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TheCloverShadow Wolf

OK, thanks. :) I don't think it's too likely that Tobi is Obito, either, although a lot of people say that because they have similar hair. *facepalm* I was thinking that he might be Izuna Uchiha (the little bro) or possibly a second Madara. :\
Jul 25 2012 12:10 PM

James S Cassidy → Shadow Wolf

How did I get here
And what went wrong
Couldn't handle forgiveness
Now I'm far beyond gone
And I can hardly remember
The look of my own eyes
How could I love this,
My life so dishonest
It made me compromise
Jul 25 2012 07:43 AM

Shadow Wolf → James S Cassidy

Hmm... well, it seems that you're going through a difficult situation. Well, if you feel the need to share it, you can PM me about it, alright? I may not be able to do much from a distance, but I'm willing to help. :)
Jul 24 2012 02:32 PM

Shadow WolfFenris

No prob. ^_^
Well, take care! See ya around.
Jul 24 2012 02:30 PM

James S Cassidy → Shadow Wolf

Falling apart at the seams. Darkness clouding my mind again. People lying to me one more time. Not you of course, but...I can't stop my life from falling apart. I cant stop myself from falling apart. I tried very hard and it happens more.
Jul 24 2012 12:50 PM

FenrisShadow Wolf

Aw thanks Shadow :D
Jul 24 2012 08:04 AM

Shadow WolfTheClover

Hehe, yeah, I hope so.
Well, I only played it for a short while so I guess I didn't know that part (about no epic boss battles). In any case, I'll let you know of I play Generations.
Oh, and well, I haven't given it deep thought, but I find Obito unlikely to be Tobi, though.
Jul 24 2012 05:17 AM

Shadow WolfFenris

And today is Fenris day! Grats! ^_^
Jul 24 2012 05:15 AM

TheCloverShadow Wolf

Awww...good luck with getting a job! :D
Oh, UNS2 was pretty nice. I liked Generations because of the huge character selection, but it was kinda disappointing how there were no epic boss battles, a better story mode, or different fighting styles. Yep, it was awesome. Any idea who Tobi could be?
Jul 21 2012 12:51 AM

Shadow WolfTheClover

Believe me, if I had the budget, I would definitely get me one. But with no job and a very limited income of cash at the time being, these things are a luxury for me.
And nope, I haven't tried Generations yet. I did try Shippuden: UNS2 though. And yep, the latest chapter of Naruto was good. ^_^
Jul 20 2012 10:00 PM

TheCloverShadow Wolf

Aw, man, that's the only game for the GBA.... :( It would be helpful to have either a PS3, a DS, a GameCube, or a PSP for the Tales games. :\ Have you tried Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations?
I'm not keeping up with the anime much myself.... ^^U The manga seems much more interesting...I mean...the latest chapter was... :O
Jul 20 2012 07:19 PM

Shadow WolfTheClover

Hahaha, I didn't even know that was the first game. And nope, no PSP in my videogame inventory. I played that one on GBA (and it was a very long time ago. ^_^;
Hmm... I'll see to it then. Hehehe, a new anime series and a reminder of Naruto. I have quite the homework.
Jul 20 2012 03:53 PM

Shadow WolfAnguyen92

Hey, grats! It's your day, right? ^_^
Jul 20 2012 05:41 AM

TheCloverShadow Wolf

(continued) Zero no Tsukaima (The Familiar of Zero) from the same director.
Jul 19 2012 05:18 PM

TheCloverShadow Wolf

Wow, you're lucky you got to play the first one! ^_^ Since you played Phantasia, I'm guessing you have a PSP, so you can also play Tales of Destiny 2 and Tales of Rebirth. Any other consoles or handhelds you have?
Ummm...I think that would be episodes 136-140 of the original series, where the actual battle is in 140.
I see you like Love Hina. :D You should try Zero no Tsukaim
Jul 19 2012 05:18 PM