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#487051 The Legend of Korra: Avatar Korra

Posted by merryGOflava on 16 August 2013 - 06:57 AM

tumblr_mrlx9iHnNO1rt4dtdo2_250.gif tumblr_mrlx9iHnNO1rt4dtdo1_r1_250.gif


side by side comparison of season 1(left) and season 2 (right)


I don't know...the animation has been bothering me lately.....(it's not that much of a big deal...but still)

I'm just a little worried how Studio Pierrot is handling LOK...

(also sorry for being a debbie downer XD....I still can't wait for it to come out)

#484251 Teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012

Posted by merryGOflava on 01 August 2013 - 01:27 AM

okay I had to unearth this because DANCING NINJA TURTLES!!!


#481389 Trayvon Martin Murder case: Update

Posted by merryGOflava on 16 July 2013 - 04:19 AM

Think this whole thing is a tragedy.


And at the end of the day Zimmerman still has an unarmed teenager's blood on his hands. And that's not an emotional plea or some sort of manipulation by media outlets. 


When Zimmerman put a loaded gun in his car, he decided that he was ready and willing to kill someone. When he got out of the car, not heeding poice requests to wait, and took the gun with him, he was making the choice to kill someone. When he approached Trayvon Martin, gun in hand, he was making the choice to instigate a confrontation that could result in his needing to use that weapon. Even when Martin fought back, Zimmerman still didn't have to shoot. He could have taken the beating, knowing the cops were on the way. 


Instead, he used his gun, his trump card. The term "spoiling for a fight" comes to mind. As the instigator, Zimmerman had the greater responsibility to self control. Not Martin.


While you can point fingers at a media circus, I prefer to look at the interviews with Zimmerman himself, where he said that the shooting was God's will and he wouldn't have done anything differently. He clarified later, saying that he misheard the question, then apologized to anyone and everyone, and wished he hadn't done it. But, just as on the night he shot Martin, the first response was aggression and defensiveness. If only he had taken time to "clarify" his thoughts that sitting in the car that night, maybe he would have realized how precious any life is before he decided an armed confrontation was his only choice.


At the end, the verdict is simply a footnote to a tragedy. It doesn't change anything. Martin is still dead, and Zimmerman will forever be his killer. That's his life sentence.


I agree.


I don't know all the details of the fight.


but do people wonder why Martin was fighting back? did it ever cross your mind that Zimmerman might have threatened him with a gun, and Martin took his chance by trying to knock him out? 


if your life was in danger, would you not try to knock that person out?? running might not have been an option.


anyways.........Zimmerman caused an unnecessary death, by confronting Martin, who was simply walking and doing nothing. I think we can all at least agree on that.

#476420 Teen Titans Go!

Posted by merryGOflava on 15 June 2013 - 12:09 AM

This show is good for laughs but it doesn't hold a candle to the original Teen Titans imo.


I don't think it's trying to compete with the old teen titans XD


I think it's just trying to be it's own show. which is a comedy show for kids ^_^ 

#472639 Fave Marvel pairings~

Posted by merryGOflava on 04 June 2013 - 05:48 PM

.......dang I wish I knew more characters in Marvel that had couples.....XD......( or couples I cared about)


UHHH Spiderman and Gwen?



#374109 pairing

Posted by merryGOflava on 15 March 2012 - 07:23 PM

naruto: narusaku
bleach: ichihime
fairy tail: nalu