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There have been 609 items by Otaru (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#883668 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Otaru on 24 October 2015 - 05:29 PM in Naruto General

You're making a lot of sense to me.... I think almost the same.

#883656 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Otaru on 24 October 2015 - 03:28 PM in Naruto General

Yeah I mean... I have the feeling he's saying wathever comes to his mind... -____-

#883652 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Otaru on 24 October 2015 - 03:17 PM in Naruto General

Were you expecting something else? :D


No. But hey.... is this kitten really for REAL ? I mean..... WHAT THE HELL .....

#883650 Kishi Shonen Jump interview

Posted by Otaru on 24 October 2015 - 03:02 PM in Naruto General


#876012 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Otaru on 13 September 2015 - 12:31 AM in Uzumaki Naruto Chronicles

So... did I miss something ?

#866450 Post Gaiden Kishi Interview

Posted by Otaru on 09 August 2015 - 11:27 AM in Naruto General

LOL the absurdity of them "bonding" because Sasuke tried to murder them both is incredible, considering that they both still fangirl over him. The only way that works is if it was after the fact and they had both moved on. As it stands now, Karin is just another person for Sakura to flaunt her victory and her prize over. It's funny how Kishi tried to show SS in a semi decent light then turns around and says that Sakura is "immersed in poison" when it comes to Sasuke.

Welcome back KnS!!!


IMO, in the real story they really bonded. That moment when Sakura is healing her while she's still the supposedly enemy is strong. Sakura is crying, then Karin is touched and she cried too. That precise moment, they bonded. It's not because Sasuke tried to kill them both. They bonded because of their suffering and empathy. But after that, there is nothing and this is really a big miss.
Sakura and Karin should have talked a little when Karin have been made prisoner or Konoha. I always imagined that Sakura and Naruto would come to see her in her prison... it was such a miss... Naruto never talked to her while she was an Uzumaki !!! I'll never understand...

I also always thought that Sakura and Karin would continue to bond while letting their feelings for Sasuke go away. That time when Karin said "I'm done" it was so badass... Why did he went back and made her a fangirl again ? It's just...

But in the end of the manga, that bond is destroyed because having Sakura tape over Karin's picture with Sasuke is really low from her... she would never do something like that... the real Sakura would have put that team7 picture on her table, because team7 was so dear to her. Even more than Sasuke alone.

#866447 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Otaru on 09 August 2015 - 11:03 AM in Konoha Theater

This movie is a joke.
Naruto kidnapped ? How ??? He's too strong to get kidnapped !!!!
Again, the plot make no sense at all. It's all only to promote the "next generation". And it's done really poorly, because it could have been done without Naruto looking like a perfect weak dork...
Boruto could have shine in another way.
And don't make me begin on that ridiculous one shot were Naruto gets owned by Himawari -___-


#865932 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by Otaru on 07 August 2015 - 11:35 PM in Latest Releases

So... it feels like reading a bad fanfiction.

#865927 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by Otaru on 07 August 2015 - 11:31 PM in Latest Releases

Reading this one shot is like reading a fan fiction

#865921 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by Otaru on 07 August 2015 - 11:18 PM in Latest Releases

You know what guys ? That one-shot is here only to justify the fact that Himawari will have the byakugan in the next gen series. It's not about Naruto becoming Hokage.
It's a pretext. Only to justify future settings.
SP must have asked (forced) Kishimoto to give it to her.

It's utterly obvious that Kishimoto is not happy with this.

Also, I can't help but notice that, once again, Naruto and Hinata are not really talking to each other.

Hinata send the children to wake him up.
She then only tell him some words, then she leave.

And after, she finds him unconscious.


They have nothing to say to each other. Nothing. Everything is very formal between them because Kishimoto don't know how they could interact. They have no chemistry, no magic. Nothing. She doesn't seem to care about Naruto's dream at all. It's like he must wake up for his usual day at work... Sakura would have woken him up right away... Hinata feels so out of place with Naruto. LOL...

Everything that happens with Naruto family makes NO kittening SENSE. Everything.
What is happening with Himawari is a pure epic farce.
It's hurting me so much so see all this...


