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#870254 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by redrose3443 on 19 August 2015 - 04:40 PM

more like yandere hinata in rtn since a yandere is the one who would murder a girl over a guy, not a tsundere, but yeah they thought she's a tsundere and glorified her. seriously they'll never see flaws in hinata no matter what  :down:  I mean you can't tell me the way she threatened sakura was how a tsundere would act....

Yeah, seriously, Sakura never tried to threaten another girl just because of either Naruto or Sasuke. :down: And I know how you feel on that, Ultra. I've seen Hinata's positives and negatives, and am willing to point them out.

Their hypocrisy really shows with RtN Hinata, because that's how hey all tried to paint Sakura as. An obsessive loud b***h, who would hurt anyone who talked bad or flirted with Sasuke. Yet they were clearly praising Hinata for being so " strong" and finally give Naruto " what he deserved."

they clearly don't care how Sakura acts around Naruto, cause even if she catered to his every whim, they'd turn around and say she's a submissive doormat. They just don't like Sakura and prefer Hinata, cause even when their personalities are switched, they are happy with the way Hinata is.

People like that aren't fans, they're just blinding loving their self-insert/ waifu.

#869374 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by redrose3443 on 17 August 2015 - 06:16 AM

Can't believe people actually paid for this crap. :facepalm:

#869268 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 16 August 2015 - 09:53 PM

I just saw someone say that Neji would be proud of NH and their family.
Yeah, because I would totally be proud of dying so that my cousin can get her idol's D and produce two unlikeable brats. /sarcasm

I find fan art of Uncle Neji and Uncle Itachi, so disgusting, because these two characters are DEAD. They were sacrificed for Nothing, because in the end everything remained the same. Their deaths didn't impact the living, because any lessons that could have been learn, or ever were learned, were forgotten for rehashed mutants, that aren't even likable.

It's things like this, that make me dislike NH and SS fans, because they care for nothing, but their fanon canons and self inserts.

#869265 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 16 August 2015 - 09:29 PM

Even DBZ, who had long kept having the cast matching/surpassing characters who were supposed to essentially be "god tier" (King Kai, Grand Kai, Supreme Kai and such) in the universe still kept managing to live up to the "there is always someone stronger" thinking. Naruto Gaiden AND the Boruto movie literally had to dumb down Naruto and Sasuke in one or more ways JUST to make Shin looking the least bit threatening and/or to allow the next generation to shine rather than making Shin a legitimate threat (with good and/or understandable motivations) or actually making the next generation stronger.

This also made it plainly clear just how little Hinata truly knew about Naruto, and how she completely lacked faith in him when it really counted.

You know, you're right.

When NS fans pointed out that Sakura and Kakashi were the only ones shown to believe in Naruto, during his fight with Kiba, NH fans tried to argue that Hinata did as well. But with that panel her her telling Naruto to stop, proves that she didn't believe in Naruto back then. Because to her things looked bad and SHE couldn't watch Naruto fight anymore, because she thought he was too hurt and going to lose.

Also, I find it interesting how when Naruto did beat Neji, Hinata wasn't there to give her own little thoughts on the matter. If she was so important to the conflict between Neji, his family, and Naruto,then Why couldn't she be shown congratulating Naruto? Kishimoto didn't need to show her collapsing and being healed by Kabuto, because it did nothing for the story.

Little things like this, show that NH was never meant to be canon, because Hinata was never there for Naruto's character growth and even when the story was about Hyuugas, she was not the main focus, but Neji.

#867007 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by redrose3443 on 11 August 2015 - 12:07 AM

I think a part of her is regretting her loving him.

I agree.

Looking at those panels and remembering their first encounter with Sasuke, makes me think that not only did Sakura regret loving him, but she was moving on. I mean, all the way up to the encounter, Sakura was all about self improvement and helping Naruto, as she grew to understand him.

When Sasuke was standing beside Naruto, with his hand on Naruto's shoulder, Sakura went charging at him ready to fight, yet when they meet in the Kage summit arc, she can't do s**t! Even if she couldn't kill the guy, she could have thrown a punch or something. However, it was by that point that Kishimoto lost his only good editor , therefore all his horrible writing came to light, because at the beginning of part two Sakura was willing to fight WITH Naruto to bring back Sasuke, yet by at the kage summit she just gave up and decided to cheer for the boys to overcome their troubles on their own.

It's was so disappointing.

#866754 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by redrose3443 on 10 August 2015 - 07:52 AM

people shouldnt be mad over byakugan, they should be mad that the goal of the main character thats been stated since chapter freaking 1 became a punchline!! what a disgrace. even though i still think narutos a scumbag, who the hell does this to their main freaking character?! naruto can't have one proud moment can he? nope its always him being the butt of the joke.

Nobody ever thought Naruto would have kids before he became Hokage, in fact, I think he's the only Hokage to do so, which is why he had the displeasure of missing the day he dreamed about since he was a kid. Everything has taken a backseat to these stupid pairings, which is why all the females are nothing but housewives, all the men look old af, and why everyone from Naruto's generation are miserable.( I'm talking about the manga, not that cheap Boruto movie, that's just there to lure back fans.)


