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There have been 11 items by princess_dexter (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#144539 Fanfiction.Net Writers Unite! XD

Posted by princess_dexter on 25 November 2007 - 08:54 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

Late to the party, but I think this thread is a handy resource and thought I might as well add myself. biggrin.gif



#143887 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by princess_dexter on 22 November 2007 - 08:34 AM in Writing Discussion

121721.gif Aw, thanks guys! I'm glad you both liked Fitting the Pieces - it's been so long since I wrote it that I can't even remember what happens in it! I'd read it again but I hate re-reading my own work because I pick it apart and think, "Man, what was I thinking?! Oh, and this should be reworded, and that should go like this and--"

Yeah, way too stressful. biggrin.gif

Rick, I am from Australia! I'm in Brisbane, up in sunny QLD, although I was born in Victoria. It's awesome finding other Narusaku fans from down under - there aren't that many of us, so we have to stick together, okay? wink.gif

#143612 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by princess_dexter on 21 November 2007 - 07:24 AM in Writing Discussion

QUOTE (Vespar @ Nov 21 2007, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And please don't delete Trial and Error! I'd rather liked it! Especially your portrayal of Sai! tongue.gif It'll just be interesting to keep the two side by side so it can be seen how much you've progressed and changed from the initial idea!

I'm glad you liked the fic, but I don't really want to list another story as abandoned - it seems like that's the status of half my stories at ff.net, and it makes me feel bad. sad.gif It won't be gone forever, just moved to my writing journal, mainly for my records and on the off chance that anyone actually wants to read two chapters of a story that will never be finished. Plus, it was more serious than this one is going to be, and I'm trying to get away from drama.

..and geeze, Naruto's apartment looks bigger and more sparse than I thought. No wardrobe to hang up clothes. More plants than I expected too.

Yeah, he doesn't have a wardrobe but then again he doesn't really have any 'going out' clothes, so I guess he doesn't need to iron or anything. Everything can just be folded and put in his chest of drawers. I'm trying to think if we've seen many of his 'civilian' outfits, but all I can remember are black t-shirts with various symbols on them. Like in 347 (?) when he and the rest of the team meet up for ramen and Sakura is wearing some hideous dress that makes her look about forty. Oh, Sakura. unsure.gif

#143535 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by princess_dexter on 21 November 2007 - 12:01 AM in Writing Discussion

Thanks for the luck, Vyse - I think I'll need it! biggrin.gif

And Nick, you made my day! I'm stoked that you even remembered my stories - it feels like it's been so long since I've written Narusaku. My NaNo story is actually a reworking of certain plot elements I was planning for Trial and Error, so I'll actually be deleting that off ff.net shortly before I post the new fic. I'll probably archive the original chapters at my writing journal (and I'm definitely keeping everyone's reviews!), but IIRC ff.net has a policy about not posting same/similar fics.

Not sure when I'll have this story up - I've just started writing chapter six of an estimated fifteen-to-twenty, but I know myself too well and I have a habit of abandoning things right near the end. Hopefully it'll be finished and I'll have the first chapter ready to post in mid-December. Thanks again for the kind words! wub.gif

#143515 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by princess_dexter on 20 November 2007 - 10:33 PM in Writing Discussion

QUOTE (Leney @ Nov 20 2007, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
*cue the writing of Sakura-buys-Naruto-another-chair fic.* Should totally be a challenge, LOL. But oh man, that is so going in my fic somehow. I don't know how (well I have a good idea, but I haven't written it yet), but it will.

Ahaha, DO IT. biggrin.gif In my fic, Naruto buys another chair, and it was all I could do not to burst into tears at the gross injustice of him having to do that himself.

