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#878024 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by redrose3443 on 23 September 2015 - 01:28 AM


You monster! How dare you take what I stole? Don't think this is over Shadow.

Minato, I'm coming!

* Dashes off to save Minato*

#877978 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 22 September 2015 - 07:54 PM

You really just can't bother with Naruto fans on YT, cause they either get that the story is kitten or they don't.

On an NS video, somebody talked about how Kishimoto always planned for SS and that it made no sense for Sakura, who " always loved" sasuke to move on. Not to mention they tried to down play all the terrible things that happened between the two.

There's not a doubt in my mind, that people like that have drowned in so much FanFiction, that they forgot what's canon.

#877686 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 20 September 2015 - 05:12 PM

I hope they are still struggling to make up all the money they dumped into The last. They went all out for A romance movie, that did nothing for the overall story, besides ruin the characters, not to mention all that merchandise they created just for NH ( still can't believe they gave Hinata the gold coin, while Naruto was silver).

This latest movie was nothing, but a cash grab to try and get fans to stick with Naruto, so that they could keep pushing this crap, but Because the ending was God awful, Kishimoto will no longer be participating in Naruto, and Studio Pierrot has not an ounce of creativity, this franchise will just fade away, even if they try to keep pushing it.

The way this series ended, makes it impossible to be creative or logical, due to the fact that technology is so advanced, making ninja look like nothing, but glorified cops. While the mutant children, are just copies of their parents, bringing nothing to the table.

Hopefully, this series stops being pushed, once the anime is over.( which probably won't happen till the end of next year, based off all the filler.)

#876909 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 16 September 2015 - 07:54 PM

You don't need to analyze anything to see that SS was never meant to happen.

Hell, even if you ignore the manga, the author himself is still saying he doesn't know whether or not SS stay together at the end of this movie. When there is absolutely no reason for them to be separate, unless the author doesn't want one near the other.

#876116 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 13 September 2015 - 02:55 PM

so i got to see this in tumblr lol. maybe i'm bias, salty, whatever, but i thought that making naruto the main character in a naruto movie titled "naruto: the last" should be common sense but what do i know. i almost feel sorry for kishi to be stuck with these guys but then i remember he's the guy who write red herrings for the heck of it.
there's so much insult to so many characters xD shouldn't read this pos if you like uzumaki naruto the protagonist, Johnny Depp/ Edward Scissorhands,  or Alfred Hitchcock.

All this guy was talking about, was how he worked hard to make everything LOOK good. Not that he tried to make things make sense with the canon story.

Of course it was difficult to think why Hinata writing Naruto's name on apiece of paper would work. No real ninja academy would ask that to a bunch of kids, because once they became ninja, they never knew when their last day would be. This is just more crap about Naruto noticing Hinata's feelings, but nothing explaining why he starts to like her. This guy keeps talking about NH memories together, yet they had next to none. The only memories you could say we're from their childhood, were those brief moments they spoke at the Chunin exam.

It's not even me being mad, it's just the fact that they're ignoring the one most obvious fact that everyone knows about Naruto, being that he was alone, when he was a kid. It's ridiculous how much they undermine, just for a few cliche scenes in the movie. Which is why the only thing that's in most Naruto fans hearts are how disappointing this crap is.

#876049 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by redrose3443 on 13 September 2015 - 04:14 AM

ns and their adopted kids keke

The fact that NS were shown to be good with kids, in not only filler, but canon as well, just makes me scoff, whenever I see people saying that they're such bad parents, thanks to Gaiden and the Boruto movie.

People say all the crap about how pairings don't matter, but the canon pairings twisted and ruined characters, all for unnecessary drama and money.

#875971 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by redrose3443 on 12 September 2015 - 09:18 PM

guys, just read this beautiful post


Whenever I see that version of the cookie monster, I can't help but laugh, because he looks so disappointed.

#875969 Naruto Shippuden episode 429

Posted by redrose3443 on 12 September 2015 - 09:06 PM

Killer Bee Rappuden part 1 is available


Killerbee reveals that the tailed beasts are not at their full power because akatsuki stole that power and is using it for their own ends. The jinchuriki must resuce a princess in a castle to restore their power.


