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Rubber Ducky [Animated]


Azumanga Vespar? ©

Rubber Ducky [Animated]

Nick asked me to put a link into the gallery,
so here's a preview image (err... sort of) of my animated entry of
"Rubber Ducky".

Here's a link to it; Click Here
(and another at the bottom of the page).

Better keep my notes short...
-Azumanga Daioh inspiration
-Loading, Main and Credits are mock ups.
(Didn't think that far ahead in the plans)
-Originally 5 strips long, turned 7 then revised to 6.

Oh, on a final note:
there'll be a polished version once the competition is over,
since it'd be unfair to fix it up once it's passed the deadline.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it!

Direct Link

    I reviewed on DA a while back under 'Hikari-exe' urgh...I hate that name.

    Anyway I've got it saved to my desktop! something to re-read during those boring school days.

    I also noticed Sakura's nosebleed...silly little pervert she is.
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    So cute and funny!
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    lol. thats allsome!
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    wow I loved the comic lol
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    i like this one!xD
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    ROFL I LOVE IT XD KAWAII! th_glomp.gif
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