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I used to post loads in my blog, but then I forgot about it and neglected it and such... shame on me. D:
Yep, I just posted about my day, basically. I posted anything. It's a blog, so you can include thoughts, world domination plans, whatever. =D
Aug 04 2009 11:44 AM


SMASHTER PB! In your blog, what do you usually put? Everything that happened in your day? Since I was able to update my blog, which I hope I update more frequently from now on, I'd like some feedback. <3 Thanks. XD
Aug 04 2009 10:25 AM


PB-channy! <3 I was able to post an edited spoiler of my story in the Writing Discussion forum, so I hope you check it out! No double posting, and that was why it doesn't look updated. :]] Thanks. OMNOMNOMNOM. <3 I'll keep eating, by the way.
Jul 23 2009 10:20 AM


I wanna play that! XD I hope my brother buys it as soon as it comes out.
Thanks also. =3
Omnomnom. 8D
Jun 28 2009 08:52 AM


That's the way to go!
Yep, they're from Final Fantasy XIII, which I don't think has come out yet.
Omnomnom!! 8D
Jun 28 2009 08:39 AM


Oh, I almost forgot.
*hugs PB-chan*
There. XD
Jun 28 2009 08:35 AM


Thanks! :D You've got a point there. :) I'll just tell you the moment I post the story. :)) And, I do love rollercoasters. :]]Btw, your avatar and siggy, is it Final Fantasy, or something else? XD Can it be Tekken? 8D
Jun 28 2009 08:32 AM


Aww, don't worry about it. Besides, if you post one chapter at a time, people can give you more feedback, so it's all good! =D Give me a heads up when it's uploaded so I can read it!
*huggles Moony* Life's got ups and downs. Just pretend it's a rollercoaster :)
Haha, thanks. I just changed my siggy and avi again though. XD
Jun 28 2009 08:16 AM


PB-chan! <3 I'm really sorry! DX I don't think I can post my story all in one go. D8 And I badly wanted to let you read it. Blame education. It's just been a really bad week. People made me cry here and there. XD Sorry again! *quietly hugs PB and sneaks away* Love Madara siggy, btw. :D
Jun 27 2009 02:13 PM


Wow that painting of Madara under the mask is brilliant! Nice siggy~
Jun 12 2009 04:31 PM


Haha! :]] Alright, good luck with your story! >D Hope you finish your update. :)) School can be such a bum sometimes. XD And, thanks! 8D You're just like a big-sis to me! Wow. :33 Love ya! =33 *hugs*
Jun 08 2009 09:30 AM


Oops, looks like some stuff got cut off. XD
I'm glad to hear that your story is coming along well! If ya need help, just call! :3
Jun 08 2009 09:24 AM


Hullo thar! =D
Whoa, gonna post them all in one go? I'm jealous of your ability to get it all down; I start itching to put up the first chapters as soon as I've opened up a new document and typed in 'Chapter 2'. XD
I'm a tad bit rushed today because I'm trying to update one of my stories tonight. Weekend is over for me tomorrow as well.
Jun 08 2009 09:18 AM


Hi PB-chan! :33 I haven't talked to you for a while. =3 So, how are you? 8D My story is almost done, since I'm planning to post ALL of the chapters in one day. :]] School is starting tomorrow, so yeah. :)) Gotta hurry! XDDD
Jun 08 2009 08:51 AM


It's almost done!But it's going to be hard to post it since I have to study my books, and it's not even the start of school yet! D: I hate being me. ;]
May 30 2009 07:49 AM