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#987925 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 03 November 2022 - 12:29 PM

It makes sense if it's based on one of those light novels, which shows us the bar's been set that low for this franchise!

the bar has been that low since the war arc and the last and it keeps going lower

#987880 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 20 October 2022 - 12:43 PM

Reminds me how some people are cool with Sasuke in spite of the crap he did since he was involved in some terrible things too!

that and naruto simping for sasuke all the time 

#987826 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 03 October 2022 - 10:03 PM

The thing I see as the problem for Sasuke and his wanting revenge so much is his motives for why change so much. Witt Itachi, it wasnt just the fact of the massacre, it was Sasuke being jealous of Itachi, even as much as he admired him, since he had their fathers approval, even as Fugaku wanted to use Itachi as a tool for his coup.

When Itachi died, and Obito told Sasuke some of the truth for his own aims, Sasuke wanted to not just make those who hurt Itachi pay, he wanted to simply destroy the thing Itachi chose over their WHOLE family, even if he spat on all Itachi did to keep him alive.

For Sasuke, his approach is more like Kratos, choosing to change the goalposts constantly but not seeing his own faults in his ambitions for vengeance, such as how his jealousy was his biggest factor to wanting to kill Itachi, since he said it himself as a kid he loved Itachi but deep down, he monologued about how he HATED him too. Only difference is while Kratos accepted his own choices being why he went through what he did, Sasuke never really did that.

yah and we saw what lead kratos to become the monster he was and i how the new games developed him more and made him wiser

cause i remember kratos saying in god of war 2 i am what the gods made me

#987824 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 02 October 2022 - 09:56 PM

In the case of Robocop/Alex, while he does get revenge, he does also still follow a path of justice in his work as a cop, and for Kratos, he saw the consequences of his selfishness with his desire for revenge so much, even trying to stop Baldr in the last game since he knew revenge wouldnt make him feel better since for Kratos, he was so full of it he kept shifting his vengeance until he saw what he was doing and accepted his own blame for his circumstances too.

agreed and there better stories than sasuke heck ezio was the same but we saw him grow as a character and when he beat Rodrigo said killing him wouldn't change anything his father and brothers were still dead. 

#987822 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 01 October 2022 - 09:52 PM

An example of that for me is the Last of us 2 and it my primary criticism of the game. namely the ending. 


throughout the ending after joels death. we get ellie hunting down abby to the point where she walks away from her new family in search of vengeance. in the end she lets abby live but is maimed in the process and comes home to find her new family gone


so the message of the end is that vengeance is bad and leads to loss


but it doesnt. abby got ger vengeance and in the end lives and saves the kid shes with and sails away to a safe harbor


meanwhile Ellie loses everything but she DOESNT get her vengeance 


so vengeance pays off for abby


much as it did for Sasuke because of Narutos persistence and one good deed aka the saving of the world we never see the consequences of Sasukes decisions we never see the losses he suffers or the sacrifices he makes. he gets the girl gets to stay home as a hero and keeps the enormous near godlike powers he iobtained and the only loss he suffers is itachi his beloved big brother who was dead anyways at his hand like he wanted all along

i agreed i don't see why abby getting revenge is good and elie getting it is bad to me there both equal revenge doesn't play favorites.

also consequences in naruto are never a thing since if they were naruto wouldn't have let orochimaru walk free. 

sasuke got no consequences which is annoying since he was one the reason the war started.

a better revenge story is kratos, robocop and ezio, bayek and altair 

at least with altair he learned from his pain and became a better and wiser man, bayek even saw his revenge wasn't helping anything and why he made the hidden ones 

#987816 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 30 September 2022 - 02:43 PM

I love this comparison, especially when you find out later Superman made it look like it was all a ruse. He didn't just teach Black a lesson, he taught the entire world a lesson. In a way, Manchester was right, but...Superman is also right because an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

This what Naruto failed. It keeps talking about how revenge is bad, but never explains why it was bad really. It also never punishes the people who caused it in the first place. Naruto was supposed to be the third option like Superman was, BUT he just ended up following the grain. The Konoha leaders were absolute corruption and they still got nothing. The people in the government caused everything and yet they are supposed to be seen as the good guys because revenge is wrong? No.

It's like gun laws. You'd think it works, but it doesn't stop people from being violent which is the real issue...it just takes away one more means to kill people. You're avoiding the real problem is why are people becoming more and more violent? They keep wanting to blame everything, but the person themselves or even the parent abuse that might occur. 

It is not just one thing...it is a snowball effect of everything.

Naruto should have been the story of "If you want to see change, you have to first be that change...and everything else will fall into place." One thing I am so tired of is instead of blaming the actual cause or villains of it all...they rather blame it on everything else whether it be guns, religion, or anything else. 

You're not telling people to be good because it appeals to their humanity. You're telling people to be good because "I told you so." This is why Naruto fails as a leader and as a parents. It is as bad as when my mother would tell me "Don't lie. Lying is bad" and then turn around and lie to someone else right in front of me. When I question "isn't lying is bad" she will say "well, you should lie to everyone, BUT me." You see how messed up that is?

well said james it's why i love what's so funny about truth justice and the american way and showing why heroes like superman are still needed.

yah naruto just blames everything but the actual problem plus he let orochimaru go free to and it's not like he was a victim of anything

#987736 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 08 September 2022 - 10:40 PM

It's hard to believe it's been 8 years since the series ended. I remember I was depressed about it for weeks. I mean a bad ending is one thing. Seinfeld had a bad ending but I got over it. But how this ended was an inexcusable cop out to write your characters.  This could have been one of the great finales like Fullmetal Alchemist. Instead  it was an atrocity. I am still not over it and I don't think I will be.

i'm with you there it's like linkara with one more day 

#987641 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 17 August 2022 - 10:28 PM

From the various quotes and heresay I've heard over the years. She is a Sakura supporter and probably close with Chie.