And actually, that does sound like an interesting challenge! When I finish this chaptered story, I might attempt a drabble for it. Sounds like fun. laugh.gif

#143247 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by princess_dexter on 19 November 2007 - 02:59 PM in Writing Discussion

Looking back on those plans, it absolutely breaks my heart that Naruto ONLY HAS ONE CHAIR. I mean, I get that he lives alone, but surely it's common practice to have a spare chair for when visitors drop by? The only reasoning I can get for only having one chair is that no one visits him, and that's positively awful. sad.gif


#143211 Alternate Pairings

Posted by princess_dexter on 19 November 2007 - 12:15 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

I'm completely in agreement with the rest of the thread and saying NaruSaku or nothing, especially with Shriner, who said that none of the other possible pairings have been given enough development to be convincing were Kishi to go down that path.

In fanfiction, I don't really touch anything that has Naruto paired up with anyone but Sakura, which is strange because I tend to read Sakura/anyone. Weird double standards, I guess. My first fanfic pairing was KakaSaku, and now that would be an interesting direction for the manga to take. I read a lot of shoujo stuff, and teacher/student relationships do tend to pop up a lot. I guess we'll have to see. tongue.gif

#142874 Funniest Fics

Posted by princess_dexter on 18 November 2007 - 07:55 AM in The Library Coffee Shop

I checked my favourites list but it seems I have a tendency to read dramatic/angsty fics, becuase I could only find a few good humour ones. Here they are:

I know Link and Luigi were already mentioned earlier, but Naruto Primer by Link and Luigi is brilliant.
Summary: Ever read Chicken Soup for the Soul? Well, this isn't really like it. But it has the same format filled with all sorts of short stories. You're BOUND to find something for the whole family!

Dear Foolish Little Brother by Solderini - Naruto.
Summary: Like all good boys, Itachi writes home occasionally.

Puberty by Sadieko - Naruto.
No summary given, but Kakashi realises his team has grown up.


Rodriguez by Agent Orange - Samurai Champloo.
Summary: There is no greater love than that between a man and his sumo wrestling beetle.

And Bleach lends itself well to crack, apparently, judging by these random stories I've loved in no particular order: OMGWTFBBQ by Autophanous, Figured You Out by hardlyfatal, Lord I'm Sorry by memlu, and Cue the Heroic Rescue by Incandescens.

I'm sure I have more, but I'll have to comb my fic recs and see what I can come up with! biggrin.gif

#142541 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by princess_dexter on 17 November 2007 - 12:38 AM in Writing Discussion


Holy crap, THANK YOU SO MUCH! That's exactly what I was looking for, even if it does seem to completely disprove the image I was going to use as reference!

In that chapter, it looks like the place is really only one room, but as your pictures show, it has quite a few. unsure.gif

Ah well, again, thanks! I can puzzle this out more canonically now. <3

#142474 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by princess_dexter on 16 November 2007 - 11:52 AM in Writing Discussion

Awesome, thanks! I've gone back and flicked through those early chapters and I've found a couple of images that show parts of the room but not the whole thing. I have a clearer idea of how I want to go about it, and I'm pretty sure no one will care if I change a few things. What is fanfic for, if not making stuff up? biggrin.gif

Again, thanks for the heads up!

#142249 Layout/floorplan of Naruto's apartment

Posted by princess_dexter on 15 November 2007 - 12:56 PM in Writing Discussion

Hey guys, I'm not sure if I'm putting this in the right place, but it does have to do with fanfiction, so hopefully it's okay.

I signed up for NaNoWriMo at the end of October, and after starting a fanfiction for another fandom, I had an epiphany two chapters in and decided to change to a Narusaku fic. The trouble is a fair chunk of the later chapters of this second story take place at Naruto's apartment/flat/I'm not quite sure what you'd call it, and I can't for the life of me remember if we've ever seen his place in full.

Have we? And if so, can anyone give me manga chapters/episode numbers? I'm sorry if it seems lazy not to go back and look myself, but since I changed stories midway through November I'm about 15000 words behind schedule and I simply don't have time. sad.gif

I'd appreciate any input, so thanks in advance! biggrin.gif