#865910 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by Otaru on 07 August 2015 - 10:49 PM in Latest Releases

Oh wow ...... this is a farce.

#865897 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Otaru on 07 August 2015 - 09:54 PM in Konoha Theater

So.... Himawari suddenly have the Byakugan ? LOL ^^'

#862892 Boruto One Shot

Posted by Otaru on 31 July 2015 - 05:41 PM in Latest Releases

Apparently, it's non-canon, since it was written by the same guy that did Lee and Sasuke's spin off. However it's the fact that anyone has the audacity to not only claim Hinata is the heroine, but also, that Sakura is just a self proclaimed one, that pisses me off.


They gave the most basic possible introductions for all of team 7, yet Hinata is not only called a freaking princess, but an elite, heroine, and world changing. The BS is too damn much, considering she has proven to be zero of those things and only cares about her "love" for Naruto.




Wait a minute. The first part is written by Kishimoto right ?

#862630 Boruto One Shot

Posted by Otaru on 30 July 2015 - 09:53 PM in Latest Releases

I was too busy enjoying VAMPS live in Paris and winning a dedicace from them I totally forgot about Naruto LOL
Then I went on Tumblr and saw this big fat kitten about Hinata big power that shake the earth LOL

#862623 Boruto One Shot

Posted by Otaru on 30 July 2015 - 09:31 PM in Latest Releases

Hi guys... looks like I missed a whole bunch of kitten. ^^'

#849668 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Otaru on 27 June 2015 - 11:48 AM in Latest Releases


He destroyed his manga. I see no problem of him destroying his pairings (which he already did). Kishi has money.



No what I wanted to say is that he will never make a bad end to it. He will do a full happy ending in appearance, as he's told.
For us the manga is destroyed, but for editors it's not.
And that's all that count sadly.

Because if editors are upset, then Kishi's career can end.

#849011 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Otaru on 25 June 2015 - 10:55 PM in Latest Releases

Commercial purposes everywhere.

#848973 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Otaru on 25 June 2015 - 10:05 PM in Latest Releases

There's a shonen manga called ghost sweeper mikami.
It's a shonen manga with female character as the title and lead character. In other word the protagonist. While the male main character is the side kick and act as the love interest.

And then there's medaka box.

So a female lead and title character is exist in shonen manga.


Oh well my bad. But I think in Naruto world that would never happen.

#848969 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Otaru on 25 June 2015 - 09:55 PM in Latest Releases

I just thought... This should've been named Sarada Gaiden instead.


No because this is a shônen. So putting the name of a girl as title wouldn't work.
So ' Kishi ' (editors *cough*cough*) chose to put Boruto's name.

All this are just commercial moves. 'Boruto' sounds almost the same as 'Naruto', so it's easily recognisable, and you understand right away it must be Naruto's next gen.


By the way, Shinashiku would have been waayyy too long and complicated for a title, and nobody would rely it with Naruto like it's possible to do with 'Boruto'. Those are the reasons why the name Kishimoto chose at first wasn't ACCEPTED by the editors. This is not Kishimoto's choice for sure. Then someone had the "excellent" idea to use the same meaning as Neji because Neji have been used to put Naruto and Hinata together. Boruto is the perfect name. I wonder who came out with it...

So... Sarada is the main character of that gaiden. It's clear since the beginning. Boruto has the movie, and they wanted to give something to SasuSaku fans so they made that gaiden revolving around Sarada. Don't expect to see Boruto, Naruto, or Hinata do something really badass. Even Sakura will not do anything to let Sarada shine a little. Everyone look horribly OOC and weak just to let Sarada shine because it's all for commercial purposes. Don't expect to actually learn something concerning the story you once loved. This will not happen. Kishimoto is just writing on command for commercial purposes. That's all.


No way Sakura would be that weak, falling or her knees from that small attack. She made the face she usually made around Naruto to Sasuke. LOL. SasuSaku fans are loving it and they are seeing love in it. Double standards. LOL. When Sakura did those kind of faces around Naruto, it was only friendship LOL.


