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#990265 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 23 July 2023 - 03:35 AM

When he said Sakura would be a terrible woman if she move on from Sasuke....







I don't care if it's Japanese culture. I don't care  I get called an SJW or woke... That is the most sexist, vile disgusting thing  I have heard him say.

It literally has nothing to do with Japanese culture, considering that the Japanese fans were just as baffled and pissed by both the result and his reasoning.  He himself derided the pairings as toxic or done out of pity (in Hinata's case).  It was his dumbass attempt at covering SP and WJS's asses for them because he couldn't just say that "My editors and the animation studio in charge of the production of my manga's adaptation have been gaslighting me about the alleged popularity of this minor character that I barely care about and kept coercing me for years to replace Sakura because they have a bizarre fetish towards her, and wouldn't leave me alone to craft the story as I intended.  Also, they took advantage of the fact that my father just passed so that I would be more emotionally susceptible to their needling." 

#990246 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 22 July 2023 - 02:27 AM

Yeah she didn't buy it and it lead to so tension in the house

Hell, Oda (whose friends with Kishimoto) pointed out that his wife looks like Sakura/Kushina.

#989909 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 21 June 2023 - 11:55 AM

Ugh, I can't believe someone actually compared Juvia's feelings for Gray with freakin' Hinata and Sakura's "love" for their husbands by saying that their feelings are "pure", not obsessive.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Juvia wouldn't actively neglect the emotional and physical well-being of any children that she and Gray will have to purely focus on him, nor would she contemplate sacrificing innocent people for a unholy ritual just to be with him forever if either of them died. Girl is over-the-top when it comes to how she displays her love for Gray, but she actually does have solid principles and values and cares dearly for others outside of her love interest.  


Not to mention the fact that unlike Hinata and Sakura, her man genuinely reciprocates her feelings without needing to be guilt-tripped by a goddamned illusion or stalked and harassed into complicity.

#989683 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 01 June 2023 - 08:30 AM

Or how about plunging them into a "War" All because he was sad over his Never-Girlfriend throwing her life away at the hands of his friend and her crush, forever scarring both himself and Kakashi?  :zaru:

Words cannot describe how disgusting I find it that both Rin and Hinata were cool with getting their blood splattered all over the guys they recently confessed to and half the fandom is like "Thats soooo cute <3 <3 <3" 


Obito also helped Itachi kill 99% of their clan, ruining Sasuke, Naruto's soul brother's life and the MF is just like "Omg you're so cool for doing a last minute reassessment of your life!" 

Objectively, Obito is pretty cool, but NARUTO should never be the one saying that. Its okay for the audience to think so, its not OK for the Hero who was personally impacted by his nefarious deeds to feel it. But this is all because shortly into part 2 Kishimoto decided he needed to hammer-fist "Forgiveness" down everyone's throats. 

Meanwhile, Sakura fights Sasori, manages to destroy his kittened up world-view, get him to more or less admit he was wrong and at the end she's just like "What a kittening weirdo." It was perfect.  


What's more infuriating/hilarious is that Kishimoto *dares* to complain about Naruto's characterization as a paragon by stating that he ultimately finds him less empathetic than Sasuke as a person due to his attitude and ideals being too naive and unrealistic. Buddy, you're the one wrote him into becoming a damn Jesus Christ expy to begin with, so you have no right to kitten about it. You had a opportunity at exploring a more complex narrative angle with Naruto regarding forgiveness and him being more realistic about it(such as when Naruto empathized with Pain but still condemned him all of the same for his actions), but you chickened out. 

#989647 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Kagomaru on 27 May 2023 - 06:55 PM

Yuji x Shana - Shakugan no Shana



#989322 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 28 April 2023 - 08:38 PM

at least endeavor from my hero is trying to atone for what did to his family sure he did bad things but he's trying to make for and knows he can't be redeemed especially after the dabi reveal. 

sasuke can't be redeemed at all 

Same with Bakugo.  He's been nothing but a complete bastard towards Deku since they were kids and now he's trying to make amends for it by apologizing to him for everything that he's done and genuinely trying to look out for him, even when he told All Might that he knows that won't be enough to atone for his abuse. 

