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#936375 Naruto Episode 500

Posted by archangel on 05 April 2017 - 10:58 AM in Konoha Theater

As for Boruto the anime, manga or anything related, here's my thought.


It's just doesn't exist so chapter 699-700. It broke me lol.

#936374 Naruto Episode 500

Posted by archangel on 05 April 2017 - 10:52 AM in Konoha Theater



^This basically sums up my thoughts.


I look at story/characters first, then I indulge myself with shipping, because I don't completely expect it to be at the center of the story unless it's a romance manga/anime. (However, I do try to look at different perspectives to get a better understanding of everything, including with couples. Shipping generally does't bother me, but it's something with NH & their fans that really tilts me the wrong way for some reason.)


Naruto's main goal was to become Hokage. And that's what the ending should have shown: Naruto being inducted as Hokage to cap off the series for good. Showing his wedding, something rather personal and opinionated, just left people with more questions than answers. His goal was not to get married (at least, to Hinata). It felt like they were still trying to convince people that yes, that Naruto really didn't have the guts to at least talk candidly to Sakura about his feelings that he's been lingering on about for most of his life throughout the manga in it's entirety, and instead went for second-best. The understanding, the secret gazes. It indeed felt like he really gave up and didn't try at all; just so many things left unsaid, it's really sad. And they want to tell me that this boy doesn't know the meaning of love, after all the people he's met in his life and all that he's been through? Obito, Tsunade, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Iruka, his friends, his teammates, his parents. Please.


Nevertheless, I truly didn't want anyone to end up together in canon cause I knew it would absolutely ruin the fanbase. Had NaruSaku been canon, they'd never hear the end of it from people who don't like it, like what's happening now with NH & SS. What a disaster.

I understand that and I totally agree with the part that no matter who end up with who, the fanbase would be hurt. Some people would have been unhappy. However, the way things were handle, they screw the Narusaku fanbase, the Naruto fanbase in general since the pairing they went with aren't fully resolve and one really make no sense (Sakura with Sasuke). Even the NH and SS fanbase lose some of their follower after that, because either they realize that the overall story suffer from it or that they didn't validate their argument at all. Like the fact that the Last exist show that NH didn't have any ground to begin with( especially when Hinata get to have a backstory similar to Sakura (being bullied because of a body part, Sakura case her forehead, Hinata her eyes)). Even some are ready to admit that it makes no sense, since Hinata was the heiress of the Hyuga clan, nobody should dare tried to lay a finger on her for that reason and the Hyuga is a well respected clan in the leaf, so no one would make fun of them because of that.


The problem with this manga is and why I believe they should have stick with Naruto and Sakura in the canon is that the story is about Naruto. He's the main character. In Dragon Ball, Goku is almost like asexual (almost confirmed in Super lol) so I don't really care with who he was gonna ended up with. In one piece, Luffy is on the same boat. Somehow, I believe Nami should be the one, but it doesn't matter who or if he will ended up with at the end of the manga. Because it never was about that either. With Naruto, it was established since the  beginning that he wants to win over Sakura. It was heavily implied during the whole story. The motto of the main protagonist is never give up. He was one conversation away of being with her. That's my main problem with Naruto. Even if it is a Shonen manga, that love interest become a part of it as soon as Naruto show an interest for Sakura. They could have kill it in part one but instead, he keep dropping hint during the whole story ( war arc included) to come up with the worst excuse ever. It was a red herring. Acknowledging that yes, those were legitimate hint (which pissed off some NH and SS fan because those prove to be development) only to mislead the reader the whole story (which kind of pissed off anyone now).


With the development and all. NS doesn't really need that big wedding moment. The manga should have focused on the moment where Naruto become Hokage, something like the pain ending arc deliver. When he gain the respect of everyone in the village, the hug from Sakura, his friend throwing him up in the air and that panel with Iruka, his first teacher who saw where he was coming from. That was perfect. It only need an Hokage speech there. That scene was better than the current manga ending, because we mustn't forget that Hokage is only a title. The real goal is why Naruto wants to be Hokage. That was to gain the respect of everyone in the village, which he won after that battle.


More than 2 years latter and I rant about it still. Sorry about that :)

#936166 Naruto Episode 500

Posted by archangel on 03 April 2017 - 12:54 PM in Konoha Theater

Well poop. Glad the anime finally over. Nice touch for Iruka. Glad for him.  For the rest, I know it's been like 2 years but it still don't work for me. That manga ruined it for the hero.


I mean being Hokage is a title. We all know Naruto would be Hokage and all. It the path to that title that make the story. What hurts is that along the way, Naruto kinda off gave up, betraying is own ninja way and thus it always feel like a bitter end. That wedding with Hinata, call me biased but I can say objectively that it shouldn't be like this. I'm not the kind of guy who ship when he read/watch a show, but with Naruto, you cheer for him to win Sakura. He come from so far, from the girl hating him to become his best friend. When you got those insight about Naruto understanding her more than anyone else, you want him to win her even more. For someone who was blind by loving the wrong person (who never treat me like Sasuke did Sakura, might I had)   and never saw the girl I should have been with, I wanted Sakura to open her eye too. I mean the story point out too much into that direction.


