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There have been 180 items by alexander (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#939386 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 08 May 2017 - 01:31 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Well, it seems Merkel managed to elect herself into french presidency. It will be interesting to see all those trucks of peace running rampant  :happy:

#937172 Ghost in the Shell Live Action(2017)

Posted by alexander on 13 April 2017 - 07:17 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

All you have to do is take one look to the left lmao..





Japanese people outside of Japan are you know..Japanese.


Top quality european level of education right there.


Asian people outside of Japan are whatever nationality they were born with. This is just as silly as saying white people born in north america are europeans. They are not and they will never be, unless they move there some day.

#937164 Ghost in the Shell Live Action(2017)

Posted by alexander on 13 April 2017 - 06:33 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

Since when if someone is offended on behalf of others is not sane ?


I studied Psychology and never in any book I've studied in is mentioned such a thing. What's mentioned about it is something healthy for the personality. It's called ' Empathy ' and it's important to have it and use it.


You don't live alone in this world.


And Japan have shame culture which is primary agent of social control and there are people suffering from it.


When it's for the sake of trivial things. It's empathy to see someone being hurt or opressed and speak out about it. It's not empathy when it's something that in a normal society would be seen as a non issue. It's clear that "white washing" doesn't matter for the japanese people. Yet shallow social justice advocates try to whine about it even if the "offended" party already stated they don't care. It's not about speaking out about injustice at all, it's about satisfying one's own smug sense of moral superiority.

#937139 Ghost in the Shell Live Action(2017)

Posted by alexander on 13 April 2017 - 02:04 PM in Arts & Entertainment District

alright quite interesting video I did not expect nostalgia critic to have this opinion tbh.


As for the questions he brings up, I think the line goes when the "-washing" because cultural. Whitewashing for example is a subculture of racism, (and when it's the other way around it's usually in response to that). Many Japanese people may be onboard with it, because they grew up in Japan and doesn't know the struggle of Asian Americans. Stars such as Ming Na-Wen, George Takei, Steven Yeun etc do, and speaks up against whitewashing and spesifically GITS and Dr Strange. I think their viewpoints provide a lot more insight. I have however seen translated posts of Japanese people that loathe GITS, ranting in Japanese on Japanese forums, so I don't like that people use those street interviews as a shield. It's not like I'm dissatisfied because Asians are either. :/


("Agewashing" is a bit different to me because a lot of children such as actors in GoT and a lot of teen dramas have sexual/violent scenes which a child should not play. And it would've been difficult to cast a disabled actor for the role in Forrest Gump, because he could walk the first half of the movie.)


Incorrect. The japanese don't care because they were not raised in a culture of shame like western white people were. Their society is wealthy, sucessful and prosperous, and yet they feel no need to feel bad about it because a society that is different then them is not.



Sane people have no desire to get offended on behalf of others, They have better things to do.

#934716 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 18 March 2017 - 06:24 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

*clicks on first link* - the quran teaches violence
*clicks on second link* - is breitbart news


You tell me, what are we supposed to make of "Quran (9:123) - O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness." That is just one of several. Sounds more like you are having a very serious case of reality denial. People can think whatever they want about muslims as people, but islam itself is very defined in it's intent.


Then if you want to make a point about anything, you better find a centrist news outlet. Good luck with that. Most new outlets these days have a political bias, be left leaning or right leaning.

#934705 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 18 March 2017 - 04:12 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Firstly, ISIS or any terrorist that call themselves Muslims aren't Muslims at all cause no religion in the world tells to kill people cause of different religions and / or what you follow in a specific religion.


Secondly, the families and friends of any person in a terrorist organization, most of them don't know they got affiliated in these organizations. The people who go to these terrorist organizations goes missing suddenly cause probably they know they will stopped. Also, some of them goes to these organizations cause of poverty and having nothing to support them. Not to mention, people who aren't conscious and those who are conscious of having psychological disorder/s in these organizations.