Sasuke and Naruto need to be nerfed so that Boruto's generation look strong, Sakura needs to be reduced to Hinata, so that she never thinks about Naruto or having a life outside of Sasuke, Hinata can't control her kids, because she's not suited to be with Naruto, and all of the other rookies barely get any screen time, cause their spawns are taking their place.


For some reason Kishimto just went "kitten it!" and decided to trash the series, with nothing but horrible writing.

#866495 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 09 August 2015 - 04:45 PM

Naruto is the type of series that shouldn't have a next generation sequel.

Themes like surpassing the previous generation and finding peace for the shinobi world, make it so that any sequel will make it look like the main cast failed in their goals. ( which is exactly what the rookies look like, failures.) Kishimoto made really bad on himself, when he not only gave Naruto and Sasuke god powers, but allowed them to keep them, ensuring that any villain they deal with, should be dealt with easily and that if any ninja best them, it will look like horrible writing.( which is exactly what Gaiden and the movie look like, the result of bad writing being publish.)

#865980 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 08 August 2015 - 02:00 AM

I made the mistake of browsing the intrawebs (reddit, Kotaku) and I'm shocked at the total adoration this film seems to be receiving. I just don't understand.

They think just because this film isn't as terrible as the last, that it's the greatest thing ever.

These are people who never cared for the story or characters, just if the product at the time is decent, while ignoring what was retconned to get it to that point.

#865904 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 07 August 2015 - 10:20 PM

naruto and sasuke gif

this almost look nostalgic and promising
but then i remembered the one-shot where naruto got knocked out by 1 gentle fist (and when did she even train for it)

Looking at this sorta upsets me, cause instead of looking at it as Naruto and Sasuke friends again, I'm looking at this as Sakura being excluded from T7 as always. These gifs make it seem like Sakura was never apart of their lives and that she's not important to them ( or at least Naruto).

This is just another thing that I hate about the end pairings, because for them to " work" Sakura and Naruto can't have any contact, which is just wrong considering that Sakura is one of the few people who have been there for Naruto, through thick and thin, believing in him, but their bond is literally nonexistent here.

I will never except the way Sakura ( and to a degree Naruto) is shoved to the side, nor will I except the end pairings because they are so hallow, with no mutual development or balance. I hope Japan doesn't buy into all this crap and that this movie is the last thing to come out of this disgusting franchise.

#865883 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 07 August 2015 - 09:21 PM

>mfw the pairings barely get exposure

That's cause Kishimoto doesn't care about them. SS got one moment, and they don't even speak to each other. As for NH, other than a picture of the family, I didn't here anything about them getting any moments.

This movie seems to focus on Boruto and SNS, because that pairing sells and Boruto is their surrogate love child.

#865505 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by redrose3443 on 07 August 2015 - 03:17 AM

Kishimoto's humor seems always ruins things.

#865441 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by redrose3443 on 07 August 2015 - 12:36 AM

My point was that it's wasted on mophead. If your going to retcon your mistake, give the Byakugan to the sibling who's actually a ninja. Not the toddler who will probably never wield a kunai

Kishimoto never cared about the byakugan or Hyuugas, so it goes to the irrelevant sister. Simple as that.

#865366 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by redrose3443 on 06 August 2015 - 09:41 PM

This one-shot is just like The last and Gaiden, it should have never been made, because it only makes whatever it's promoting look worse.

In the end we didn't see Naruto succeed, we saw him get knocked out by a toddler, despite all those OP power ups running through his veins, and miss the most anticipated moment since chapter one of this series.


#865309 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by redrose3443 on 06 August 2015 - 06:52 PM

Oh my God

Hinata has taught her well.

The art of creeping will run in the family. :monocle:

In a sick way, this kind of mirrors Naruto and Sakura in the way that Mophead is gaining the scary/pissed off face (Sakura) and Burrito is running scared from her wrath (Naruto). Kishi must be really desperate to try and make the Naruto/Sakura ship seem like a sibling thing now

This in no way resembles NS. Sure Naruto made a comedic face whenever Sakura got mad, but he never hid in fright from her. These panels actually reminded me of that SD episode where Hinata talked about her stalking, which was clearly freaking Naruto out.

#864775 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 05 August 2015 - 03:36 PM

Has anyone had the courage to check out Sawyer or Forneverworld's responses to the film?

I'm not gonna look at those " reviewers" crappy videos, but I do expect one of two things from fornever;

1. He'll be pissed that Hinata looks flat in this movie.
2. He'll show his always obvious bias and say that she looks perfect as always, while criticizing Sakura for looking flat.

He doesn't care about the story, nor what it's doing to the characters. All he'll do is praise everything, while ignoring the obvious flaws this movie presents.

P.S. I fixed my post about the new key chains. It's on the previous page.