Are you freaking kidding me?


They've already used that crappy headcanon ten times over, but now they're applying it to something that makes absolute zero sense. How can some random princess return power to the tailed beast? They could've at least made it so that the jinchuriki teamed up to attack the Akatsuki and prevent the war. However, clearly that's too much effort for SP.


God help us, if they decide to continue Naruto, on they're own. It'll be a never ending raid of random princesses needing rescues.

#874078 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 04 September 2015 - 04:09 AM

hi new, i'm dad



He approves.

#873976 Naruto Shippuden episode 427

Posted by redrose3443 on 03 September 2015 - 08:47 PM

I'm just glad they didn't stuff it with cheesy SS/nh crap. I don't need to see any of that, while going through tumblr.

#872909 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 30 August 2015 - 03:26 AM

Both. First of all they are going to extend Naruto with fillers for a very long time then continue with the next generation. However at same time they're going to release a movie or probably movies. What those movies are going to be about? Honestly I have no clue but you can look at SP's previous Naruto movies and make a safe assumption about their quality. Considering that they are revisiting the RTN universe, I wouldn't be surprised if they make another movie with that universe with burrito, probably butchering everything that we've loved about Road to Ninja in the process.
Because that's how they roll.

The fact that what you said is very possible, just makes my stomach churn in disgust. i hope I'm nowhere near the Naruto franchise if that happens.

#872392 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 27 August 2015 - 11:43 PM

I was wondering, if they were gonna try to squeeze in filler featuring the canon pairings, since they don't have enough mutual canon moments to even considered real pairings.

Looking at the preview, it's gonna focus on Tenten, so hopefully they just have the couples standing next to each other and not act lovey dovey. ( Especially considering RTN Sakura hates Sasuke, cause he's such a playboy and Menma seemed to be oblivious to his world's Hinata, just like Naruto.)

Finally, oh god what the hell did they do to Menma? SP must really hate Naruto, considering in either world his hair is animated terribly no matter what world.

#871463 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 24 August 2015 - 03:54 PM

The thing about part one Sakura, is that the anime kinda ruined her.


When I read part one in the manga, Sakura's development was obvious, because after each arc, she slowly came to be nicer to Naruto and not fangirl every second over Sasuke. Then, in the chunin exams her growth became very apparent, when she started supporting Naruto's dream, realized that she was no real ninja, but still willing to fight to protect her teammates, and wanting to beat Ino not merely because of Sasuke, but because Ino was someone she aspired to be like and surpass.


Sure, she still had her selfish love for Sasuke, but she was noticing more things and people than just him, like when she went to visit Lee in the hospital or when she was focusing on Naruto,during his fight with Neji, instead of just wondering about Sasuke. Not to mention her actions became less selfish, like when she was willing to run in front of Sasuke and Naruto, who were fighting on the roof and when she jumped in front of Sasuke, to prevent Gaara's attack from hurting him.


Her growth was natural and real in part one and the manga really showed it.


The anime on the other hand, hardly showed it at all. During the bench scene they added a moment of Sakura yelling at Naruto and calling him an idiot after she just promised she would be a bit nicer to him. During the wave mission SP edited out the scene where Sakura saved Naruto and what really made her development take a step back, were all those fillers. Because, all they showed were Sakura fangirling over Sasuke, beating up Naruto, and not caring about trying to become a real ninja, even though they happened after the chunin exams, where she started to get better in the manga.


That's why people are always saying part one Sakura was just annoying, because the anime did not portray her development properly and it looks like she didn't change, until part two finally rolled around. That's another reason why I dislike the anime, because it messes up the characters and is just too inaccurate to believe, so why even watch it, if it's not reliable? Part one Sakura may not have been the best character, but she was definitely not as bad as people are always making her out to be.

#871112 New Kishimoto interview-Cinema Today

Posted by redrose3443 on 23 August 2015 - 12:31 AM

I wonder if Kishimoto secretly hates himself for selling out.

#870648 Boruto - the movie

Posted by redrose3443 on 21 August 2015 - 04:55 AM

He should also avoid females.