*coughs* BS *coughs* 


And second, that is not aways true. The father of Omar Mateen, the infamous Orlando shooter, is known to have ties with islamic groups that support terrorism



#934471 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 16 March 2017 - 12:55 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Looks like they just made an account just to fight with people here on this thread.

I don't think he's as 'neutral' as they said they were in the first post lol.

By not believing in climate change means you can be as kitten to the earth as you want : )


Really? Because I'm skeptical of climate change claims and I do believe in preserving the envirorment. Scientists haven't come to unanimous agreements regarding climate change, and if they can't accurately predict the weather forecast, how I am to believe they can tell for a fact the actual extension of human influence regarding the climate?

#934455 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 15 March 2017 - 10:21 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

In other news it seems that the european establishment breathes an collective sigh as Mark Rutte seems to win the election for Dutch prime minister and his party won the majority of seats for the parlament. Though it was only expected considering Geert Wilders rethorics are far more extreme then other conservative political parties rising up, combined with the fact the dutchs haven't felt the weight of Islamism such as France and their terrorist attacks and Germany's surge in rape and crime. But the real challange will come next month in the french elections, as Marine Le Pen is quickly becoming a favourite to win. The French election should decide for good if Europe has truly turned to populism or if it will continue to rely on the current establishment.


Meanwhile, Turkey will hold a referendum tomorrow were it's president, Erdogan, will attempt to change the country's constituition to... pretty much give him unlimited power. If he suceeds, wich I think he will, considering his overwhelming support, we might be looking to a second Iranian revolution. And Turkey's relationship with Europe will certanly reach rock bottom as results, with Erdogan becoming a self declared dictator.

#934214 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 13 March 2017 - 06:29 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

James, I think this video will interest you



I think is truly relevant to today's world state, as many of this ex-KGB agent warnings are coming to fruition today, after years of left leaning politics being in charge on most of the western world. We see moral relativism being used as an excuse to accept the most atrocious things in western society.

#933530 Honestly I don't even know what to name this thread.

Posted by alexander on 03 March 2017 - 02:37 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

What I believe? There is nothing. Just some imaginary god like figures some priests in fancy robes made up because people were scared of the unknown and they desired for some certanty. We make the world we live in and after we pass, there is just one big question mark none of us mortals can answer. It would be nice to believe it doesn't end there... but I don't hold my breath. It's honestly terrifying when you think about it like that, but I prefer it then living in what feels like a lie.

Life is frail, it can end any day, at any moment, and you don't know if you ever will see the ones you care about here or somewere else. And that's what makes living to the fullest all the more important. That's what I think.

#933152 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 26 February 2017 - 01:14 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

I do remember you saying you voted Trump in this thread..but anyways point is you support Trump, not that you live in the same country. It's figure of speech. I have a prime minister, but I don't support her so she's not "my" prime minister.


You've said before that you are against american invasion so I know that, but my point is you shouldn't blame muslims for issues in their region. +Trump is pro-invasion. And I know all about Iran and its issues in 1979, the 50's and so on. The middle east is not a country, but a group of nations right? Point isn't that it was a utopia down there, but there was democracy and no ISIS, Al-Qaeda, or Taliban. But they were still muslims. So..something else than their religion is causing the disruption in the middle east.


Now I'm not an avid VOX reader so I can't say if it's fake news or not, I just looked for an article because I've read about this before. Most good newspapers I read are in scandinavian languages, I guess you don't know them though? It's a pretty active debate up here so there are a lot of articles. Still I think you should handle the FOX joke when you said this to T XD;

"I think you forgot to make a child's sobbing voice and play a sad violin while asking all that, but I'll indulge you, sure." :hm:


I never said I voted for Trump. I would challange you to prove me wrong. What I did was to support his campaign. And yes, this woman IS your prime minister. The fact you don't support her is irrelevant. Because by law, she is your leader. I for one absultely despise Michel Temer and wish he was not my president, but the truth he is, and I need to accept that fact.


Then let's just agree that military and social issues happening in the middle east occur for a multitude of reasons, being for outside intervention, or extremist religious groups taking power.


