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Member Since 27 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active May 27 2018 02:16 PM

#637681 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by trang95 on 05 November 2014 - 03:20 PM

Never again will I let my OTP impact my life that much. It's pathetic. I will stay in this fandom, but never again will I join another one. It just hurts too much.

#637170 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by trang95 on 05 November 2014 - 02:15 PM


i wouldn't give a kitten about

Don't tell me Kishi's gonna hook up Naruto's son with Sakura's and Sasuke's daughter... Kill me.

#632144 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by trang95 on 04 November 2014 - 07:26 PM

Sasusaku forhead poke, Hinata in a black wedding dress ... I wanna die right now. 

A simple two second touch and a funeral looking like wedding dress is all that it takes to bring down your mood ? C'me on, just go back and read the beautiful lines in the databook, and you'll feel better ;)

#629419 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by trang95 on 04 November 2014 - 02:32 AM

Guys, if you wanna follow EVIL's spoilers directly:


#627100 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by trang95 on 03 November 2014 - 12:11 AM


Seeing how some Japanese tweeter accounts also call out the BSness of these marketing, I'm hoping it is genius...

Oh well, doesn't matter. What happens, happens.

Yeah, a lot of the japanese people actually are suspicious of the marketing SP is doing. They don't get persuaded that easily  :th_yeah:

#625188 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by trang95 on 01 November 2014 - 07:42 PM


I have a question though, does anyone know how people are reacting to this movie info/trailer/etc in Japan?

Well, according to one of our users here, who is currently studying abroad in Japan:

"Great post.

Take it from someone who is living in japan(study abroad). From talking and snooping around alil. I can deduce. That This is turning out to be a massive troll. Though I'm not completely discredited the chances of nh. But from the way things are looking, this is gonna go down as the biggest troll of all time. I feel it, my friends feel it, and it just seems way to convienent from all angles. My host families children even see it comming and they say it's a simple plot device, and marketing gimmick to "raise the tension and drama" (quote kishi). We just need to be patient. And remember romance is alil different here than it is back home in the west. A few panels or even a quick 30 second scene can seal the deal. It will be the last possible thing that is confirmed, just like most stories. So don't lose faith, been years. Let's just be patient for a few more weeks. It will all come to light. Though I'm hoping. Is all put to rest in the epilogue here this week. "

So yeah, some japanese fans are skeptical towards the NaruHina hints.

#622950 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by trang95 on 31 October 2014 - 06:08 PM

lol yeah and its kinda sad that the main reason fornevorworld and alot of other nh fans ship NH is solely predicated on the fact that she has big boobs. i hope these guys never get in a relationship because if thats what they think love is they are in for a rude awakening.

Sometimes, I wonder whether they'd worship Hinata, if Hinata instead of Sakura was in Team 7. Imagine how annoyed they'd actually be. I don't hate Hinata, but I think that her shyness and fangirling over Naruto would have looked just as bad as Sakura's crush over Sasuke in Team 7. Honestly, Sakura is in a stupid and complicated position since she keeps on trying to catch up with her two teammates who currently are some of the strongest ninjas in world. As much as Sakura tries, she will never be on the same level, but EVERYONE expects it from her to have this supernatural powerup. Unless you have female characters like Mikasa from AOT, Erza from Fairy Tail or Saber from Fate/ Stay Night (one of my favorite female character btw ^^), people, especially guys, have a hard time to recognize many main female characters.

And again: What would people think IF HINATA WAS IN TEAM 7?!

#622918 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by trang95 on 31 October 2014 - 05:51 PM

Why can't people be  nice ? :umm:

As much as I hate to say it: Shipping wars were never meant to be polite.

#621569 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by trang95 on 31 October 2014 - 03:15 AM

Oh, please, Kishi, don't let the New Era Project be direct continuation of the movie. If it's Naruto's son, I don't care, but PLEASE let Naruto finally end. Having waited for years for this series to end only for it to be continued again?! I can't take a another shipping war.

#620069 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by trang95 on 30 October 2014 - 01:26 PM

Mhmm,Mhmm,Mhmm, Kishi a good writer who isnt een able to conclude a well developed pairing in the manga, no even better he makes the completly undeveloped pairing canon and that in a movie because he has completly no oversight of his manga to fit enough development to make NH a bit realistic and justifyable.