And damn it, it didn't happen. I still feel Kishi pair Sakura with Sasuke so that Naruto get Hinata, because it doesn't make sense to went to the guy who tried to murder you. Sarada must have the best how my parent met story at school. That shot with Sakura show how swiftly her development was thrown away after the marriage. That scene show her almost jealous of what she could have.That hurts her.


What's worst is that Naruto and Sakura won't/barely interact with each other after the war. What the hell? It's like they got from best friends to stranger after that. All for what, Hinata happiness which must revolve around Naruto because screw developing that character right, let's leave her a one sided character. Messed up the main one for her.

#913705 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by archangel on 20 June 2016 - 03:10 PM in Icha Icha NaruSaku

No...never. Sadly, my reasons are more personal than factual, but let me put them down.

1. The development is pitiful at best and Kishimoto and his studio cannot write romance to save their lives.

We see how much they butchered NH, SS, NS, and SK, and so many other relationships in the manga, why should we support them making BS? Although, when it comes to pairings, all they do is make BS. (get it?) Point is, whether Bolt and Salad become a thing is probably obvious, but can it be a good pairing? Probably not. If Bolt wants to be like Sasuke, and Salad wants to be like Naruto then Bolt will never be home and Salad will be working all the time because they both can't stand their kids. So instead of one parent not wanting to be with their kids...it will be BOTH parents not wanting to be with their kids.

2. Bolt and Salad are horrible characters.

I know some people here like Salad, but honestly look how they treated her so far. She once used to call out the BS her parents told her only for her to accept and forgive them without ANY answers whatsoever. Like all of a sudden, all those lies don't matter. Really? Salad's only redeeming quality was reduced immediately down to nothing because all this studio has been doing is hand waving every problem away for cheap drama.

Not even gonna talk about Bolt. You know already.

3. Because they expect us to accept it as the "replacement" for SNS and NS.

You know this is what they are going to do. I know this is what they are gonna do. "Well, Naruto and Sakura didn't get together, but their kids did...that's the same right? You should be happy." No....no, it is not the same.

4. Because love is extremely cliche and asspulled in this story now.

When we read romance stories, we read it for the journey. Not where they went, but how they got there. Not the case for Naruto. All the love was asspulled and cliched into existence. There was no journey, there was only Zuul them making excuses saying "We'll explain it later." They don't want to show romance blossoming over time...they want to just put people together and make weakass explanations as to why it happened. Not even good explanations. Just excuse as to why they can't write it.

5. No one cares anymore.

Chances are, no one cares about romance in this story. Not even the characters themselves. They will just grow up miserable, bad parents, and horrible people. There is nothing to be gained from any of it. There is no love, only a necessity to reproduce. This is why they call it a "settlement." You don't like where you are, but you try to work with what you got despite how horrible it is. That is basically what it all is.

Call Judge Judy because this is a case for divorce court.

6. I am forever holding a grudge against Kishimoto, Kishimoto related products, and Naruto itself.

This is a series that should burn and all the people who "praise" this series should go with it. Naruto is trash. I hate to say it, but it is. Whatever was good about the series has been destroyed for the sake of perverted otakus who cared more about fake anime kittens than actual human emotion. These are the people who probably suffer from Stockholm syndrome believing in a world that doesn't want them thinking it loves them more than anything. They are masochists and sadist who enjoy punishment and seeing good people suffer. I have no sympathy for them.

And that kind of sums up everything. I enter this topic and I was like I'll never settle for this pairing as replacement (REAL POOR REPLACEMENT I MIGHT ADD.) What's the most disappointing, is that in Naruto, you see an awesome love story in it.


The Hero winning over the girl as the time past and how the girl realize that she'll be happy with him and he was the one all along.


I mean even today, I can't believe how they freaking do it. (Main character feeling ain't the one that matter  now.) You put the love interest in the arm of the rival (who tried to murder her twice at least.) What kind of message is that. No matter how he beat you up, stick with him?. Making Naruto a loser in the process. How come the rival getting the girl at the end is a good story, especially when that said rival show NO INTEREST AT ALL FOR Her. Did I mention the murder attempt? Hinata being with Naruto at the end is a result of that screw up. Again if you're a girl, Love him no matter what to a level where those feeling put you in danger but in the end, the guy will fall for you and all his feeling (even if they were non-existent)  will magically become undying love. Never once they show Hinata consider Naruto feeling for Sakura.


NS ain't canon. That's a fact but it's not logical at all because it seems that reading or watching a coherent story wasn't the priority here, money was. Still believe someone sell out at some point.