And my mocking of T XD were due to her rather condencending questions. Asking me if I think all muslims are evil and if I think they are inherently bad as people. Despite me clearly saying that I did not believed so in a previous post. But alright, if her question did not had any malicious intentions, that I apologize for any insult. 

#933149 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 26 February 2017 - 12:32 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

You are wrong about a lot of things alexander. Let's sum it up. :thumb:


The middle east was all fine until the west got involved. Has anyone seen pics from Afghanistan in the 60's? People wore miniskirts and wearing hijab was a choice. Muslims don't wreck their own countries. Yemen didn't have a threatening ISIS presence before Obama came and moled it to the ground. Trump's first invasion was to Yemen against generals advises, they gathered no intel and killed children. Maybe the middle easterns would stop hating the west if we just stopped turning themj into dust.


- You're wrong about Sweden too of course; http://www.vox.com/w...immigrant-crime

Crime committed by immigrants in scandinavia is typically blown up, speaking from experience. I bet you listened to FOX's swedish national security imposter too? XD


- The persecution of christians is in many ways a reaction to the west - colonialism, supporting Israel etc. Which isn't an excuse, but it gives you a bit of context..either way they're not the ones in most danger in the region, because muslims are aprox. 90% of ISIS victims. Again muslims don't wreck their own countries. By saying that you are putting ISIS victims in the same box as ISIS and that's bad.


Finally, muslims do not oppress jews. They accept jews from many countries just not Israel, because they are illegal settlers. It's not a jewish ban, it's a zionist ban. It's a form of resistance, a way of not recognizing Israelis as owner of the land they live on. When the country changes its name to Palestine again, the middle east may accept Israeli jews. I don't want to start an Israel vs Palestine debate, but those bans can't be compared.. http://www.npr.org/s...we-plan-to-stay


Honestly you sound a lot like this guy;

Because your president elected a homophobic extremist VP and just removed protection of trans people in bathrooms.


- I guess you missed the part were I said I did not approved of USA interventionism. They sure have no place in meddling in affairs that are not affecting them. But that doesn't change that after the USA triggered some of these conflicts, the islamic world seems to have an cycle of never ending conflict. And have you seen this?




It's a picture of Iranian woman protesting in 1979 against the forced use of the hijab right after the Iranian revolution. An revolution were the goverment that was being supported by the united states was overthrown by extreme islamists groups. Convenient how you didn't mention that, huh? Like, islamic oppression being caused by muslim fundamentalists rather american interventionism.


-First of all, Vox is biased left winged garbage, and more importantly, fake news. And you're the one mocking me about FOX. The dishonesty here is off the damn charts.

Let's hear from the mouth of an actual Sweden citizen (who is actually an immigrant) what is truly happening to his country. And of course, he gives sources for all his claims:



Try actually going to Sweden, and wonder around an migrant heavy neighborhood for a day without a group protecting you to see if what you're saying it's true. If you come back at all that is.


- But I didn't said that muslims don't suffer under ISIS, only that christians are more vulnerable as a religious minority, and as such they would require more attention for refugee aid. And you even accept that their persecution is real.


- So if they don't opress Jews, how come they were driven out by muslims a couple of decades ago? And how come their current presence in the middle east is so small? It's almost like they are not welcome there.


- That video is moronic. Your views seem to be that "if you have it good somewere else, and if you have problems of your own, you instantly lose the right to critize someone from a lower station". The fact that things are not perfect here in the west don't excuse all the **** up crap going on in Africa and the middle east. That's irresponsible and ignorant.


- Hahahaha, joke's on you Sushi, because Trump is NOT my president. my president is Michel Temer, as I am a Brazilian citizen. Just to show how little you know.


Awww, I'm so sad that they removed protection from trans people in the bathrooms, as that's clearly more important then keeping the safety of woman and little girls. as such stupid law was filled with holes and allowed man to pretend to be an trans woman and gain free access to a female's bathroom, and people would have no power to stop him over fear of an legal lawsuit.



