change in his attitude. I mean, for anybody else, helping a fellow ninja would just be the expected behavior of a decent human being, but this is Sasuke we're talking about.  :zaru:

- At this point I don't know if I should feel angry at Kishi for making Salad warm up to Sasuke so easily or feel sad for this girl bc she needs a proof that her parents have a normal relationship as badly as SS fans lol.

- Honestly, I half expected Naruto to go all talk no jutsu on little Shins for talking about not needing their father anymore, I mean he was the family expert last chapter, after all. Also Salad and Chouchou can hear the Shins, what kind of example is that for them lol? Next thing you know, they'll have the same philosophy.

- The chubby Shin (the normal-sized one) is so cute, gah.

- The big chubby Shin was too much though. What is it, SnK? Making such a clone doesn't make any sense.

- Salad kills the little thing so easily... But... How... What... 

- Why the kitten does Salad have Sakura's enhanced strength?! Why?! :cuss: This is the first time I'm having such a "nerd being mad bc the rules are being ignored" moment with Gaiden. But seriously, does this mean Sakura was teaching her to control her chakra on such a high level at the tender age of 10 or what?! But why didn't Salad use this when little Shin first attacked her and Chouchou?! What the heck! Or did Kishi just retcon the basic sharingan to copy the chakra control skills of others too? *sighs*

- Sasuke does more fighting in this chapter than Naruto. Again.  :hm:


All in all, it was rather boring. Nothing to really laugh about this week... 

#847276 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Papaya on 22 June 2015 - 07:51 PM


Just like with Naruto and Hinata, all the romance has come from the female's, with absolutely nothing (believable) from the males.

Another thing these pairings have in common - the girl being reduced to a fangirl with a crush whenever she's interacting with the boy. And this is why I can crack ship both Sakura and Hinata with almost anyone BUT with their canon crushes.  :hm:


Btw now that Gaiden is almost over, I'm angry that Kishi didn't throw team Gai + Lee Jr into the first two chapters of it. People call Mitsuki the mysterious kid, but Lee Jr doesn't even have an official name. :sad:  Eh, why does team Gai have to be my fav team...

#845600 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Papaya on 19 June 2015 - 09:51 AM

Yeah, he will never make him look bad.

And the funny thing is, Sasuke's hated by the West anyway. I swear, every Polish fan of the series I met hated him lol.

#845191 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Papaya on 18 June 2015 - 02:04 PM

Sasuke's so freaking confusing though. He literally looked like he didn't give one flying f**ck that Sakura was taken away a few chapters ago, but now he's over here suddenly proclaiming her as his wife and knows that she can handle the situation? Bruh, make up your mind :hm:

Look closely, he was saying the "my wife is strong" comment to reassure Salad after Oro's remark about the possibility of Sakura being dead. So he only said that bc he apparently cares about Salad's feelings now. It's still stupid and contradicts his previous behaviour towards his daughter, but it doesn't mean he really meant that about Sakura's strength. It was just a way to have Salad stop worrying too much. :zaru:

#842671 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Papaya on 13 June 2015 - 12:53 PM

You guys probably don't remember it, but I once said here that I'm a member of a Polish forum for mature/older manga & anime fans which also happens to be an official forum for one of Polish manga publishers. So, people there don't really talk about Naruto Gaiden, BUT lately someone on Facebook asked the Polish publisher of Naruto if they'll also publish Gaiden. The publisher responded with "it's a sort of one-volume-long epilogue, so we'll probably do it" and this caused some of my fellow forum members to talk briefly about Gaiden. This is the translation for what everyone said:


Person 1 - I stopped reading Naruto long time ago, but tumblr is exploding with this "Who's the mother?" stuff from Gaiden, so I read some of it. My God, is this funny!


Person 2 - Gaiden can't be taken seriously, but if you read it as a ridiculous comedy, it's amazing.


Person 3 - I think the author is pandering to the new target since the Naruto fans grew up, AKA the young moms. xD But I also think that he shows Sauce and Naruto as bad fathers to justify his own behaviour towards his family (he said in the interviews that he doesn't even have the time to celebrate the birthdays of his children :ermm:).


So yeah, the Polish fans (at least the older ones...) don't have a positive opinion on this stuff either.

Oh, the name of the forum is Waneko Forum, Idk if there's someone from Poland who'd be interested.

#822491 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Papaya on 14 May 2015 - 04:26 PM

"Hotter than Ariel" lol... This one killed me! 


And the list totally should go on tumblr, the antis there will be happy to know about it.

Btw this was a surprising read, I mean the Naruto couples were the only ones I knew people cared about that much. I thought there would be more of recent series too.