Editors must believe that fans want to see Sarada. But fans wanted to see the original characters treated better, in reality.


Boruto will shine in the movie. Everything is already set up. Also, look how they are trying to interested you in reading or watching the movie. It's all about drama. Sarada's drama with her parents, Boruto's drama with his parents. It's pitiful really.


#848933 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Otaru on 25 June 2015 - 08:29 PM in Latest Releases

Well it comes down to next week chapter. Either Kishi is going to destroy the gaiden or he's going to chicken out and give SS and NH a happy ending. 


Kishi will never destroy it.
He will only send subtle messages.

He just can't destroy it because it would destroy his career too.

#848881 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Otaru on 25 June 2015 - 07:18 PM in Latest Releases

My opinion :



Sakura is not even shown fighting a little. That copy/paste of Sakura's attack on Sarada was cheap as hell.
Sakura/Sasuke bond looks cheap too. Something off for me.
The clones attacking the original is cheap and unoriginal as hell.

Why is the clone talking about "logic" ? Is there again some kind of message ?


Everything is really phony and uninteresting because the characters we worshipped are fading away to let the next generation take the front lines. Everything is cheap and illogical.
It really does look like Kishimoto is trying to make it all look good where it's not. He's just trying to patch everything up but this is not working.


#846896 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Otaru on 21 June 2015 - 11:44 PM in Latest Releases

Yup, after reading this my hopes up a little




This is mine lol  =)

I'm not trying to give hope to people. It's just my analysis about what Kishi is thinking of trying to show.

#846014 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Otaru on 19 June 2015 - 10:14 PM in Latest Releases

Kishimoto choosing it to be the "loving" gesture Sasuke expressed to Sakura skewed the meaning it had had up to that point.  Except for the fact that Sakura is obviously not Sasuke's priority, and that he isn't willing to spend any time with her until his important work is done -- whatever that might be.

Personally, I interpreted the use of the forehead poke between Sasuke and Sakura at the end of the manga to be a cover for the fact that Sakura's forehead had been sacred to Naruto.  Since it was decided that Naruto would be stuck with the deadly dull Hinata, there had to be a way of making it seem as if Sakura's forehead issues and all that foreshadowing were retconned by Sasuke's gesture.




Why do I have the feeling that the April 4 SP/SJ interview with the VAs said about Naruto and Sakura's bonds are more stronger than husband and wife. Sakura is more like Kushina than any other female cast. And Naruto and Hinata's relashionship cannot work without Sakura so that the three of them can have a happy family in the end might actually be legit instead of a mere jest :lmao:

I have this feeling too. The seiryus had this feeling and they were totally immersed in Naruto's world. We're not wrong to feel that way. Everyone that have a brain feels that way.
Also, considering the fact that in Japan, marriage is most a "contract" than love, it could be true.

#846000 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Otaru on 19 June 2015 - 09:24 PM in Latest Releases


So you guys all think that that scene with Sucksuke and Suckura holding Tomato Salad hands helping her walk  was legit flashback memory !? . I thought it was another imaginary wishful thinking of Tomato Salad like that hug scene she had isn't it drawn in the same style !?  :confused: .  Also it was already confirmed in her imaginary hug scene and chapter 1 the beginning of this Gaiden crap  that she has never ever meet up with Sasuke !? That's 12 freaking years so how can this shiit be legit and have this "memory" unless its another wishful imaginary thinking of hers , WTF is going on really !?  :err:   Besides how the hell would she remember that isn't she's too young in there !? heck even I don't remember the moment when I first walked   :wacko:.    



It's totally wishful thinking.

#845957 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Otaru on 19 June 2015 - 08:14 PM in Latest Releases

Sakura saying the forehead poke is more special than a kiss was probably because thats the only thing they did.

And are we suppose to feel nostalgic on those 2 pages of flashback? Sadly there is no effect on me anymore.. i used to get feels on those but didnt they all ruined those moments in the last? Where was Hinata among those? I thought she was actually the first lol


Maybe it's Kishimoto's way to re-re-set Naruto's past story after The Last changed it.