Yes, she did support NS but this is a post-ending interview and having the main character's VA say she would prefer someone else end up with a her character especially once the backlash hit looks bad. Look at Mark Hamill pre and post Last Jedi's own backlash. He didn't like the Force Awaken as well as he hated the destruction to the franchise Rian wrought to its fine everyone should like it. So she was likely told to keep her mouth shut.


Anything is better than what we got.


She was the apprentice the current 5th Hokage and teammate to the two that were in the top running. She was strong while likely being good a paperwork means she would be able to handle the administration work; add in her character traits and she would likely make a good leader.

right i don't doubt she'd make a great hokage and leader it's more her still getting hate for that if she was chosen. cause i could see naruto having her being hokage if something happened to him

#987626 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 14 August 2022 - 10:17 PM

See, Iruka could had a much more impactful event during the Pain attack, unlike a certain Hyuga who came out of nowhere (also acting like a selfish, lovey-dovey dumb b****) because that's what "the fans" wanted. No, that wasn't what the actual fans wanted in the first place because someone (I bet it was the editor at the time) wanted Hinata for "better" relevancy and to start rile shipping fans. Ignoring the fact that she wasn't even that high of the list in terms of Naruto's important people. 


Replace Hinata and that goddamn confession part. Add in Iruka, he can make a great speech about Naruto to provide more impact/heartwarming/approaching suspense to the readers, knowing that he's in "danger of being killed off". Goes in to attack but then Pain counters and stabs him, similar on what he did to Hinata. Cue Naruto becoming 5+ Tails.  


Same result but better impact and value to audiences. Not to mention to bring back Iruka to relevancy, in regards of popularity. 

that works alot better even from a story point since you get the same result even with minato showing up. and it's more impactful for naruto character and he could have had some development

#987558 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 27 July 2022 - 10:18 PM

Yeah, which is the big problem. He didn't act like a real teacher since he showed too much leniency and favoritism towards Sasuke, even trying to talk him out of his path at a time he said he would kill him, something he didn't put effort into.

agreed that's the big problem with kakashi. 

plus he taught naruto and sakura next to next 

pretty sure the reason there team made it that far was more luck than skill in the first half.

It's weird sakura in the start of part 2 had more training that naruto did

#987551 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 26 July 2022 - 10:24 PM


The problem I see with Kakashi is that he basically saw himself in Sasuke, rather than seeing Sasuke was his own person, just as he saw Obito in Naruto and Rin in Sakura, rather than seeing them for who they are, because he was stuck in the past due to the guilt he felt about getting Obito "killed" and then having to kill Rin when she was manipulated into being a Jinchuriki as part of Madara's plans to sway Obito to his side.

right but still he really could have stop sasuke at any time before that any real teacher would have 

#987508 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 20 July 2022 - 10:25 PM

 Seems Rings of Power is already ruined...no Naruto needed. 

Although that is an interesting topic, how would anime characters do in other universes. 

Would Goku just massacre all of Star Wars universe or just be brought down? Force Mind trick might ruin Goku's day.
Would Naruto survive in the LotR universe?
How would Luffy fair in say Pirates of the Carribean?

I wonder how many universes Saitama would just wreck with one punch? 

pretty sure luffy can survive the pirates of the carribean gave his world is way more dangerous than that one look at eneru or cp9

#987481 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 14 July 2022 - 12:53 PM



Without a doubt, and I know the Naruto community loves to joke about Talk no Jutsu... I mean we do it all the time, but to be honest...



Naruto's way to persuade people though words in a rather dark evil,  ruthless vibe.... is honestly really dangerous. 

true though alot of evil or bertayed naruto fanfics i've read he's all but unstoppable and gets tiresome 


Sakura is basically Narutos Lois Lane. If she dies, he goes on a rampage.

agreed though she's a capeable lois that's not a damsel all the time 


Oh yeah, even if Clark became worse due to outside forces manipulating his pain and grief, as well as his guilty conscience at Joker tricking him into attacking Lois, killing her and their unborn son as well as killing millions in Metropolis due to Joker tying Lois's heart to the nuke used to destroy Metropolis, and the fact not many people understood WHY Clark took that first step when he killed Joker, especially Batman/Bruce, which only made things worse. :(

like in under the red hood when bruce told jason why he won't kill is the same here with bruce in injustice and injustice 2 deeped it at the end when bruce and clark talk before fighting. bruce even saying he misses those times. also i feel wonderwoman is also the reason superman fell cause real wonderwoman would not just up and join superman like that

#987475 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 13 July 2022 - 10:55 PM


Thanks Vanitas!



I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your father at the beginning of the year. 




My late condolences go out to you and your family! 

to make it worse with my dad it was 2 days before his birthday and the last time i talked to him was new year's eve and i didn't even get to say good bye since he moved to Orgon in 2018 

#987473 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 13 July 2022 - 10:53 PM

If I make a evil Naruto fic someday... it would be where he believes Sakura dies... and he snaps and kills Sasuke. Like Anakin Skywalker, though... there is still good in him.

sounds like injustice superman only without lois dying