Also is it normal for this forum to get such massive off-topics? I'm kinda not used to it, to be honest. :huh:


So I'll stay half on-topic and half off-topic by posting a Spider-Man meme that describes my views on the Gaiden:



#822130 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Papaya on 14 May 2015 - 09:41 AM

So, here are my reactions to Gaiden 03:


- Bolt is in this chapter. Good, I missed this little brat.


- What's up with Shikamaru smiling when he notices the bento and says "that's what he meant by 'say sorry'"? It makes him look like a jerk. I guess that's his personality in Gaiden: Shikajerk.  :hm:


- Stop with all the sad Bolt panels, Trollimoto, I already feel bad for him...


- The level of stubbornness both Salad and Bolt show over something as stupid as the bento argument makes me cringe. What is it, a fanfiction?


- Mitsuki interacts with Chouchou so Bolt and Salad can have their "glance fight" alone... And it's cute. MitsuChou all the way lol. Btw he doesn't have a last name, meaning Chouchou would remain an Akimichi if she married him, so it would be just like the Sai & Ino scenario to keep the InoShikaCho going.  :hehehe:


- Am I the only one who thought that the sad face Bolt makes while thinking about Hinata after the "prepared by a loved one" comment was a sign that he isn't sure if dad loves his mom back? Just me? Ok then.


- Also I don't like Hinata's new hairdo. Plus all the promo art for the NH family shows her with long hair, so this seems like a continuity error.


- And wouldn't it make more sense if Bolt thought about the exact words his mom used while giving him the bento? It would be more dramatic + I really want to see a Hinata & Bolt interaction.


- Shikajerk letting Salad and Chouchou go after Nardo is such a big WTF moment. He was against Bolt playing with a shadow clone because it was somehow distracting for Naruto, but he's ok with the girls following hokage when there's a wild Uchiha in the forest?! Gimme a break...


- The panel with Salad smiling to Chouchou as they leave is really cute though. Aww!


- Wait, Onion's name is Shin? It sounds like "shin", the japanese word for "new/neo"... So he's literally called the New Uchiha. Lame.  :down:


- Salad and Chouchou kick too much a** for academy students. I'd lie if I said I didn't enjoy the fight though. Finally something shouen-like!


- Haha, oh boy, it ends with another punch for the SS folks! They kept saying that if Onion attacks Salad, then Sauce will show up to save the day. But it's actually Nardo who saves her lol.


- No Sasuke this week. GOOD.

#821227 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Papaya on 12 May 2015 - 02:10 PM

I'll be honest, I don't even like the new NS fanart that's coming out that has Naruto & Sakura in their Last and Gaiden designs. Like, ew I don't want to have anything to do with the ending much less see my OTP dressed in it's horrible clothes. It's very hyprocritical of NS fans to hate the ending but still draw them in their ugly new designs.

While I do agree that Naruto from the Last is an abomination that no fan artist should ever draw, I actually really like Sakura's look. And honestly, if people don't like the movie/Gaiden but do like its designs, then I don't feel it's hypocritical for them to use these outfits in their NS/SH/SNS/etc art. Because they're just that: outfits, and we all know how much the fans enjoy sketching their favs in new designs. Drawing is all about the looks, after all. *shrug*


Btw other the Last designs I really liked were those of Sai and Ino - nice clothes + even nicer hairdos.

They totally destroyed Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba and Hinata though. :hm:

#819956 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Papaya on 09 May 2015 - 03:35 PM

I just glimpsed at a NH forum and the rose tinted colored glasses are strong in that forum. Apparently, they believe Naruto loved Hinata before the seven hundred chapter and did not realize it. Also the fact, they think the reason our ship is popular was due to fillers when in essence it was due to the development of the pair.


This is golden to me, because it's exactly the opposite - some people started to ship NaruHina "for real" only because of all the anime fillers in which they actually interacted (or so I heard, I didn't watch too many fillers). My best friend is an example of that. I didn't bother telling her that this stuff is not canon though, since it was long ago and now that I know that, she's not big on Naruto anymore, but yeah. That's how it was.


What If The upcoming Bolt movie revealed that Hinata was not the real mother of bolt instead Sakura is ? And all this horror ending was nothing more than just a genjutsu? LOL
What if it was really done by Kishi to make up the crappy ending and ofc the last movie?
How would you react to find Narusaku is finally reunited even with a crazy ridiculous plot ? *snickers*


What if Hinata died and this is the reason she's not being shown in the gaiden? :argh:


As for your last question, I'd just laugh myself to death and enjoy the rage of the anti-NS crowd.