#933132 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 25 February 2017 - 09:08 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

@ alexander : I'm curious regarding what you have already said about the Islamic society and Muslims. I would like to know what do you mean with the following, please.

Bold : What do you mean exactly with the words in bold ? Also, why do you think the Islamic society is bigot ?

Bold : What do you mean by Christians are persecuted in Middle East ?  Also, Muslims wreck their own countries because of what exactly ?

Bold : Does a Muslim from a Muslim majority country traveling to another country is a negative thing for the other country and / or do you mean that a person from Muslim majority country is probably an ISIS member ?

The articles you listed, do you mean with those percentages that they are done by Muslims ? Also, do you think the majority of Muslims are evil ? And do you think that every Muslim would want to make crimes, violence and bully freely in any time s/he wanted ?

You mean Muslims oppress Jews, or Muslims want and / or exercise oppression ?


What I mean is that islamic society still lives by ideals that westen civilization finds unnaceptable. And when muslims move away to western countries, many of them still hold such views. Over 10 middle eastern countries punish homosexualism with death. The majority of others punish it with imprisionment. you're from Lebanon right? Doesn't your country hold a majority view that homosexuals should be shunned from society? Doesn't your country posses the legal act 534, that makes homosexual behaviour illegal by the eyes of the law? And then in England, an recent poll showed that 61% of british muslims believe homosexuality should be criminalized. And there is more. This was shot at an western mosque. Let's hear what these open minded muslims have to say about homosexuals:



Muslims wreck their countries for several reasons. Be political, territorial or ethnical/religious. Here are the list of major conflicts in the middle east in recent time:




In the last 15 years alone, these conflicts lead to between 300k deaths to nearly a million. Yes, the americans played a big part in the Iraq war, and I certanly don't approve of their interventionism.


And this is what I mean by the persecution of christians:




Other then North Korea, the majority of countries that cause these persecutions are islamic. The estimative is that 100K christians are killed for their faith yearly, and that happens mostly in muslim majority countries. If that is not persecution, I don't know what is.


When did I ever implied that someone from a muslim majority country immigrating was likely to be an ISIS member? But yes, muslims immigrating in masses to other countries is pretty bad. Sweden has a rape epidemic now, with the overwhelming majority of reports being of gangs of immigrant men. But it's all unnoficial as the authorities stopped making official stats in 2005 when they realized immigrants were involved with the majority of crimes. And then Germany, were the crime rate considerably increased, recieving reports of over 400K crimes ever since their open door policies started:




And nice attempt at baiting me into an ignorant response, but if you paid attention to what I said, I did mentioned that I don't think every muslims is evil, or that they are evil in their majority. So no, I don't think every muslims is a psycopath waiting to go berserk, but there are enough of them causing trouble and crime in western countries for their presence to be a reason of concern (in places were mass immigration is happening anyway).


And no, muslims don't currently opress jews as they fled the middle east in recent years due mostly to persecution.




but if they ever came to go back there, I much believe things would continue to be the same, and the muslims would opress the jews. Otherwise, how come that all these countries in the middle east banned the entrance of jews from Israel?


Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. Hey look, your country is there too!

#933000 Black Torch

Posted by alexander on 24 February 2017 - 04:33 PM in Otaku Square

huh, interesting. Sometimes I feel like there is a little too much dialogue. And the action scenes fall too far from each other because of that. And the supposedly female protagonist is too edgy for my tastes.

Other then that, the art style is pretty solid, and I like the protagonist. I needed a break from all those dense idiots in the main title and see someone a little more no- nonsense instead :P

#932988 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 24 February 2017 - 11:12 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

alexander if trump told you that muslims are great people tomorrow and changed his foreign policy to benefit them would you change your mind about them or would you believe what you "know" about muslims and oppose trump's support of them


Absolutely not. I would think Trump went completely mad, or that he is pretty high at least. An politician opinions only matter if they align with reality. And the reality is that islamic countries still to this day live by laws and cultures that infringe various human rights. Some more then others, but enough to be a concern to western civilization.