I don't really know if Sasuke "can't be redeemed at all." is true. I guess its a personal opinion. 

I mean, other than leaving Naruto to die in part one after breaking his neck--which Naruto ultimately survived, nothing he's done has had any lasting effects. 

Blowing through Karin's chest? Sakura fixed that. 

Destroying a village? Naruto stopped him from that. 

Every time he's done something bad, in the long term there have been no repercussions because his enablers swoop in and fix all his booboos up. 

Sasuke is an absolutely ridiculous character.

Worse, they(and by extension, Kishimoto) excuse his actions by simply shifting the blame over to external forces and pretend that he had no agency in his decisions whatsoever.    Sasuke betrayed Konoha?  Oh, it's not his fault, it's Orochimaru's.   Sasuke wants to destroy the Leaf Village?  Oh, Obito put that idea in his head, so it's not his fault.  Sasuke killing a Hokage? Uhhh...?(MOVING ON!) Sasuke being insane and trying to kill his former friends at any given turn?  Oh well, Uchihas are genetically dispositioned to lose their sanity because their capacity for love is too great for them to mentally process. :twitch:   

#989302 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 27 April 2023 - 04:26 PM

As someone who adores Sakura for the messy character she is, who loved her even when everyone wanted to vilify her for a "false confession." BULLSHIET.

I don't have to like SS, I don't have to accept it. I Reject it. I mock it. Just because you're a fan of Sakura doesn't mean you have to follow a kitten cashgrab after an equally sloppy and disgusting ending. Read. Other. Things. Turn to fanfiction. Don't throw money into a trashcan. 


This. Just this.  Why the hell would any fan settle for a characterization of Sakura that ultimately regresses her, demeans her development, and justifies the distorted fan perception that she's received from haters for decades as an obsessive stalker that clings desperately to a man who would literally kill her before he'd ever considered liking her? 

#989271 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 23 April 2023 - 04:46 PM

Ditto. I rather no NS at all than a NS canon done badly or at the expense of the story. Naruto could divorce Hinata and marry Sakura at this point I  wouldn't give a kitten's shake about it. They've wasted my time, and I'm done wasting my money on this franchise. Even a reboot would not get me back into it at this point because that is only admitting that they effed up and are desperately money grubbing and I want no part of it.

These are my sentiments exactly. They burned all bridges of reconciliation a decade ago and they've only continued to double down on their decisions since.  It's funny because a similar situation is going with RWBY and it looks like it's on the verge of being shelved by WB, all because the writers can't stand legitimate criticism and allowed a loud minority in the fandom to bully them into canonizing a fanon ship. (Sound familiar?)

#989256 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 20 April 2023 - 12:16 AM

Almost correct, except it was falsely advertised as a Team Seven movie.

#989135 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 28 March 2023 - 03:26 AM


The actual episode goes like this:

  • The whole episode was about Hinata and her confession
  • The team added a filler flashback on how she fell in love with Naruto when she was being picked on by three kids and he "tried" to save her, mind you, that back in Part 1, the Hyuga family was basically royalty.
  • Speaking of the royalty status, the only thing was correct was Hiashi mistreated her because of her shy personality. But because they want her to be interesting to the audience, they ignored Sakura's situation of being bullied because of her forehead and give Hinata a situation of her being bullied by others, which was downright stupid in both the kids and in the writer's perspective.  Why would you write about that for her when she was supposed to be royal status for the Leaf?
  • Did I mentioned that she had a lolicon design as a child?
  • Then the unnecessary "determine to save Naruto" fight scene with the "Sailor Hinata hair" animation because the one-hit KO from Pain in the manga most likely pissed off the Hinata fandom at Studio Pierrot and want her to look pretty while being beaten up. 

So SP use the animation resources to make sure Hinata looks as gorgeous as possible for her episode. And when we get to the actual hyped episode of Naruto (Tailed-Beast 5-6 Mode) Vs. Pain, well.. you guys saw what happened.


Also, I mentioned before but have you noticed on The Last, it is very similar to that flashback.

