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Fyuria'sLeo's Content

There have been 3 items by Fyuria'sLeo (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#981617 Leo's Blog of Love

Posted by Fyuria'sLeo on 09 November 2020 - 07:58 AM in i-Blog


Hey Leo! It's zacra. I just logged onto this site for the same reason lol, I keep checking in every now and then even if I just lurk. It's good to hear from you. What've you been up to?


I've been doing well aside from the pandemic stuff going on. Been hanging in there though. How about you?

Really nice hearing from you!

#981190 Leo's Blog of Love

Posted by Fyuria'sLeo on 15 October 2020 - 09:39 PM in i-Blog

Every year I make my way back to this site for various reasons.


I grew up here. 


Made so many friends and each day was so amazing.


Drifting apart is always tough but deep down I still think about the people I met here.


Hard to believe I was 15 when I came here, now im 25.


You'll always be my 2nd family though <3

#981189 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by Fyuria'sLeo on 15 October 2020 - 09:23 PM in Fun Cafe

im back from the dead.