#932962 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 24 February 2017 - 01:59 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar


alexander: Race is not only about genetics. It's a broad term that considers a lot of factors, ethnicity included. It's been used in many different ways over the centuries, not just to distinguish skin colors like black, white etc. I called Judaism an ethnicity, but science has tracked back genes that confirm there a Jewish race exists. Either way Jewish people experience racism because they are an oppressed ethnic group/race.


The only group that could promote such oppression today are the muslims. A group you often try to champion in these threads.

#932926 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 23 February 2017 - 11:38 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

This is getting a bit boring AHK. Did you skim-read my post or are you misunderstanding me on purpose? Because to avoid such things I said white people can't experience racism – based on their whiteness. Whether jewish people are white or not is an ongoing debate, but in the US they officially have their own ethnicity. There are other white groups though~ the Saami folk in the north are 'white', but oppressed for being indigenous ya know?


There are of course other forms of racism not to do with white supremacy, there are Ainu in Japan f.ex, and China has a lot of presecuted groups. But that's not what I'm talking about right now? Racism in the western context started with Spain &co saying "white people are people, others not so much", and it's been quite consistent with that. Thus, whiteness is fundamental in racism.


I handed you a legitimate source, but you reduced it to my "preference". The sociological definition was the default when I took history and sociology classes at a UNI. Prejudice is prejudice, but put together with power, makes racism. What you are talking about in South Africa etc. is reactionary prejudice, not racism. The BLM Toronto leader can think whites are subhumans, but it has no reflection of reality or the past. His words have no weight, at least not in Canada. When you call a black person subhuman however, it takes them back to the time they were put in zoo's for display.


But ethinicity is not the same as race. Jews are predomnantly white when it comes to race. However they are an ethnical group due to their shared cultural and religious customs. So, if someone ever says something prejudiced against jews, rathen then be considered racism, it would be more accurate to consider it an attack against their religion, or culture. Though this is just my opinion. Most people still seem to consider hatred against jews racially motivated, rather then ethinical.


No, whiteness is not fundamental to racism. White is just white. A skin color. It might have been like that 50 years ago or so, but not today. And whatever nonsense these marxist teachers fed you, it's still nothing but delusion and lies. Power and prejudice don't make racism. Racism is an idea. And anyone can have ideas, regardless of social position and wealth. So no, saying something racist to a black will not put them "back to the zoo". It will hurt their feelings at worst. But they are not persecuted or powerless. If someone says something racist to a black and it can be proven to the authorities, said racist will be punished for it. In fact, it's the other way around. If a racist crime is commited against a black in the USA, it will be met with instantenious blacklash from society, the media and authorities alike. But when a crime like the Chicago kidnapping happed, were four black youngs kidnapped an mentally challanged white man, and tortured him while screaming racial slurs at him, not only it took great social preassure for the authorities to consider it a hate crime, but media outlets avoided all racial motivations of the crime like fire. 

#932793 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 22 February 2017 - 08:56 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

ok first of all I did not swipe a group under the carpet. Did you read my first post? I asked alexander why he thinks islamic terrorism is a movement but white supremacy is not, and why he can make a religious connection to Islam where he cannot make a political one to Trump. That's all. It's a tendency I've not only seen in his attitude, but a lot in general after the election.


Secondly I mentioned something close to home because I thought people from different countries may use the word terrorism differently based on experiences culture etc. To me for example, shooting up a mosque sends a strong political message, especially in these times.


So to sum up the current situation there's been a rise of hate-crime after the president's election, especially towards the groups he's targetting and especially by people inspired by him. I don't see how they're not political. :wot:


Just because they support Trump, doesn't mean Trump condones and supports them. Or was his message at CNN to stop hate crimer during his elections not clear enough? Not to mention many of these so called hate crimes were hoaxes anyway.