And in the filler flashback, didn't they show Naruto creating actual Shadow Clones to use on bullies? Y'know, the technique that he never knew about until he was twelve and whose lesser variation he sucked at?

#989112 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 23 March 2023 - 03:51 AM

Well, it shows where their priorities lie, doesn't it?


They only care about how big Hinata's boobs are and not for how good a story should be, nope all the Hinata fans want is Hinata's boobs being big.

Y'know, there's also a certain irony in that since the anime version of Sakura had her curves and boob size reduced compared to the original manga while Hinata's got a none-to-subtle upgrade for the sake of titillation for the anime viewers. Seeing the pendulum swing in the other direction (or in the case of the anime, giving Sakura back her proportions) and having her supposed "fans" abandon her over it is delicious.

#989100 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 20 March 2023 - 03:50 PM

Why are NH fans even remotely surprised that she prioritized her sugar daddy over her child?  This is the same woman who tried to gaslight her son on his birthday by stating that her husband was allowed to be negligent because he had a terrible childhood and called him a "burden" that Naruto didn't need to deal with. And told the same twelve year-old son to protect his father, even though his father is a freakin' demigod at this point. And was the one who was willing to leave her sister in the clutches of an enemy so that she can knit a damn scarf to win over the object of her obsession.  Or instantly forgot that her cousin freakin' died to protect her before his corpse even cooled because Naruto was holding her hand.


I mean, Hinata's not just a horrible mother, she sucks as a family member on all fronts.

#988934 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 25 February 2023 - 05:35 AM

Top Comment: "So basically you took Ninja Storm Legacy, put it into one game and added Indra and Ashura as 2 new characters and call it a new game."


From the trailer, its mainly Naruto focus with Boruto attached. 


Boruto mainly seems to be Hinata's inability to rein in the family. Boruto would literally not happen because Sakura would be more willing to stamp out the problem.


The Last destroyed everything about Naruto to make sure Hinata was not a silver medal.

Which was futile because the novelization was released shortly after and blatantly stated in neon lights that she was a rebound. Not helped by Kishimoto admitting that he put Naruto with her out of misplaced pity in an interview(before he invented that "it was always planned" pretext to cover his, Shueisha and Pierrot's collective asses).  

#988583 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Kagomaru on 02 February 2023 - 12:27 AM

Choujin X - I'm currently on the fence regarding pairings for this series since it's still in its preliminary phases, but I am leaning towards supporting Tokio and Ely as a ship.  While Tokio does have a crush on Monama, it seems pretty transient in nature, so I'm not sure if it will be treated seriously in the future since it's pretty one-sided and the two of them don't interact much, but who can say. Meanwhile, Tokio and Ely seem to have good chemistry with one another and Tokio does hint at being attracted to her a few times.  

#988578 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Kagomaru on 01 February 2023 - 10:59 PM

I assume Therece is either seeing comments on twitter, tictok or looking in other forums to get this information and is hopefully not making it up.


The Sarada gaiden was originally a one shot. but then Kishimoto heard people considered him a sexist. so to prove he wasn't he made her one-shot a ten chapter gaiden to show her off. Its intention was to introduce Salad not promote SS. As they were in the middle of preparing for Boruto's launch.


The reason they are doing this stuff now is. Naruto was once the most popular internationally successful manga IP ever (not counting Dragonball), and it did it in a time where no other manga IP was really able to succeed international market. Now streaming has taken off and any manga/anime IP can succeed greater than Naruto did back during that drought. So why is Naruto-Boruto floundering? It should be leading in the international sales and making them more money. After 6 years of given Ikemoto and Boruto a chance they finally put out feelers being the Mirai and the SS side manga. Which instantly outshined Boruto. So they did this poll and, what do you know, the old Heroine when it used to be so successful that they replace is one of the most popular characters in the world. The Hinata slapping Nail was to try to boost her image so hopefully she surpass her in the poll.


VAs are expected to make statements supporting current pairings.



Exactly.  Keep in mind that Junko was highly and vocally supportive of NaruSaku in the past, even after the Last, so this is nothing more than PR lip-service.  Chie has also made similarly contradictive statements about her opinions regarding Sakura and Sasuke's relationship that show that she has no real love of it.