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"Closed for Repairs" page 1


I dont own naruto...which is good.

"Closed for Repairs" page 1

Wow...I havn't worked with fandom related art in sooo long. I made the decision not to return to DA some time ago but I went and dug up a doujinshi I had come tantalizingly close to finishing last summer and added some last touches. I figured even though I'm no longer active on DA I might as well post it here. smile.gif Origionally this was going to be part of a series of a bunch of mini doujinshi, which all got partially started but this is the only one that made it to the end. Figures, I'm great at starting and not finishing projects. smile.gif The dialouge (aka pure banter) is pointless and silly, and it clearly was just a big excuse to draw narusaku fluff.... but I'm still kindov fond of it regardless.