And also, you seem to have the wrong idea Sushi. I don't actually support Trump's travel ban. Though not because of some cushy holier-then-thou moral reason. I don't support it simply because  he hasn't vetted enough countries whose population could mean a threat to the american people. Making it innefective. What I defend are your ridiculous claims that Trump is doing such things out of prejudice, malice and stupidity. As if allowing people from muslim majority countries was ever a smart idea.

And Jesus, do you even pay attention? Apart from Syria, the ban is not permant. At worst, some couple hundred people would be inconvenienced at airports for a couple of months. That hardly makes Trump an evil fascist. This man actually make some really good points about the travel ban, and I mostly agree with him:



Because Sushi, if you think for a second that your "charitable" views on immigration are not doing incredible harm, let me slap you with some facts and statistics to wake you. Because terrorism is not the only reason people don't want to see individuals from those nations entering their countries.






Let me shorten this for you. Sweden stopped rating ethnical background for crimes ever since 2005 once it started to show that the overwhelming number of offenders were immigrant men. But countries that do not do this yet have similar results. Denmark sex assaults are commited in 80% by migrants. Statistically, 1 in 4 women in Sweden are expected to suffer an rape attempt, something that did not exist before their open door policies. Lethal violence increased 29% from 2014 to 2015 alone. 53% of the incarcerated population consists of people with recent immigrant background, despite migrant population porcentage being in the single digits. People mocked Trump over his comment about Sweden, but look at what happened a day later:




Guess Trump did got the last laugh.


And a nice gem I found recently. Straight from the mouth of an immigrant that came straight from Africa. Let's hear what she has to say about the behaviour of her fellow immigrants:



In conclusion. I'm not enterly against immigration from islamic countries. This woman is proof not all of them are evil. That being said, anyone that comes from these lands should be under scrutiny when they arrive to make sure the host country is not allowing in some thug that will endanger the safety and lives of the native population. And if they segregate, if they undermine the lifestyle of their hosts, if they resort to violence for seeing cultural differences, then they absolutely deserve to be deported.

#932682 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 21 February 2017 - 11:09 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

obama stopped some visas from being issued temporarily he did not stop all travellers from the countries from entering the us and he did not make any executive order that prioritized christians entering the country over muslims. It's so obvious what trump did he isn't very subtle... his own advisor went on fox news and said he wanted to make a muslim ban and needed a legal way of doing it because the muslim ban is illegal so trump wants to violate the constitution he swore to uphold. not to mention steve bannon the one giving the orders relating to the ban was telling border patrol to stop people with green cards which was illegal and the border patrol had to let them in anyway. also why is your answer to everything going on the internet and finding a youtube video when this issue has been talked about with so many people and judges? how about actually talking to someone about it you can't learn everything from youtube (or fox news)


Maybe because christians are an terribly persecuted group in middle east? I can't imagine why Trump would want to prioritize them. It's clear the muslims need aid first, so helpless wrecking their own countries...

And I post videos when I believe they help make my point across. If you don't like it, too bad. If I find one that can add to the conversation at hand, I will. And if I believe I can just debate the issue directly, I will make sure to do so. And I don't watch fox news. It's better to inform myself from more objective new sources that are not afraid to expose the hard facts. 

#932670 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 21 February 2017 - 03:01 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Islam is not an ethnisity and the middle east isn't the region with most muslims. Those who could still travel have either gotten help or is from a country he has business ties with. The ban is based on ethnisity of 7 countries, because even people with passport from let's say France were detained if they were originally from one of those countries. Even a former prime minister from my country was detained because he visited Iran during a human rights conference. So it's very much based on ethnicity and even the smallest tie to those countries. And not all of those countries have a presence of ISIS, such as Iran, but Lebanon does. Answer me why has he only banned those 7 countries? To me they just feel cherrypicked..they have little in common besides having tons of muslims. They also have a smaller trackrecord of attacking the US than f.ex Saudi and UAE. Trump has said on tape he wants to ban all muslims, but he's just banning people from countries who've never or barely attacked Americans. The 9/11 perpetrators for instance were from Egypt, UAE, Saudi, Lebanon, none of the countries whom are banned.