Once again, you judge Kishi's ENTIRE writing based on a pairing. I get the impression that you fixated Naruto too much on romance. Let me remind you once again what you should have internalized by now: Naruto is not a shoujo manga. You keep calling NaruHina cannon based on the heavy teasing we've gotten so far, but the movie hasn't even been released yet.

But there's one thing I'd like to mention: Having read through a ton of your posts, I came to realized that you are indeed a strong NaruSaku Shipper. You support our ship b/c you love the strong development they had, which is why seeing NaruHina becoming cannon is unacceptable in your eyes. It makes sense to me that you personally bash Kishi so harshly if he seems to trample on the development that persuaded you to ship Naruto and Sakura in the first place.

But the thing is: You come over as a pessimist that is trying to knock some sense into people here who still believe in NaruSake such as me. If you keep calling NaruHina cannon, fine. I can't change that. But do not believe that everyone has the same mindset as you.

#619997 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by trang95 on 30 October 2014 - 01:01 PM

Where are you my confident NS friends ?



I'm here ^^ Even though I'm new, I've been a NaruSaku fan for years! Too bad, I was a SasuSaku supporter in the beginning- I'm ashamed of this little detail about me.

#617236 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by trang95 on 29 October 2014 - 12:10 AM

I'm personally wondering whether we get to find out what exactly was going through Sakura's mind when she had the flashback during the gen-jutsu. I feel like she came to an important realization... I personally love the scene b/c it shows how Sakura was destined to be connected to the two: While everyone else was cheering on Sasuke (except for Hinata), Sakura had this worried look. She was able to sense something was going on between the two of them despite her young age.

#617206 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by trang95 on 28 October 2014 - 11:27 PM

It seems like the mood is fine again? I haven't been posting in a while because, you know, you guys were too worried about nothing. Anything new about NaruSaku? Are people as excited to read the next chapter as I am? >.< 

Finally, the mood has settled a bit (seems like not talking about the movie helps)! I just wanted to say that it's important we have to pull each other together in times like these to make a good impression on others. Other fandoms come here and stalk us very often, especially now. They've already made fun of us because the Movie Forum got shut down... I want us to appear confident and united in our ship in these last weeks we have left!

Anyways, as for the chapter: Can't wait!!! If it weren't for the fact that lately they've gotten out a lot later in the morning, I would actually stay up to look at the peoples' reactions on tumblr  :lulz:

#615889 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by trang95 on 27 October 2014 - 02:22 PM

HI, guys!

I'm new here, but I've been stalking you guys for weeks now to get updates about the upcoming movie ^^ Newcomers like me should remind you that there are still people out there that believe in NaruSaku. Even if NaruSaku does not become cannon in the movie, I will not regret having shipped these two for the last- what?- six years. Whether or not their relationship will reach a romantic level- I don't know. But that does not mean, that their relationship is not unique, and does not transcends the definition of mere friendship. There's something in their interactions that amazes all of us here- otherwise none of you guys would be here and ship them. Some of you call him a s*hitty writer. Fine, that's debatable because everyone has their own opinion of his writing style, but just don't forget that this s*hitty writer was the one who persuaded you to ship these two. He was the one who gave us the POAL or the CPR scene. As for the negative mood in this forum... *sigh* I thought it was sad enough that The Last thread got shut down, but PLEASE don't make this one being shut down, too (it's literally the only active thread in this forum)! But judging from the pessimism (or rationality as some of you guys liked to describe, whatever) in here, the closing of this thread is unavoidable. That's why I wanted to establish my presence here before it's too late. This is the only place where I can channel of my feelings and frustrations without getting bashed by NaruHina and SasuSaku fans on Tumblr.


I respect the people here who are cautious about this movie or already believe that NaruHina will be cannon. But PLEASE, do not get into any arguments with others who still have trust in NaruSaku. Currently, we are all heavily bombarded with NaruHina, may it be from Tumblr, opponent shippers, or SP, but nothing is actual information about the movie. So WAIT until the movie comes out before we can bash at each others' opinions.


I'm gonna go back to studying for my Chem Exam tomorrow. You guys better pull yourselves together ;)