The constitution doesn't just protect citizens. That makes no sense. If the law that says one cannot ban anyone from the country based on ethnicity, it wouldn't be much useful if it only worked for citizens..right? That's the main reason he's having such a hard time with federal judges, and why some states have managed to open their borders for people from the banned countries. Because the ban is in fact illegal in various ways.



These are things I'm talking about. He made up 3 attacks while 3 people were actually arrested. Now these weren't as serious as there were no deaths, but that's just within a week. If he cares about fake attacks that happened in Sweden why not care for Canada? :shrug:


Now which attacks by his opposition are you talking about?


I don't know, how about the truck attacks in France, Germany, the shootings in Paris, the bombing in Hungary, knifes attack in Germany, a shooting at a german mall, a French priest that had his throat slit? and I'm not even touching the rapes and other petty crimes yet. The Trump opposition, namely the liberal elite, turn a blind eye to all these attacks and report them as little as they can, while still vindicating that there is nothing wrong with islamic society, and somehow they will leave all their bigotry the moment they cross the borders to a first world country? They all treat these attacks as isolated incidents.


And do you know who created this ban? Yours truly, mr Obama and his administration.In fact, you can inform yourself more about it in this video:  


In fact, this ban affects countries that are considered hot beds for forming terrorists, so Trump actions are not actually illegal, as the Obama administration first created the concept for this ban in fear that these countries could bring terrorists to america. Trump is not breaking the law by taking precautions that will keep the american people safe. You are claming this is an ethnical ban, but I don't believe it. this is surely more then just skin color and such other trivialities.

#932666 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 21 February 2017 - 01:48 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

But the attacks aren't personal. No one is inherently against anyone. It's because the current president is a kittening meme. Because he breaks constitutional law by banning people based on ethnisity, hilariously threatens to take a court to court, makes up muslim terrorist attacks while he turns a blind eye to white terrorists, etcetc. He's giving people a lot to be against. If he could just shut down his unsecured twitter he wouldn't be the whole world's laughing stock.


His so called insecure twitter seems to be overwhelmingly popular, considering the ammount of retwets that each of his posts get.


*sigh* really? More identity politics? First of all, he is not banning anyone based on ethnical background. Was that the case, how come 85% of the islamic population still gets to travel to america despite the ban? And also, gaining citzenship to a different country is, and aways will be a privilege, not a right. No one is owned entrance anywere, ever. The american constitution works for the american people, and these immigrants are not americans. Thus, Trump has done nothing that can be considered incostitutional.

And what terrorism are you talking about? The guy that shot up a mosque at Canada? How is that Trump's problem exactly, especially considering his oposition has been doing exactly the same thing for religious motivated terrorist attacks, that are numbered by the HUNDREDS?

#932664 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 21 February 2017 - 01:24 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

How sad it is that you have to hold a campaign style rally just a month into a presidency that is largely seen as chaotic and unstable. Good lord.


What else do you expect? The media, celebrities and teachers are overwhelmingly against Trump. Now they spread hysteria about him and everyone goes crazy. 

#932661 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 21 February 2017 - 01:03 AM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Which event was this? A lot has happened.


It was a Trump rally at Melbourne, Florida. 50K people or so attended.

#932645 Politics discussion

Posted by alexander on 20 February 2017 - 04:55 PM in Ichiraku Ramen Bar

Hahaha, I love how he finished with a backhanded comment. CNN sure has seen better days....

#932615 RWBY

Posted by alexander on 20 February 2017 - 03:56 AM in Arts & Entertainment District

I guess I'm the exception in saying that I never shipped Pyrrah and Jaune. I mean, I knew she was head over heels for him, but their relationship never really clicked for me. It felt similar to Jaune and Weiss. A very onesided thing, as Jaune never showed any interest in Pyrrah other then a friend.

Wereas Jaune and Ruby started purely as friends and builded from there. I suppose I just dig couples that take it easy at first before things start getting more romantic. Not to mention I have a weakness for main guy getting with the main girl. And Jaune is as close to a male protagonist as it gets. :P